MTL - I Can Rewind-Chapter 397 Encountered problems (ask for a monthly ticket!)

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  Chapter 397 Encountered Difficulties (Ask for a monthly pass!)

   What appeared in front of my eyes was still the familiar void.

  Yan Junze consumed 700 points, and turned on [Time and Space Fixed Point Insertion] and [Butterfly Effect Stability] all.

   Of the 30,700 points of extra-dimensional energy accumulated, there are exactly 30,000 points left.

  Standing in the void, the time scale quickly appeared in front of his eyes.

  He remembers clearly the last time he saw the altar of the Banyue Exorcism Association in Metropolitan Megali, but now he does not want to go back to that point in time, but even earlier.

  Yan Junze had already made up his mind before he was about to look for cracks in time and space and start the big retracement.

  This time, it was impossible for him to stop those people when the altar was opened by himself.

  So either it is to take away the medium, that is, the "Book of Oath", or it is to prevent the various teams sent by the Half Moon Association to search for weirdness, so that these sacrifices cannot be collected, and the altar cannot be activated.

  Both methods are worth a try.

   Now it seems that it is the easiest and quickest way to go back to the place where the "Book of Oath" is stored by the Banyue Association through the function of the big rollback, and steal this book without anyone noticing.

  And if it is intended to prevent the search team of the Half Moon Association from finding suitable monsters, the time must be to clear these monsters before they search.

  Otherwise, if the other party is searching and you stop it at the same time, once the two parties meet, you will encounter more problems and difficulties.

   After thinking for a while, Yan Junze said while pondering: "I want to describe the event by myself, and use the map to locate the time and coordinates by myself."

  A line of fonts quickly popped up in my mind.

  【Please provide a specific description to facilitate better positioning of the map. 】

Yan Junze said in his heart: "The Banyue Spirit Elimination Association in Metropolis of Megali used the book of oaths as a medium to open an altar and summon a powerful possessed spirit. I want to go back to before the altar was opened, that is, they were still there. In the preparation stage, the space to go back is located in the room where the book of oath is stored."

  【Positioning, please wait...】

  【Analyzing in progress...】

  As long as these two lines appear, Yan Junze knows that the space-time positioning has been successful. For the map, there is no problem with his own description.

  But in the next second, a line of characters popped up, which surprised him a little.

  【The analysis results show that the host can be located in the room where the Book of Oath is stored, but the host will die immediately after appearing. Do you want to continue? 】


  Yan Junze was very surprised. Is the place where the Book of Oath is stored so powerful? As soon as I appear there, I will die, and I don't even have a chance to escape?

   It seems that the idea is not working.

  After thinking for a while, Yan Junze thought: "Then locate at a relatively safe location in this time and space. A location that is convenient for me to take the next step."

  The purpose of supplementing the last sentence is that Yan Junze is really not sure how smart this space-time map is, and whether he will locate his appearance in the mezzanine between the two walls.

   That place is quite safe, and it won't be discovered, but it's embarrassing for me.

  【Repositioning, please wait...】

  【Analyzing in progress...】

  【Analysis completed, positioning...】

  【Positioned, this time-space fixed-point insertion will consume 5100 points of different-dimensional energy, do you want to enter now? 】

  Yan Junze looked at the energy points that needed to be consumed, feeling terrified.

   This should be the one that consumes the most energy among these several retracements, because the time of space-time positioning may be very early, which is related to the earliest time when the Banyue Association prepared this altar.

  In addition, the location is not in Huaying Dadu, but in Meijiali. The distance spanning may also increase the energy consumption of different dimensions.

   "Enter." Yan Junze didn't think about it any more, and read aloud silently.

  The ground suddenly emptied, and the whole person fell down. Seven or eight seconds later, his feet touched the ground, and the dim scene in front of him gradually became clear.

  Yan Junze found himself squatting, squatting on the side of a huge bookcase, and there were two fabric sofas in front of him. Because the distance was relatively close, he looked very carefully. The patterns on the sofa were very beautiful and clean.

   It's just that the light in this room is relatively dim, and it's hard to see clearly in a farther place.

  Yan Junze squatted here for no reason, because there were other people in the room.

   Listening to the sound, there should be two or three people talking. These people are not sitting on the fabric sofa, but at the other end of the room, where a fireplace is burning, which is much warmer than this end of the room.

  In order to hear what the other party was talking about, Yan Junze stooped and tiptoed out from the side of the bookcase, hid behind the fabric sofa, lying there motionless.

  The voice came to my ears, it was three people from the Metropolitan of America talking, Yan Junze guessed that they should be members of the Banyue Association, and the place where I am currently, as expected, should be the headquarters of the Banyue Association.

  After all, it is impossible for these people to store high-end goods like the Book of Oath anywhere, at least they should put them in their own base camp for safety.

  A somewhat delicate male voice came: "You don't know? It's not without reason that the president called us here this time."

   "What's the reason?" Another man with a deep voice asked.

   "It's about the altar." The man with a delicate voice replied, "I don't know the details, but George knows that he has a very good relationship with Chu Linna."

   "Don't talk nonsense, my relationship with Chu Linna is normal." Another man's voice sounded, and it seemed that he was George.

  The man with delicate voice smiled and said, "I didn't say you guys are abnormal, it's just that you have a good relationship."

   "Rodney, the last person who talked about Chu Linna's right and wrong, and now his tongue is still soaked in red krona in Chu Linna's private museum." The man with a deep voice reminded.

   Rodney, with a delicate voice, chuckled and quickly changed the subject: "George, tell us, how much do you know about the altar?"

George snorted softly, obviously dissatisfied with Rodney's random guess, but he still said: "It is said that the arrangement of the altar is the meaning of the elders, and the president actually does not support this matter. But the elders of the elders The old fellow voted to pass the resolution with 19 out of 20 votes, and the president has nothing to do about it."

   "I guess, the president is the one in 20 who voted against it?" Rodney smiled.

   "It should be like this." The man with a deep voice took up the conversation, "Did Chu Linna say why the altar was arranged?"

"I mentioned something." George nodded, "It is said that if the altar is opened, it will bring greater opportunities for the association to survive. I inquired about it later, specifically about the explanation of the 'opportunity'. Chu Linna said that the opening of the altar and its weirdness Relation is the key to our mastery of most of the weirdness in this world."

   "I feel that the group of elders has gone crazy." Rodney's tone became a little excited, "It's obviously lack of consideration."

   "Perhaps they have already thought about it very clearly?" The deep voice said: "We are just guessing now, and we will know the details after the meeting."

   Now Yan Junze speculates that these three people should all belong to the core members of the Banyue Association, and they may even have certain positions, otherwise they would not come to this high-level meeting.

   "I heard that we welcomed the "Book of Oath", is this true?" This time it was George's turn to ask.

   Rodney nodded: "I also heard that the "Book of Oath" is not in the Metropolitan Museum of Ole Metropolis? How did it come to us?"

  The deep voice did not speak, it is not known whether it is not clear about this matter, or has nothing to say.

George said: "It is said that the "Book of Oaths" represents the beginning of the mystery, and no one can understand the words in the book. In fact, from the very beginning, I have wondered how likely it is that the appearance of weirdness in the world is similar to this ancient book. related?"

   "That's just your guess, George." The deep voice said at the moment: "There is more than one ancient book. If they are all related, there are at least dozens of books that are more suspicious than the "Book of Oaths."

"Yes, I think so too." Rodney interjected, "For example, there is an ancient book called "Book of Yiyan". Great because just turn it on…”

   At this moment, a door to a room near the fireplace opened suddenly, and a handsome middle-aged man with brown hair, fair skin, and a well-proportioned figure stepped into the room gracefully.

  He smiled slightly and said, "Rodney, George, Assam, you are here, the meeting is about to start, aren't you going to enter the venue?"

   "David Charles? Oh, Mr. Vice President, why are you here?" Rodney smiled in surprise.

  The three people who were discussing stood up one after another, and bowed their heads slightly to the vice president who walked into the room.

  Charles smiled and replied: "This meeting was organized by the president, and I don't need to attend."

   Rodney looked at the watch in his hand, nodded and said, "It's almost time, then let's go there first."

With a delicate crutch in his hand, Charles walked to a high table in the room, on which were placed various kinds of red wine and champagne, he nodded: "Go. Assam, you stay for a while, I will I want to know more about the weird incidents at Crela Manor."

  The deep-spoken Assam nodded, and the other two, Rodney and George, left the large room one after the other.

  The door of the room was closed, and Charles picked up the freshly poured red wine, turning the glass gently in his hand, and the red nectar inside seemed to be blood that was about to condense into a blood clot, revealing an inexplicable weirdness.

   After a moment, Charles turned around and looked at Assam.

  Assam has a slightly burly figure, with short hair, standing up one by one, piercing his hands like steel needles.

   "What do they know?" Charles asked suddenly.

   "I don't know anything, it's all speculation without source." Assam said.

   "Then the idea of ​​the president, that old guy, trying to summon them to overturn the decision of the elders, may still be a waste of time?" Charles took a sip of red wine and smiled.

   Assam suddenly made a silent gesture, Charles was taken aback, followed Assam's gaze and looked towards the commoner sofa at the other end of the room.

"Dear friend, stand up and let me see who you are. I just finished listening to my conversation with Rodney and George, do you still want to continue your sinister business?" Assam suddenly turned in the direction of the civilian sofa Open your mouth.

  Yan Junze, who was hiding behind the sofa, didn't know that the two were already looking in this direction, but he was obviously taken aback, he wasn't sure if Assam was talking about himself.

   But in the next second, a strange feeling spread from the direction of Assam. It was a feeling similar to entering a room with running electrical equipment, as if encountering static electricity, and the hairs on the skin stood up one by one.

   "Being targeted."

   This feeling is very strong, and the other party seems to attack him at any time.

  The next second, Yan Junze directly chose to backtrack.

  Time went back to the moment when he just appeared in the room, squatting on the side of the big bookcase.

   This time, he wasn't going to move.

He is sure that his performance just now will not be big enough to alarm Assam. The reason why this guy can find himself, now it seems that only he moved a moment ago, from the bookcase to the back of the fabric sofa .

  That guy may have a very keen perception of changes in the surrounding environment, so Yan Junze will not move this time, anyway, he has heard the conversation between Rodney, George and Assam just now.

   This time, the distance is a little farther, so it doesn't matter if you don't hear the conversation clearly.

  And Yan Junze understands that he is just an ordinary person, not like a weird one, who will radiate from the magnetic field around his body at any time.

  These spirit removers who are sensitive to weirdness, such as Assam, will definitely find that there is a magnetic field change in this direction.

  Now he just silently leans against the side of the bookcase, motionless, the sound of breathing, in this large room, can be completely ignored.

  The three of you were chatting with each other, and not long after, David Charles, the vice president of the Half Moon Association, pushed the door in.

Now Yan Junze knows that David Charles and Assam seem to be in a secret group. It seems that they are the one who supports the use of the book of oath to open the altar, and there are more secrets between the two that are not known to outsiders. .

  The distance from the bookcase to the fabric sofa is about four meters, because the distance is a bit far. After Rodney and George left, Charles and Assam immediately started talking, but Yan Junze couldn't hear them clearly.

  He still didn't move, just pricked up his ears, trying to listen.

   This time, as expected, Assam did not notice his existence, but the voices of the two were intermittent, and Yan Junze couldn't hear them completely after careful identification, but only roughly summed up five key contents.

  The first article is that the vice-chairman David Charles is indeed colluding with Assam. The president of the Banyue Association may not know about this, and there are not only the two of them in their gang, but also other people.

  Maybe, the elders of the association were basically bribed by Charles, which led to the decision to open the altar, no matter how loud the president's opposition was.

  The second article is that the two keep mentioning a guy named Morrison in their mouths, and their tone is awe. This made Yan Junze guess that Morrison might be extremely powerful.

  Because if you are in the association, David Charles is already the vice president, and his immediate boss has no one other than the president, so this is not an elders organization.

  The people who can make Charles still awe are mostly powerful people, such as this Morrison.

  The third key content is that although the decision to open the altar is a recent decision, in fact, the team Charles and Assam have already conspired to start the search for special weirdness.

  This time point is at least a few months ahead of schedule.

   That is, so far, they have found some special monsters as sacrifices, but the president did not nod, and it is inconvenient to send people to directly capture these monsters.

Yan Junze guessed that even if they didn't arrest them, it is very possible to send people to look after these weirdnesses, and those who can secretly look at the weirdnesses are naturally very strong, which made him unconsciously think of the thing that Charles mentioned several times. Someone named Morrison.

   But hearing Charles' tone of voice, I am in awe of this man, and it seems a bit inappropriate to ask this man to watch over those weird words.

   This point, because Yan Junze couldn't understand part of the conversation, he couldn't figure it out.

  The key content of the fourth article is that Assam learned that Chu Linna had leaked the news about the altar and the book of oaths by trapping the conversation between Rodney and George, which was not good for their next step plan.

  The two discussed whether they wanted to find an opportunity to execute Chu Linna quietly.

  The last key content, the book of oath is indeed here, and it is in the "closed room" next door.

   Judging from Assam's tone, he seemed very relieved that the book of oath was placed in this "closed room", and he was not worried about any mistakes at all.

   This news made Yan Junze feel very troubled.

It seems that Assam's strength is at least equivalent to that of Huaying Dadu's four-star spirit remover, or even five-star. Now that even he is satisfied with the place where the book of oath is stored, it means that this thing is indeed not very good Steal it out.

   Recalling that the book of oaths seemed to be in the Metropolitan Museum of Ole Metropolis before, if you want to successfully steal the book from that place, it will be as difficult as it is now.

  Just now I chose to appear in the place where the Book of Oath is stored, and the map has already reminded me that I will be killed as soon as I appear there, but now it seems that I can't do it even if I go in.

what to do?

   Now it seems that it is impossible to take the Book of Oath.

   Unified answer, the book has not yet reached the finale, it is estimated to be about two million words. And why there are death-level spirit removers from the United States and Canada in the mall, it must be the influence of the timeline. The following article will come slowly, don't panic, the author has always been as steady as an old dog.

  (end of this chapter)