MTL - I Can Rewind-Chapter 57 Sculpture

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  Chapter 57 Shaping Spirit Level

  After seeing a black figure get off the bed and stand up, Lu Jiayan's body was already shaking like chaff, and she said vaguely: "Mom, is it that Dad...Dad got up? I'm... scared!"

   Not only Lu Jiayan, but now Wang Qin is shaking more than her daughter. She feels her head buzzing, and she may fall unconscious at any moment.

  At this moment, although the curtains in the bedroom are all drawn, there is still light coming in from the window. Although the light is very weak, after the eyes have adapted to the darkness, they can still see very blurry.

  Wang Qin is sure that it is definitely Lu Qiang standing by the bed at this moment.

   But even after Lu Qiang got up, he didn't speak, just stood like this, let alone moved.

   Wang Qin's heart skipped a beat, and he almost blurted out Lu Qiang's name.

   But a strong sense of fear is driving her, and she must shut up. So Wang Qin kept her mouth shut tightly, refraining from calling her husband.

   Leaning close to her daughter's ear, Wang Qin lowered her voice very low, and said softly, "Don't... say... anything."

  In fact, if she could scream now, she believed that her scream at this moment would definitely break through the sky, easily lift off the roof, and shatter the human membrane.

  Yes, eardrums.

   At this moment, not to mention Wang Qin herself, even Lu Jiayan could feel that the Lu Qiang in front of her was no longer the father she used to be familiar with.

  It's very strange, his body exudes a very strange breath, as if... Suddenly there is no life.

  The mother and daughter held their breath and stood motionless at the door of the bedroom, holding each other's hands, their bodies trembling.

  The bedroom was eerily quiet.

  The mother and daughter kept their eyes on the figure standing beside the bed, not even daring to blink.

  Suddenly, the figure bent over, made a rattling sound from its throat, and began to vomit.

   From the sound of vomiting, it can be judged that he was not vomiting because he was drunk, but was retching, and spit out some very dry things, which continued, as if there was no end.

The faint light coming in from the outside made Wang Qin see that there were some soft objects, similar to hair, a lot of long hair, entwined together and almost the size of a fist. gush.

  For a moment, Wang Qin had the urge to twist the lock and open the door to escape.

   But now I don't know what's going on outside, and the sound of twisting the door lock will definitely attract Lu Qiang's attention.

  She doesn't want to attract the attention of the other party.

  She even imagined herself as a transparent person, as long as she didn't attract Lu Qiang's attention, she just stood quietly behind the door.

  However, things backfired. After Lu Qiang vomited, he bent over and kept the posture of vomiting. He could still see a lot of hair hanging from his mouth, and he staggered towards the door.

  At this moment, Wang Qin felt that his scalp was bursting, and he didn't care about anything, he turned the door lock and made a click.

   This sound really alarmed Lu Qiang, and Lu Qiang's crooked figure was startled, and he accelerated his movement speed, like a hunchbacked old woman, rushing towards the mother and daughter.

  The hair in the mouth has been dragged to the ground, making the mother and daughter panic and disgusted after seeing this scene.

  Twisting open the door, Wang Qin's legs were trembling, and she almost dragged her limp daughter out of the bedroom.

   Bumping his head against a mass of soft flesh, it was the slightly plump two-star spirit slayer Lan Jing.

  Lanjing's expression was also terrified, which was hard to see in an ordinary spirit remover, and she was still a two-star spirit remover.

   "Go, get out of here!"

  Wang Qin was grabbed by her arm and dragged all the way to the living room door, which was already open at this time.

   After a few seconds, the three rushed out of house No. 12-4.

   Huang Chen's face was pale, his body trembling slightly, and he was standing in the corridor frantically pressing the elevator buttons.

   "Ms. Lan, didn't you say... my mother... can't come here?" Wang Qin blurted out in panic.

"Your mother has evolved into a spirit-shaping level, or at least a semi-spirit-shaping level. It can divide spirits, block the horizontal wave band of the empty dimension, and resist any attack on wandering spirits. Don't talk about this, it is our spirit-killing team. Branch, she can go in too."

   Lan Jing looked back while explaining, her words frightened Wang Qin completely clueless.

  The elevator came down from the twentieth floor, but hadn't reached the twelfth floor yet.

  During this period, Huang Chen glanced at the stairs of the safe passage again.

  Lanjing reminded: "You can't take the stairs, there are very few people walking there, the air is heavy, the distance is long, and there are too many variables."

   As soon as the words were finished, there was a sound of footsteps walking on tiptoe at the door of room 12-4, in the already dark room, and it seemed that they would come out soon.

  Lanjing took out a square hidden button and threw it at the door. This is a "crushing" hidden button. When it hits the monster, it can emit extremely high energy amplitude and directly shake the weird body away.

  The toe of a cotton shoe just stepped out of the door of No. 12-4, and the "break" button exploded, emitting an energy wave, pushing Granny Ren's weird body into the room.

  The toes disappear.

   At this time the elevator has arrived.

   "Get on the elevator quickly, Zangkou can't deal with her!" Lan Jing pushed Wang Qin and Lu Jiayan into the elevator that had just opened half the door.

  Huang Chen didn't say anything, and immediately jumped in.

   Lan Jing is behind, and the last one to step into the elevator.

   Immediately glanced back, the sound of tiptoe footsteps sounded from the house again, and they walked quickly and hastily to the door of No. 12-4.

  The moment the toes of the familiar cotton shoes came out of the door, the elevator door closed and began to descend.

  Wang Qin hugged Lu Jiayan tightly, and both mother and daughter were pale.

  They never expected that Granny Ren's weirdness is so powerful now. This is probably not the ordinary weirdness that people usually say.

   It's a strange, vicious and vicious person with deep grievances.

Although the elevator was going down, Lan Jing was not idle, but took out another gray square hidden buckle, and said to Huang Chen, "This is the 'high-energy collapse' hidden buckle, and I only have this one. Finally, it can cause a short-term energy magnetic field blockade in the elevator, and Granny Ren cannot enter. But all three of you will experience short-term dizziness. Remember not to move around, I will adjust the ripple state, and I will get used to it in a while."

   Finished speaking quickly, without waiting for the three of them to react, Lan Jing threw the "high energy collapse" hidden buckle at her feet.

  With a buzzing sound, a circle of energy ripples spread out, filling the entire elevator in an instant.

  Huang Chen, Wang Qin and Lu Jiayan's heads went blank at the same time, feeling blurred and unable to see anything, but the three of them were very obedient and did not move.

  Lanjing moved the black disc in her hand quickly, skillfully.

   After a few seconds, the eyes of the three gradually became clear.

   At this time, the elevator has come to the second floor.

  Suddenly, the elevator paused and stopped with a bang. The lights in the entire elevator room flickered several times, and then went out completely.

   "She can only trap the elevator, but don't worry, Granny Ren can't come in for the time being." Lan Jing said: "Everyone stay still, just to be safe, form a circle and hold hands. I'll find a way!"

   "Where is Zhang...Mr. Zhang Lai?" Wang Qin, who found that there was one person missing, finally couldn't help it, and asked in horror.

   "Dead." Huang Chen replied.

  Wang Qin was too scared to speak.

   "I also reminded Lu Xin who was outside the door just now, and he should have run away now." Lan Jing grabbed Lu Jiayan's hand while speaking, and Huang Chen with the other hand.

  Huang Chen grabbed Wang Qin, Wang Qin grabbed his daughter Lu Jiayan, and the four of them formed a circle in the dark elevator.

  Thanks to Qin Hezai, Qingyunlu, I really don’t feel it, Longwu, and hun000 for their rewards! Please recommend tickets, thank you!

  (end of this chapter)