MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 4 coleman's ship

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  Chapter 4 Coleman's Ship

   "Leeds College is here."

  Accompanied by a loud bang on the street, the "horse-drawn train" accurately stopped in front of a building covering an area of ​​500 acres after the driver's superb brake.

   This is a local primary education school in Leeds that integrates general education courses, academic preparatory courses and vocational education courses.

  Different from the fate of children from ordinary poor families who are destined to be exploited to death by capitalists, most of the children who graduate from here can receive a good education, and then... be exploited to death.

  If you want to go to the next level, in addition to the rigid conditions for past grades and basic assessments when applying for public universities, there are also restrictions on the identity of applicants.

  The sky-high tuition fee of 1,200 crowns per year is completely invisible discrimination against low-level students.

  The base currency of the Kingdom of Baia is Krona, Poole, and Penny.

  One Crown = 12 Poole = 120 pence.

  At present, the annual salary of an ordinary worker in Baia is only between 240 and 260 crowns, and the normal expenditure of a family of three at the bottom of the kingdom will not exceed 500 crowns a year.

   "According to the current financial situation of the Winster family, at most they can only support one child to finish college tuition." Thinking of this, Tu Fu showed a helpless smile of poverty.

  Even if you graduate from the same school, everyone will have different fates in the future.

for example:

  Sophie was admitted to a prestigious university.

  Nancy entered a secondary technical school.

  I work as a coolie in a black heart factory.

   Everyone has a bright future.


  The second teaching class of the senior grade.

  After separating from Sophie, Tu Fu came to his class according to the guidance of his memory.

  Looking at a group of classmates who are both familiar and unfamiliar in memory, it feels strange even though they have inherited this identity.

  Fortunately, the original owner is a relatively quiet person, and he doesn’t seem to have any particularly good friends on the boys’ side. Of course, no one greets him after entering the classroom.

   It's just that when Tu Fu walked in, he noticed that some girls in the class looked at him strangely. When he looked up, the female students in the seat lowered their heads, and their faces were already flushed.

  The ignorant eyes that only belonged to adolescence made him both enjoy and panic.

   "What kind of experience is a handsome boy in daily life?"

  Tu Fu chuckled quietly in his heart, wishing he could answer this question right away.

  While proud, I am also afraid of receiving a love letter from the other party. Even though I have been out of society for a long time and I am still single, I still don’t know how to deal with such things.

  In the dull classroom, there was a mildew smell on the wet floor that had just been dragged. Several students gathered together before the teacher came, seeming to be discussing something.

   "A mysterious incident happened in Leeds last night, did you know?"

   "Are you talking about the ship in Donggang that appeared and disappeared shortly after?"

   "That's just a rumor, how could there be unnumbered ships that suddenly appeared."

"Listen, this is true. My uncle who works in the shipyard told me that it is indeed an old iron-clad ship that no one has ever seen before. It is as long as two or three hundred meters. bones, and no flags of any country."

  The male student who spoke opened his arms exaggeratedly.

   "Wow, that's amazing, this is twice the size of the kingdom's latest warship."

  The rebutter whistled, with sarcasm in his tone.

   "It's definitely a ghost ship, at least I've never seen this type of strange thing, and this is the proof." The classmate said loudly, children of this age yearn for all mysterious and weird things.

   After finishing speaking, he took out a crumpled note from his pocket.

  The scribbled ink roughly outlines a layered giant ship, and even hangs an antenna, which is by no means a product of this era in terms of style.

   "Ghost Ship?"

  The speaker was unintentional, and Tu Fu boldly raised his head to glance at the painting as he walked by.

  Following that, I froze for a moment, especially when I saw the series of familiar patterns, a wave of frantic emotion spread rapidly in the cells, and my whole body trembled like an electric shock.

  He is now sure these men were talking about his ship.

  Since the ship brought him here, it might be able to bring him home. The frenzy only lasted for a moment, and Tu Fu calmed down immediately.

  The premise is to find that ship.


  As the bell rang, a gray-haired little old man walked into the classroom slowly, and the students who had just quarreled also returned to their seats one by one, and the noise in the classroom gradually subsided.

In my impression, this is Mr. Samuel Coleman, who taught general education courses. He graduated from an international prestigious school and is very knowledgeable. Unfortunately, he has been in academia for many years and has not produced any results. Ten years of social life have been smoothed out.

  At the same time, he is also the teaching director of this graduating class. He is not popular with students because of his rigid and strict personality.

The staid old man's catchphrases include, but are not limited to, "You guys are the worst class I've ever brought up." A hundred times smarter than you." "If I die of anger one day, everyone here will contribute."

   It can be seen that the mudslides encountered by Mr. Coleman in his teaching career.

   "I just heard some classmates talking about ghost ships. It's an interesting topic."

  Wearing the white-haired Mr. Coleman in formal attire, he lifted the single lens hanging from the bridge of his nose slightly after he came on stage. As the teacher of general education, teaching "mysterious phenomena" is also one of the important teaching contents.

  After all, the subject of general education is actually the sum of people’s social cognition, which is simply common sense.

   "In fact, the concept of the "ghost ship" first came from a hundred years ago. After the Ryan Kingdom improved the steam engine, it raised the technological level of the entire northern continent, and also allowed more powerful iron-clad ships to roam the sea.

  Since then, a large number of ironclad fleets from various countries began to explore the world, opening the era of great navigation that we know well, and soon discovered the South Continent on the other side of the world. During this period, many ships that went out to explore mysteriously disappeared, sunk in the sea, or were wrecked, and were found to be still sailing at sea many years later are usually called "ghost ships". "

  Samuel Coleman sighed mournfully as he described the concept.

   "It is also because of the arrival of a new era of steel, cannons, and giant ships that colonial rule has made the countries of the Northern Continent truly stand at the forefront of the world.

  For example, Bania, which was the first to go to sea to accumulate primitive capital, Ryan Kingdom, which started the industrial revolution and has become a hegemon, the wealthy and powerful Landis Republic, and the vast and boundless Saloron Empire, which is rich in resources but slightly backward.

  And the Baia Kingdom, which has risen by launching wars in recent decades and is full of ambitions.

  These countries relied on maritime colonial trade to complete the primitive accumulation of capital, and colonized many backward countries and regions in the southern continent. This is how the prosperity and stability of the northern continent are now. "

   Obviously, as a general studies teacher, teaching history in class is also a very normal thing.

   "Sure enough, every road forward of human civilization is full of blood."

  Tu Fu sighed after substituting in. He had no intention of making a correct evaluation, because Baia Kingdom's current military strategy is just to stay in the forefront of the world's development.

   "Children, do you have any questions?"

   "Sir, is the existence of ghost ships real?" It was the student who tampered with the note just now who asked.

   "Of course, there are many reasons, such as encountering bad weather, facing fleet attacks from other countries, and some strange events at sea will lead to the generation of ghost ships."

   "Are these fabled ghost ships dangerous?"

   Another student asked a question.

Coleman nodded seriously after pondering: "Yes, theoretically speaking, the occurrence of this phenomenon is dangerous, especially for ordinary people. The sea is always full of unknowns and uncertainties, and most of the turmoil hidden in the darkness comes from this .

   It is worth mentioning that once you encounter similar strange incidents in the future, you must turn to the Police Department for help. "

  Suddenly, a crisp voice interrupted the noisy atmosphere of the classroom.

   "Mr. Coleman, since this ship disappeared after it appeared in Leeds, do we still have a chance to find it?"

  Tu Fu's expression was flat, but his palms were sweating. Afraid of being spotted, he boldly tried to ask the most important questions after others asked them.

  When he heard the question, the old teacher frowned palely, "As far as I guess, the existence of this ghost ship is in a strange state, or it exists in the rumored spirit world.

  The short appearance and rapid disappearance of Donggang may be due to some kind of mechanism, but before the mysterious mechanism is triggered, the ship is still in existence, which makes the ship unable to be observed. "

  Tu Fu thought along the teacher's answer and thought of a famous physics experiment.

  “It’s better to think about it in another way, assuming that the sea is a closed box, and the ghost ship is drifting disorderly in the box, and the mechanism may be triggered at any time to encounter shipwreck.

  The ship is now in a superimposed state of dead and alive. It is a ship that exists and disappears, so the key to its existence depends on whether it can be observed. "

  He smiled instead, and gave a new thinking point: "Maybe it itself is a ship that both exists and disappears."

   "Both exist and disappear?"

  Ms. Coleman is very interested in this dualistic description.

  His two wrinkled palms had nowhere to rest, and he stroked his sparsely haired forehead again and again, and a few white curly hairs fell off one by one.

  He seemed to sense something, first he felt excited, and then his eyes became particularly dull.

   Finally fell into long thinking.

  Based on the profound knowledge of Samuel Coleman, he faintly realized that there seemed to be a huge and mysterious world of truth hidden behind this inconspicuous little problem.

   "If you can clearly define the principle of this problem, perhaps later generations of scholars will collectively refer to the ghost ship problem as 'Coleman's ship'."

  Tu Fu made a proper joke.

"'Coleman's Ship', the name sounds really good, but unfortunately there is no chance in this life." A trace of self-mockery flashed across the old man's face, "Because the search for this ghost ship only exists in theory possible."

  He did not give a detailed answer. For a scholar who has never achieved results, there is nothing worse than not being able to peek into the world of truth because of his own insignificance.

  Tu Fu waved his hand and said in a comforting tone: "In terms of modern science, we are like a child playing on the seashore, sometimes finding a smooth stone, and sometimes finding a beautiful shell for joy.

  Maybe the vast ocean of truth is unfolding in front of us, but it is completely undiscovered. "

  Tuff trying to keep smiling... I hope I won't be hit by an apple, and I hope Master Newton's coffin can hold it.

  In the classroom of the senior class, the students had already started whispering.

  They don't understand what a great hypothetical proposition "Coleman's Ship" is.

"That's right, science is actually such an ocean of truth. It's really amazing to be able to pick up shells on the beach." After listening to Mr. Coleman, he shook his head vigorously and smiled, "As for the ghost ship, it's To **** with it, that's what the big guys have to worry about."

  A student with freckles beside the seat laughed softly:

   "Those geeks are busy now."

  Tu Fu turned his head and looked at him a few times, only to realize that this person is the so-called "Quick Billy" in the class.

   Presumably everyone will have such a person in their class when they were in school. They have all kinds of gossip and are well-informed. They can be called the real version of Bai Xiaosheng.

  Student Billy is such a typical student whose mouth is faster than his brain, and he won the title of "Quick Mouth".

   "Freak?" Tuf put the accent on the word.

   "There are rumors that some freaks in society may have ancient superpowers and are completely different from ordinary people." Quick Billy vaguely revealed the existence of such people as supernatural beings.

   After all, as long as people are different from normal people, they are freaks in people's eyes.

   In this regard, mutants and demon hunters are very experienced.

  From Billy’s classmate, Tu Fu learned that the superstructure of this world is very strange. In addition to the popes, kings, hereditary nobles, and feudal lords in some countries, there may be a rather special group of extraordinary people.

   "Extraordinary...ghost ship...mysterious incident...where did I come from?"

  What he saw and heard in this short day completely subverted his perception of the world.

   Although Tu Fu didn't know what Chaofan was, he was shocked.

   "We must find a way to find that ghost ship." Tu Fu subconsciously clenched his fists and secretly made up his mind, "This is the only way to go back."

  It's a pity that the clues to the Santa Maria have been temporarily cut off, and now we need a lot of money for both education and living.

  It would be nice to travel back to ancient times, and there is a three-piece set of soap, glass, white sugar, at least a lifetime of food and clothing.

   No matter how hard it is to be reborn in the past, steal passbooks and sell houses full of bitcoins. As long as you don’t get beaten to death by your parents, you will be a well-off family in the future.

  Until get out of class was over, Tu Fu followed Mr. Coleman to the office with trepidation, hesitated for a moment at the door, and then mustered up the courage to knock on the door.

   "Mr. Coleman, can I delay you for a while." Tu Fuqiang pretended to be calm, "About the 'ghost ship' you mentioned in class, I'm curious if there are other ways to find its trace."

   "It's never a bad thing to have a thirst for knowledge, and I'd love to answer it for you."

   Coleman smiled and said: "From the perspective of mysticism, if you try to find a trace of a ghost ship walking in the spirit world, you might as well try to use a directional ritual. .

  For example, you can try to meditate to outline its shape, and by repeatedly chanting its real name, capture the leaked breath and so on.

   But before that, you need to leave an anchor mark on the ship in advance. I mean something that must have a certain connection with the ship. This mark will help you find its probability in the fog. "

  In fact, both the anchor mark and the name ceremony are quite difficult prerequisites, so I say there is only a theoretical possibility. "

   "It does sound difficult." Tu Fu agrees.

Do not.

   It's entirely possible.

   At this moment, Tu Fu had a violent storm in his heart.

  Because these two extremely difficult requirements he just met.

  Not only did he know the real name of the "ghost ship", he even left something on the ship as an anchor to establish a connection with each other.

   A diary.

  After answering the question, Mr. Coleman's face became serious again:

   “I know young people are always interested in the mysterious and the weird, but that’s not something you should be exposed to at your age.

  I must warn you, child, don't think about these ethereal things, otherwise you may accomplish nothing in the future. "

   "I'm fully aware of that."



   It wasn't until the bell rang for the last class in the afternoon that Tu Fu came out of his trance.

  The students of the college filed out like sardines at the school gate, and Sophie had been waiting at the school gate for a long time.

  Different from the introverted Tu Fu, Miss Winster not only has excellent grades, but also is very popular in school. She will greet teachers and classmates politely.

  This goddess who is far away in everyone's eyes is completely different from the one at home.

  Those who didn’t know thought she was the one who was taken away.

   "This year's Golden Mask Award is not awarded to Miss Winster, I am the first to disagree." Tu Fu stepped forward and sincerely praised Sophie's hypocrisy.

   This award is the highest honor in the international theater industry for evaluating the acting skills of theater actors.

  Women in the Winster family always maintain a decent appearance when they are outside, and Sophie's talent in this aspect even exceeds that of her aunt.

  Sophie rolled her eyes very pleased, "I know that I'm going to smash the judging table soon."

   It is the season when the scorching heat has come down and the sky is in full swing. A few big trees at the school gate hang their heads down, and a row of green grass sprouts from the dry land.

  When the two were about to go back, a loving couple holding hands walked towards the school gate. The girl in a short skirt showing her thighs attracted Tu Fu to take a few more glances.

   "Hey, is she prettier than your beautiful sister?"

  Confident Sophie raised her high head and puffed out her small chest that had just taken shape.

"You don't understand, the young boys and girls in their youthful years, because of fate and coincidence, they started to know each other, and each other's hands touched each other inadvertently during the date. This kind of adolescent love of teenagers talking and laughing is a very good memory." Tu Fu expressed his heartfelt emotion: "It reminds me of me when I first came to school a few years ago."

   "Wow, you still have this experience?" Sophie naturally showed a questioning expression.

   "At that time, I was also here to watch people holding hands and breaking up."

   Tu Fu sneered and turned away resolutely, leaving only a deep back.

  Sophie: "…"

   I will add another chapter if I have something to do today, but there are 5,000 words. Anyway, few people read it and no one knows it, so it’s a little bit~



  (end of this chapter)