MTL - I Got Caught After Flirting with the Wrong Person-Chapter 6 step by step

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Luo Yusen walked to the stairs, saw Feibai still standing still, and asked, "Why, aren't you hungry?"

Fei Bai realized that the other party was inviting him to eat together, and quickly followed: "I'm so hungry, the reflex arc is a little difficult to use."

Only he and Luo Yusen were at the table. He originally wanted to ask his uncle and aunt politely, but then he thought that even Luo Feifei's affairs were handled by Luo Yusen. The parents of the siblings don't know what's going on.

What if you are selling drugs in the Golden Triangle.

Rich people have a lot of right and wrong, so shut up and don’t ask.

Fei Bai looked at the house, and at Luo Yusen's face that was comparable to a male star, thinking that this person could see Xu Geyang, his brain was flooded.

And it's not a little bit, it has to fill the whole Yangtze River in my head.

He suddenly realized that he had been in a daze for too long, and seemed to have attracted the attention of the man opposite, because Luo Yusen didn't know when to put down the tableware and just watched him with his leisure time.

Fei Bai was nervous for a moment, he cleared his throat and planned to say something: "...Aren't you going to discuss what happened yesterday?"

Luo Yusen's words were just casually said by Fei Bai when he went to eat. Now that he was brought up seriously by the child, he thought it was a bit funny: "Oh, then you can say it."

No, do you know what a discussion is? The discussion is that two people go back and forth with questions and answers. Am I alone saying that this is not a thought report?

Fei Bai complained in his heart, but he couldn’t offend his current Party A’s father and his future revenge helper, so he bravely said: “What I said to my senior brother yesterday was not very appropriate, I want to I'm sorry, but that's because I do... do like you a lot, and I couldn't control it and said it a little bit too much."

"A little later?" Luo Yusen repeated.

"It's been a lot, it's okay," Feibai changed his words immediately, "So I deeply reflected on myself and felt that it would be better to proceed gradually."

Luo Yusen nodded: "I personally agree with gradual progress."

However, it is rare for a child to like it, so it is not impossible for him to coax a few words.

Fei Bai blinked and decided to understand Luo Yusen's words as giving himself a chance.

The two ate quietly for a while. Feibai had no appetite at first, but after picking up a few chopsticks, he found that Luo Yusen's meal was better than any takeaway he ordered. So he thought of a very important question: "Senior brother, will I care when I come to class in the future?"

"Didn't read the contract just now?" Luo Yusen asked.

Fei Bai was embarrassed to say that he didn't look down after seeing how much his salary was. He squeezed out a cute smile and said, "I didn't take a good look at it. I've been patronizing senior brother."

Luo Yusen said "oh": "Then go back and take a good look at the place where there is no senior brother."

Fei Bai was choked for a moment, and quickly took a sip of soup and said, "...I see."

The voice is a little aggrieved.

Luo Yusen smiled lightly from his nose, and the low breath was quickly overshadowed by the sound of plastic products hitting the ground in the nearby room.

Fei Bai and Luo Yusen put down the tableware in their hands at the same time.

Aunt Zhang hurriedly ran out of that room, and her breath was a little unsteady when she stopped by the dining table: "Mr. Luo, it's because she accidentally knocked over the bowl... "

Fei Bai recalled the loud noise he heard just now, and felt that Aunt Zhang's words were really euphemistic.

At this time, there was another piercing scream from a little girl.

Luo Yusen stood up immediately: "I'll take a look."

Although his tone was still calm, Feibai could hear a hint of exhaustion. He looked at Luo Yusen's face and found that there was a faint shadow under the other party's eyes.

It's no wonder that I stayed with Luo Feifei so late yesterday and communicated with him until the second half of the night, so it's no wonder that Luo Yusen is not tired.

Fei Bai felt that this was a good time to show his tenderness and thoughtfulness. He reached out and stopped Luo Yusen: "Senior brother, let me go, just take this opportunity to get acquainted with Feifei again."

Luo Yusen hesitated for a while, then asked him, "Are you full?"

Fei Bai hurriedly said, "I'm full, and I'm feeling very good now."

After he finished speaking, he opened his eyes wide and raised the corners of his mouth to perform a "very good" energetic smile on the spot.

Luo Yusen looked at him for a while, and finally did not reject the proposal: "Okay, you go. Aunt Zhang, take him there."

"Come, come, Mr. Xiao Fei, come with me." Aunt Zhang seemed to be the savior, and immediately pulled Fei Bai's arm away.

Fei Bai walked into Luo Feifei's separate dining room, the little girl sat on the chair and played with the spoon in her hand, while screaming intermittently, and several people around were carefully cleaning up No one dared to make a sound because of the mess she had made on the ground.

Aunt Zhang gestured to those people, and they immediately took the garbage out as fast as possible.

Fei Bai approached Luo Feifei and called her name softly. When she called it for the fifth time, Luo Feifei finally had some reaction, looked up at him ignorantly, screaming The volume was also lowered.

"Very good, Feifei," Fei Bai encouraged, "learn to control yourself."

He pointed to his throat: "Relax, no no."

Luo Feifei stared at him blankly, then stretched out his hand, and two syllables beginning with b came out of his mouth.

"What?" Fei Bai didn't understand.

It was obviously not the first time that Aunt Zhang heard Luo Feifei make such a voice, she explained to Fei Bai: "Hug, she said Hug."

Feibai made an "oh" and tried to touch Luo Feifei's arm with his fingers, and then he gently wrapped her shoulders after finding that she had no resistance.

He turned around and asked Aunt Zhang: "Does she often ask for a hug like this?"

Aunt Zhang nodded and shook her head first, correcting: "I often do this with Mr. Luo, and when Mr. Luo hugs her, she will calm down."

Fei Bai nodded, looked down at Luo Feifei, and found that the little girl's eyes were very similar to Luo Yusen's.

After a while, Luo Feifei calmed down, put the spoon in his hand on the table, and returned to the quiet appearance when Feibai saw her in the morning.

Aunt Zhang "tsk tsk" twice: "Feifei, this is the first time that Mr. Luo has recovered so quickly when Mr. Luo is not around. Sometimes even Mr. Luo doesn't work. Last night, Mr. Luo After holding Feifei for a long time, she stopped shouting, and I don't know if her voice was hoarse."

Fei Bai took her hand back from Luo Feifei's shoulder: "I suggest that it is best to gradually reduce Mr. Luo's hugging and healing to Feifei, she is already nine years old, parents should pay attention to the cultivation of gender awareness stand up."

This is why he only put his hand on Luo Feifei's shoulder just now.

Aunt Zhang sighed: "Mr. Xiaofei, that's what you said, but it's not like this... There's really no way to do it. And she estimates that she won't be able to go out in this life. It's no use."

"Aunt Zhang, Feifei's life has only been nine years, and no one knows what will happen in the future." Fei Bai said.

Auntie Zhang wanted to say something, but after seeing Feibai's expression, she swallowed it and said, "Mr. Xiaofei, I'm going to bring food for Feifei, if you don't mind, just stay with her for a while. Bar."

The door of the dining room was hidden, and when she pushed it open, she saw Luo Yusen standing outside the door, just about to call "Mr. Luo", Luo Yusen shook his head slightly, Then he continued to stare at Feibai and Luo Feifei inside the door.

Aunt Zhang understood, left a small crack in the door, went to the kitchen and brought back a nutritious meal, and then quietly exited.

Fei Bai often volunteers at the children's welfare home, taking care of the children's meals is already a breeze, he squatted beside Luo Feifei, patiently watched her slowly bring the meal to his mouth, occasionally caught it with paper Falling rice grains and vegetable dregs.

Luo Feifei also made a sound other than swallowing in her throat while eating, as if she was talking, Feibai put his ear close to her, trying to hear what she was saying.

Bright sunlight hangs on the thin body of the young man, outlines a soft outline, and his eyes are gentle, as if there are countless springs hidden in it.

Luo Yusen, who was outside the door, looked at this picture, and an inexplicable sense of familiarity came to his heart. He was almost certain that he had seen Feibai somewhere. Yesterday was not the first time he and the child were meet again.

Luo Yusen couldn't help but took a step forward, wanting to look at Feibai more clearly.

Fei Bai felt the light change caused by the shaking of the figure outside the door, he raised his head and just looked at Luo Yusen.

"Senior brother." Fei Bai smiled lightly.

Luo Yusen pushed open the door and walked in: "I'm worried about Feifei, come and have a look."

"Senior brother came just right," Feibai raised his face and looked at him, "Do you have a recording pen? I want to record what Feifei said and analyze it. training, one more periodic comparison can be made.”

The boy's eyes showed a beautiful amber color in the sunlight.

Luo Yusen didn't answer him immediately. After a few seconds of pause, he said, "I'll go get it."

When he went to the study to get the recorder, he was a little absent-minded for some reason, opened the safe and glanced at it and picked one out.

The child's hand is very soft, and when he took the recorder from his palm, he deliberately rubbed his fingertips against him.

Luo Yusen glanced at his palm and asked slowly, "Junior Brother Feibai, do you think it counts as your working time now?"

Fei Bai was stunned, what do you mean, are you not going to give money today?

Rich people still care about this?

"Is...?" he said.

"Working hours seduce employers," Luo Yusen looked down at him, "Who taught you?"