MTL - I Can Rewind-Chapter 67 Eat Spirits (6)

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  Chapter 67 Eating Spirits (6)

   "Nimma, it turned out that he just came out of the bed!"

  Yan Junze didn't dare to vent his anger, staring blankly at the quilt that bulged into a curved human shape.

  In the quilt, the voice of the mother-in-law who hated her mother came out intermittently, just like she was constantly venting the pain in the body and the pain in the heart after being pierced into the heart by the comb.

   But fortunately, she was covered under the quilt and did not lift the quilt.

  Yan Junze turned his head slowly, and opened the first drawer on the left side of the desk. He was very careful in the process of pulling out the drawer.

   Slow down your breathing, pull the drawer with one hand, and use your strength with the other hand to raise the drawer as high as possible to avoid making noise during the pulling out process.

   went smoothly, the drawer was pulled out without any noise.

  There are several yellowed desk calendars inside, about four or five years ago, and some papers have been ripped apart.

  Yan Junze closed the drawer extremely carefully, otherwise he would not be able to open the second drawer.

   Turning his head to look, the mother-in-law was still curled up under the quilt, and the hoarse voice was still coming out intermittently.

   Didn't alarm her.

  Yan Junze breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head, and continued to use the same trick to open the second drawer.

  Luck came, the moment the drawer was opened, he saw a pack of red candles.

   This kind of candle is not very thin, but a candle of ordinary thickness used for lighting after a power outage at home.

   After a rough look, there are probably seven or eight left. I don't know if there is enough for Lu Qiang and Wang Qin?

  Yan Junze grabbed it gently, but the transparent plastic bag wrapped in the candle made a sound inadvertently, and he immediately put his heart in his throat.

   Just clutching the bag like this, I dare not move.

   After waiting for a while, after making sure that there was no sound, he slowly withdrew his hand holding the candle bag.

   Wait, no sound? !

   It seems that the voice of the mother-in-law crying for pain has long since stopped.

  Yan Junze suddenly realized at this moment, and turned around quickly.

  Seeing that the quilt on the bed had been lifted by a corner, the emaciated mother-in-law's thin, sallow head stuck out, staring at her back without blinking, silently staring at her without any expression.

  Yan Junze's head buzzed, and his hands and feet felt numb instantly.

  He held the candle plastic bag tightly, overcame the numbness of his legs, and stretched out his hands to support the edge of the desk to stand up.

   During this process, the eyes of the mother-in-law raised slightly, followed him closely, and still stared at him silently.

  The terrifying gaze pierced Yan Junze's body like a sharp knife, and the cool blade pressed against his skin, making him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

  Under the watchful eyes of the mother-in-law, Yan Junze turned around with difficulty, and was about to take a step to leave here.

   "Where's my...comb?" The mother-in-law said suddenly.

Yan Junze didn't dare to move anymore, looked up at her, and then squeezed out the ugliest smile in his life: "Grandma Ren, don't you remember me? I helped you pull out the comb that was inserted into your chest! Yes Yes, I'll even comb your hair!"

  The mother-in-law sat up from the bed, still staring at Yan Junze with blank eyes: "Where is my comb?"

   "That comb should be with the security officer. I called the security officer for you at that time, and notified your favorite grandson Yu Xiaochang to come to see you, don't you remember?"

  Yan Junze walked while talking, and gradually approached the bedroom door.

   There is no way, it is the best choice to say good things now, after all, I have never offended my mother-in-law before, and even helped her.

  Although this old woman has become more terrifying now, there is no reason not to miss her old love!

   Sure enough, the mother-in-law didn't ask about the comb anymore, she just sat on the bed, her eyes just followed Yan Junze's movement.

   After slowly coming to the door of the bedroom, Yan Junze reached out and grabbed the doorknob, turned his head, and once again squeezed out the second ugly smile in his life to the mother-in-law, then twisted open the door and dodged out.

  Looking at it this way, even though the evil spirits have become more terrifying, they still miss their old love.

  Of course, Yan Junze doesn't think that he will let the mother-in-law forgive him for what he is going to do next.

   It's even possible that the old woman will regret why she didn't do something to herself in the bedroom in the next second.

  In the living room, Huang Chen and the three of them held hands and sat on the side of the sofa in a well-behaved manner, as if they were still guarding against interference.

   After Yan Junze left the bedroom, Huang Chen did not speak, but stared at him warily.

  Just now the voice of the mother-in-law came from the bedroom, everyone heard it, and Yan Junze happened to be in the bedroom, which gave Huang Chen every reason to believe that Yan Junze was most likely distracted by the mother-in-law.

  At this time, no one dared to believe that the person in front of him was Yan Junze himself.

  But Yan Junze ignored it, and walked quickly through the living room to the bathroom with the closed door, twisted it open, and walked in with a plastic bag containing candles.

  Behind him, the door of the master bedroom was not closed, and there was a sound of tiptoe walking.

   Huang Chen and others turned their eyes, and saw the mother-in-law appearing at the door of the bedroom.

  He immediately lowered his voice, and said to Lu Xin and Lu Jiayan: "Don't look at her! Don't talk to her!"

  In the bathroom.

  Yan Junze immediately saw Lu Qiang and Wang Qin, who were squatting in the corner and trembling.

   This time he didn't shout anymore, he went straight forward, took two weird shoulders, and handed over the package of candles: "If you want to save your daughter, eat it right away."

   Lu Qiang was stunned for a moment, but after seeing the candle, this guy obviously stuck out his tongue. As a newborn weirdo, he didn't seem to resist eating candles.

"Fast food."

  Yan Junze dropped the candle, went back to the bathroom door, and glanced outside the living room.

  I found that the mother-in-law had already walked to the sofa, exactly the same as before returning to the file, she was bending her waist into an unbelievable angle, tilting her head and looking at Lu Jiayan with her head down.

  The latter trembled with fright and closed his eyes tightly.

   "It may be too late."

  Yan Junze went back immediately and dragged up Lu Qiang and Wang Qin who were eating candles.

  As a weird thing, Lu Qiang and Wang Qin had almost no weight, which made it easy for him to drag the couple out of the bathroom and into the living room.

  At this time, Lu Qiang's mouth was full of red candles, as if he was extremely hungry, and he was chewing desperately. Although Wang Qin wanted to eat more politely, he had already eaten one and a half candles.

  Hearing the noise, Huang Chen looked over in surprise, and Lu Xin also turned to look.

  Lv Jiayan, who had her eyes closed, opened them at this moment, her gaze cast her eyes, and then she was startled, and almost let go of Huang Chen and Lu Xin's hands.

   "Dad! Mom!"

   blurted out a loud cry, at this moment Lu Jiayan seemed to have fallen into a dream, and saw her parents came back to life, squatting in front of her and eating.

  Then she saw clearly that what her parents seemed to be eating...candles, they swallowed them in big mouthfuls, their lips were covered with red wax oil, and they looked like they were hungry.

  Thanks to Huajiao i, Pujie Wang, and Su Xin Han Xiao for their rewards! Continue to ask for recommendation tickets!

  (end of this chapter)