MTL - I Can Rewind-Chapter 390 open your eyes (5)

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  Chapter 390 Open your eyes (5)

   Yan Junze never expected the scene in front of him.

  The woman who fell on the ground and seemed to be losing her life rapidly and irretrievably was Zhang Xiaomo.

  The woman who just stood up with a pen dripping blood in her hand was also Zhang Xiaomo.

  The two Zhang Xiaomo are not only identical in appearance, but also in the clothes they are wearing.

  Under the light of the flashlight, Yan Junze couldn't tell the difference between them, especially when one of them, Zhang Xiaomo, was about to die.

   It was obvious that Zhang Xiaomo, who was lying on the ground, was mortally wounded. Because of excessive bleeding, she was convulsing and could not wake up again.

   Zhang Xiaomo, who was holding a pen that was obviously a murder weapon, also looked terrified. She was very scared, and the pen in her hand was trembling constantly.

  After seeing Yan Junze, Zhang Xiaomo was surprised: "Junze? You... are here! How did you come?"

  Yan Junze did not approach, but pointed to Zhang Xiaomo who was about to die on the ground, and asked, "This is... what's going on?"

   Zhang Xiaomo, who was standing there, had an expression of fear again, looked at the people on the ground, and said in horror: "This possessed spirit, it will copy human beings!"

   "What?" Yan Junze was shocked, "Copy human beings!?"

"Yes." Zhang Xiaomo nodded, "It copied my appearance and came into contact with other team members. When I found out, the three team members who were with me were all dead. I don't know if this guy killed them or someone else attached to it. Body spirit. Just now, after I found it, I wrestled with it, and in desperation used this pen... to pierce its temple."

   "Where's your magnetic knife?" Yan Junze asked suspiciously.

"It's gone." Zhang Xiaomo said: "Just now in the server room, I encountered three powerful possessed spirits. Brother Yao Zhongyong, a four-star spirit remover, asked me to come out first. During this process, the magnetic knife was caught by one of them. A possessed spirit was knocked out."

   "Did it fall?" Yan Junze moved a step sideways so that he could clearly see the whole picture of Zhang Xiaomo lying on the ground.

  He noticed that this Zhang Xiaomo didn't have a magnetic knife on her body either.

   "You doubt me? Yan Junze, are you doubting me?" Zhang Xiaomo questioned.

   "Sorry, in this situation, I have to doubt." Yan Junze said without concealment: "Now I ask you to answer, and if you can answer my question, maybe I can trust you."

  Zhang Xiaomo froze for a moment, then nodded: "You ask."

   "Where did we first meet?" Yan Junze asked.

   "Your home, your home is located in Fenghua District, Suncheon City." Zhang Xiaomo replied.

   "What's in my shadow?" Yan Junze asked again.

"Fang Ning, she is hiding in your shadow, waiting for an opportunity to kill you, and let you go down to accompany her. But..." Zhang Xiaomo paused at this point, "It's not that my father has already designed a weapon for you to make Fang Ning Is it under your umbrella?"

  Yan Junze nodded, it seems that this girl is the real one.

  Actually, when Zhang Xiaomo saw him and immediately called out his name, he was basically sure that the other party was the real Zhang Xiaomo, not some clone.

   "Are you okay just now?" Yan Junze asked with concern.

  Zhang Xiaomo nodded, stepped over Zhang Xiaomo's body on the ground, and was about to walk towards Yan Junze.

  At this time, Zhang Xiaomo, who was lying on the ground, no longer twitched, obviously dead.

   At this moment, Yan Junze suddenly said: "Don't move! You stand where you are!"

   "What's the matter?" Zhang Xiaomo looked surprised.

  Because of the fierce fight with the person lying on the ground just now, her long hair is disheveled, her face is slightly pale, her clothes have been torn in some places, and her chest is still heaving.

  But since Yan Junze said not to move, she immediately took back the foot that stepped out, and didn't come over, but just stared at Yan Junze puzzled.

Yan Junze didn't look at her, but stared at the corpse on the ground, and after about a minute, he said: "If the people on the ground are transformed by possessed spirits, why haven't they turned into black gas, or why have they not turned into black air? Dissipate in a weird special way?"

   "I don't know either." Zhang Xiaomo also wondered.

  Yan Junze raised his head and pointed to her palm: "Why are you still holding the pen in your hand? Why don't you throw it away?"

   Click, the pen was thrown to the ground.

At this moment, for Zhang Xiaomo lying on the ground, part of her long hair lying on the ground was pressed by her body, and the other part was soaked in blood. At this moment, a tuft of hair in the part of the long hair soaked in blood suddenly moved. move.

  After this cluster of hair moved, all her hair twisted like an earthworm, and the part of her hair that was pressed by her body also surged out, covering the entire ground.

   This scene attracted the attention of two people in the room, and no one spoke again, just staring at this weird scene intently.

   Zhang Xiaomo, who was standing, moved her lips, and after a while, she said, "Didn't you say that she has no mutation? It is now."

  Yan Junze didn't answer, just stared at those long hairs squirming for a while, and suddenly, all the long hairs were bundled together, as if there was an invisible big hand pulling all the hair together.

  From the middle of Shuji's hair, a thin and long hair came out.

  In this scene, if Yan Junze hadn't been shining a powerful flashlight on the dead Zhang Xiaomo's head, it would have been impossible to clearly see this long hair appearing.

  The moment the long hair appeared, it suddenly flew up into the air, like a spirit snake, and rushed towards Zhang Xiaomo who was standing closest to him. The target was obviously the hair behind her.

  Xiao Mo was startled, she hid her body, stretched out her right hand and pinched the extremely fast long hair.

  A ball of black air rolled up, and the long hair kept twisting, as if struggling, but it didn't help, and soon completely turned into black air and disappeared.

   File back!

   "Damn it! How dare you kill me, Xiao Mo!"

  The picture in front of him changed, and Yan Junze reappeared at the moment when he and Lin Guo entered the meeting room through the glass gap in the outer wall.

  He barely stopped, and immediately rushed in front of Linguo, pulling the door of the meeting room open.

  He had already seen clearly the scene before replaying just now.

  The standing Zhang Xiaomo, Yan Junze can be sure, is definitely not Xiaomo herself, although he doesn't know why the other party has Zhang Xiaomo's memory, and he can talk to him fluently.

   Even the posture and the way of speaking are exactly the same, it is extremely difficult to find the flaw, and I almost believe the other party.

  But he was still sure that the Zhang Xiaomo who fell on the ground was the real one, and the person who killed her with a pen in his hand was definitely copied by the possessed spirit.

  First of all, the dead Zhang Xiaomo has never turned into black air, which is completely different from the way he usually behaves after killing the possessed spirit, which is enough for Yan Junze to arouse suspicion.

  The second point, although I don't know why a hair that seemed to come back to life emerged from the dead Zhang Xiaomo's hair, but this hair was obviously attacking the standing Zhang Xiaomo.

  The standing Zhang Xiaomo's way of counterattack seemed unbelievable to Yan Junze, which basically allowed him to confirm the true identity of Zhang Xiaomo.

  The spiritual hair, directly between Xiao Mo's fingers, turned into black air and dissipated under Yan Junze's eyes.

  The real Zhang Xiaomo doesn't have this ability. This kind of attack method is obviously the usual technique of possessing spirits.

  Perhaps, the possessed spirit can copy the body, thoughts and memory of the copied person at the same time, so that people who know it can't find any flaws at all.

  Yan Junze can only guess like this.

  Ling Guo couldn't help being surprised when he saw that he suddenly became in a hurry after entering the building, and hurriedly followed.

  After Yan Junze entered the corridor, he immediately walked quickly to the office with the glass door.

   At this moment, the sound of the pen holder falling was heard.

  Ling Guo at the back was stunned, and reminded: "There are people over there!"

  Yan Junze has already rushed to this office in a few quick steps, pushed open the door, and the flashlight shone on the side of the black desk.

   One Zhang Xiaomo was pressing the other Zhang Xiaomo to the ground, holding a pen in his hand, and poking her head.

   Zhang Xiaomo, who was lying on the ground, resisted with all her strength, kicking her legs wildly, but it seemed that she couldn't shake the person above in a short time.

   At this moment, the two people who were fighting caught a glimpse.

   "Yan Junze!"

   Almost at the same time, the two shouted in unison: "Junze, come and help, it is a possessed spirit!"

   "Ah!" Lin Guo's voice came from behind. Obviously, the four-star spirit remover was also very surprised. He didn't expect to see such a strange scene.

  Yan Junze walked over with a black spirit umbrella in hand.

  He glanced at both Zhang Xiaomo, and then without hesitation pierced the sharp tip of the black spirit umbrella into the chest of Zhang Xiaomo who was lying below and struggling to resist.

  The tip of the umbrella sank in an instant, and Zhang Xiaomo, who was lying on the ground, was taken aback.

   Zhang Xiaomo, who was riding on her body, took the opportunity to insert the pen in her hand hard into her temple.

  This pen is a ballpoint pen.

  At the moment, Zhang Xiaomo, who was lying on the ground, was also holding a pen in his right hand, but this pen was the pen that Yan Junze saw before returning to the file.

The situation is already very clear, this time he came in a little earlier, and it was during this time period that the possessed spirit who was lying on the ground was the main counterattacker, and pressed Zhang Xiaomo, who had the upper hand, under him. A pen will solve it.

  Yan Junze's guess was confirmed after a few seconds.

  After Zhang Xiaomo was helped up, the rest of Zhang Xiaomo, who was inserted by the tip of the umbrella, soon began to shake, turning into clouds of black air.

  Yan Junze did not hesitate, and immediately opened the black spirit umbrella, inhaled all the black air that came out, and another small dot appeared and then disappeared.

   This series of encounters and changes happened in a flash, and it happened too fast. Before Lin Guo, who was following behind, fully realized what was going on, the battle was over.

  The real Zhang Xiaomo was rescued.

   Pulling Zhang Xiaomo's hand, the temperature came from the fingertips, further proving that the person Yan Junze rescued was a real person.

   "What's going on?" Yan Junze asked.

"My Magnetic Knife was lost in the server room. Brother Yao Zhongyong was alone fighting against three powerful possessed spirits. The other team members and I ran out. Then all of us encountered a possessed spirit that could duplicate human beings. Ling, they all got separated." Zhang Xiaomo explained.

  But soon her expression turned dark, "I heard the screams of other team members, and I don't know if it was from them or the possessed spirit."

   "We have to find them one by one, whether they are dead or alive." Yan Junze said.

   "Now that the server is definitely destroyed, it means that Yao Zhongyong should have the upper hand in the face of the three possessed spirits." Lin Guo said at this time: "But I am still worried about his safety."

  Yan Junze nodded: "Then let's split up, Xiaomo and I will look for other team members, and you go to the server room."

   "Okay." Lin Guo agreed without hesitation, and finally said worriedly: "These possessed spirits are very weird, you should look for them on this floor. If you go beyond this area, just give up and ignore them."

  The two nodded.

  Linguo turned around and left the office, and quickly headed towards the server room.

  Zhang Xiaomo was about to follow to the corridor and began to look for the team members. Yan Junze grabbed her and asked softly: "Did you feel anything wrong during this time? For example, what's wrong with your body?"

  Zhang Xiaomo was taken aback for a moment, then her cheeks turned red, she was thinking of something, bit her lower lip, and shook her head slightly: "I am in good health, what do you want to ask?"

  Yan Junze stared at her for a moment, and said, "Stand still."

  He stretched out his hand, spread five fingers, and slowly passed through Zhang Xiaomo's hair, stroked the back of her head, and then slid down the hair tip.

  Zhang Xiaomo's body trembled at first, and then she couldn't help closing her eyes, but the next second, she opened them suddenly, with an unnatural expression, and said, "Don't do this, the situation is critical, let's go first..."

   "Don't talk." Yan Junze interrupted her, although his tone was not harsh, even gentle, but Zhang Xiaomo immediately closed his mouth, and opened his eyes wide to look at the man slightly taller than himself.

   Soon Zhang Xiaomo discovered that when Yan Junze touched his hair, he didn't have an expression of enjoyment, but a slight frown, and he was sensing something with the movement of his fingers.

   "What are you doing?" Zhang Xiaomo asked.

   "Have you noticed anything unusual about your hair?" Yan Junze asked back.

  Zhang Xiaomo shook her head: "No, it's pretty good. I've been using Piaohuhu shampoo."

  Yan Junze thought for a while, and said: "Stand still, no matter what happens, don't move."

  After speaking, he held the black spirit umbrella in front of him, and then slowly raised the umbrella in the room. When he raised the umbrella, he directly enveloped Zhang Xiaomo.

   "Don't move, no matter what happens, don't move, as long as you are inside the umbrella, you are safe." Yan Junze reminded again.

  Zhang Xiaomo didn't move at all, but raised her curious eyebrows, looked at the black spirit umbrella, and asked, "This is the big umbrella that my father gave you the idea to ask Wan Shouguang to make?"

   "Yes." Yan Junze nodded.

   At this moment, he, who had been paying attention to Zhang Xiaomo's hair, suddenly saw the hair on Zhang Xiaomo's back move suddenly, and a long hair was directly extracted by the three strands of energy in the umbrella.

  Zhang Xiaomo suddenly yelled, feeling a pain in the scalp, and was about to turn her head, but remembered that Yan Junze told her not to move, so she just raised her hand and stopped immediately.

  The long hair was obviously struggling, and wanted to get into Zhang Xiaomo's hair again, but the energy in the umbrella was so powerful, it was like a big hand, grabbing the long hair forcibly.

  The long hair that was still twisting just now was straightened out, like a stick upright chopsticks, at this moment Yan Junze signaled Zhang Xiaomo to turn around.

  Zhang Xiaomo was taken aback when she saw this hair, and immediately touched the back of her head: "This is... torn from my head?"

  Yan Junze nodded: "You felt pain just now, it must be growing in your scalp. But in my opinion, this thing doesn't seem to belong to you."


  Before Zhang Xiaomo finished her question, the long hair in front of her instantly turned into black smoke and was directly obliterated by the energy inside the umbrella.

  Probably due to too little energy, this time, there were no black dots inside the umbrella.

   "Okay, no matter what this thing is, it has been cleared now." Yan Junze said, then put away the umbrella, "Now go find your little friend."

  Zhang Xiaomo shuddered suddenly, stretched out her hand to touch her hair unconsciously, the fear that she had when she was a child suddenly filled her heart at this moment.

   Goose bumps appeared on the skin of her arms at this moment, and she suddenly said: "I think, I know how this hair came from."

  Thanks to Ding Dingdang for the reward! Thank you for your rewards! On New Year's Day, the book will be published, but I don't have any manuscripts in my hand, so I will post as much as I write that day, thank you everyone!

  (end of this chapter)