MTL - I Can Rewind-Chapter 498 I am Void Demon! (season finale)

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  Chapter 498 I am a Void Demon! (season finale)

   As for what will happen after lighting up the map, Yan Junze doesn't know.

   But no matter what, now is the only time to try!

  So he didn't hesitate to expend a lot of energy to cast [the third form of space-time scene overlap] one after another, as long as the Void Demon is temporarily trapped.

  This is the last powerful function of the map. In the first form of overlapping time and space scenes, simple scene overlapping can be performed, that is, as long as Yan Junze experiences the scene, he can overlap the scene time and space where the target is.

The second form is based on the first form, adding the things in the overlapping scene, not just a single, empty scene like the first form, in which there will be characters and animals in the simulated scene , even weird.

  Of course, these things only exist on the surface and will affect the state of mind of the person trapped in this time and space, but in fact they cannot have a substantial impact on the person at all.

  As for the third form, there are not only characters, animals, and weird things that appear out of thin air, but also can cause certain substantial damage to people trapped inside.

  The size of the damage depends on how real the person trapped in the space believes the scene is.

   It is the third form that traps the Void Demon now.

   During the period when the Void Demon was trapped, the pedestrians controlled by the Void Demon who had turned into corpse spirits became the source of the different-dimensional energy that Yan Junze needed.

   "The three sisters of the Zhuang family, the back-up girl He Ke'er, and Yao Long, kill the weirdness on the street!" Yan Junze ordered with a fierce look in his eyes.

  At this moment, he only knows that after the death **** is alienated, pedestrians can be turned into enchanted bodies, and after this void demon appears, these pedestrians will also only become weird, but he doesn't know what kind of weirdness it is.

However, at the same time Yan Junze said these words, those corpse spirits on the street who were originally standing still, at this moment, after the Void Demon was suddenly locked in time and space and trapped by overlapping time and space scenes, they turned around one after another, facing each other. The neighborhood, with its mouth open to reveal pale fangs, rushed towards the gate of the neighborhood.

  Of course, covered by the magnetic field of Aunt Mei, the top ghost spirit, these corpse spirits will not be able to enter for a while, but Yan Junze will not wait until that time, he needs different-dimensional energy, a lot of energy!

   "Get out!"

   With a loud shout, he was the first to manipulate the control field, and the whole person was suspended, one foot off the ground, and rushed to the gate of the community.

  The three sisters of the Zhuang family, Yao Long, the back-body girl, and Ke'er rushed out one after another, while Xiang'er stood guard at the edge of the door to prevent any fish that slipped through the net from entering.

A fierce fight unfolded, and the collision of a large number of magnetic fields gathered into black air, covering all the weirdness of the two sides fighting. In addition, it was dark under the Spirit Bridge, and only the sounds of biting, beating, and screaming could be heard. The residents of the city felt their scalps go numb at this moment, and each one of them was shivering.

  【Corpse without cause, creepy (high), completed, obtained 1500 points of different-dimensional energy. 】

  【Corpse without cause, creepy (high), completed, obtained 1500 points of different-dimensional energy. 】


   After a moment of fierce fighting, reminders of task completion began to pop up in Yan Junze's mind.

  Currently, the monsters following the killing community are all the most powerful under Yan Junze, at least they are all at the level of sculpting spirits.

The three sisters of the Zhuang family jointly launched a counterattack against the corpse spirit. They are the most powerful. After the evolution of the **** between the back-body girl and Ke'er, their combat power is equally terrifying. From time to time, Ke'er's roar of "Yah, yah, yah, yah, yah, yah!" The two moving figures are like phantoms.

   As for the magnetic pile monster, it can be called a different-dimensional energy harvester, and his rage has been brought into full play at this moment.

Although a large number of corpses are rushing out from the surrounding streets and even buildings, the scene is comparable to the real Zombie World War, but as soon as Yao Long's anger erupts, within a hundred meters of him as the center, corpses Ling was immediately emptied.

  Even a hundred meters away, many corpses were also affected, and their limbs were broken. However, even if they couldn't stand, they still crawled desperately towards Fenghua Community.

  At this moment, Yan Junze had already taken out the black spirit umbrella, propped it up with the control field, and shrouded the oncoming corpse spirits, a large amount of black air burst out and was absorbed by the black spirit umbrella.

  The energy lost in the space-time map is being replenished crazily, and the upper limit of the map's energy has been soaring upwards.

  In the area that is locked by time and space and overlaps with the time and space scene.

  The Void Demon, who looked similar to Yan Junze, found himself standing in a strange room at some point.

  Here is the choir room of Olle Metropolitan Palace Church.

  Jeffrey held the book of easy words open in his hand, and stood stiffly in the middle of the house, motionless, while Silvanus, the man of truth, stood beside the book, with one hand outstretched, pressing on the page.

   On the other side of the room, there were still standing Claytia IX, Papasa, Payend, and Lin Yishan.

  But each of these people is like a wax figure, motionless, and seems to be a dummy.

  Feeling the air flow in the room, the Void Demon didn't think it was fake, because the scene was very real, and he could even hear the heartbeat and breathing of everyone here.

   But no one moved.


  The Void Demon looked again and found Sylvanus moving.

  This gray, short guy with wrinkled skin all over his body pressed his hand on the book, and was turning his head to look at himself, showing that hypocritical, sinister and playful smile that the Void Demon has always hated.

I saw Sylvanus speak with a unique chanting tone, and said slowly: "As long as there is a space where the Void Demon exists, it will be closed without limit, and every time the Void Demon wants to escape, it will also be invisible. It adds a far harsher, firmer, invisible and irresistible yoke. Sylvanus."

   Void Demon was stunned, raised his hands to look, and saw that the skin and muscles of his arms were melting inch by inch.

   Reaching out to touch his face, the entire cheek is also melting at this moment, like flowing water, burrowing into the ground under his feet, as if he is about to fall into the endless space seal.


  The Void Demon raised his head to the sky and shouted, holding up his hands that were melting and leaving only bones. Immediately afterwards, the voice of the shout suddenly became incoherent, and turned into wild laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha…"

   Sylvanus, who had finished reciting, was stunned with a playful smile on his face, and looked at the laughing Void Demon.

At this time, the Void Demon's whole body was intact. He lowered his upturned head again, looked straight at Sylvanus, and said: "A clumsy performance pretending to be Sylvanus, trying to use lies and illusions to make me use Faith kills oneself. How can the mantra barrier be implemented successfully without even calling out my name? Hahahaha..."

   After a pause, the Void Demon looked up at the ceiling, as if he had seen through the entire locked space-time and overlapping virtual scenes.

   "And I, Void Demon, can my real name be mentioned by you?"

  The phantom in front of my eyes cracked, disintegrated, and fell like shards of glass.

   In the next second, the Void Demon returned to the gate of Fenghua Community, standing in the middle of the weird battlefield that was killing crazily.

  He descended like a demon from the sky, his whole body slowly rose up, and his eyes turned to Yan Junze who was using the control field to smash the two corpse spirits into pieces in the battlefield.

  Yan Junze suddenly panicked in his heart, feeling bad, looked up, and found that the Void Demon was freed again!

  He didn't think much about it, and once again spent a lot of energy throwing out several [time-space lock] and [time-space scene overlapping third form].

  However, the air around the Void Demon seems to have formed a solid body at this moment, surrounding it, and nothing in this void can penetrate again, unless the Void Demon himself agrees.

  After seeing Yan Junze, it stretched out its hand in this direction.

  An invisible solid space also formed around Yan Junze's body, squeezing and surrounding him tightly, and the whole person soared into the air, and flew towards the Void Demon involuntarily.

   "Could it be... about to overlap?!"

  Yan Junze was shocked, and immediately subconsciously activated the retracement.


   Thoughts came together, but there was no response!

  Although he had made a prediction before, when the fact that he couldn't go back was proved, he was still a little unbelievable.

  In fact, if you think about it carefully, the void where the Void Demon is located is where you go through the time-space map to make a big reversion every time. It is definitely impossible to say that it has no effect on your reversion.

   Not long after the Void Demon came out, all the corpse spirits had stopped attacking, and they all lay down straight like stiff dead people. The whole street was dead silent, which formed a sharp contrast with the fierce fighting and roaring just now.

   Seeing himself getting closer and closer to the Void Demon, Yan Junze felt an irresistible feeling. The disparity in strength between him and the Void Demon seemed to be separated by a huge gap.

  However, it was not once or twice that he was unable to revert. Although Yan Junze was flustered at the moment, he still took the opportunity to look at the time-space map in his mind.

  At the beginning, it was estimated that it would take about 150,000 energy to fill all the nodes and timelines. Looking at it now, the upper limit of energy has reached 159,600 points.

   And it was just right, just 400 points short of the upper limit of 160,000. Looking carefully, the last node of the entire map is in front of you, but it is still gray and not lit.

  The distance between the last node and the last node is exactly about four hundred points of energy.

   Now it seems that 160,000 energy is the upper limit of the map!

  The next moment, Yan Junze's body involuntarily floated in front of the Void Demon, the invisible solid space around his body dissipated, and the distance between the two was less than an arm's length.

  But Yan Junze's gaze stayed below.

  He is looking for a possibility, a possibility that can fill in the last 400 energy points of this space-time map.

  Since the reappearance of the Void Demon, those corpse spirits are lying stiff one by one, as if they have been dead for a long time, so they can no longer gain energy by killing them.

  At this time, the monsters below him were all terrified and unable to move, because the real strength of the void demon was completely dissipated at this moment, and the coercion brought by it had already enveloped this area.

  Aunt Mei is guarding the magnetic field of Fenghua Community, and she has reached the final edge of desperate resistance, struggling to hold on, only the last straw can completely overwhelm her.

Yan Junze's eyes quickly flicked across Zhuang Wenxian, Zhuang Wenjing, Zhuang Wenhui, and then the back-up girl and Ke'er. After staying on Ke'er for a while, he looked at Xiang'er, Kuzai and Yao Long, and then from Chang Tong Zhenzhen and the reptile passed by.

  When I saw the crawling monster lying on the ground in the community, trembling and not daring to move, a strange feeling suddenly rose.

  At this time, the Void Demon had already stretched out his right hand to Yan Junze, touching his forehead with his fingertips.

  Yan Junze didn't seem to see anything, just stared at the reptile, and suddenly said: "Partial, whether you want it or not, from now on, you are free!"

  The reptile was shaking its body, raised its head, and looked at Yan Junze who was suspended in mid-air.

  From the moment it was captured by Yan Junze in the Jianye Building, the reptile has actually been longing for freedom, but later because it was nourished in the nodes of the map and tasted the sweetness, it nostalgic for the moment when it was with Yan Junze.

   But subconsciously speaking, the reptile’s obsession is: escape from the Jianye Building, no longer be controlled by people from that moment on, and gain real freedom.

  So all along, in fact, it was only forcibly captured by Yan Junze, and its obsession has never been completed at all.

  Following Yan Junze's other weirdness, except for this crawling monster, all other weird obsessions have been completed without exception, so it is impossible to provide energy to the time-space map.

  The only thing left is this crawling monster.

   At this moment, whether it is willing or not, Yan Junze has already planned to let it go, and this guy's obsession is finally forced to complete at this moment.

  【The life I yearn for, panic (high), has been completed, and I have obtained 500 points of different-dimensional energy. 】

  In an instant, the moment the mission completion prompt popped up, the entire map suddenly lit up in Yan Junze's mind.

  Although the current energy has not been fully filled, the energy upper limit of the space-time map has been reached. The moment more than 500 nodes light up, the energy in all timelines can finally flow perfectly without hindrance.

  A delicate atlas unfolded in Yan Junze's mind like a scroll.

  Every node is crystal clear, and every timeline is like the meridians and blood vessels of the human body. A heavy and distant roar resounded in my mind, and a line of characters popped out at the same time.

  【After all the space-time maps are loaded, the host gains the power to return to any point in time regardless of whether the energy is satisfied or the time-space crack is required. This super time-space fixed-point insertion is a one-way entry, and the next startup will consume all the energy of the map. 】

   At this moment, the Void Demon's index finger touched Yan Junze's forehead, and Yan Junze's whole body shook suddenly, and his body began to become blurred and transparent.

  This body no longer belonged to him, his gaze was silently looking at everyone below, at his home in the community, which had been blocked by the shade of trees.

  At home, he could imagine that Yan Daguo, Li Man, Zhang Chengjing, Luo Wenli, and Zhang Xiaomo were nervously looking in this direction by the window sill.

   "Xiao Mo."

  The appearance of Zhang Xiaomo appeared in his mind, he seemed to be smiling, seemed to be worried, and looked at himself with frowning.

  Two lines of tears came out of her eyes, her eyes became blurred, and the pain on her face was frozen at this moment.

  In Yan Junze's mind, consciousness was being lost. At this moment, the only thought that came to his mind emerged.

   "Start super space-time fixed-point insertion!"


   In the next second, the eyes became dark, and the scene just now disappeared, including the index finger that had touched him and belonged to the Void Demon.

  In this darkness, Yan Junze found that his thinking became very clear.

  A line of text appeared in front of my eyes.

  【Please ask the host to describe the space-time that needs to be inserted. 】

   Looking at this line of text, memories kept flashing in my mind.

  The laboratory exploded, and the map merged with itself. The explosion opened up a one-way channel between the current world and the weird space.

  Wandering spirits, sculpting spirits, ethereal spirits and even demon spirits emerge in endlessly, and the world is devastated and riddled with holes...

   "Again, back to when I was reborn?"

   Thoughts appeared, Yan Junze smiled wryly.

   After silence, he suddenly shook his head.

   At the second when the super space-time fixed-point insertion was activated just now, I may have already made a decision.

  Starting all over again is just walking the path you have traveled all over again.

  Maybe there are some changes in the middle, and maybe a new timeline can be created, but in the final analysis, if you want to start a big reversion, you will definitely fall into the control of the Void Demon and cannot get rid of it.

  All of this seems to have been decided from the moment I own the space-time map.

   "Space-time map?!"

  Yan Junze opened his eyes, as if he had thought of something, but there was still a strange darkness in his eyes.

   After a while, his lips moved, and he said: "Please locate the moment before the explosion of the laboratory, when Dong Sheng, the deputy director of the laboratory, insisted on pushing the real quantum map into the 'empty state'."

  【Positioning, please wait...】

  A line of characters popped up in front of my eyes, glowing with a faint white light.

  【It is detected that the time and space to be located has deviated seriously from the current time and space, and this event may cause a paradox that the map will continue to exist. If the event is corrected, unexpected consequences will occur. Please confirm with the host? 】


   There was still thick darkness in front of him, and he didn't feel like the world was spinning, but from the moment he gave the confirmation order, Yan Junze found that he could no longer see his body.

  Whether he stretched out his hands or lowered his head, he couldn't see himself, and became nothingness.

   Only consciousness remains.

  Although this space is dark, it’s not so dark that you can’t see anything.

  He turned his head to check, and found that there was something similar to the space where the Void Demon was once sealed.

  Suddenly, he felt a strong sense of weightlessness, and his whole body fell down at an inestimable speed.


  My head roared, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of my eyes, and I couldn't see anything.

  About four or five seconds later, I heard the voices of several people talking in my ears, and another person was talking in my ear, and there was even a hand holding my shoulder.

   "Um, shoulders?"

  At this moment, Yan Junze felt his body, the whiteness in front of his eyes was receding rapidly, and what came into view was a familiar, yet seemingly unfamiliar laboratory scene.

  The room is decorated in milky white, the walls and ceiling of the room are decorated with special materials, which isolate sound and radiation, and a large quantum collider is running.

  The other side is a vacuum-like environment called "void state" by laboratory personnel, which is isolated by a special polymer container, which is about the size of a dog cage.

   "Junze, are you okay?" A concerned voice came from Yan Junze's ear, asking him.

  Yan Junze shook his head, looked down, and found that he was wearing the uniform of the laboratory, with his position and name tag on his chest, and the person who asked him was Professor Qiu Yuan, whom he had been serving.

   "Why did you suddenly turn pale just now? Did you work too much overtime recently?" Qiu Yuan asked.

   "Maybe I didn't have a good rest." Yan Junze answered.

  Qiu Yuan nodded: "Well, after the experiment is over, go back to sleep. Now pay attention to observe the experiment process and make a record. Today's moment may be a milestone moment for us to open an era..."

   "What?" Yan Junze hurriedly looked forward.

Only then did I discover that the self-running chip of the space-time map under test has been placed in a robotic arm, which is slowly extending into the polymer container, less than half away from the "empty state" of the vacuum-like environment. arms length.

Yan Junze is very clear that the quantum map in the mechanical arm is not virtual at this moment, but has been replaced with a real one under Dong Sheng's instruction, and once it is close to the "void state" and integrated into it, there will be a violent attack immediately. The space is turbulent, causing an explosion!

   "Stop!" Yan Junze shouted suddenly.

   Then he turned his head to look at Director Yan Lizhong, Deputy Director Dong Sheng and other laboratory personnel who were looking towards the podium.

  Yan Junze pointed at Dong Sheng, and said quickly to Yan Lizhong: "Director Yan, Dong Sheng has replaced the quantum map with the real one, and now the map close to the 'empty state' is not a model!"

   "What?" Yan Lizhong's body shook wildly, and he quickly shouted: "Stop! Stop! Stop!"

  The mechanical arm that was being pushed came to an abrupt stop, and the young experimenter in charge of the manipulation turned his head and looked this way in surprise.

Dong Sheng's face was ugly, and he jumped off the command platform unexpectedly, and rushed towards the young experimenter quickly. After getting close, he punched the confused experimenter in the face, then grabbed the joystick suddenly, and was about to push forward.


  The back of his head suffered a heavy blow at this moment, his arm loosened, and he couldn't exert any more strength, and he fell down.

Yan Junze put a machine in his hand that was specially used for stamping the experimental product and weighed 20 kg beside the instrument table. A corner of the machine was already stained with blood. He kicked Dong Sheng, who was already unconscious, to make sure This guy won't get up again.

  Other laboratory personnel were stunned when they saw this scene. No one expected that Yan Junze would move so fast and strike so hard.

   After Yan Lizhong was surprised, it took him a long time to recover, and he quickly ordered someone to cancel the so-called simulation experiment.

  Yan Junze didn't have any scruples, and confessed on the spot that Professor Tian and Dong Sheng had deliberately concealed the truth and provided this conditional help.

  Professor Tian was immediately controlled.

   During this process, Yan Junze did not say that his mentor, Professor Qiu Yuan, actually knew about it. He knew that Professor Qiu's threat from Dong Sheng was the main reason for this incident.

  Glanced at Professor Qiu Yuan, and found that he was also looking at him, with embarrassing, timid, and uneasy eyes.

  Yan Junze smiled and turned his head away.

  I don’t need to mention him now, but if Dong Sheng wants to confess the truth that Qiu Yuan also knew the matter, it will be out of his control.

  With the laboratory temporarily closed, state security intervened, and everyone was interrogated in isolation.

  Yan Lizhong was the first to be ruled out of suspicion. He led a team to fully demonstrate the quantum spectrum and void state of the experimental product, and finally came to the conclusion that the current environment cannot continue the experiment.

   After review by the superior, the conclusion was confirmed.

  Seven days later, the "Fangde Matrix Experiment Center Laboratory No. 01" in Huaguotanqing City announced that it would be closed indefinitely.

  At the moment when the laboratory was announced to be closed, Yan Junze, who was sitting in a separate isolation room, suddenly felt his mind go blank.

  He wanted to look inside his mind, but found that he had lost the ability to look inside, and there was nothing. The space-time map...disappeared directly!

   "Sure enough, as expected, a paradox occurred, which resulted in the space-time map no longer merging with myself!" Yan Junze muttered to himself.

  Boom boom boom!

   There was a knock on the door of the isolation room, followed by the sound of the door lock being opened by a key.

  Although Yan Junze was temporarily quarantined, his human rights were also protected. Outsiders would politely knock on the door before entering.

  Yan Junze felt very weak at this time. After starting [Super Time-Space Fixed Point Insertion], the map in his mind has been in a gray state and can no longer be run.

   Until this moment, the space-time map finally disappeared the moment the laboratory was closed.

  As the door of the isolation room was opened, Yan Junze felt that he could no longer support himself, and his whole body slowly tilted, as if after losing the atlas, this body could no longer find potential support.

  He turned his head and saw the door was fully opened, and the laboratory director Yan Lizhong and two staff members from the security department came in.

  The eyes of the three people swept across him without stopping, until they looked at the single bed where Yan Junze was sitting just now, the astonishment in their eyes became more and more intense.

   Then Yan Lizhong could not control his voice: "Where is Yan Junze?"

  Yan Junze was stunned, and looked down at himself. This time, he found that his body disappeared again, and he couldn't even see himself.

  At the same moment, there was a feeling of being surrounded by a solid space around the body, and the whole person floated up and down, flying higher and higher, until only the tops of Yan Lizhong and others could be seen.

   "Do you think you can escape?" A familiar and strange voice suddenly sounded beside my ears.

   Immediately afterwards, Yan Junze's eyes darkened, and he fell into endless darkness.


  Huaying Dadu, Tianmeng District, Suncheon City.

  Morning dew makes the plants in the garden of Fenghua Community crystal clear, eye-catching green plants that make people feel comfortable, and the slightly trembling petals are delicate and charming.


  The boy who was sleeping soundly on the bed with his **** pouted was slapped on the **** by Yan Daguo.

   "Wake up, Ozawa, the breakfast your mother made for you is almost cold! Eat it and go to school!"

  The boy on the bed moved and got up reluctantly. He naturally reached out to the bedside table, grabbed a pair of glasses and put them on himself, muttering softly.

   "Learn, learn, learn all day long."

  He turned over and sat on the edge of the bed, looked at the window near the aisle, and looked through the glass at the sky: "Oh, it would be great if there was a chaos in the world one day, so I still have to learn!"

  Huaying District.

   "Mom, what's for breakfast today?"

  Zhang Xiaomo's voice sounded behind Luo Wenli, her head poked out from Luo Wenli's right shoulder, and she looked over the kitchen counter with a smile.

   "Wow, pancakes! I want to add eggs, two eggs! Well, I want a ham!"

  Luo Wenli smiled all over her face, and reached out to tap her on the head: "Go wash up, I just woke up, and I want to eat because of the smell."

   Zhang Xiaomo looked innocent, and said in defense: "He is obviously very fragrant, isn't it?"

   After finishing speaking, I quietly sniffed my clothes.

  Well, my mother is lying, it must be delicious!

"Ha ha ha ha…"

   Looking back, Yan Junze sat in the void and laughed.

   In this boundless void, nothing can be seen except him. There are no people, no plants, no stars, no sun, not even air.

   At this time, Yan Junze, although he was sitting, gave the impression that he was suspended in mid-air, and he would not fall anyway.

  As his laughter came out, joyful emotions began to permeate, and the space was trembling.

  In his consciousness, another voice spoke with endless hatred: "Yan Junze, don't be complacent! I will definitely make a comeback. After the comeback, I will obliterate you first, and you will never be able to regain human form!"

   This voice that hates everything sounds very familiar, and it turned out to be the original Void Demon himself!

Yan Junze smiled and replied: "Is it my fault? In order to destroy you, I chose to return to the beginning of all this. I thought that destroying the map would prevent you from appearing again. Who knows that this is already the case, and you still I can quietly follow me back through the void! It’s just that you can’t think of it yourself, you can go through any void at will, but you forget that all the fused avatars before you will disappear with me back to the beginning !"

   cluck cluck...

   There was a sound of grinding teeth, and the Void Demon gritted his teeth in hatred.

  Yan Junze continued to smile and said: "Although your strength has fallen terribly, you are not the one who came to me for the final integration, so what has it to do with me? I just passively accept it, but this time..."

   As he spoke, Yan Junze raised his head and looked at the world that belonged to him in front of him: "Instead, I will control you, Void Demon—Niu Liguo."



   (End of the book.)

   I will post a closing speech later, thank you for your support! thank you all!

  (end of this chapter)