MTL - I Have a Luck Altar-Chapter 772 Six realms! Immortal!

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  Chapter 772 Six realms! Immortal!

  Blood State, the secret realm of the Mountain Gate of the Palace of Seven Kills.

  Since the Goddess Palace was defeated in the first battle, the Seven Killing Palace has voluntarily withdrew from the disputes in the world in order to maintain peace. At the same time, it has been completely silent, giving up some of the benefits of the Blood State.

   This is why Chen Yuan now has the power of half of the country, with the Heavenly Demon Palace as his wings, and the glory of the Seven Killing Palace is basically about to be completely suppressed.

  In the eyes of many people, the Palace of Seven Kills has declined, so there is no need to be too respectful. Many affiliated forces that used to be under the jurisdiction of the Seven Killing Highness have all thrown themselves into the embrace of the Heavenly Demon Palace in recent days.

   And the Temple of Heavenly Demon didn't mean to say hello to the Temple of Seven Kills, and just accepted all the orders, and its power rose greatly.

  Nowadays, with Chen Yuan taking down Qingzhou and approaching the border of Yunzhou and Yangzhou, he is in the limelight for a while. When these two states fall into his hands, it will be more than half of the country.

  But most of the world has the surname Chen.

  The atmosphere in the mountain gate of the Palace of Seven Killings has also completely fallen into a cold and desolate look. Of course, as an assassination organization, the secret realm of the Palace of Seven Killings itself is not as active as other fairy gates.

  Death and silence have always been the portrayal of the Temple of Seven Kills.


  Not many people knew about the news that the Patriarch of the Seven Killing Palace was still alive, and outsiders generally speculated, and didn't dare to be completely sure that he must be dead.

Just like Shushan and Biyou Palace, as long as you keep hiding, others will not dare to assert that there are no immortals in the Immortal Gate. That is to say, the immortal heritage of Shushan and the immortal heritage of Biyou Palace were wiped out in several battles one after another, so that other Presence drops.

  As for the Hall of Seven Kills, in fact, even their own people in the hall did not know whether the immortals in the sect were still there. It was not until the battle of the Goddess Palace that the immortals of the Hall of Seven Kills officially appeared in front of the world.

   Therefore, the Palace of Seven Kills has some confidence.

  Even though Xiao Suo looked dead silent, none of the disciples in the Hall of Seven Kills panicked, because they knew that if the immortal was still alive, no force would dare to attack the Hall of Seven Kills rashly.

  Even now that Chen Yuan is at the height of his power and the Heavenly Demon Palace is in the limelight, it is just a test to test the confidence of the Seven Kills Palace, and it is not really broken.

  The surrounding void rippled faintly. Wearing a black robe and wearing a ghost mask, the Lord of the Hall of Seven Kills slowly appeared, with his arms hidden in his sleeves. Looking from a distance, he looked like a ghost.

Although he was forced to lose an arm by Chen Yuan, with his cultivation base, it is not difficult to cultivate it, because it was his own severed arm, so naturally the loss was suppressed to a minimum .

  Looking at the deep valley below, the Lord of the Seven Kills drew a dim light from the void, and went deep into it.

  It is still the same layout as before, bronze coffin, black iron chains, the only difference is that the dust on it is still scattered, and it becomes very clean. The Lord of the Palace of Seven Kills bowed and saluted, and said in a low voice:

   "Disciple sees Patriarch!"

  There was a faint light on the bronze coffin, and the lines rose up, and the hoarse voice unique to the Patriarch of the Seven Killing Hall sounded slowly:

   "How to."

   "Back to the ancestors, we have found the trace of Xiang Qianqiu." The Lord of Seven Kills raised his head and said in a concentrated voice.


  Last time he was moved by the conditions promised by Xiang Qianqiu, so he broke out of the coffin and stopped Mo Luo once for him, which cost him a lot of vitality.

  He is actually very old, and he is a figure of the same age as Lu Chengfeng, the old city lord of Wudi City. The reason why Lu Chengfeng didn't show up at the beginning was because he didn't want him to find out.

  Almost all the immortals of that era have fallen, only he and the old hall master of the Tianmo Temple are still alive. Of course, this is not because they have higher cultivation bases and stronger strength.

  Just because they are willing to pay the price, they are always willing to sleep, and wake up every hundred years, devour blood food, seal the primordial spirit with the source of God, to delay the passage of life.

  The existence of other fairy sects is unwilling to live like a living dead.

  The source of God has been exhausted, he had to act, but Xiang Qianqiu lied to him, and he has not found the other party's whereabouts until now. He didn't want to do too much, so he ordered Qishadian to look for it.

  He wants the lives of Shenyuan and Xiang Qianqiu!

   "Father, are you really willing to withdraw from the world's hegemony after the Palace of Seven Kills? Now, almost all the top ten immortal sects in the world have entered the game.

  If you are left behind, the gap will become bigger and bigger in the future.”

  The Hall Master of the Seven Killing Hall did not answer the words of the Patriarch, but turned to talk about another matter.

   "What do you want to say."

   "The disciple thinks that the Palace of Seven Kills shouldn't just retreat like this, it must enter the game, and only by entering the game can we strive for greater benefits in the future."

  The Lord of Seven Kills continued.

   "Before. You. Why didn't you agree."

   "There are too many immortal sect forces around Chen Yuan. Half of the immortal sects and a large number of forces in the world are by his side. Even if they belong to him, what benefits can they get?

   Wealth and wealth are sought in danger, and my disciples thought it was inappropriate to support Chen Yuan."

   "Then who do you think is suitable."

   "Xiang Qianqiu!"

  The Lord of Seven Kills answered firmly.

   "The general of the defeated army. He is the dog of the family. He has already lost and has no chance."

   "No, there is still a chance, as long as Chen Yuan is killed, the forces under his command will naturally fall apart, and the entire Yan army's army will be tied to his hands alone.

   is both an advantage and a disadvantage.”

  The Lord of the Seven Killing Palace had already prepared a draft in his heart, and he was able to respond to the questions and answers of the Patriarch with ease.

   "Don't forget the blood oath. Restraint"

  Hearing these words, the corner of the mouth of the Palace Master of Seven Kills twitched into a smile:

   "The blood oath doesn't have much restriction on you. Besides, it was promised that as long as Chen Yuan is still there, the Palace of Seven Kills will no longer participate in the world's disputes.

   But there is no restraint, I can't help others to attack him"

   "You are... secretly hate him for forcing you to break your arm."

   "There is this reason, but not all of it is because of this reason. The disciple just feels that if Chen Yuan really ascends to the throne and dominates the world, it will definitely not be a good thing for our Seven Killing Palace.

  His character has always been to kill the grass and roots, exterminate the family and slaughter the sect. The disciple can figure it out. The reason why he didn't do anything in the Goddess Palace before was to let me go.

   It wasn't because of his kindness, but because the mighty Earth Immortal might have left, and Mo Luo couldn't take down the Patriarch by himself, and it would make people in the Temple of Heavenly Demon feel cold, so he gave up.

   Let me ask, when his real momentum has been achieved, how can he let go of the Palace of Seven Killers who has become a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh?

  Doing something to him is not only for profit, but also for self-protection! "

   "Xiang Qianqiu promised you. What conditions?"

   After a long silence, the Immortal of the Palace of Seven Kills said slowly.

   "How about Xiang Qianqiu answering this question in person?" asked the Master of Seven Killing Palace.

"he came?"

   "I have been waiting outside the mountain."

   "good means"

  The Patriarch of the Palace of Seven Kills in the coffin was shocked. He didn't find any trace of the other party's existence. It was really scary. The members of the Xiang family are difficult to deal with!

   "Let him come over!"


  The Lord of Seven Kills nodded his head, moved his lips slightly, and said via voice transmission:

   "Fellow Daoist Xiang, show up."

  After a short while, the void in the canyon rippled again, and Xiang Qianqiu's figure slowly appeared, no different from the previous attire, but the whole body was actually a little different.

  Standing there, tightly fitting with the surrounding world, there was an invisible regular fluctuation, raised his hand, fisted and saluted, and said:

   "It's been a long time since I saw you, senior's demeanor is getting better and better."

  The divine patterns on the bronze coffin kept lighting up, and the surrounding atmosphere was a little frozen. A huge aura instantly enveloped the entire canyon, as if a powerful beast was recovering.

   "What about Shenyuan?"

   "Senior, don't worry, this time, Xiang is here to fulfill the conditions promised before." After saying that, Xiang Qianqiu's hand flashed with light.

  A ball of light blue jade appeared in the palm of the hand.

  The jade exudes a cool breath, and after one sip, one can feel comfortable all over the body, as if the hot summer has suddenly changed into a cool autumn.

   "Not enough."

  The Patriarch of the Palace of Seven Kills continued.

   "These divine sources are enough to delay the passage of life for the seniors for another few decades. It's not enough, but this thing is too precious, even the Xiang family doesn't have many.

   This time it is considered to be one-tenth. "

   "Hehe. Condition."

  Xiang Qianqiu's words have already been made very clear, this time only a part will be given, but he still needs his help, and he will be given more spiritual resources after things are done.

   "Senior speaks quickly, so Xiang will not hide it. Xiang hopes that senior can take action to help Xiang stabilize a void, and after introducing Chen Yuan completely.

  Senior, stop Mo Luo and prevent him from meddling in the matter between Xiang and that rebellious son. "

  Xiang Qianqiu smiled faintly.

  The Patriarch of the Hall of Seven Kills in the bronze divine coffin was silent for a long time before making some movement again:

   "You can't kill him with your strength."

  The last time Chen Yuan and Xiang Qianqiu fought, he basically witnessed the whole process. Although Xiang Qianqiu is stronger, the possibility of killing Chen Yuan is not high.

   Once Xiang Qianqiu fails again, the Seven Kills Hall and Chen Yuan will be completely torn apart, and there will be no end to death in the future.

  For the Palace of Seven Kills, it is very dangerous!

   "It was true that he couldn't be killed before, but after a while, it might not be possible." Xiang Qianqiu's eyes were deep, his tone was deep, and he held his hands behind his back, as if he had confidence.

   "You want to break through?"

  The Patriarch of the Palace of Seven Kills asked.

   "That's right, if you can't kill him in the fifth realm, then I will use the cultivation base of the sixth realm to kill him. I don't believe it. Immortals in the sixth realm can't kill a Yangshen Zhenjun!"

  Xiang Qianqiu frowned, his eyes slightly cold.

  He made a choice!

   No longer obsessed with following in Taizu's footsteps, because he has almost lost everything now, and Chen Yuan's cultivation has always been very fast, and there is not much time for him.

  In order to have the power to truly crush Chen Yuan, Xiang Qianqiu decided to make a breakthrough!

  He was already only half a step away from the Sixth Realm. On the road of rules, he went farther than Manjusri and Ye Xiangnan, but he always wanted to walk the road of the Martial God, so he kept suppressing his own realm.

   Otherwise, with his cultivation base, it was enough to break through decades ago.

  After the first battle in the Goddess Palace, he carefully weighed it. If he did not break through, he would not be able to crush Chen Yuan.

  He was driven to a desperate situation, and there was only one way to go.

   As for continuing to suppress and looking for opportunities to kill Chen Yuan, that would be too stupid. He once thought about it, but no matter how he calculates, there is no chance of winning Chen Yuan.

   and will get lower and lower over time

   "Why. So persistent"

  Not only the Patriarch of the Seven Kills Palace was confused, but even the Master of the Seven Kills Palace looked at Xiang Qianqiu with some interest. They really didn't know what kind of deep hatred was there that made Xiang Qianqiu so persistent.

   "This point, I don't need to worry about senior. After all, there is a reason to kill him." Xiang Qianqiu's eyes were calm and indifferent.

  Chen Yuan's existence has greatly hindered his path. The path of the Martial God has been blocked, so he can only find another way. He only hopes that it will not be too weaker than the path of the Martial God.


   "How do you feel, senior?"

  Xiang Qianqiu stared at the bronze coffin and continued to ask.

"what can you give me."

   It was very ear-piercing, like the sound of dry bark rubbing against each other.

   "The accumulation of half of all the gods in my Xiang family is enough to extend the life of the senior for hundreds of years. Besides, it is the previous condition to help the Palace of Seven Kills come to the fore.

  Since then, I will no longer live in this dark day. "

   "Two thirds."

  Xiang Qianqiu frowned, remained silent, and the bronze coffin did not speak, as if he was certain that Xiang Qianqiu would agree.

  The surrounding void also fell into silence.

  The Lord of Seven Kills was silent, at this moment, he is no different from a tool man!


   A moment later, Xiang Qianqiu nodded and agreed to the request of the Patriarch of the Seven Killing Palace.

   "What. When. Do it?"

   "Let's wait for Xiang to leave customs!"

  Xiang Qianqiu said in a deep voice.


  Nanzhou, Xiangjiami territory.

  Sitting alone in the ancestral hall of the Xiang family, Xiang Qianqiu wore a bright yellow python robe with four golden claws embroidered on it, which was his attire after he became the Prince of Chu.

  Five claws, that is, the emperor.

  It's a pity that his father was the last emperor, and he also became the last prince. After the fall of the Great Chu, it was the first time for him to put on such clothes again.

  Hair **** in a bun. At first glance, Xiang Qianqiu's appearance is actually very young, except for a look of vicissitudes in his eyes, he is almost a young man in his twenties.

  In the ancestral hall, there are portraits of the previous emperors of the Xiang family, and there is also the so-called only Chu Taizu in the ages, the killing gun, which is placed in front of the portrait of Chu Taizu.

  On the censer, three sticks of incense are inserted, and the air of the incense burns straight up.

   "I don't believe it, you can really defeat the gods!"

  Xiang Qianqiu stared at Chu Taizu in the portrait, muttering to himself, his voice echoed throughout the ancestral hall, thick, majestic, and unwilling!

  No one answered his words, and no one paid attention to him. The huge Xiang family ancestral hall was empty.

  His eyes glowed with faint divine light, and the Dao rhyme all over his body fit the surrounding void more closely. After a long silence, he continued to talk to himself:

   "If you can still win, then."


  (end of this chapter)