MTL - I Can Rewind-Chapter 14 Time limit ten minutes (five)

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  Chapter 14 Time limit of ten minutes (5)

  Yan Junze knew that he must be laughing awkwardly now, but he had no choice but to try not to make Zhang Tiantian angry, meet her request, and spend the last few minutes.

   "Where did you find this pen?" Zhang Tiantian didn't take the red pen and was still asking.

   "It's...on you...." Yan Junze replied hesitantly.

   "Where?" Zhang Tiantian seemed curious, and reached out to touch her face.

   Soon, her slender fingers touched the wound on the right eye socket, but they didn't stop there. With Yan Junze stunned, he touched his eye sockets with his fingers very carefully.

   Seeing this scene, Yan Junze felt like he was about to throw up.

  Glanced at the time, 8 minutes had passed, and when he was about to choose to retreat to the office door again, Zhang Tiantian's voice sounded.

   "It turns out that the opening has already been made, so I will not be polite."


  Yan Junze paused suddenly, and a sentence that the possessed spirit said just now through Zhang Tiantian's mouth jumped out of his mind: "Open an opening and **** her essence dry, it doesn't take so much effort."

  It is... to use this wound to **** away Zhang Tiantian's essence!

   What kind of operation is this! ?

  Although Yan Junze was confused, it did not prevent him from realizing that Zhang Tiantian was in extreme danger at this moment.

   Must not let this guy **** Zhang Tiantian's energy away!

   "Wait, what you touched was not a wound." Yan Junze blurted out.

  He didn't know why this possessed spirit was so poorly adapted to the body it was parasitizing, and he didn't know why this guy had to open a wound on the parasite's body in order to **** away the opponent's essence.

   But now it is obvious that it can no longer be allowed to continue, so a very bold idea came to mind that Yan Junze would not want to recall in the next three months.

  After he said this sentence, the possessed spirit was obviously taken aback.

  As the saying goes, a good opportunity is like farting unintentionally.

  Yan Junze caught it.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, he stretched out his hand, and the red ballpoint pen returned to its original place, yes, it was inserted back into Zhang Tiantian's eye socket.

At this critical moment, after realizing that the "opening" mentioned by Possession Spirit refers to the wound made by the ballpoint pen, Yan Junze will definitely not let this guy **** her energy along Zhang Tiantian's wound, so he must This "hole" must be blocked.

   And I only have this pen in my hand, so it is impossible to block it with my own fingers.

  The index finger is very important, and Yan Junze will have many uses in the future, so it cannot be discarded on it, otherwise he will have psychological shadows in the future, so he still uses a ballpoint pen.

  At a critical moment, he couldn't feel whether the insertion was deep or shallow, anyway, it was blocked.

  The possessed spirit immediately became angry, and roared through Zhang Tiantian: "Where is the hole? It's gone!"

   It's strange, after the wound on the right eye socket was blocked, this guy couldn't find its exact location.

  I saw Zhang Tiantian stood up abruptly, her face was ferocious, her whole body was tense, the veins on her neck were exposed, and her hands were constantly scratching and searching her body, as if she had lost the most important goal.

  During the search, Zhang Tiantian screamed and roared one after another, and she could guess with her toes that the teachers on the first floor guarding the stairs were absolutely silent at the moment, staring at the second floor in horror.

   Now the result is obvious, Yan Junze still angered the possessed spirit.

   It is clearly stated in the mission notes, don't try to provoke it, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

  But Yan Junze asked himself that he couldn't do it, he couldn't have witnessed Zhang Tiantian's head being gouged out by this possessed spirit for a **** hole, and then sucked all the energy out of his body.

  So when things developed to this point, it almost became inevitable.

  While Zhang Tiantian was frantically looking for the wound, Yan Junze squatted down suddenly, using both hands and feet, instantly forced out the potential of his body, and dived under the desk with lightning speed.

This desk was next to Zhang Tiantian's desk, and it was still very close to the crazy Zhang Tiantian. Yan Junze didn't have time to think about it, because this desk was also close to the window, so he immediately used the curtains as a cover, got into the second row and was still close Under the table by the window, then the third row, the fourth row.

  The fourth row of desks is empty. There are a lot of test papers and corrected test booklets piled up on it. There are also many test papers from previous years piled up on the floor in front of the desks. Some of the test papers have become moldy.

  This place can just hide a person's figure, Yan Junze immediately shrank himself in the pile of test papers, ready to use the weapon of knowledge to eliminate all demons and ghosts.

   At some point, Zhang Tiantian's roaring had stopped, only heavy breathing could be heard, and after a few seconds, even the sound of breathing gradually disappeared.

  The sound of high heels suddenly sounded, and she walked out step by step from the direction of Zhang Tiantian's desk.

  Because the teacher has a dress code, the heels of this pair of high-heeled shoes are not very high. Even though Possessed Spirit lives on Zhang Tiantian's body, he still walks steadily in them.

  The sound of walking was not too fast or slow, no longer the hysteria just now, every step seemed to step on Yan Junze's nerves.

   Soon, Yan Junze saw Zhang Tiantian's feet, walked past the third row of desks, passed by the sofa she had been lying on, and walked step by step to the fourth row of desks.

   This guy walks slowly, it doesn't find itself, it's looking.

  Yan Junze looked at the time again, 9 minutes and 21 seconds had passed.

  Even if there is an error in the timing of my mobile phone, the error will not exceed 5 seconds, so the time of 10 minutes is almost up.

  Zhang Tiantian was approaching him. He could already see blood dripping down Zhang Tiantian's feet, and the heart in his chest was beating uncontrollably, as if he had been injected with a cardiotonic.

  If this office could be quieter, Yan Junze believed that the sound of his heartbeat would betray his hidden location.

   Those pale and petite feet passed the desk where Yan Junze was hiding, and stopped by the window. From this position, Yan Junze could still see the heels of his high-heeled shoes.

  At this moment, he was extremely nervous. If the situation was wrong, he believed that the "return" password would be activated immediately.

   After about ten seconds, Zhang Tiantian turned around and left the window, walking to the desk where Yan Junze was hiding.

Looking at those feet standing in front of my eyes, I can imagine such a picture, a head with disheveled hair is very likely to look around suddenly in the next second, the most important thing is that there is a stick stuck in that head. ballpoint pen.

  Yan Junze couldn't stand this kind of suffering anymore, he would rather be active than passive, he hesitated a little, raised one foot, and kicked at Zhang Tiantian who seemed to be about to bend down.

  A kick hit the opponent's ankle, Zhang Tiantian knelt down suddenly, Yan Junze immediately pushed away the pile of test papers behind him, and got out from the other side of the desk.

  The familiar roar sounded again, boom, Zhang Tiantian flicked her legs, jumped onto the desk, stepped on the thick test paper, and rushed towards the fleeing Yan Junze.

  Running to the door of the office, Yan Junze felt his trousers tighten, and Zhang Tiantian, who rushed forward, had already grabbed his trousers with both hands, as if he was being dragged away.

  Yan Junze almost "backtracked", turned his head and glanced, stretched out his left leg and kicked the disheveled head again.

   It's a matter of life and death, so I can't take care of that much anymore. If Zhang Tiantian is really kicked to death, at worst, I won't enter this office after returning to the file, and I won't continue the task. It's okay.

   But obviously, the current Zhang Tiantian is alive and kicking, and she won't die for a while.

   Reaching for the doorknob, he glanced at the cell phone in his hand in a hurry. The timer had stopped, indicating that it was time.

  But for the sake of caution, Yan Junze dared to open the office door and run out after at least 5 seconds.

  As long as he leaves the office, there are more people and more targets, so he can escape in the chaos.

  When the idea first came to mind, Yan Junze found that his calf was cold, and his trouser leg had been torn, and Zhang Tiantian's hand firmly grasped his calf.

  Almost at the same moment, an extremely cold, strange, and violent aura penetrated into his body along the calf, and the strength of his whole body was lost so quickly that he couldn't even turn the doorknob.

   "It's over, it wants to possess me!" Yan Junze's three souls and seven souls were almost scared out of his body.

   It's time for the task, but I never thought that I couldn't escape the office!

   File back, must file back!

   It made sense to set the time back to 10 minutes and 15 seconds at the beginning, because even though the 10 minute task time has been completed, there is still a few seconds of buffer period.

  When Yan Junze was about to start the resetting, the office door slammed and was suddenly kicked open from the outside.

  (end of this chapter)