MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 439 meet parents

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  Chapter 439 Meet the parents

  In the hot summer of July, the sun outside the house is mixed with the breeze.

  And the smell of stewed lamb came from the room, and the hot pot bottom material was hot. Just smelling the smell at the door makes people salivate.

  The Winster family knew that Tu Fu was coming back today, Aunt Anfeier even prepared a sumptuous meal early, Uncle also took leave from the police station in advance, Sophie also dressed up early.

   At this time, everyone in the Winster family is at home.

   There is quite a triumvirate of trials.

  Sophie silently stared at the big man beside her who was calm and composed in front of the citizens of the whole capital, chatting and laughing happily with the confidential officials of various government departments.

  Don't care about the eyes of thousands of people to embrace yourself.

  Only when meeting future parents, would I stand in front of the door and ponder for a long time, and would hesitate to knock on that door.


  Miss Winster couldn't help covering her mouth and chuckling, the more she saw Tu Fu's entanglement, the strong contrast made her laugh.

   "Hey, what's so funny." Tu Fu muttered dissatisfied.

   "Oh, what's the matter with someone, didn't he have the courage to announce our relationship to the world just now, don't care about other people's eyes, why don't he have the guts to go in now."

  Sophie pursed her lips in dissatisfaction, her weird pupils kept rolling.

   Speaking of Tu Fu’s affectionate embrace at the port just now, tens of thousands of eyes were watching him boldly showing love, even a girl like Sophie who dared to love and hate felt overwhelmed with shame.

   Now is your chance to laugh at Him.

   "Sophie, is it possible that uncle and aunt don't know about our relationship?"

   "Maybe I didn't know it before, but now everyone in the capital knows it."

  Sophie blocked his retreat with one sentence, "Don't underestimate Dad's ability to collect information."

   Mr. Ethan Winster, who has always been unreliable at work, is still very focused on caring about his children.

   "So, what are you afraid of." Miss Winston tilted her head and looked at him.

   "I can't say it, I'm just worried about the uncertain future."

   After Tu Fu finished speaking, he stared at the door in front of him silently. He was used to living a life without any support when he lived alone overseas, and he was fearless no matter what he did.

  High or low is the price of a life.

  Even if they die outside, few people in this world can miss themselves.

  Since he successfully conjured up a heart, Tu Fu has naturally regained his perception of the world, and there are many things he needs to consider.

  Whether the discord with the king will affect the Winster family, whether Sophie should be careful when fighting against the enemy, and the final destination of the ghost ship, the waiting of the "gatekeeper" of the abyss, the ultimate secret hidden in the polar region...

   There are still many secrets in this world waiting for him to uncover, and the sky is falling, and it is necessary for a tall man like him to bear it.

   After returning to the kingdom to receive the honor at the beginning, after receiving the warm embrace of the people, the passion receded,

  Many practical problems will come oncoming.

  Even with his current reputation and status, Tu Fu didn't dare to say that he would be able to give Sophie, or the Winster family a guarantee and a future.

   "Hmm~ You look sad."

  Sophie placed two soft arms on His shoulders, her body leaned forward naturally,

  The upper body lies directly on top of Him.

  The two lumps of weight on his chest rubbed against his back, and the inexplicable stimulation caused Tu Fu to instantly dispel all his worries.

  Sophie didn't speak, she gently stroked Tu Fu's clean chin with her slender fingers like white lotus root.

  Gently pushed the corners of His mouth upwards, followed the **** on the bridge of the nose, stretched Tu Fu's unconsciously frowning brows, and finally put on a rather reluctant smile.

   "Hey, what are you doing?"

   "Honey, this is much more normal.

  伱A handsome man like him always frowns so ugly, he needs to smile more to look good. "Sophie has a sweet voice, and her words seem to have a stabilizing effect, and she sees him like a doctor.

  Tu Fu, who has been exhausted and anxious for a long time, rarely completely relaxes his body.

   "Hehe, aren't you afraid that if I become too good-looking, I will attract other girls." He made an irrelevant joke.

   "Hmph, whatever you want, I don't want anything I can't keep."

   "Really? That's not what Shakira told me just now, and someone is not as calm as he said."

   "I haven't seen you for so long, you are still so annoying."

  Sophie curled her lips unconvinced, and lightly hit Tufu on the back with a hammer.

  After such a conversation, Tu Fu obviously felt that the anxiety in his heart had eased a lot.

  He knew that Sophie had obviously used the extraordinary power of a scammer just now to customize a "speech therapy" for herself.

  Just as Tu Fu was about to ask further about this matter, he heard a surprised female voice behind him,

  The familiar female voice only made his hairs stand on end.

   "Sophie, my husband, what are you doing here? Why don't you go in."

   At some point, a beautiful woman with a beautiful face and still charming charm stood behind them. Anfer Gustaf looked at his daughter suspiciously,

  He put his arms around Tu Fu's shoulders intimately, almost sticking together.

   This greeting was like thunder on the ground, making the two young people who were completely immersed in the ambiguity completely careless.

  Tu Fu can assure you that the most embarrassing thing in the world is when you are making out with your girlfriend downstairs at her house, and you are bumped into by an adult at home,

   I don’t know how long I have been watching it.

  Sophie was also taken aback, blinking her eyes in disbelief: "Mom, why are you here?"

   "There is some urgent business in the store, so I went back, and brought some hot pot ingredients by the way... And, I should ask you this, you are here with my husband..."

  Aunt Anfeier naturally has a strong aura, and has a natural suppressive force on the children of the Winster family.

  A question immediately made Sophie blush.

  She instinctively distanced herself from Tu Fu, and then opened the door of the house pretending to be safe and sound.

   "Aunt... Hello, Aunt..."

  Tu Fu shrugged his shoulders, and hurriedly greeted him.

  In the house of the Winster family, there is a big difference from the past. Several servants, butlers, cooks, and drivers are all available, and they have become prominent figures in Göttinghagen.

  Uncle Ethan stood in the kitchen uncharacteristically, humming with his head down in a good mood while cooking food, and turned his head away when he heard the sound of the door lock.

  The two people who happened to come in bumped into each other,

   "Uncle, long time no see."

  Uncle looked at Tu Fu with a smile on his face: "Look who is back, it turns out that our heroic boy from Baia must have suffered a lot outside."

   "I didn't suffer much."

  Tuff took a step forward and hugged Ethan Winster.

"It's just that I went to overseas islands to do some business, and I was a navigator for a while, I went around the world, and I traveled around Santa with the archaeological team, and finally I was a teacher in Tabor for a while... said It’s an amazing life to come.”

  Tu Fu packaged his experience a little bit, and the originally disgraceful deeds sounded much taller immediately.

   "Just come back safely, just come back."

  Mr. police officer in his fifties, saw the child he had watched grow up calmly talking about his experience outside, and tears flowed down without disappointment.

   Wipe the corners of his eyes quickly while no one is looking.

"Welcome home."

  Uncle Ethan hugged him tightly just like many years ago, and called out the honorific name that is now known to the people of Göttinghagen,

   "Mr. Capet."

  (end of this chapter)