MTL - I Have a Big Problem with My Achievement System-Chapter 70 Achievement: 1 blockbuster at his own funeral!

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Yuncheng No. 1 Middle School.

Flag Raising Plaza.

It's just most of the staff, teachers and students of Class 3 and 4, and some parents of students.

The students in the third and fourth classes of senior high school stood in front of the flag-raising platform with their teachers, with two coffins placed in front of them.

It was the coffin of their classmates.

Seven days ago, they entered the 'examination room' from here.

Now, the students who are still alive are here waiting for the bodies of their classmates to return...

The two students who have not returned, the 'return mark' matched with the 'transmission mark' on their bodies, were placed in two coffins by the school to ensure that after the two students 'returned', the battered Young corpses no longer need to be 'exposed in the wild'.

In front of each coffin, a simple spiritual platform was built, on which black and white photos of the two students and tributes were placed.

Although there were not many people in the flag-raising square at this moment, the atmosphere was extremely depressing and heavy.

Everyone knew what was about to happen.

After a while, a strange humming sound rang out.

The students and teachers who have cried many times couldn't help crying again.

The head teacher, Li Bindao, lost several laps in just seven days. A big man, his eyes were swollen from crying.

he knows.

The two children are back.

Although there were only two coffins in front of their class, Li Bindao looked at the young smiling faces on the black-and-white photos in front of the two coffins, and he still couldn't hide his deep self-blame.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the teacher is useless..."

Li Bindao covered his face and cried bitterly, and all the students in the third and fourth classes of high school burst into tears.

On the flag-raising square, mourning cries fused together.


"What's the situation?"

As soon as Ji Ruo came back, his eyes were dark and he couldn't see anything.

"Meow~ (Master, is this your human world? It's so dark and so small.

"Black? Small?" Ji Ruo was stunned for a moment.

"Meow~ (It seems that someone else is crying... hey~ I'm so scared of cats!

After Rosie's reminder, Ji Ruo faintly heard crying.

Occasionally, there are words like 'If you die so miserably...', 'Squad leader, why did you...', 'The martial arts exam is really terrible...' and so on.

Ji Ruo was a little confused.

He vaguely felt that something was not quite right.

Wei Wei moved her body, and Ji Ruo found that he was in a narrow space at the moment.

The top seems to be movable.

"Could it be that--"

Ji Ruo carefully opened a small gap on the coffin board above her head, revealing only a pair of eyes looking out.


Hearing the movement, Li Bindao's crying stopped slightly, and as soon as he raised his head, he stared at Ji Ruo with big eyes.

Li Bindao was stunned at the time.

And because of Li Bindao's figure, the students behind him did not see this scene.

Rosie's little head was pushed aside by Ji Ruo.

Looking at the teachers and students outside, and then looking back at the small space where he and Ji Ruo were at the moment, he suddenly realized: "Meow~ (Master, is this your home?

"So it is." Ji Ruo also knew what was going on now, he turned his head and said in the direction of the other coffin: "Squad leader, don't come out first, everyone is holding a funeral for us, and the atmosphere is here. Now, let's lie down for a while..."

After speaking, Ji Ruo didn't care whether Liang Shixian, who was lying in the other coffin, heard or not, blinked at Li Bindao, and then lay back slowly.


The coffin board is closed.

Li Bin said: "???"

After seven days of waiting and repeated disappointments, Li Bindao had long been desperate for these two students to come back alive.

It was not the candidates who died in the martial arts exam this time, but those who were patrolling the martial arts exam.

Even the patrolling warriors were killed and injured more than half, how could two students who were only sixth-level warriors survive?

So even if you don't want to accept it, over the past seven days, those who should be sad have been sad, and those who should be crying have cried.

So when Ji Ruo lifted the board of his coffin, Li Bindao was really stunned. He had not closed his eyes for seven days and was in a trance, thinking that he had hallucinations.

Until that 'click~'.

Ji Ruo is not dead!

Li Bindao rushed forward abruptly, and under everyone's astonished eyes, opened Ji Ruo's coffin.


The sound of a heavy object falling to the ground suddenly sounded.

"Mr. Li, you..."

Everyone behind Li Bindao was puzzled and stunned.

I don't know what kind of madness Li Bin said.

However, Li Bindao didn't care too much. He was very pleasantly surprised when he saw that he was lying in the coffin, all dirty and looking very embarrassed.

"Ji Ruo! You are still alive!"

Ji Ruo, who was lifted off the coffin board, sat up all of a sudden, with a black cat on his head and a bright smile on his face, said to Li Bin:

"Teacher, I'm back to hand in my homework!"

Almost at the same time, the coffin board next to it was also pushed open from the inside, and Liang Shixian got out of it. His first reaction was to scan the playground.

When he saw those familiar faces and no one was absent, Liang Shixian breathed a sigh of relief and said loudly:

"Teacher the report, the third and fourth classes of senior high school are all here!"

Everyone in the entire flag-raising plaza seemed to be suddenly caught by something, and fell silent for a moment.

I can't stop crying, but laughing... It seems that my emotions are still a little out of place.

The original sad atmosphere was forcibly interrupted, and everyone's emotions became somewhat incoherent.

Seeing this, Ji Ruo pouted slightly and said, "Look at the squad leader, I'll just say it, it's better to lie down for a while, we came out too early... After all, the atmosphere is all set here, isn't it... "

While talking, Ji Ruo crawled out of the coffin, picked up an apple from the offering table in front of his coffin, and took a bite.

"Teacher, it's okay for me to eat my own tribute, right?"

Liang Shixian whispered, "...Ji Ruo, pay attention to the occasion! We're not playing a house right now!"

With that said, Liang Shixian looked at the stunned Li Bin and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, Teacher Li, you know, Ji Ruo is like this..."

Before they finished speaking, Liang Shixian and Ji Ruo were hugged by the excited Li Bindao.

Li Bindao's voice trembled, and wept again: "It's good to come back, it's good to come back, good boy! Woohoo woo..."

[Sincere compliments from elders] Progress +1, currently (3/10).


[Congratulations to the host child for triggering the secondary function achievement: a blockbuster at his funeral! 】

[Achievement - Let's play family wine together and upgrade! 】

[The effect of the 'Sense of Being Substituted' skill is increased by 10%]


"If you think about it, how did you survive?"

"Squad leader, squad leader, what did you do in the Ten Thousand Beast Mountains in the next few days? Did you encounter any martial artist patrolling?"

"That's great, there's not a single one in our class, and they're all back!"

"Ji Ruo, why did you come back with a cat?"

After a short period of consternation, all the classmates came up excitedly and surrounded Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian, asking questions.

Ji Ruo looked at these classmates who still had tears on their faces, and was not bothered, and answered their questions one by one.

Rosie seemed to have some enthusiasm displayed by her classmates who were not used to Ji Ruo, so she timidly hid in Ji Ruo's tattered coat, and quietly stuck her head out to look at everyone.

The school leaders next to him were full of disbelief, but the fact was in front of them, and they couldn't help but believe it.

What's more, they are also happy that the students can come back alive.

After half an hour.

Seeing that the classmates were chatting endlessly, Liang Shixian smiled and said, "Okay, classmates, I know you are very happy, there are many things you want to ask, but it is not appropriate now.

Look at me and Ji Ruo like this, you don't think it's We still think it's dirty. "

As Liang Shixian said, he and Ji Ruo looked very embarrassed at the moment.

The school uniforms on their bodies were already torn apart, their faces were black, their hair was messed up into chicken coops, and they didn't even know where their shoes had gone.

There were even large dark red bloodstains on their clothes, and the smell on their bodies was stinky.

The two stood barefoot among the classmates, like beggars under siege... No, the way they are now, they are more beggars than beggars.

Don't look at Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian living very well in the secret realm of Wan Beast Mountain, but the secret realm is a secret realm after all.

After seven days, the two were either running or eating. How could they have time to take a bath?

Li Bindao also said at the right time: "Liang Shixian is right, classmates, now is not the time for heart-to-heart. What Ji Ruo and Liang Shixian need most now is rest."

"There's still a feast!" Ji Ruo added: "When are we going to have a feast?"

Everyone around was stunned: "What's the meal?"

Ji Ruo said in surprise: "You have all set up the spiritual altar for me and the squad leader, don't you want to eat? Are you not prepared? It can't be because the squad leader and I suddenly got out and canceled it temporarily, right?"

People around: "???"

The classmates were stunned for a moment, and then they all burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, if you are serious, how can you eat your own seat by yourself!"

"Can't you eat it?" Ji Ruo felt a little regretful: "The altar is ready."

The crowd laughed again.

In the laughter, the sad and heavy atmosphere from before had gone somewhere for a long time.


(ps: push the book ha~ the link is below, the author is a big beauty~)