MTL - I Got on a Ghost Ship By Mistake and Was Forced To Be the Captain-Chapter 16 Goddess Church

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  Chapter 16 Goddess Church

  After the short family meeting was over, Ethan called the brothers and sisters by their names. He put away the seriousness of the conversation just now, and gently rubbed his face to cover up the exhaustion from a hard day.

   Watching the two children come down the stairs, Ethan raised a bright smile,

   "How are you doing, kids?"

   "Just now, I lost three hairs."

  Miss Sophie who came downstairs rubbed her enviable thick blond hair in frustration, "If the high-level selection is not over yet, sooner or later I will be like you."

  Hearing what my sweetheart said, my uncle's face darkened, he subconsciously stroked his thinning forehead, and sighed helplessly: "When you reach my age, you will understand everything.

  I've been obsessed with work recently, maybe tomorrow you can accompany your mother to the Goddess Church on Central Avenue. "

  Mrs. Anfield agreed with her husband to let go of this dangerous matter, but as a believer in the goddess of wisdom, she will go to church to pray for a satisfactory resolution of the case.

   "But you have never been there before." Sophie ruthlessly exposed.

  Before getting married, the local Anfeier family where my aunt lived were devout believers in the goddess of wisdom, and had strict religious requirements for their children's future partners.

  The thick-skinned Ethan naturally became a faithful believer of the goddess.

   Although he never went there once.

   "Don't care about those forms, the status of a goddess in my heart is second only to your mother."

  Sophie felt unbelievable: "I am actually ranked third."

  The aunt had a look of disbelief, and smiled coldly: "That's really an honor."

  Ethan retorted with reason, "Besides, going to church is a very troublesome thing. You can't always ask me to go to church every week and talk to a group of people I don't know."

   "Little man, what do you think?"

   "Of course I'm fine."

  Tu Fu calmly agreed, and planned to take this opportunity to expand the scope of surveillance.

  As the goddess of wisdom born on the sixth day of God’s creation, she is also regarded as the **** of war and victory in mythology. My aunt went to church to worship, probably hoping that Uncle Ethan would be blessed by the gods and win an early victory.

   And smeared Uncle Ethan without leaving a trace in his heart, "With uncle's ability, if you want to solve this case with your own ability, you really need to pray to the goddess."

   "Perhaps we can use the surveillance playback to help uncle catch the perpetrator."

  Thinking of the monitoring system on the ship that is comparable to Sophon, Tu Fu couldn't help but feel a little more confident in finding the murderer.

  He also lives in a foster family, and also helps his incompetent uncle solve the case.

  After the family conversation at night, Tu Fu went back to study as usual, but what happened just now made him focus on the gas lamp above his head.

   Fuel power generation seems to be burning banknotes.

  Tufu stared directly at this expensive metal device at home. If I remember correctly, its usage fee is as high as one kroner per month.

   "Black bread costs 1 penny and 1 pound, buses cost 2 pennies a day, beef costs 1 pool per pound... the price of shirts is 9 pounds and 15 pence."

  Tu Fu's thoughts gradually let go, and he began to worry about "making money" again.

  It's a pity that in Leeds, apart from doing some odd jobs selling newspapers, children of his age have to go to the factory and be exploited to death.

  The daily consumption of the Winster family is much higher than that of ordinary families, and there is almost no extra money for the second child to receive higher education.

  Uncle Ethan, no matter how careless he was, would have realized this a long time ago, so he took the risk of taking the case of the suspected mysterious incident.

   "Perhaps, there are some other ways to solve the tuition fee."

  Looking down at the schedule, Tu Fu's eyes suddenly brightened.


  A blinding thought emerged.

  If I remember correctly, the dead people on the ship seem to have scattered a lot of valuable things, and the jewelry, gold and silver worn by the upper-class celebrities can circle the ship twice.

  Borrowing some casually can solve the current embarrassing situation.

  Provided that if they are willing to borrow...

   "Sure enough, the ways to make money are all written in the criminal law."

  Rewriting took out a pen and paper, and Tu Fu added another inconspicuous small goal in the next boarding schedule.

   Earn him a thousand crowns first.


  Sunday, early morning.

   God's Sunday.

   According to the time agreed with his family, he should go to church today. Tu Fu simply put on a black uniform and a brim hat, perfectly blending into a part of this era.

  The beauty-loving Sophie happily changed into a black gauze skirt embroidered with golden lotus leaf patterns. The fluffy skirt danced with the twisting of the slender waist, and she jumped like a rabbit when she went out.

  Using the words of the Winster family, nothing is more important than decency.


  After driving for a long distance in an independent carriage, a gray-white church with a prominent spire and semi-elliptical windows is in sight.

  The noisy central street is full of pedestrians traveling, but in front of this ancient church, it is extremely quiet, which makes people feel an inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

   "You guys wait for me at the door, it won't take too much time."

  Aunt Anfeier also wore a plain black long dress, a lace-brimmed hat, and an exquisite handbag, like a graceful and luxurious lady of a celebrity.

   "Why don't we go in too?"

  Sophie looked sideways at the church curiously, she was interested in everything related to mystery.

   "My dear, it is unreasonable for a believer who is not a goddess to enter the church without authorization." The aunt looked at her daughter with a smile.

  In the Winster family, only Mrs. Anfield firmly believes in the Goddess of Wisdom and insists on going to church every week.

  In fact, the new generation of children's belief in the Seven Gods has dropped too much.

  The steam engine and a series of modern inventions made the word "technology" gradually become the mainstream. At the beginning of this century, the name of the **** of steam and commerce has a tendency to catch up with the original seven gods.

   "Okay then." Sophie sighed regretfully.

   "Good morning, Mrs. Anfer."

  Standing at the main entrance of the church, an amiable middle-aged man wearing clergy clothes smiled and said, "Maybe you can let them in, I don't think the goddess would mind someone listening to her teachings.

   "Mr. Fredo, since you say so, I think they are also very willing to accept the glory of the goddess."

   "Praise the Goddess."

  The middle-aged clergyman adorned his chest three times with his fingers. On it was the symbol of the goddess of wisdom and the church emblem composed of a spear and a shield.

   After saying hello, Mrs. Anfer put on a professional smile, and then made the same move: "Praise the goddess."

  Sophie thanked happily: "Thank you, Mr. Fredo."

   "I wish there was a way for you to be quiet inside for a while."

  Anfil expressed concern about this.

  Tu Fu decisively gave the answer: "Of course, tie Sophie."


  Sophie immediately rolled her beautiful eyes and gave him a hard look.

  The corners of the aunt's mouth moved slightly, and she raised her hand to rest her forehead in a rather tired heart. After repeated instructions, she dared to lead the two naughty children into the room slowly.

  When Tu Fu followed the crowd to the interior of the church with quiet steps, he seemed to be shrouded in a warm light. Off-white stone pillars were scattered on both sides of the seat, and there were dozens of symmetrical glass windows on the four sides.

  The tall and empty Santiago church was quiet, and the rows of wooden pews were filled with men and women who also came to pray.

  They come from all walks of life, including celebrities and wives from the upper class, and ordinary pawns, but the difference in class does not create barriers. Under the guidance of the priest, they pray silently and complete the church hymn.

  In this ceremonial building, everyone has the same identity—goddess believer.

   At the front is the mahogany tabletop of the prayer table, and a few unburned candles are still burning.

  And on the wall is the portrait of the Goddess of Wisdom, holding a spear and a shield, and wearing a crown of wheat ears on his head, looking sacred and solemn.

  Even an unbeliever like Tu Fu would not feel moved when he saw such a scene with his own eyes.

"what is that?"

  At this time, a scroll in the church caught Tu Fu's attention.

  The scene in the painting is full of darkness, and the thunder and lightning strikes as if the world is destroyed.

  Only the goddess of victory who descended from the sky was illuminated by light and wrapped in armor. She pierced the terrifying beast with a spear in her hand, and there were black people under the goddess' feet.

  People danced and danced, as if celebrating the scene.

   "This is the scene where the goddess kills the dangerous beast Aenes, and she protects the people who believe in her in the temple." Fredo, the gatekeeper who had just stood at the door of the church, walked over with a smile on his face.

   "People are singing hymns to cheer the goddess, this is the one now."

  Fredo, the disciple, held the church Bible "Gospel" with a smile, and raised his idol to the young men and women.

   "It's a beautiful voice."

  Tu Fu listened carefully to the singing of the believers not far away, and the melodious melody rose slowly. Even as a bystander, he could feel the peace of mind.

  As the singing deepened, his face became a little pale.

   I don't know if it's an illusion.

  I vaguely feel the imperceptible chaos and madness from the orderly and vivid chants, hitting the soul again and again.

  Looking at the believers singing hymns and the murals in the church, the two seem to have reached a certain degree of fit,

  A sense of uneasiness rose from my heart.

   This may be the instinct he cultivated from the turmoil on the ship, and he has a natural sense of discomfort for those dangerous things.

  Instinctively, he wanted to turn around and leave, but when he saw his aunt in the crowd, a trace of hesitation flashed in Tu Fu's eyes, and he immediately made a compromise.

   "Children, it is a good choice to believe in the goddess of wisdom. Among the seven gods, the goddess is definitely the most benevolent and the most virtuous. In Genesis, she has repeatedly blocked God's anger against the world, and she used her own power to contain the danger spreading in the darkness."

  Fredo talked about the legend left by the goddess, and once praised his greatness.

   "Something has to be done to get my aunt's attention."

  Tu Fubiao began to meditate silently. He had no reasonable reason to directly interrupt the prayer activities of the believers, which was absolutely disrespectful.

   Facing the preacher, he subconsciously asked:

   "You said that the goddess is the most benevolent one among the seven gods?"

   "Of course, at the same time, she is also the supreme goddess of wisdom, the spokesperson of war and justice, the symbol of the lord of glory, and the enigmatic wise man. She is the embodiment of wisdom, the guardian of secrets, the **** of literature and art, and the mother goddess of owl at dusk.

  His spear of war is indestructible, his shield is indestructible, and he always protects the most faithful believers. "Mr. Fredo seemed to feel that his words had an effect.

  Looking at the disciples who were still enthusiastic about Amway, Tu Fu's eyes suddenly lit up, and a bold idea appeared.

  He first silently apologized to the most benevolent Goddess of Wisdom in his heart, begging to forgive him for what he did next, and then said: "I understand what you said, so sir, I think I have a very important question?"

   "Happy to answer for you."

   "You just said that the goddess of wisdom has an indestructible spear?"

   "Of course, that is a golden spear made of rare meteorite in the world, a peerless divine weapon blessed by God himself."

   "There seems to be an indestructible shield?"

  "To be precise, after killing the beast Aenes, he peeled off its skin and took off the shield of glory embedded in the center of the monster's head." Fredo's expression was proud and confident.

  Tu Fu suddenly realized, and asked that rather rude question as if deliberately finding fault:

   "So, can the goddess' indestructible spear penetrate the goddess' indestructible shield?"

  (end of this chapter)