MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 31 Extraordinary power

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  Chapter 31 Extraordinary Power

  Leeds Comprehensive College Senior Class Two, a small news spread in the class.

  Grace Kelly’s parents came here two days ago to complete the withdrawal procedures, which aroused a lot of discussion.

  Even the students in the class who didn't have much contact with her in the class guessed for no reason. Even a trivial incident in a school with closed information would be regarded as big news.

   But there is no need for Tu Fu to worry about this. Black Swan's behavior is very secretive. After the case is solved, all news is blocked, and even the participants are clearly banned.

  Tu Fu, who came to the class today, was full of smiles. He played games with his classmates in the classroom with great interest.

  The onlookers on the side held the mentality that watching the excitement is not a big deal.

   "Billy, no one can afford it?"

   Opposite Tu Fu, "Quick Mouth" Billy with brown-red hair had a heavy complexion and pale lips, but when he heard Tu Fu's words, he couldn't help raising his brows, and shouted in disbelief:

   "Come again."

  As soon as his voice fell, Tu Fu, who stood on both sides, stretched out his palms at the same time as him. His powerful five fingers were tightly closed, and Tu Fu stretched out his fingers at an extremely fast speed the moment he stretched out his hand.

   The outcome has been divided.

"I surrender."

  In this game called "guessing the fist", after losing to Tu Fu for the seventh time, he finally gave up the little calculation in his heart, and handed over a one-crown banknote to those who were willing to bet.

   "Thanks to your attention, maybe we can have another 'Fighting Evil God'."

   "No, I will never play any games with you again."

  Billy took half a step back in horror, like Sophie who couldn't afford to lose.

  Tu Fu accepted the prize with a smile. Not only did he guess punches, but in his spare time, Tu Fu also successfully promoted a poker game called "Fighting Evil God" in class with the cards he described himself.

   In addition to providing entertainment for the students, by the way earn some insignificant pocket money.

   "Hey, do you have a knack for winning?"

   "Of course."

  Billy's eyes lit up when he heard the answer, he quietly pulled Tu Fu away, and swore seriously, "We are friends, why don't you tell me, I promise I won't tell anyone else."

   "Well, the secret is...follow your heart." Tu Fu explained with a smile, his answer was as unreliable as Big Mouth Billy's swear.

   Well, some dastardly adventurer did use the extraordinary power of the brave.

   During the stage of dealing cards or punching, the eagle eye was used to lock the opponent's cards and actions in advance.

   Wait until you make a move, use the machine-like precise control of muscles and joints to perform rapid changes in gestures, quickly deal and record cards, and fool the opponent's eyes.

   Even, at the critical moment of losing cards after placing a big bet, it can change the aura of the enemy and ourselves.

   Always force a win by a subtle margin.

  Through a simple mini-game, using three extraordinary powers at the same time should speed up the absorption of potions.

  In Tu Fu's opinion, the Transcendents of the adventurer path are simply natural gamblers, and they are better than any sequence in terms of money path.

  He can even use this advantage to go to the underground casino to make a fortune.

  Of course, winning money from the casino is not difficult, the difficulty is how to leave decently after winning a large sum of money.

   "The test results are out."

  I don't know who yelled, and focused the attention of the students in the class on a list of forms on a wall.

  At this time, no matter the grades are good or bad, the students will gather together and talk about the scores.

   "Tu Fu, quickly look at the results."

   Someone exclaimed.

  Tu Fu then slowly looked up at the list of results. He ranked third in the class with a total score of 506.

   Except for Assyrian, which is still failing, the sum of the other six subjects has reached an astonishing 450, which is much higher than his previous average level in the class.

  According to this result, it has basically passed the score line of the University of Leeds.

   And Mr. Coleman's commitment to him, using personal connections to make it easy for him to get into that university.

   "Hey, you're not going to study at home behind our backs, are you?" Billy glanced at him fearfully, his resentful eyes full of resentment.

   It’s not that we agreed to be each other’s angels together, this wave of backstabs really caught people off guard.

   "It's not surprising that Tu Fu has really worked hard recently."

   "It is impossible for someone to improve their grades so quickly."

   "Don't you forget the genius Sophie, she must have helped make up the lessons."

  Many people were also attracted by this question, and while discussing, they also turned their attention to him and waited for his answer.

  Tu Fu shrugged with a half-smile, and didn’t mind sharing his successful experience with everyone.

   "It seems that you really only saw the improvement of my score, but ignored my hard work. Remember, no one can succeed casually. Has any of you tried to solve several sets of questions without interruption?"

  Billy first bowed his head in shame, but the vast majority of people still held their heads high. It is common for students who are about to graduate to write questions.

   “Who can count an entire day solving a geometry problem.”

  Tu Fu spoke again, this time more students bowed their heads, but there were still some bookish students looking at him with unchanged expressions.

   "Last question, has any of you ever seen Liz at four o'clock in the morning?"

   Hearing Tu Fu speak quietly, this time everyone bowed their heads in shame.

  A picture vaguely appeared in everyone's minds. In the dark sky that was about to turn pale and the stars were about to disappear in the early morning, a stubborn figure was writing hard under the gas lamp, gritting his teeth and insisting on studying.

   Perhaps this is the secret of success.

  If someone really has this kind of desperate effort, they will not be assigned to ordinary classes.

  Billy stared wide-eyed, looked at him in disbelief, and asked tentatively, "So what's Liz like at four o'clock in the morning?"

   "I haven't seen it, how would I know."

  Tu Fu raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and spread his hands to the left and right.


   This answer fell into everyone's ears, and their eyes widened in unison. They didn't expect to hear such an answer.

  Seeing that Tu Fu didn't intend to speak again, the students who were watching the excitement just now saw that he didn't want to speak, so they rushed away immediately, and they didn't forget to whisper a few words of "stingy".

  At the same time, I don’t know how many people made silent calculations and decided to see the scenery of Leeds at four o’clock in the morning.

   Enjoying everyone's eyes, Tu Fu has already integrated into this group without knowing it.

   But he did not lie. Other subjects except Assyrian rely on the understanding and learning methods of the previous life education model.

  As long as you master the main points, it is not difficult, and with a little practice, you can quickly improve the basic points.

   What's more, after taking the potion, his mind is extremely clear, and most of the things he has browsed can be remembered at a glance. It is not difficult to improve a hundred points in a short period of time.

  You never know how easy it is for those who have good grades in the class and don’t look **** the surface.

   "Perhaps, I should really try to attack the Seven Schools League."

  Tu Fu stared at the grade board and stretched. He really missed Aunt Anfeier's smile when he laughed at his thoughts.

   When the time comes, take the admission notice from one of the seven school alliances and yell at the whole family,

   "Don't bully young people into poverty".


  South Port, Old Jonah's Tavern.

   Even though it’s not night yet, this neon-colored tavern can’t help but have a lot more guests. There are many reasons for this. The alcohol here is never watered, and the store has just been renovated.

   But most importantly, a group of hot dancers have come here recently.

  Roman Richard glanced straight across the **** girls' bodies, and sat on the bar counter, unabashedly expressing his appreciation for them with his eyes.

  But at this moment, I didn't go forward to have a wonderful story with any of them, because there are still several important guests who want to meet today.


It didn't take long for a thin, pale young man to open half of the door. He was dressed strangely, with a black hood covering his head, and most of his exposed face was covered by a pair of sunglasses. block.

   It doesn't look like he wants to be recognized.

  After arriving at this tavern, Mason Adams' eyes collided with the rogue uncle sitting at the bar in the air, and sparks sparked invisibly.

  The chief knight of the Black Swan church organization under the Church of Goddess of Wisdom met the leader of the largest underground organization in Liz, which is definitely not a trivial matter in the extraordinary circle.

  The two sides are even on opposite sides in some aspects.

   "Mason, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

  Roman handed over a glass of yellow rum, and the latter closed the barrel glass expressionlessly, but still frowned, "Why did you ask me to meet in such a noisy place?"

   "Sometimes, you just lack a pair of eyes to discover beauty."

  Roman interrupted unceremoniously, and said straight to the point: "However, I am very grateful for the information you provided yesterday. The attack on the church has been solved."

   "What information?"

   Mason Adams didn't understand the old guy's words.

  Roman frowned subconsciously, and quickly suppressed it, "Didn't you pass the news about the Leeds Grand Theater to the Black Swan and the Police Department?"

  A few days ago, Mason knew a little about the Black Swan’s actions, and it seemed that it was caused by a forbidden object, but after hearing this, he bluntly denied it, “The Brotherhood didn’t provide you with any information.”

  Looking at the puzzled expression of the other party, he added an appropriate sentence,

   "Unless you are willing to pay for it."

  The seasoned Roman didn't bother with this topic, and in a few sentences, he already understood that things were not that simple.

  He also noticed that Mason's face was abnormally pale, and his body's air mechanism was on the verge of collapse. He couldn't help but wonder, "You're actually injured?"

   It is definitely not an ordinary person in Leeds to be able to injure the Sequence 7 Nightmare of the Dream Maker pathway to such an extent.

   Mentioning this incident, Mason felt a lingering fear at first when he thought of the punishment he would receive after forcibly divination, and then said viciously: "This is none of your business."

"I see."

  Roman was not angry at all, a strange golden symbol flashed quickly in a pair of pupils, and he said calmly: "Speaking of which, have you found the person who stole the potion last time?"


  Mason sighed in despair and then fell silent, as if he didn't want to make more answers on this topic.

   "Why don't you let me check it for you? Actually, it's not that difficult." Roman's lips moved slightly, and a faint smile flashed, but suddenly broke out in the next moment,

   "But you have to tell me all the branches and members of the Brotherhood in Leeds."

  His words were as sharp as a sword, and the blade pierced directly into the opponent's heart.

   He didn't give the other party any time to breathe. This sentence made Mason Adams's bloodless face paler like a terrible curse, and his trembling lips were biting to the point of bleeding.

   However, immediately his pupils became cloudy, without a trace of expression, and even the muscles subconsciously relaxed completely.

"I do not know."

  Mason's answer was very affirmative, but as the spokesperson of the Brotherhood, his answer seemed ridiculous.

Under Roman's puzzled gaze, Mason couldn't help but smile, "Roman, just before meeting you, I hypnotized myself in advance, and I will never answer any of your intelligence questions about the Brotherhood .”

  For a Sequence 7 nightmare, this is a very simple matter.

   At the same time, the two of them couldn't help cursing secretly in their hearts at the same time.


  Old ninja.

  (end of this chapter)