MTL - I Can Rewind-Chapter 75 first day

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  Chapter 75 Day One

  Bus No. 803 ran for about an hour and twenty minutes, and finally arrived at the suburb called "Rock Foot".

  In Yan Junze’s view, this place is actually not very remote, it’s a bit like an urban-rural fringe.

  There are many newly built houses, as well as old small streets and small bungalows, and the rental house that Zhou Dali contacted Yan Junze was a two-story dilapidated self-built house.

  The landlord’s name is Lin Dong, an uncle with graying hair in his fifties. Lin Dong’s wife has passed away, and his children are all working in other places. Basically, he only comes back once a year.

  Most of the time, this uncle guards his self-built house and rents out the extra house to gather popularity, while he plays chess and chats with his neighbors outside all day long.

  Getting off the bus, Yan Junze looked up to see if the address was consistent with the house number on the street.

Zhang Xiaomo said with a half-smile behind her: "If you fail the college entrance examination and want to make a living, I can give you a letter of recommendation and have an interview and a physical examination with our Spirit Exorcist. I see how close you are to me." To a certain extent, maybe you will be a good seedling."

  Yan Junze smiled and said: "Impossible. After the college entrance examination, if you want to find me, you can go to Tianmeng University of Science and Technology. Well, the address seems to be in front."

  At this moment, the time for the first review class in the morning has already started, but Yan Junze couldn't watch it at the same time, so he had to ask Zhou Dali to record it first, and pass it on to himself later.

  The two of them went uphill along the winding small street, which stretched from the side of the main road to the top of the slope. There were houses everywhere, but there were very few people.

  Most young people go out to find work, and some houses look like no one lives in them at all.

   Arriving at a location about halfway up the mountain, the two saw Lin Dong waiting at the door.

  Lin Dong was dressed very poorly and had greasy hair. He was bored of waiting, and stood in front of the door digging his booger, flicking it on the ground while digging.

  Usually, some young people who go to work in the city will love this kind of suburban house, because it is cheap, and the transportation is convenient, and it is not far from the city center.

   As long as you run diligently throughout the year, you can save a lot of money.

   "Here is the key. You live on the first floor, and the second floor has been rented out." Lin Dong handed Yan Junze two keys, as if he was very familiar with the two.

  Yan Junze took the key carefully, for fear that this guy's booger would stick to the key.

   "Where do you live, landlord?" Yan Junze asked.

"Next door." Lin Dong pointed to a building next door that didn't look very old, "Go in and see for yourself, if you need any daily necessities, you can go to the Xinglong Supermarket on the street to buy basically everything there. "

   "When you are sure you want to live, I will come to collect the rent in half an hour. If you can't stay, go to the next door and return the key to me." Lin Dong didn't say anything more, turned and went to his own residence next door.

   "Thank you." Yan Junze thanked, took off the key, and handed one to Zhang Xiaomo.

  Zhang Xiaomo did exactly the same as before, carefully looking at the key, but didn't immediately reach out to pick it up.

  Yan Junze said: "It's okay, there is nothing on the key..."

  Before finishing speaking, Zhang Xiaomo suddenly took the key with confidence.

   "What? Suddenly you're not afraid of getting booger on it?" Yan Junze asked.

   "I do, but it's not mine." Zhang Xiaomo put away the key.

   "Damn it!" Yan Junze finally saw clearly that a lump of booger had stuck to the back of his hand at some point, and shook his hand violently.

  Scared, Zhang Xiaomo stepped aside in panic, for fear of being missed.

  The two were stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

   "There are not many people here." Zhang Xiaomo said.

  The implication is that this place is not very secluded.

   At least the second floor is rented, if something happens, it may hurt other people.

  Yan Junze nodded, took out the phone to check the time, and saw that it was the break between classes, so he called Zhou Dali: "Dali, this place is not very remote!"

   "I asked my uncle, and it is already the one that best meets your requirements." Zhou Dali said on the other end of the phone: "And the house price is also cheap, and there are not many people nearby."

   "I don't see anyone living in the building opposite, but there are neighbors here." Yan Junze said.

   "But if they don't rent it out, I can't help it." Zhou Dali said helplessly.

  Yan Junze turned on the speakerphone in advance, and Zhang Xiaomo heard it too.

  Hung up the phone, the two looked at each other.

   "Let's stay here first." Zhang Xiaomo said.

  Opening the door, the two entered the room and walked around.

  Although the outside of the house is shabby, the old-fashioned furniture inside can still be used. Anyway, they only live for seven days, and they don't care about the quality.

  The house is very small, with a living room and kitchen, and a bedroom. The total size is only about thirty-five or six square meters.

  And there is no toilet in the house, there is a toilet outside, which is shared with the residents on the second floor. It is more convenient to go to the toilet than on the second floor, because they have to go downstairs.

   There were still some daily necessities such as towels and washing utensils missing. After confirming the rental, Yan Junze and Zhang Xiaomo went to the next door and paid Lin Dong the seven-day rental price negotiated in advance.

  Then the two went to Xinglong Supermarket to buy necessities.

  Of course, this is all paid by Yan Junze.

  The spirit exorcist team sent a three-star spirit exorcist to protect him. It was good enough that he didn't ask him to pay the protection fee. It was impossible for him to use Zhang Xiaomo's money.

  Backing back to the rental house, Zhang Xiaomo started tidying up and cleaning, while Yan Junze watched the class video that Zhou Dali had sent over and made some notes.

  During the period, Zhang Xiaomo didn't ask Yan Junze to help, but just tidied up and cleaned up silently by herself, but she didn't step out of the house, and kept wandering around Yan Junze, which can be said to be very responsible.

  Of course, Yan Junze is very clear that the time-space map shows that the mother-in-law will take revenge after 72 hours, and the time of that day is from 17:54 in the afternoon.

   That is to say, if the mother-in-law wants to start revenge, it will be after 17:54 today.

   For now, he is temporarily safe.

   At noon, the two cooked two packs of instant noodles, and ate a meal with the instant noodle companion—Shuangan brand ham sausage.

  In the afternoon, Zhang Xiaomo is going to cook hot pot with sour soup, and he bought all the ingredients for hot pot with sour soup.

   It was five o'clock in the blink of an eye, and Yan Junze felt a little uneasy. Although he was helping to wash the vegetables, he kept paying attention to what was happening around him.

   But what reassures him is that Zhang Xiaomo's short knife never leaves his body, and even when he can't spare his hand, it is always attached to his waist and can be used at any time.

  It was still dark when the two had dinner, but it was already past six o'clock. At this time, as long as there was a disturbance outside, Yan Junze's heart immediately tensed up, and he was already on high alert.

  His emotions cannot be hidden from Zhang Xiaomo's eyes.

   After dinner, Zhang Xiaomo washed the dishes, while Yan Junze sat on the peeling cloth sofa in the living room and called his mother.

  After hanging up the phone, I heard Zhang Xiaomo say: "I feel that you are much more nervous now than in the morning. Don't be too nervous, the half-plastic spirit is not paying attention to you all the time, we just need to be careful."

  In fact, at this time, Yan Junze has already opened the time retracement line, and the retracement takes 4 hours as a cycle, which can be repeated continuously.

  Thanks to Shibamushan, Huajiaoi, and Jun Moxian for their rewards!

  (end of this chapter)