MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 61 standing in the light

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  Chapter 61 Standing in the Light

  Wood District, Police Department.

  Since the troublesome serial murder case passed, the attention of this area has declined, and there are not so many eyes staring at it anymore.

   But it is the Wood District after all, a place where you can get news without violence 24 hours a day.

  As a police officer in charge of law and order, Edward Kenway can only be tough and must be tough.

  Only in this way can the drunks and jerks in this area be deterred. To deal with bastards, they will be afraid only if they use more **** ways.

   "Guys, I'm going first."

  After greeting his colleagues, police officer Edward changed his clothes after get off work, and gave a sigh of relief in vain.

  As usual, the public carriage he took came all the way to Berlin Street. The road here is not smooth, and the road is full of muddy ground.

   Not long ago, a sudden heavy rain in Liz washed the gray city from beginning to end.

  After the muddy ground was soaked by rain, the entire road turned into a small yellowed stream, and the streets and ends of the road he passed were very dilapidated houses, and the windows or doors were leaking.

  There are only tents left in the open space, and most of the residents living in this area are yellow and thin, and their eyes are empty, looking forward to the next assistance from the Leeds government.

  Even the passing horses raised their hooves in disgust, trying to leave this dirty and old area quickly.

  Berlin Street used to have another name, Refugee Street.

  Refugees from some countries around the Kingdom of Baia escaped by boat and came to seek political asylum. Refugees and poor people at the bottom were mostly resettled in this area. At first, there was still a place to live, and the Leeds government would also provide regular subsidies.

  Although there are not many, it is not enough to starve to death.

  Later, the arrival of the real estate agent Morton and some **** destroyed the ecology here. They plundered the land and built high-rise buildings, preached the theory of nationalist superiority, and blatantly excluded those who fled to Leeds.

  The living situation of the residents of Wood District is more difficult.

  Fortunately, not long ago, Edward received a letter of complaint accusing Morton of murder, and he had a legitimate reason to send Morton Henry to prison. This is probably the most commendable thing in Edward Kenway's life.

  Getting off the carriage, Edward walked along an alley. There were some young children lying on the walls on both sides of the alley. Their eyes were empty and silently looking at every passerby here.

  Among them are thieves and beggars, who are forced to walk on the edge of the gray business due to the pressure of livelihood. Even Edward, who is a public security policeman, sometimes turns a blind eye to this.

  If you really arrest people according to those rigid laws, you can simply transform the entire Wood District into a prison.

   "Sir, give me something to eat."

   "I'm starving to death."

   "Sir, sir..."

  Several yellow and thin children in the alley stared at him and turned to speak first, begging him for something real or false. For a while, countless pairs of red eyes stared at him fiercely like hungry wolves.

"Step aside."

  Edward spoke coldly, and there was no trace of sympathy in his indifferent eyes. He continued to move forward unwaveringly, ignoring the calls for help.

  Past experience told him that as long as he hesitated a little, these children would cling to him.

  He can’t help everyone. Even if some children are given food, they will be snatched away by older children, and **** incidents may even occur.

   Can’t start this one anymore.

   No matter how many times he walks by, his attitude must be tough, and he must be tough.

Until, standing in front of a building with a roof, several off-painted off-white pillars prop up the two-story building, and large pieces of white walls on all sides are also falling down, and in the center is a play area for children. courtyard.

  The sign hanging on it clearly reads "Aid Center for Underage Special Children".

   This is a children's welfare home located deep in the residential area of ​​Bolin Street. It only accommodates infants who are too young to be able to act on their own, and sick children with physical or mental disabilities.

  Some of them came from neighboring countries, and some were born after accidents. Anyway, some people will throw away their newborn children because of their livelihood.

  Even in the Quaternary Epoch, child death is still a big unsolved social problem.

   Even the princes and princesses carefully cared for by the major royal families cannot avoid premature death, let alone the descendants of ordinary civilians.

  The rapid development of industrialization has led to a sharp increase in urban population, and the living environment is also declining.

  This poor urban sanitation environment has created a breeding ground for diseases, such as influenza, smallpox, scarlet fever, tuberculosis... all kinds of diseases have become killers for infants and young children

  Compared to those children who are begging outside and have a certain self-sufficiency, if these sick infants are left alone, the only thing waiting for them is death.

  In Edward’s view, the Children’s Rescue Center on Berlin Street has left the last light for the neighborhood where there is no hope.

   "Mr. Kenway, you are here again."

  The old director of the orphanage noticed a tall young man coming to the orphanage. As soon as he came in, many children in the orphanage ran over with innocent smiles, and they didn't need to guess who it was.

  The little guys hugged his thigh and called "Mr. Kenway~" obediently.

   "Don't worry, everyone has it."

  His rough voice in the past was extremely gentle today. Edward touched the heads of these poor children. Some of them were mentally handicapped, some were suffering from diseases, and they struggled and worked hard every day to survive.

  It seems that all the suffering in the world has come to this small asylum.

  He took out candies and other gadgets from the crumpled handbag, and handed them to the little guys who were acting like a baby to him.

  After finishing this, Edward took the old dean into the room, took out a stack of banknotes of moderate amount from his pocket, and handed them over.

   "This is the living expenses of the children this month, please be sure to accept it."

   "Mr. Kenway, we can no longer ask for your money. Now the economic downturn is difficult for everyone, and everyone is having a difficult time. You have done enough, but it is not in line with the rules to continue to support like this."

  The old dean shook his head vigorously, his attitude was very firm.

   "Dean, the monthly subsidy from the Wood District government is only 20 crowns, but in fact the actual number of people adopted by the hospital has exceeded 30. In addition to daily expenses, the money for medicine and medical treatment is far from enough.

  Could it be that you really have the heart to delay your children's illness because you can't afford medicine. "

  Edward was well aware of these data, and under his strong persuasion, the determination of the old dean was still shaken.

   "Sir, I've been wanting to ask you for so long, what do you do for work?" The old dean looked at him curiously, as if he didn't understand where he got so much spare money.

   "Working for some rich guys, fortunately, the bonuses are quite good." Edward Kenway thought it was funny and perfunctory, and he didn't dare to reveal his identity here.

  Everyone knew that the Woodland police were in league with the big real estate developers who displaced them, and they thought these lackeys were as much of a **** as those vampires.

  The police are definitely the most hated people in the Wood District.

  If the old dean knew his true identity, he would never take money from him again.

  His current occupation and identity are not suitable for standing in the light to do these glamorous things, it is better to hide in the dark.

  Follow the direction of your heart.

   This is enough.

   After staying here for a while, Edward was ready to leave after a while with the poor children on Hudong Road.

   At the end, he took out some change from his bag and put it on the table, "Sir, by the way, let's buy some food for the children outside the door. It doesn't need to be too much, and everyone should share as much as possible."

   "Don't sympathize with those little bastards, rely on a 'craft' to see if they won't starve to death."

  The old dean harshly reprimanded the older children.

  Sometimes they stole or cheated, and sometimes even set up the idea of ​​an orphanage to **** food from younger children. Naturally, he didn't have a good face towards them.

   "If they had a choice, they would definitely not want to be like this." Edward has seen too many such examples. If everyone can choose their own origin, no one wants to be born in Wood District.

   After repeated requests, the old dean compromised and agreed to his request, "If everyone in Baia had a heart like yours, sir, they wouldn't end up here."

  “There are some problems in our country temporarily. The gentlemen above can’t hear the voices below. Maybe this is a long and difficult time, but I believe that we can do better in our country.”

  Edward Kenway, as if convincing himself, said again forcefully, "I have always believed in this."

   This sentence seems to be speaking to the old dean, and it seems to be cheering up this endless asylum.

  After walking out of Berlin Road, Edward felt extremely relaxed.

  Use this method to repay the mistakes you have made. Although these efforts are just a drop in the bucket for the unpredictable environment, even if it is a weak force, save as many as you can.

  For an inconspicuous person like him, if he can do a little, it's a little bit.

   Take a breath, light a lamp,

  Where there are lights, there will always be people.

   Not long after Edward came out, he saw a stained, gray-haired homeless man lying on a bench in the park.

  He frowned instinctively, and his instinctive professionalism made him shout in a loud voice: "Sir, you are not allowed to stay overnight here. Please contact the street rescue center if necessary."

   "Okay, I understand." After the homeless man got up, he muttered and complained a few words before leaving, "You always say that, but now what is the solution?"

  Edward's furrowed brows relaxed, and he was already used to this. He waved to a carriage that happened to pass by, and the vehicle stopped and sat on it.

   He casually reported a place name to the coachman, then closed his eyes and regained his composure.

  The carriage creaked, and the tires slid across the muddy road.

  The sound around the street is getting smaller and smaller, and it is eerily quiet.

  Until he walked two roads in a row, Edward suddenly became aware of his good professionalism. This was not the route to the location he gave, but another direction, "What are you doing?"

"Mr. Kenway, you should have realized that you have done so many bad things. You should have thought of today." The coachman said sullenly, and then jumped out of the carriage, "We represent Liz The people decided to sanction you."

  He drove the carriage to an inconspicuous alley.

  After the driver’s words fell, many masked people appeared in the alley, the leader wearing a clown smiling mask, they came from all directions, completely blocking the exit.

   "Caught it."

   "I can't believe I saw this **** bullying a homeless man just now when I met him."

   "God, he didn't even bother with those starving kids."

   "The police in the Wood area are always like this, it's disgusting."

  The more they talked, the more angry they felt. This group of strangers who didn't know where they came from suddenly swarmed up and vented all their dissatisfaction on him.

  Edward vaguely remembered that many people came up to punch and kick him.

   As for who made the first move, he really couldn't see clearly.

   Not just because these guys are wearing masks.

  They stand on the commanding heights,

  Stand in the sun.

  (end of this chapter)