MTL - I Got Rich By Relying on the Beauty System-Chapter 485 485, the face couple

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  Chapter 485 Chapter 485, the face couple

   After a night of fermenting, the gossip news about An Yan and Yu Xiushi reached its peak!

  Originally, the public is more interested in stories of love and hatred between wealthy men and women, not to mention that this time it involves the Yu family, the top wealthy family in Rongcheng.

  Secondly, when it involves An Yan and Yu Xiushi, their love story is even more curious.

  So after one night, the netizens successfully dug up the past of the Yu family, and even got a clear picture of the relationship between An Yan and Yu Xiushi.

  Of course, netizens can understand so clearly, most of it comes from the information provided by the teachers and students of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine. After all, the relationship between An Yan and Yu Xiushi has long been spread in the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

  Even everyone knows about An Yan’s entrepreneurial development history, and many girls in the school regard An Yan as a role model for women.

  The love story between An Yan and Yu Xiushi directly made the female netizens on the whole network envious. Of course, everyone's more sincere wishes.

  The appearance of the two of them is very attractive to fans, and everyone always has a certain preference for good-looking people. And now that two good-looking people are dating together, the effect is undoubtedly like adding a buff.

   Especially An Yan, made countless female netizens feel admiration, and they all regarded her as their idol.

Because this time, the netizens and paparazzi not only dug up the love story between her and Yu Xiushi, but even calculated the profit of An Yan Fang according to the sales volume of An Yan Fang in the past few months, and estimated An Yan's personal assets. .

   The result is not unknown, and I was shocked when I counted it!

  In just five months, the total profit of Anyanfang has exceeded 100 million! Thinking about it makes everyone feel horrible.

If it was other big companies that achieved hundreds of millions of dollars in profit within a few months, everyone might not be so shocked, but the target was a female college student who had just graduated from an ordinary family background and had no background. , Earned over 100 million yuan in just five months, which is shocking.

   This is simply a legendary story of women's counterattack!

According to the current public opinion, if a commoner girl like An Yan marries a wealthy young master, the public will not believe it is love in the first place, but think that this woman is very scheming and has fallen in love with a wealthy son-in-law , is a greedy and vain person.

   But when they saw the love between An Yan and Yu Xiushi, netizens did not have such doubts, and they would not laugh at An Yan as Cinderella who married a wealthy prince.

  Based on An Yan's family background, she is indeed a Cinderella, but this Cinderella is fundamentally different from the gold diggers who joined wealthy families in the past.

  Because Anyan has a career, she created a brand of handmade beauty and skin care: Anyanfang.

  She is not only outstanding in appearance, but also talented. In less than half a year, she has graduated from a female college student with nothing to a business owner worth over 100 million.

   Such a person, who doesn't praise him?

  Even if An Yan's boyfriend is the son of a wealthy family, but considering An Yan's personal ability and ability, who would say that she is a gold digger who clings to a wealthy family?

  The ordinary girl became Bai Fumei by her own counterattack, and now she will 'marry' Gao Fushuai. This is simply a proper winner in life!

  An Yan's experience for a while has attracted praise from countless people, and at the same time, such an inspirational story has also inspired countless people, making many people seem to see more possibilities in life.

  Work hard, maybe the next Bai Fumei to marry Gao Fushuai will be me?


  At ten o'clock in the morning, Rongcheng Pedestrian Street.

  Yu Xiushi held An Yan's hand and strolled along the busiest street in Rongcheng.

  The weather in October is slightly cool, and the two of them are wearing thin light beige casual long windbreakers with a white T-shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers.

  The clothes of the two are very similar, the color is the same but the style is slightly different, but a discerning person can tell that they are wearing couple clothes.

  Suddenly, An Yan approached her boyfriend and asked in a low voice, "Do you feel that everyone around you seems to be looking at us?"

  Today is the couple's date day planned by the two of them. The itinerary has already been arranged by Yu Xiushi, and today she just needs to follow his itinerary.

  The first stop is the busiest pedestrian street in Chengdu. Shopping is also one of the must-dos for couples on a date.

Yu Xiushi glanced around secretly, and indeed noticed that everyone's eyes were always looking at them from time to time. Some people were very subtle, while others were very direct. He even saw someone holding a mobile phone and talking to them. watching them.

   So, is this secretly filming them?

   "Well, I noticed that someone was still taking pictures of us."

  Yu Xiushi frowned slightly, and didn't like the reactions of the people around him a little bit. They just wanted to make a date today, and they didn't need too much attention.

  In addition to their high status, they are just an ordinary couple dating in the crowd.

   "Huh? Are you still taking pictures?" An Yan couldn't help but frowned, the feeling of being stared at all the time was really uncomfortable.

  They are not big stars, and now they are just doing what ordinary couples would do. If they are surrounded by people watching the whole process, it will really make people feel uncomfortable.

  But today is their long-awaited date, and she doesn't want to cancel the trip because of other people.

   "Come on, let's get armed."

  An Yan turned her eyes slightly, and quickly dragged him into a shop.

   "Here, why don't you try this hat? And these sunglasses."

  An Yan was choosing a style suitable for her boyfriend, while urging him to try it on, and then she picked out a pair of sunglasses and a peaked cap for herself.

   On the other side of the store, three women gathered together excitedly, looking in the direction of An Yan and Yu Xiushi from time to time, muttering softly.

   "Ah, ah, they really are a beautiful couple!"

   "We were so lucky, we didn't expect to meet them here."

   "Mum, the Shenyan couple are dating, right? My God, we can still witness their date with our own eyes!"

   "Look, Goddess An is choosing sunglasses for the male god. The two look so good~"

   "I have a sense of CP, the screen is full of pink bubbles, I am so excited~"

   "What should I do? I'm so excited~ This is the first time I've met a live CP in my life."

   "The two of them are prettier than the photos."

   "Did you take a picture?"

   "I really want to take a photo with my goddess, do you think she will agree?"

   "Would you like to go up and try?"

   "You look cuter, why don't you go?"

  Then the three female students pushed and shoved each other, approaching An Yan and Yu Xiushi's direction. The expressions on the faces of the three were both excited and apprehensive, and there was a hint of anticipation amidst the tension.

   Good night~



  (end of this chapter)