MTL - I Had a Home In 1982-Chapter 491 490. Mangrove Island Repair Factory was built (please ask for a ticket

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   Chapter 491 490. The Mangrove Island Repair Factory was built (please ask for a ticket)

   Tossed the pier to Qiu Danian and continued to brag. Wang Yi went to the warehouse alone, and sent the prepared goods and goods into the space-time house and loaded them on a dump truck for 82 years.

   The rest would have no life for him, and the big confused began to carry it one by one.

   He rested for a long enough time. He would go to sleep after eating and drinking. This would fill his body with energy, so Wang Yi didn't find a laborer, so he let Dazed go to the car and send it to the boat.

  This time there was still grain and cement, and Wang Yi also sent some machines to the warehouse.

  Dazed and busy for some time, Wang Yi went to the market with his cart and prepared to buy some supplies at will.

  The economy in the city is more dynamic than that in the county, and the policies are more flexible.

   Places such as markets have gradually loosened their jurisdiction. Some low-quality coarse grains and vegetables with rotten leaves and roots do not need tickets, and can be bought with money.

   These things are very popular, even if the rotten leaves of some leeks and spinach smell bad, the housewives swiftly choose the rotten leaves and rush to buy them.

  The market area has been expanded again and again, and an open space has been demolished around it, and the residents living nearby have used it as a fitness area.

The most    is table tennis. From the 1950s to the present, table tennis has been the most popular sport in China. Even this sport goes beyond the scope of sports and has opened a successful scene in diplomacy:

  The small ball pushes the big ball to turn.

   But thanks to Li Ning's feat in the 6th World Cup gymnastics competition held in Zagreb, Yugoslavia last month-a single person won 6 of the 7 gold medals in the men's individual competition.

   has caused some people to pay attention to gymnastics again.

   Of course, what they do is the basic skills of gymnastics, such as pulling parallel bars, push-ups, front flips and back flips.

  Wang Yi put down the stroller and came up to bask in the sun and watch the fun, passing the time slowly and taking out a camera occasionally to take a picture.

  The teenagers love table tennis the most.

  They wore thin cotton coats or thick coats, their clothes were unbuttoned to reveal the sweaters inside and the rackets inserted into their waistbands, and then hurried to grab the ping pong table.

   Someone shouted: "Three Fatty, are you truancy again?"

   A chubby teenager said without looking back, "Who is truant? I'm on sick leave. I've caught a cold, and my cheeks are swollen!"

   "Then it's not that you have flesh on your chubby face, but his mother's cheeks?"

   "Yeah, don't talk nonsense and don't waste my energy - ah ah ah, I ran past, old poor, let's go to this table, this table is good!"

   What's so good about a table in an open space?

   Some are cement tables, some are wooden tables, and playing in this place is a test of skill:

  The cement table is hard, slippery and elastic; the wooden table is under the influence of moisture, resulting in insufficient elasticity of the table, so if players switch between these two tables, they must have superb skills.

  Compared to the table, the nets are much simpler, they are all made by clamping the cut fishing nets with bricks.

The    tool is very simple, and the masses and teenagers have a lot of fun.

  Qianlehe and Qionglehe, when the conditions are poorer, people actually have more fun.

   Again, happiness is often determined by vision.

   And when the big guys are together, they are not just playing games and sports, but chatting together:

"... Liang Geliang was talked about on TV. This guy is really amazing. He shoots horizontally with his right hand, reverses the forehand, and grows the backhand. When he plays the ball, he mainly cuts the ball, combines attack and attack, long draws and short hangs. The foreigners who hit the ball are frightened. ."

   "Don't brag about him. Our men's team played against Sweden in the World Table Tennis Championships in 1973. In 9 games, 5 wins, Liang Geliang lost three points and lost to an alternate team, so Xi Enting must be the best!"

   "Yes, Xi Enting is the most powerful. He relies on his brain to play football, and he has learned the philosophical dialectics from his skills, so he is not only good at himself, but also at teaching, our national treasure!"

"This is true, Xi Enting has been the coach of the national table tennis team since 1976. Last year—no, in 1981, he also won the title of national coach. Mo Dongdi and Frankie have asked him to be a table tennis player. The coach..."

   Now the common people have little knowledge and low average literacy level, and the experiences of many famous people are passed down among the common people.

  Wang Yi did not laugh at them when he heard this, but found it very attractive.

The charm of the    era.

very funny.

  Some people saw Wang Yi smiling and didn't speak or do anything, and he had a good temperament and a strong body, so they suspected that he was a professional athlete in the city or even the province, and waved at him:

   "Comrade, come down and play a game."

  Wang Yi smiled and waved, and got up to find a cart to enter the market.

   Then the cart was gone...

   I don't know when someone stole it...

   He went to see other parked carts and bicycles. They were all locked with iron chains. Some were locked on trees, some on stone foundations, and some on fences.

   This annoys him!

   Really shouldn't watch the fun, watch the fun and lose the car.

  Fortunately, he didn't lose any money, so he hired a carriage and stuffed a carriage for the return trip.

   On the way back, he sat in the back of the carriage leaning against a bag of large eggplants thinking.

  The production team is going to be rebuilt, and the construction drawings have come out. There are sports venues among them. Maybe the sports venues can be the first batch of venues to be built, so that the members have a place to spend their energy.

  The common people in the 1980s and 1990s liked competitive sports very much.

   When he got back to the boat, the big confused side was also busy, and he was sitting in the stern of the boat, gasping for breath.

  Wang Yi was reluctant to let him carry the goods, and was about to pay for a laborer, but in a daze, he drank his saliva and pursed his lips, stood up, and started to work again with a sullen head.

  In this way, Wang Yi will give him fried dough sticks to replenish his energy after he is done working.

   Big confusion, one mouthful of fried dough sticks, that strength must make old GAY's eyes sparkle.

  Wang Yi set sail, Tianya No. 2 slowly left the pier, broke through the waves and sailed to Tianya Island.

   This time, there were a lot of messes on board, and there were also some machines, which were specially used to repair small parts and produce hardware for motor boats.

  Lin Jinhu has returned, so Wang Yi can make use of Mangrove Island.

   On the way back, he passed through Mangrove Island. There were two militiamen on duty on the island, so Wang Yi stopped on the boat to take a look at the island.

  The appearance of the island has also changed. A color steel tile house was built on the open space, and the militiamen smoked and played chess in the color steel tile house.

   Seeing Wang Yi coming, the two hurriedly stood up to greet him: "Mr. Wang is here?"

   "Is something wrong?"

  Wang Yi threw them a cigarette, the cheapest economic cigarette, but for the laborers of the production team, it was already the best thing.

   After distributing the cigarettes, he said: "I'm fine, just send me some machines, you two can move over - wait a minute, I'll study how to move the machines later."

  Mangrove Island has no wharf, and no wharf will be set up in the future.

  Wang Yi is going to seal up the island, and some more sensitive tools and machinery will be brought here first.

  But if there is no wharf, it would be difficult to carry a slightly heavier guy, so we have to think of a way.

Wang Dabao, one of the    militiamen, said: "What to study? I moved over, did you come here in Tianya No. 2? Can't I bring it over after I punted over and unloaded it on the boat? How simple."

  Wang Yi waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I'll study it later. It will be common for machines and hardware to get in and out of our island in the future. It's inconvenient to transport them by punting."

  He first took a look at the built color steel tile house.

   These are Wang Xianghong's masterpieces when he went to participate in the Great Fishing Flood War.

   Since 22 years, he has obtained a lot of color steel tiles, all of which are finished parts, so that there are matching parts, and they can be assembled to form a house. Just like building blocks, it is simpler than building a house.

   Of course, it is an exaggeration to say that building blocks are built. Its combination and assembly need to be carried out step by step according to the drawings, but the accessories are all detailed and standardized on the drawings, which is indeed relatively simple.

   The color steel tiles he delivered were not fully covered. Wang Xianghong led the people to build a small house - a worker's dormitory.

   There are also two workshops, both of which are larger and more difficult to build.

  Wang Yi went in to check the dormitory.

   The construction is very good. It is nothing more than a process of installing the chassis iron according to the size of the drawing, fixing it with expansion screws and the basic structure, and then assembling the steel structure.

  It is a light steel structure as a whole, and the screws and nails to be used in each place are marked.

  Wang Yi looked at the pipe column and the steel beam. This is the skeleton, all assembled with screws, and all must be tightened.

  Wang Xianghong works very carefully. He kicked the steel structure, which is very strong.

  The chassis and the wall are all in the same vertical plane, the overall frame is handled without problems, and the floor slabs are laid neatly and uniformly.

   As for the ceiling, it is simpler. It uses PVC gussets. This has been produced in 1982. This is what the public restaurant uses to suspend the ceiling, so Wang Xianghong knows how to operate it.

   It's just that some parts, such as expansion screws, are something Wang Xianghong has never seen before, and he uses it in the wrong way.

   But the house is still pretty solid.


  Wang Dabao said: "The captain called all the carpentry team over, and some places couldn't be assembled. Everyone worked together to re-hinge and install screws to make it firm no matter what."

   "But there must be something wrong with what we did. You see a lot of things."

  Wang Yi reluctantly said after seeing it: "You do have some bad things. The worst part is that there is no waterproof layer installed on the roof."

   "The roof has to be removed and re-installed. It must be waterproofed first, and then the roof cover must be installed."

   "And these PVC pipes are also used. This is for laying electric wires. In the future, the electric wires will pass through the roof to set up sockets and plugs..."

   Another militiaman, Wang Laifu, asked suspiciously, "Mr. Wang, do you really want to build a house like this? This house is made of iron, and it is not strong at first sight. The sea on our outer islands is windy, and wouldn't it be overturned by a typhoon?"

  Wang Yi introduced: "This is wrong. Don't look at the thinness of this house. In fact, it has a very scientific structure, high earthquake resistance, higher wind resistance, and can withstand 12-level strong winds!"

   "There is another one that is not iron. It is called color steel tile. Its corrosion resistance is relatively outstanding, so it is very suitable for use on our island, and it has a longer life on the island."

   "So good?" The two militiamen were stunned.

  Wang Yi said: "It's not particularly good. Relatively speaking, its sound insulation and heat insulation effect is very poor, so it feels cold in winter and hot in summer, and there is noise interference."

   "This is not a big deal for our outer islands. There is not much noise on the island. Although the temperature is uncomfortable in winter and summer, it can be overcome, isn't it, comrades? If we have difficulties, we must overcome them!"

  Wang Laifu said energetically: "Mr. Wang, you are right, our Wang family has no other ability, just can bear hardships and stand hard work..."

"Hey, hey, don't brag." Wang Dabao sneered, "It was okay to say this before, but forget it now, what hardships and hardships can we bear? We can't even stand the work of burning kilns and pulling bricks. ."

   Wang Yi smiled and said, "What's wrong? How do you say this? Who can't stand it?"

  Wang Dabao said: "Mr. Wang, you don't know, you have been in the city these two days, and then the five members of our team who worked in the brick kiln came back, haha."

   Wang Xiangmai pinched his big nose and said, "This, this doesn't mean that our Wang family can't bear hardships and stand hard work, and the foreign team also ran several times..."

   As he said, he looked at Wang Yi with an expression of admiration on his face: "No wonder Mr. Wang has always said that the life of this brick kiln is very hard, and most people can't bear it."

   "At that time, the people in our team were still not convinced, and thought that Teacher Wang looked down on people. Now that you are all right, are you all honest?"

   Wang Yi was indeed a little angry about this.

  The commune members saw the high wages of the brick-burning kiln, and then saw that he brought a group of people back to work as workers from outside, so they were not satisfied.

   This time it worked.

   The only five brick kiln workers in the team all ran back, and the other team also ran several, and the reality finally proved that he was right.

   OK, cool!

  When the sea breeze blew, Wang Yi was even more refreshed and said, "Let's go, let's think about how to move the machine first."

  Mangrove Island has no wharf, and ships have to drop anchor when approaching shallow waters to avoid running aground and hitting rocks.

   How will machines, parts and various accessories be transported in the future?

   Especially in the future, we have to transport a large number of solar panels to the island, which is a big job!

  There is no way, electricity is the mother of industry, whether it is an air defense island or a mangrove island, it needs power supply. It is not enough to rely on diesel generators alone, and the cost is too high.

   It was not easy to buy diesel in 1982, and it was not easy to buy diesel in bulk in 22.

  The best ones are photovoltaic panels and UPS.

   It’s just that it’s not easy to set up monocrystalline silicon panels in two places. There are many machines on the air defense island and the power of the machines is high. The UPS can only play an auxiliary role, and a diesel generator is still needed to play the main force.

   However, Wang Yi felt that in the next few months, after covering the sunny side of the air defense island Shishan with monocrystalline silicon panels, the energy that can be collected is still considerable. After all, the outer islands are still very bright in summer.

   The problem on Mangrove Island is that there are many birds on the island in the other three seasons except winter.

   Birds want to poop, and they can poop. They don’t **** in a fixed place, and they can easily be pulled onto the monocrystalline silicon board, which affects the life of the board and affects the power generation efficiency.

   He thought about it for a while, but he also came up with a solution.

   You can only fix the solar panels in the area, and then erect some scarecrows and the like in the area to disturb the birds and dare not approach, so as to protect the solar panels as much as possible.

   The final question comes back to the shipment of goods from the ship to the island.

   After thinking about it, it is best to use a sampan boat to change clothes. It can only make the workers work harder.

  Wang Yi led the big confusion and cooperated with two militiamen to unload one machine after another.

   The main ones brought here are small machines, small horsepower engines, high pressure washers, small air compressors, angle grinders, hot air guns, various types of grinders, hot melters, diesel function drilling rigs and cutting knives and the like.

  The four people worked together, and with the addition of the humanoid self-propelled transport machine, they unloaded the machine.

   It was noon when he returned from the city, and he was busy on Mangrove Island, so when Wang Yi returned to Tianya Island, it would be evening.

   The fishing boat sings late, and the sun sets.

  Tianya No. 2 docked at the pier, and it was a routine transportation.

   First move the grain and then unload the cement.

  The people watching TV outside the team are not surprised by this, they are no longer envious and jealous.


   This time, all the regular goods brought back, Wang Yi left it to the commander Wang Xianghong to deal with, and he carried the bag and walked back.

   met Lin Jinhu in Dazao, Wang Yi waved at him, and gave him the book of success learning from Dunzi:

   "Look at these books, maybe it will be helpful to your life attitude and life path."

  Lin Jinhu briefly glanced at it after he got it, and said, "Okay, Mr. Wang, you've got your mind. But what kind of books are these? I don't think it looks like a formal publication?"

   Wang Yi said: "Well, it's not a regular publication, it's a book translated by my classmates from abroad."

   "Anyway, you should take a look first. If it is useful, I can borrow more books from my classmates. If it is useless, forget it."

After    separated from Lin Jinhu, he went to tell Dazao and asked him to prepare ingredients such as white radish, eggs, tofu, winter melon, potato cubes, etc., and make oden in the evening.

  The colander asked suspiciously, "Oden? What kind of dish is this? I've never heard of it."

  Wang Yi said: "It's just boiled vegetables and boiled eggs. You'll know when you try it. It's quite comfortable to eat at night in winter."

  The kitchen workers were busy, and he used a large pot to match the soup needed for oden.

   This is simple, sprinkle a packet of seasonings, and add some dried kelp to make it even more delicious.

   It happened that there was no shortage of seafood on the island, and the colander watched Wang Yi put shredded kelp into the pot, and handed him dried seaweed to put some seaweed.

  The soup in the pot is boiled, and then put various ingredients in batches to start cooking.

  The colander went up and stirred it up, nodded and said, "Well, the taste is quite fresh."

   This is dinner.

  The teachers came to make rice, one bowl of Oden, eggs and radishes with soup, steaming hot.

  Wang Yi called Wang Xianghong over and brought him a bowl together: "Captain, how about you try this."

  Wang Xianghong looked at it and asked suspiciously: "What is this? You stew in the northeast? But is this egg, radish, winter melon stew delicious together?"

  The colander suddenly realized: "Oh, no wonder Mr. Wang said this is called Kanto boiled, it must be a special dish in Kanto, isn't it?"

   "That should be related to Mr. Sun's hometown. Many people from Ludi, Mr. Sun's hometown, went to the Northeast and brought Lu cuisine there." Huang Yougong said.

  Sun Zhengnan looked at the bowl of stew and shook his head suspiciously.

  Wish Goodnight took a sip of the soup, and his eyes lit up: "Well, it tastes so fresh and sweet, it's really good."

   The others also started, no matter if they were eating eggs, radishes, or tofu, they all nodded:

   "Yes, what is this taste from, it's really sweet."

   "Try this egg, the egg is the best, this egg is much better than boiled egg."

   "Eat white radish, the taste of this white radish is amazing, you try the white radish, the taste is soft and sweet, and there is no spicy taste of radish at all."

  Wang Yi said with interest: "How is it? It's delicious, right? I'm going to let the sales team start selling this in the city tomorrow. Isn't this more popular than frost sausage?"

  Wang Xianghong took a sip of the soup and praised: "Absolutely popular, what is this soup made of? The taste is not ordinary sweet, fresher than prawns and crabs."

   "It's no wonder that people from the Northeast can eat it. Indeed, this Oden is better than the boiled seafood here."

  Wang Yi said: "Actually, this Oden is not the Oden that everyone thinks it is—forget it, just consider it our territory. Maybe there will be a chance that this Oden will fall into our hands in the future."

  The sales team came back in the dark.

   They came home after a busy day, they were really tired, hungry and cold, and they just wanted to go home and have a warm meal.

  Wang Yi greeted them to come to Dazao, and each gave a bowl of oden.

  The hot Oden fell into the mouth, even the vegetables and soup were delicious, and a bowl of it warmed from the mouth to the stomach, and the limbs and bones that had been frozen by the cold sea breeze came to life.

   They have been selling food stalls in the county for half a year, and they can see the market value of this thing at a glance.

   is definitely a hit!

   So they asked what the condiment was made of - if the outer islands can produce relevant raw materials, then they will have an extra ace product in the winter.

  Wang Yi said: "It's mainly bonito and a kind of kelp, you know bonito? It's bomb fish."

   Bonito is a type of tuna.

   When it comes to tuna, many people think of sashimi. In fact, not all tuna are suitable for sashimi, but the bluefin tuna that Wang Yi once wanted to entrust the European people to catch.

   Bonito cannot be made into sashimi, but can be used for oden or canned food.

  Compared with rare bluefin tuna or not so many albacore tuna, its quantity is quite large. It is widely distributed in the warm and tropical waters of the world, and it is produced in the East and South China Seas in China.

   There are also bonito fish in the outer islands - commonly known as bomb fish locally, and all tuna are called bomb fish because they are shaped like bombs and are very explosive.

   Actually their athleticism is really explosive.

  Tuna are a very romantic or cruel race in the ocean. They swim all their lives. When they stop, they die.

  Because they cannot breathe actively, the way they take in oxygen is called percussive respiration. They open their gills when swimming to actively filter the seawater to obtain oxygen.

   Outer islanders all know about bomb fish, and they don't have much of a problem with bomb fish:

  Tuna are often in the shape of relatively stubby spindles and are very large, often about one meter.

   They have a lot of meat, but they don’t handle it. They can’t make salted fish, they can’t be dried, and boiled and steamed are not delicious. Braised is good, but how many seasonings can fishermen’s families have these days?

   Another bomb fish is not easy to store. It has high protein and fat content and is easily perishable, so it is mainly used for canned fish.

   Wang Xianghong was very excited to hear that the little bomb fish in their hands and cheap kelp could be used to make such a good soup.

   He is going to start a bomb fishing operation with his strong laborers!

   But they don't know where they can catch bombfish now, because although bombfish are pelagic carnivorous pelagic migratory fish, their migration regularity is not good, and there are few studies on related habits in outer islands.

   Fortunately, they now have Baishuilang on their island.

   If you have any doubts about fishery, it is definitely right to ask Baishuilang!

   Knowing that the island wanted to catch bomb fish, the people of Ou said: "No problem, I know where this fish is and can be caught."

   Wang Yi asked: "Where?"

  The people of Ou said: "I can't say where it is, but sometimes you can see whales there - it's a deep sea area, so you have to wait until the weather is good."

  The bonito group sometimes likes to swim with baleen whales and whale sharks, and there is a symbiotic relationship between them:

Although baleen whales and whale sharks have big heads and big mouths, they do not have gigantic teeth. For baleen whales, their feeding method is to open their mouths to swallow a large amount of seawater at a time, and then close their mouths to spit out the water, and the food contained in the seawater will be Blocked by baleen and left in mouth.

   These foods mainly feed on small crustaceans such as krill, and some species also eat small gregarious fish, as well as bottom-dwelling fish and shellfish.

   In the symbiotic relationship between bonito and whales, bonito will clean up the larger fish in the water, so that the baleen whales and whale sharks can swallow the sea water and eat the small fish.

   And whales and whale sharks shelter bonito from predators such as sailfish.

  This is the magic of nature, bonito know that whales and whale sharks don’t hunt themselves, but swordfish, which are bigger and more ferocious than them, don’t know…

   At this time, after hearing from the European people that he knew that there were whales in the bonito fishing area, Wang Yi knew that he was right.

   It's not very urgent, because even if Wang Yi gets bonito, it is impossible to make soup with bonito immediately. This thing needs to be handled, and it is very troublesome and consumes a long time.

  The raw material used in Oden fresh soup is not bonito but bonito, and bonito is specially processed to get bonito.

  This treatment method is very troublesome. After the bonito is taken, the meat is cooked and sun-dried, smoked with dry wood, and then smeared with mold to use the water absorption of mold propagation to further wash the residual water in the bonito meat.

   It takes half a year for a set of processes!

  What Wang Yi has to do now is to organize students to prepare for the final exam, arrange for Lin Jinhu to lead the team to Hongshu Island, build a factory on the island, start learning and familiarize with the use of the machine, and officially start the ship machine repair and maintenance business.

   This is sooner rather than later.

  Wang Yi led people to Mangrove Island the next day after returning.

  There is a lot of life on the island. First, we have to remove the roof of the color steel tile dormitory that has been built and install a waterproof layer, and then use the color steel tile to build the workshop.

   Fortunately, you don't need any skills, you can build a color steel tile house with patience and endurance.

  Wang Yi brought a team of bold people. This is a construction team assembled on the island, and their hands-on ability is always better than ordinary people.

   The color steel tile roof was lifted piece by piece. Wang Yi looked at the drawings and instructed the construction team to reset the waterproof layer and install the color steel tile roof back.

The    workshop is the most important job, and the chassis iron must be laid and reinforced first.

  This place has already been selected. There are many trees and land on the mangrove island. Once the land is leveled, the chassis iron can be placed.

  The fixed steel bolt smashed into the ground, and the chassis iron was firmly nailed to the ground. Wang Yi put on gloves and pulled out a gap from the ground under the iron plate to try it out.

   remains motionless.

Standards compliant.

  Lin Jinhu came over to take a look at the drawings, and said with admiration, "I have only seen this kind of organic-coated color steel sheet in newspapers, and it is the first time I have seen it in reality."

   "The newspaper said that it has the advantages of light weight, high strength, convenient and quick construction, fire prevention, and rain resistance. I thought it was just a bragging of the newspaper. I didn't expect that color steel plate really has so many advantages."

  Color steel plate, color steel tile, different names in different periods, in fact, are naturally the same thing.

  The history of this kind of building material is quite long. It was first created in the US Empire as early as 1927. In 1936, the US Empire built the first color-coated steel plate production unit, and then began to spread all over the world in the 1960s.

  In my country, due to historical reasons, the development process of color steel tiles is relatively short, but this short period is also relative. In the 1960s, the Iron and Steel Research Institute of Anshan Iron and Steel Company began to study organic-coated coil color steel plates.

Then in 1977 a few years ago, WISCO introduced my country's first regular pre-coated coil production line from abroad and put it into operation. Metal-coated coils began to appear on construction sites over the years.

  At present, there are two production lines for domestic color steel plates, domestic technology and European and American technology. The former has high output, low price but poor quality, and the latter has high quality, high price but low output, and is popular in the market at the same time.

So Wang Yi dared to bring color steel tiles back to 1982, especially since these color steel tiles were all used on the closed mangrove island. He only needed to show the workers a few newspapers to let everyone know that this new type of building material is widely used in China. It has been put into use.

   is still the same sentence, no one will doubt the origin of the color steel tile.

   After all, Mr. Wang’s friends and classmates are all over the world.

  Wang Yi handed over the drawings to Da Da and said to Lin Jinhu, "Come and see the machines I brought back to you. They are all old machines bought from state-owned factories by a friend. Let's see if you can use them."

  The machines are stored in wooden boxes to keep them dry, and when opened, there are machines hidden in the hay, just like an arms trade.

   Similarly, the machines he brought back were all at least in prototype form that could be seen in this era.

  Lin Jinhu's hometown is the place where all kinds of steel parts are made. His boss is a self-made man who is very familiar with machines and various metal parts.

   After seeing the machine, he immediately started and took it out one by one to study: "This is an angle grinder, this is a polishing machine, the machine is very advanced, I'm afraid it is imported from abroad, right?"

   "There's also a heat gun—heh, is this a complete set of grinders? Mr. Wang, your classmates are really particular about what they give you!"

   "Oh, this little machine is a fuser, right? It's really nice to do it so delicately!"

   (end of this chapter)