MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 85 devil's deal

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  Chapter 85 Devil's Deal

   "Sure enough."

  Tu Fu could hear from the resentful words of the "Gatekeeper" that the other party was very dissatisfied with seeing him as an evil god, and his tone was somewhat contemptuous of those low-level existences with despicable means.

  In this way, everything makes sense, from the net that was set up a long time ago, the Church of Freeing Life, the taboo red shoes, to the current fight club, everything is serving the evil **** behind Bieber.

  They tried to intensify the class contradictions in the city of Leeds.

  In fact, since the industrial age, almost any country has become a breeding ground for evil gods.

  The endless work makes the whole of Baia like a machine that is always in motion, babies who die prematurely, female and child laborers who are brutally exploited, and bottom-level workers who can never see a glimmer of hope.

  The blood and sweat of each of them was passed into the factory and turned into billowing smoke. They lived in a small and dirty working environment for a long time, and swallowed countless industrial dust.

During the day, they are squeezed milk and blood like a cow, and sleep on a rope like an animal when they rest at night. If you are more comfortable, you can spend 4p in exchange for a small wooden box like a coffin for one night. There is also a layer Thin blanket.

  This is already considered a good environment. After all, countless people freeze to death, starve to death, and die of disease every day in the invisible corner of Leeds. It is a great happiness for the refugees to wake up in the morning and find that they are still alive.

   At this time, each other will sincerely shout "Thank God for His Blessing".

Bieber borrowed the fight club to release the pressure in the hearts of ordinary people, to channel out this anger, and then he later launched a worker strike, organized a protest parade, and even kidnapped and hurt some people to cause class violence. opposition.

   Make this huge resentment day and night, endlessly breed the best environment for the evil god.

   "Demon Path."

  Tu Fu muttered the word again, and from Roman's mouth, Tu Fu also figured out the details of Curtis Bieber, the sensualist of Sequence 7, who is also the evil one among the nine extraordinary paths,

   "What kind of avenue is this?"

The tone of the "gatekeeper" is still indifferent, and the whole picture of the matter is roughly clarified from Tu Fu's narration, "God created the world and cut His dark side, arrogance, jealousy, laziness, greed and other negative characters into a group of individuals. This has also become the most dangerous path of the extraordinary."

About this story, Tu Fu probably knows a thing or two from "Revelation of God". In Genesis, God sealed his weakest side in a bottle. The human world brought the original pure "evil".

   "The demon path is born with the talent to connect with the existence of high planes, whether it is the abyss, or the polar regions, or even alien species from the starry sky. It is not surprising even if they make some deals with them."

  The words of the "gatekeeper" made Tu Fu think of what happened just now. The failure of the fight club made Bieber only lose his promise, and he couldn't cause a large-scale bloodshed for the demon to descend.

   "What if one party to the transaction fails to perform the contract? Does it still count in unexpected situations?"

   "Gatekeeper" emphasized very seriously, "The transaction must be equal."

   Transactions must be equal?

  Tufu pondered this sentence over and over again, and at the same time put his gaze on the surveillance, Roman, Mason, and Hawkins kept chasing the escaped Bieber.

  Together with the three extraordinary teams of Black Swan, Orderer, and Eye of the Storm, all the extraordinary power that can be mobilized is here.

  Twenty or thirty extraordinary people gathered in Pulitzer Harbor alone. After they dispersed, they formed a network and quickly started searching, but they didn't find Bieber.

   Tu Fu naturally knew that Bieber had bought a cloak from the evil **** for nothing to shield himself when launching the ceremony.

   But even so, he was seriously injured just now by the cooperation of three mid-sequence transcendents,

   I'm afraid it will be difficult to slip away without leaking the air machine.


   In fact, it is exactly that.

  Curtis Bieber desperately suppressed the injury just after being hit by Roman's heavy artillery, forcibly pressing the blood surging upwards in his lungs, and the chaotic breath made it difficult for him to even breathe.

   There are still members of the supernatural team coming from behind. In his current state, even with this invisibility cloak, he may not necessarily escape from the encirclement.

  The qi leaked out after a serious injury could be caught at any time, and whether he can continue to maintain the spirituality required by the cloak is also a big question.

   "Who is operating?"

   Until now, Bieber doesn't know why he lost so completely.

   This was originally an easy job, as long as the fight club's plan was successful, he would naturally be able to escape unscathed.

   Who would have thought that all the preparations and all the backhands had been predicted in advance, and what was even more frightening was that he couldn't even see the opponent hiding in the dark.

In desperation, Curtis Bieber could only turn to the great **** again for help, "The great giant **** of chaos, the ruler of the darkness, the **** who bestows infinite hope on the world, and the **** who is in charge of darkness and redemption, please give you my sincerest A little help from believers."

  He kept chanting the title of the God of Chaos, and pinned his last hope on Him. This is the last hope, "I only need a little help from you to help me get out of the current predicament."

  Bieber's trembling voice was full of fear. He naturally knew that if he fell into the hands of the extraordinary forces of the church, he would be sent to the Inquisition and tortured endlessly.

  The group of lunatics will use the most brutal means to steal all his memories. Once he is convinced to contact an unknown god, he will definitely be sentenced to death.

   I don't know if it was due to this powerful willpower, or it was the Chaos Giant God who secretly pushed the waves to resist.

  The three captains and leaders of Sequence 7 behind him did not know what pressure they had suffered, and suddenly their bodies stagnated at the same time. Even a very small pause temporarily allowed Bieber to recover.

   Seeing that the prayer really took effect, it turned out that the **** had been helping him in secret. Bieber became bolder for a while, and continued to pray to him boldly,

   "Great Chaos God, please heal the wounds of your loyal followers. Even if you block their actions, I am still seriously injured and I still cannot escape their pursuit, and I cannot complete that complicated ceremony for you."

  As soon as Bieber's voice fell, the **** hidden in the darkness seemed to have received the message, and then his body began to emit a burst of warm light, and those light clusters spread around his injury.

  The original pain decreased rapidly, and in just a few breaths, Bieber, who was already so seriously injured that he couldn't walk, suddenly recovered from his injury.

  He was excited and excited, praising the **** who was greater than the seven gods in his heart.

  He can hear prayers and can truly fulfill the wishes of believers. This is why Bieber is willing to believe in him and help him do things.

   This detached feeling of control made Bieber start to float, as if he himself was sitting on the throne.

  So, he turned his head to look at the first black swan chief knight, Roman Richard, who had used despicable means to attack him just now, and almost killed himself.

  Intense hatred suddenly welled up in my heart.

  "The omnipotent ruler of darkness, someone wants to persecute your followers and destroy your ceremony, please kill him."

  When Curtis Bieber prayed to that **** again with infinite yearning for the third time.

   Only this time, the other party did not directly fulfill his wish.

   Nothing happened.


  Bieber's fast running legs and feet suddenly slowed down, and the whole body also slowed down. His body stopped completely involuntarily, as if he was out of his control.

   tick tock tick...

  Blood dripped from his body, dripping from his facial features. First, the eyeballs slipped from their sockets, and more and more viscous fluid in his body leaked outward.

  The flesh and blood on his body seemed to be endowed with vitality, moving involuntarily.

  The whole person was rolling on the ground like a puddle of mud.

   "Out of... out of control...."

  At the same time as his body began to alienate, a flash of light flashed in Bieber's mind, and he suddenly woke up.

  Every time I made a deal with the evil **** (demon) of the Chaos Giant God, I would pay the same price to complete the contract between the two parties.

  But I don't know when, I have unilaterally asked Him for various things, such as potion formulas, taboos, and extraordinary power. It is this strong greed that is constantly digested along with the potion of Sequence 7 Lust.

  Perhaps, since the initial transaction with that demon, he has already fallen into a trap.

  His greed seemed endless, but he ignored the principles of fairness that had to be followed in previous transactions, and gradually began to perfunctory His request.

  He was too young then,

  I don't know the gift of fate, and the price has been marked in secret.

  (end of this chapter)