MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 540 time travel

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   Obviously, the two solutions given by the ancients are too cruel.

  Transforming one's identity into the spirit world is tantamount to giving up freedom, and finding the key to the stars is even more impossible.

  The ancients were waiting to die in the temple, which was also an act of lying down without a trace after trying several methods.

  Advanced technology has been completely forgotten, and the powerful physical body will degenerate for a few more years, and I am afraid that it will be on par with Paramecium.

  The only thing that is remarkable is that they still have enough information about the starry sky, but it is already tens of millions of years ago, and I don’t know how many versions are behind.

  Tufu can't even think of being hostile to them now. Letting this race fend for itself is probably the best result for the ancients.

   "Captain Mingesa, our focus now should be on finding that key and finding a way to the starry sky."

  Tu Fu suddenly turned his head to look at the famous pirate captain, "If you still want to avenge the crew, I will never stop you.

  But I have to ensure their lives in order to grasp the situation of the key. Killing them now will also completely cut off our information source, and there is no way out. "

   "Yes, even if you can do it, even if you take revenge, I will never mind my own business."

  Uncle Roman raised his voice to express his position.

  The dream of the strong man of the Church of the Seven Gods heard the two singing together, and they also took the initiative to let go of the people in front of the temple, and let all the "old people" come out.

   Those strange-looking ancients no longer hid in the temple.

  They were silent, just facing Mingesa and waiting for death.

  This is the characteristic of the starry sky race. They can always face disaster intuitively, no matter whether it is good or bad, as long as it is their turn, they can accept it peacefully.

   Even if the ancients hide in the temple again, it will only delay the time of death, and the current human power can destroy everything in an instant.

"you sure?"

   This time Mingesa frowned slightly, obviously also tangled up, the spirituality in his body was flowing, and he didn't know why.

   Tu Fu nodded before adding:

   "Yes, sir, but I need to remind you that no matter whether we can go to the starry sky in the end, once the war of destroying the world starts, all living beings will eventually die, and it can be regarded as revenge for your crew.

  Before, nothing you did was really necessary. "

  He has given this step very well, the most urgent thing is to go to the starry sky instead of entangled with these ancient people who are like pets.

   These words not only saved Mingesa's face, but also eliminated part of the grudge in the other party's heart.

   "As you wish."

   Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Mingesa sighed slightly, then retracted the trident into his body, and the spirituality of operation stopped abruptly, and then silently retreated to the sphere of influence of the Pirate Alliance.

   This move also made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

  At this juncture, there must be no internal strife. Every top powerhouse is a precious and scarce combat power, but the ancients obviously hold a lot of secrets, at least they should not be executed now.

   It would be best if it can be handled without incident.

  After this absurd incident.

  Including the team of the polar expedition team, the manpower distributed by the major forces in the polar region was recalled uniformly, and they rested here.

   And the top powerhouses of all parties also left quietly, and based on the clues provided by the ancients, they inquired about the information related to the "Star Key" in their respective fields.

  The power of the Church of the Seven Gods, the power of the Pirate Alliance, and secret organizations such as the Rosicrucian Society, an unprecedented intelligence network, acted skillfully.

   On this day, when the forces who know all the secrets of the polar region try their best to find out the clues of the mysterious key,

   Unanimously blocked this matter from the outside world.

  Whether it is an "extraterrestrial visitor" or an "ancient person", it is not something that ordinary people can accept. It is better to let them, a group of top extraordinary people, decide internally.


  It was late at night.

   "Santa Maria."

  Tufu returned to the tent of the University of Mississauga expedition team, and after explaining the situation to Sophie, he lay down on the bed quietly with his eyes firmly fixed, and privately talked about the anchoring ceremony after hiding it from everyone.

  The moment the ceremony started, there was a "swish" sound, and when he opened his eyes again, his body was sent to the Weddell Sea near the pole.

  The "Santa Maria" at 5,000 meters under the sea.

   What is presented in front of you is still the frozen cold underwater world, and a large number of marine creatures are frozen in this moment.

   Looks stunning from the beholder's point of view.

  However, Tu Fu didn't intend to appreciate the scenery at all. He looked up at the sea with deep eyes. There were already many ships moving near the polar region.

   At this point in time, many forces are dispatched at the same time, and many of them are demigods with divination ability.

  The incident of Captain Arthur’s death at sea that year is too eye-catching in this period of history, and will definitely be noticed by interested people.

  Follow the Muggles, it is only a matter of time before they find Him.

   It is better to investigate the capabilities of this ship in advance before then.

  Standing on the deck of the ghost ship, Tu Fu looked up at his crew.

  Although the dead gods on the ship did not look like creatures worshiping the ancients, they worshiped the scarlet giant "Grosius" on the ship who was about to wake up,

  But he still didn't dare to approach that area, and his body trembled like fear.

  Tu Fu also looked at the core area of ​​the ship tangled up. When he activated his hunter senses, he could easily see that the ship was entwined with countless strange and incomprehensible runes.

  The core area is an untouchable darkness, presumably that is the scarlet giant eye "Grosius" sleeping here.

  Tu Fu thought for a moment, trying to greet him in the language of the ancients,


  Words passed along the empty area passed past.

  Unfortunately, there has been no sound for a long time, which is irrelevant to politeness.

  It's like ants shaking their tentacles towards giant-sized humans. It makes sense that they can't see but can't hear.

  After saying a word of kindness, Tu Fu thought about returning to the familiar captain's cabin, and took a serious look at the few pieces of equipment that could still be controlled.

  The radio is still working, but the gatekeeper cannot be contacted.

  The electronic screen can also be turned on, but after Qishen fell asleep, there was a huge problem with the signal source on board, and the monitoring function could no longer be activated.

   There is no need for him to do it himself on the cockpit. The will of the ship is bound to him. As long as he moves with his thoughts, he can control the direction of the ship.

   "It's better to take a boat from this world to the poles, and then go straight to the abyss, to the starry sky."

  Tu Fu stroked his chin and thought about it. It is not necessary for him to use his physical body to forcibly resist the corruption of the spiritual world. He only needs to cast his consciousness on the "Santa Maria" to do so.

  But he doesn't know the specific coordinates of the abyss, and he doesn't plan to leave now.

   "The ancients said that the key of the star can open any door, shuttle in all walks of life, and even go to different time dimensions. Let me see if you can do it!"

  Tu Fu walked towards the cockpit belatedly, and gradually opened up the driving equipment here.

  After a loud "shua", the headlights on the front and rear of the ship immediately projected a ray of light in the deep sea, illuminating the deep seabed.

   Along Tufu's body, a large amount of spirituality overflowed, and the dark, dim liquid flowed out in all directions,

   Slowly wrap the hull of the "Santa Maria" completely.

  Coating-like technology surrounds the hull of the ship without any leaks, completely within the range of using extraordinary power.


  The continuous sound of running water rang in Tu Fu's ears. This was not the flow of sea water in the deep sea, but it seemed to represent the ability of the Sequence 4 hidden scholar, "The River of Time".

  In this time dimension, He can draw the power of the long river of time from it.

  It’s not that Tu Fu didn’t think about it before, how to use the “Key of the Star (Santa Maria)” to complete the journey, and the dimension of space can go from the spiritual world to various fields.

  The time dimension can only realize this plan through the hands of adventurers.

   Sure enough, the moment the ability was activated.

  He was sent here with the Santa Maria, and in the long river of time that only He could come, the huge hull seemed small in the darkness.

  Looking at the densely packed nodes on the long river of time, Tu Fu looked at a certain past time point and muttered to himself:

   "If there is one place I want to go to, it can only be there!"

  The heart moves at will, and the moment the decision is made, the "Santa Maria" moves immediately.

  After the whistle sounded "Woo".

  The hull moved forward quickly, like a dark whale jumping into the deep sea, and after screaming, it plunged into the bottomless dark water.

  The ghost ship sinks into the river of time little by little.

  Time node: September 2, 1480.

  That was the time period when the expedition team of the Seven Schools Alliance went to the polar regions.