MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 69 god of machinery and information

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  Chapter 69 God of Machinery and Information

  Finger, rubbing the receiving button of the radio back and forth.

  Tu Fu's expression was unpredictable. The densely lit indicator lights flashed under this precision instrument, and the red light flickered at a high frequency, and signals were constantly being loaded.


  Under the trend of strong curiosity, Tu Fu finally pressed accept all.


  Following that, a huge and noisy piece of information was sent out from the speaker with incredible efficiency after being introduced at a stable frequency.

   A series of chaotic and dense prayers, the extremely noisy voice was forced into Tu Fu's mind in an unreasonable way.

  Hundreds, thousands of human voices came over the radio.

   Prayer is male and female.

  They pray to the gods with complex emotions, reverent, joking, calm, crazy, incredible, and with all kinds of strange attitudes, silently sending prayers to gods other than the seven gods.

Their wishes, their ideas, and their long-awaited prayers all fell into my ears verbatim. Bayan, Ryan, ancient Assyrian, and there seemed to be languages ​​I had never heard before. Is it the language of the elves or the language of the dragon.

  Tu Fu, who was in the captain's cabin, seemed to have the power of a real god, hearing the prayers of the believers.

  Those who seek wealth, luck, and well-being abound. No matter good or bad, disturbing or peaceful words are all received into the mind through short-wave radio.

  An extraordinary technological power that reads the heart, making Tu Fu in a mysterious state.

  Unfortunately, this subtle state didn't last long. When the huge amount of short-wave radio information hit his head continuously, Tu Fu felt a huge dizziness in his head, which almost drained all his energy.


  The current Tu Fu seems to be unable to bear this pressure at all. The blood vessels and veins on his smooth forehead are bulging at the same time, and the hot sweat slid down his cheeks like waves and made a ticking sound.

   This strong backlash almost killed him.


  Relying on his remaining rationality, Tu Fu quickly turned off the receiver button of the radio. If there was a delay, a new **** would probably be replaced on the throne.

   "Huh, I knew I shouldn't try things beyond my ability at will."

  Tu Fu was so weak that he almost fell off the chair. He raised his arms to wipe off the sweat on his forehead, and took a long breath before pulling himself up.

   Facing a bunch of electronic devices that do not belong to this era but have magical abilities, Tu Fu silently laughed at himself, "Radio...monitor...telephone...a new **** of the steam age?"

  A witty and funny picture appeared in his mind uncontrollably.

   After a newly appointed **** officially goes to work, he uses a lot of electronic equipment in front of him to handle affairs.

  Listen to the prayers of believers coming from the radio, use the monitor to check the order of the world, and if necessary, you can make a phone call to provide enthusiastic service.

   At the hand of the god, there is still a cup of steaming sweet coffee.

   "What should it be called? The God of Electronics? The God of Omniscience? No, it should be the God of Machinery and Information. There is nothing more suitable than this."

   After Tu Fu gave a weak smile, he re-saw the disappointed Mr. Mason in the surveillance.

  He was so sincere, but it took a long time to get a response.

  When the other party was about to give up, Tufu, the intern **** who had just taken office, digitally modulated the frequency of the radio to the channel of Liz. In the FM shortwave mode, he could switch and modulate the number arbitrarily.

  The digital code number displayed on the radio is the same as the telephone number, which is also the map number of each country.

  As long as you keep switching, you can freely select the area you want to hear on the radio.

   "Found it, FM9.33.470 Leeds."

   After several attempts, Tu Fu only controlled the range within one city of Leeds.

  After turning on the receive button again, the illusory prayer sound appeared again.

   It's just that the number has decreased a lot compared to before. The most obvious signal is the prayer of the Sequence 7 Nightmare Mason, who stopped talking after calling several times.

  Tu Fu picked up the handle with great interest, and chose to reply and launch: His weak voice was mixed with a hint of dullness, imitating Mr. Qimen's low-pitched just right, without a trace of emotion in his tone:

   "Mason Adams."

   On the other end, Mason, who was far away at the headquarters of the Leeds Brotherhood, tried to find that high-level existence through an ancient ceremony not long ago.

   Just when he was about to give up, mysterious words sounded in his ears, and everything around him seemed to be cut off.

   There seemed to be a hazy figure emerging in front of his eyes, and that pure Assyrian accent seemed to symbolize the other party's ancient aristocratic status.

  Until the other party Zhihu called his name, Mason recalled the last horrible encounter, and could hardly even stand firmly.

  His chest trembled when he spoke, and he could barely speak clearly, "Sir, my previous behavior has unintentionally offended you, and I apologize for that."

   When facing a high-level being, respect is the most basic etiquette.

   Mason lowered his head anxiously, until the flat and indifferent voice sounded again, "A small thing."

  After hearing the other party's answer, Mason's hanging heart relaxed. Sure enough, people of this level don't care about such trivial matters, but they don't know what level the other party is.

Demi god?

  God-favored or a higher-level existence?

  He hesitated, his eyes flickered for a moment, and he also respectfully talked about that matter in ancient Assyrian, "Praise your broad mind.

   "Excuse me, what should I call you?"

  Mason placed his palm on his chest, which was nowhere to be placed, and looked at this unknown mysterious strong man respectfully.

  The hazy figure behind the gray fog suddenly became quiet.

  He seemed to be seriously recalling his own name, as if he had forgotten his identity and real name during this long period of time.

   "You can call me..." Tu Fu looked around the environment, monitored the sky eyes of the whole city, received the radios of believers' prayers, and remembered that he could dial any coordinates.

  He learned the style of a 'gatekeeper', trying to make his name sound endlessly mysterious,


   "Media person?"

  As soon as the strange name of this word combination came into his ears, Mason searched his memory for the history related to this word. It was certain that this name had never appeared in the history of the Quaternary Epoch.

   It doesn't look like a person's name, but it looks like some kind of reference.

   "Could it be a Tertiary or more ancient existence?"

   Mason Adams thought carefully, but he had never heard of this name from relevant records.

"Mr. 'Media', I would like to ask you a question. Although it was my mistake that offended you before, I don't quite understand the cause of the accident. Who was that gentleman who came to the Old Hunter's Tavern? "

   Mason finally brought it up.

   Tu Fu, who was sitting in the captain's cabin watching the surveillance, frowned. Mason is worthy of being a businessman, and his ability to speak is impeccable.

   While expressing his respect, he raised an important question.

  Why did you take a copy of Sequence 9?

  This is not the behavior of a high-ranking person.

  After a short silence, Tu Fu's tone was still calm, and he released a kind smile without changing his face: "My favored one."

  (end of this chapter)