MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 76 police drill

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  Chapter 76 Police Drills

  Leeds Police Department, the sky is getting brighter.

  A police force wearing blue and black police uniforms appeared on the street in the hazy morning. They were dispatched from various bureaus and rushed to the Wood District after receiving orders.

  Today is a rest day, and most of the police officers should take turns off, but Ethan didn't know what was going on up there, so he issued a notice to all the sub-bureaus early in the morning.

   There is a lot of buzz about a police drill for no reason, everyone is armed and must have ammunition in the weapons.

   "Mallen, there is nothing more stupid than crawling out of your wife's bed to practice on the morning of the rest day. Don't let me know which **** suggested it, or I will put on the newly bought Martin boots and kick his **** hard."

   Ethan was dissatisfied and followed his companions in the bureau, but as soon as he said this, he heard someone from the police department snorting coldly:

   "It's too bad for Leeds to have a police officer like you."

   Ethan squinted his eyes, deciding whether to go back after seeing his identity clearly.

  A familiar young police officer, Dutton Fix, rolled his eyes almost to the sky.

   "Oh, isn't this Police Officer Fix who likes to stand for punishment? Look, this kind of job is the best for him." Ethan laughed unceremoniously at his old friend,

   Laughing at his incomplete performance in the big theater last time.

  Mullen wanted to mediate the conflict in the middle, "Mr. Dutton didn't do nothing, at least...the crime scene was well protected."

   "Don't get complacent."

  Fix became angrier the more he listened, "It's just about your nephew's good luck, but you must admit that you are far inferior to me in educating children."

   Dutton Fix has a son who has just been admitted to the University of Leeds, which is something he has always been proud of.

   "It's a pity that I don't have such good luck." Ethan sighed while pretending to be very distressed, "Just a few days ago, he was favored by the University of Michigan."

  Seeing the old friend's expression, he was stunned, and then added another knife: "As for Sophie, Brother University invited her a long time ago. As for the University of Leeds you just mentioned, dogs don't go."

   "When you enter the police department, you must look good." Fix snorted again.

   "Fortunately, I have already applied for a job transfer in Göttinghagen." Ethan didn't care, "Oh, by the way, when our family arrives in Göttinghagen, we will open a store to do business.

   Well, funded by the Anfeier family. "

  Ethan didn’t mean to show off at all, and compared his situation with Fix’s in an objective way. Whether it’s love, career, or children’s education, they all have the upper hand.

   Even if you eat soft food, you are one position ahead, and you are simply a winner in life.

After Dutton Fix was silent for a long time, he couldn't think of anything to refute. He seemed to have nothing to compare with Ethan. After thinking about it, he thought of his son who was also disappointing at the University of Leeds .

  Decided, I will find a reason to teach him when I go back tonight.

  Wood District Cologne Grand Plaza, the police department has mobilized hundreds of people from the six divisional police stations plus the headquarters, and armed police officers with live ammunition have occupied this area.

   "Get out of the way, the rehearsal activities of the Police Department, the idlers leave immediately."

  The police officers shouted loudly in front, and the citizens who were planning to gather in the square, after hearing the warning, retreated out of a road to let the police force occupy the area.

  Not long after they arrived, they hurriedly dispersed all the people around them, prohibiting many people from gathering here in the name of police operations.

   There are hundreds of Fight Club members who are preparing to come here from all directions.

  They just carried the flag, wore uniforms, and prepared to shout slogans along the Cologne Grand Square and surround the entire Wood District. This time, the plan is to drive this poorest and most oppressed slum in Leeds.

   Reached an unprecedented scale of 10,000 people.

But this operation suffered setbacks from the very beginning. When they saw these murderous police officers and the guns stuck in their waists, the original burning ambitions of many ordinary members of the club seemed to be poured on them. With cold water, the momentum immediately diminished.

   "Mr. Mullard, what should we do now?"

  A few masked Fight Club transcendents looked at the unexpected situation and didn't know whether to fight or stop the fight.

  The leader here is "Darton" from the knight path, he said coldly: "Don't worry, we have contacted the people from the trade union to organize a general strike, and they are waiting for our response.

  You guys hide in the crowd and continue to organize people to start the parade. It is best to provoke the other side to do it.

  As long as they dare to act first, we have reason to incite the people in this area. It is best to make things big, and it would be great if there is bloodshed. "

   "Big Shield" brought up the emergency plan prepared before. Once there is a **** incident on Cologne Square, the police officers who acted first in the eyes of the public will become public enemies.

   After all, they carry weapons and bully civilians. In everyone's eyes, they are the stronger side.

  When the strong side bullies the weak side, everyone will agree to stand for the latter.

  People sympathize with the weak and hate the stronger side. This strange sense of morality will force most people to act against the spirit of reason, ignore right or wrong, and become a sword that others can use.

  As the order was issued, this group of transcendents wearing strange masks began to mix into the crowd, inciting the emotions of the crowd respectively.

  Especially emphasizing that these policemen in the Wood District are lackeys of factory businessmen, and they deliberately come here to disrupt their actions.

   Sure enough, it didn't take long to quickly organize a parade group of several hundred people.

  People carried flags and banners high, even though they were in front of a team of policemen, they never gave in under the pressure of an unprecedented sense of justice. The repressed anger in the hearts of these members participating in the parade rose again.

  They must gather more people, it is best to let all the poor people in this area join the team,

  As long as there are enough people, it must be correct, just, and irrefutable.

   Overwhelm those voices, they become the authority.

   "Down with the lackeys of capital, Liz belongs to the people!"

  Led by the "Big Shield" of the club, the participants vaguely stepped forward to provoke the police force on the square, deliberately forcing the police officers who were preparing for the exercise to attack them.

   "Fine, that's it."

   "Big Shield" suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, but when he looked around, he was surprised to find that the number of people parading on the street hadn't increased, and even when passing through several factories, the gates were deserted.

  After the initial shouting, the police officers were very restrained, still standing at various intersections and watching their performance indifferently. The invisible pressure made the ordinary participants of the club feel uneasy.

   "Big Shield" couldn't help frowning for a moment, and asked his companions beside him, "Why hasn't anyone come to support? Where are those idiot workers who promised to come back to cheer?"

"The situation has changed." A Transcendent wearing a grimace mask ran into the center of the line from the opposite direction and gasped for breath, "The trade union has rebelled, and all the worker leaders we negotiated will not come today, nor will they come. No one will come to our aid."


   "Big Shield" didn't understand for a while and was stunned. He really didn't understand why so many workers worked overtime on rest days. Don't these idiots want to speak out for their own interests?

"just now."

  I only heard the member who went to inquire about the news said quietly: "All the factories in the Wood District paid three times the labor fee today."

  The wage earners are the most reasonable and civilized people in the Baia Kingdom.

  (end of this chapter)