MTL - I Deliver Food In a Lamborghini-Chapter 218 Old things are more careful

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  Chapter 218 Old things have a lot of small thoughts

  Nan Zhe originally planned to return to Jiangcheng tonight, and had a very important morning meeting tomorrow morning.

  But when he heard Shen Yanqing's proposal for marriage, he finally decided to stay in Huai City for one night and rush back tomorrow morning.

   Just like that, the two dismissed the manager and the kitchen staff, and sat in the lobby carefully choosing the venue for the proposal.

  The reason why she asked Nan Zhe for advice was because Shen Yanqing felt that Nan Zhe must be the one who knew Nan Ge best.

  Among these alternatives, Nan Zhe should be able to pick the most suitable one.

   After nearly two hours of picking and choosing, Nan Zhe clicked on a picture on the tablet and said, "Let's go to the playground."

"Among your plans, she's probably more interested in this." He didn't forget to help out with suggestions, "At that time, you say that you will take her here to play on her birthday, and when it gets dark, find the fireworks that will be lifted into the sky. When it’s time, just kneel down and propose.”

   "Oh, by the way, her birthday happens to be Saturday, so there should be quite a lot of people in the park. Just to make sure nothing goes wrong, just clear the venue. Do you need me to contact you?"

  Shen Yanqing shook his head, it was just a phone call.

   It's just that he doesn't approve of clearing the field.

   "There will be no tourists in the park at that time, isn't it a bit too deliberate?"

  Hearing this, Nan Zhe thought for a while, "It won't work if you don't clear the venue, and it won't work if you clear it... Then you can find some fake tourists."

   "Find a few informed ones who won't spoil the atmosphere."

   "You might as well build a group."

   This is indeed a good way.

  Shen Yanqing nodded and wrote this down.

  Nan Zhe looked at the plan carefully again, confirming the process.

  After seeing the set scene, Nan Zhe raised his eyebrows. He remembered that Nan Ge said that Shen Yanqing had a special physique.

   Allergic to many things.

  What's the matter with the roses all over the floor?

  He couldn't help but take another look at the person opposite, and sneered.

  There are a lot of small things in the old stuff.


  The next day, Shen Yanqing and Nan Ge finished their dinner outside, and they walked slowly down the street arm in arm.

  In the past few days, Huaicheng finally felt like winter.

  The tip of Nan Ge's nose was a little red from the cold. She was just about to bury her face in the scarf when she smelled the fragrance from the side.

   is sugar fried chestnuts.

  When she stopped, Shen Yanqing had to stop.

  Following her gaze, Shen Yanqing saw a small stall on the street.

   There are quite a few people around the booth, and it looks like they have to wait for a while.

   "Here are the car keys." He withdrew his hand and put the keys in her pocket. Nan Ge looked up at him in surprise, and he patted her head, "Go wait for me in the car."

  It's too cold outside.

  Nan Ge hesitated for a moment, and wanted to go there with him.

   He saw through it at a glance, "You wear too little, and you will feel very uncomfortable if you catch a cold."

  Nan Ge was pushed on the shoulder by him, and finally left reluctantly.

   After watching her get into the car in front, Shen Yanqing turned around and went to help her line up to buy chestnuts.

  Shen Yanqing waited in line for about ten minutes, and when he was about to arrive, by coincidence, the city management came.

  The old man selling chestnuts closed the stall quickly, and the tricycle was about to kick off.

  Leaving Shen Yanqing and the urban management in a mess.

   Fortunately, before the grandfather left, he said "wait for me here". After the urban management left, Shen Yanqing waited for another ten minutes, and finally saw the grandfather riding a tricycle around and came back.

  Urban management has not gone too far.

  Shen Yanqing bought all the remaining chestnuts, and reminded the grandfather that the city management was just across the road, and told him to close the stall and go home.

  He walked in the direction of parking. The road was not long, but he happened to pass a bus stop sign.

   When walking over, the advertisement just switched, and the reflected light flickered, causing Shen Yanqing to turn his head and take another look.

   It was this look that made him freeze.

   There happened to be a bus stopping on one side, so he stepped back to make way for the bus.

   After all the pedestrians left, he raised his eyes again and looked at the advertisement inside.

  He was the only one around to stop here, and the advertisement inside was actually nothing particularly eye-catching.

   It's just an advertisement for an aquarium in Huaicheng.

  A few cartoon animals are drawn next to it.

  Shen Yanqing took the black and white penguin in the corner into his eyes, and suddenly had an idea in his heart.

  So this night, when Nan Zhe was about to fall asleep, he was awakened suddenly by the ringing of the phone.

   "Hello?" He was already angry about getting up, and now he was saving Shen Yan's face by being patient and not swearing.

   "It's me, Shen Yanqing." Nan Ge had already rested, and Shen Yanqing secretly came out to make the call.

   "I'm not blind yet, I can see the notes. Talk about things!"

  Nan Zhe didn't even bother to take the phone, so he simply turned on the speaker, let go and let the phone slip and fall on the pillow.

   "I'm going to change the venue."

   "Huh?" Nan Zhe frowned, and the next second he realized, "Where should I change it? Isn't the playground very good?"

   "I want to propose at the Penguin Pavilion in the Underwater World."

  On the other side, Nan Zhe couldn't hold back, and scolded: "Are you sick?"

   "For us, this place is more meaningful than the playground. And Nan Ge told me before that the last time she went to the aquarium was ten years ago."

  Nan Zhe began to gossip: "What's the point? Let's hear it."

  On the other side of the phone, Shen Yanqing chuckled, with a sweet voice, and threw him two words: "Secret."

  Nan Zhe: "..."

  The venue finally decided on the underwater world.

   Special Assistant Yuan was reliable and brought good news soon.

  There is only one underwater world in Huaicheng with an independent penguin pavilion, and it is currently the largest penguin pavilion in China.

  After hearing the news, Shen Yanqing breathed a sigh of relief.

   "But Mr. Shen, there is still bad news." Special Assistant Yuan held the tablet with a look of embarrassment on his face. Under the gaze of Shen Yanqing's straight eyes, he said: "I communicated with the park, and it is a bit difficult to clear the venue."

   "They said that if they want to clear the Penguin Pavilion alone, it's acceptable. But if it's the entire park...I'm afraid it won't work."

  Because this underwater world has recently built a new venue and there are activities, so many tickets are sold on Saturday, most of which are parent-child tickets.

   "It's simple." Shen Yanqing didn't think it was a troublesome thing. "Tourists who have already bought tickets can be compensated. You can talk to them over there. As long as the venue can be cleared, I can accept any result."

  With this sentence, what is Special Assistant Yuan afraid of?

  In the final analysis, if the negotiations were not agreed at the beginning, it was because the money was not in place.

   Now that the money is in place, letting go is a matter of minutes.

   Special Assistant Yuan went to talk with them for another afternoon, and brought good news to Shen Yanqing again near the end of get off work.

  The venue is done.

  On the same day, seven departments of Huasheng Group received news about team building.

   It is worth mentioning that there is a note at the end of the message: [Mr. Shen proposes marriage here on Saturday, and then everyone must show 200% of their acting skills! 】

  (end of this chapter)