MTL - I Can Rewind-Chapter 1 The world is full of weirdness

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  Chapter 1 This world is full of weirdness

   This is the third day after Yan Junze was reborn on this planet after the explosion in the laboratory. The rebirth location is a country called Huaying Dadu.

  Tianmeng District, Shuncheon City, this city is equivalent to the second and third tier cities of Earth China before Yan Junze was reborn.

  Different from other reborn people, after rebirth, Yan Junze's parents are still alive, he doesn't receive a lunch box, and in good health, even the health care product salesman who "as long as he is ninety-eight, take them all home" has nowhere to start.

  The only difference is that this reborn world reveals a lot of inexplicable weirdness.

  For example, at two o'clock in the morning, the door outside the living room will be knocked on time. In the silent night, there will be a very pure, mechanical knocking sound that makes people get goose bumps.

  For another example, it is strictly forbidden to enter the bathroom after 12 o'clock in the middle of the night at home. Usually around 11:50, the bathroom door will be directly locked with a key.

  Of course, living people cannot be suffocated by feces and urine, so simple toilets are prepared in the bedrooms.

  After the rebirth, the memory of the original owner has not recovered. For this family, for this world, and for the inexplicable weirdness revealed everywhere, Yan Junze has built up his cognition bit by bit.

  On the second day after he was reborn, that is, on Saturday, he learned some information about the world by looking up information on the Internet.

  The so-called weirdness is called a weird event here.

  Since about half a year ago, weird events have been popping up in this world. At first I thought it was a very rare event, but soon the strange events spread all over the world.

  Some weird websites have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and there are a large number of weird pictures uploaded by netizens and videos of personal encounters. The number of pictures and videos is unimaginable. There are also special chat groups, B station live broadcast and so on.

   Fortunately, if there are weird events, they are basically limited to a certain area. If they are not close to this area, usually there will be no abnormalities. This is as if his parents forbade Yan Junze to enter the bathroom after 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

  Father Yan Daguo stipulated that the bathroom door must be locked at 11:50 every night, and could not be opened until 6:30 the next morning. As for the reason, Yan Daguo kept his mouth shut.

But there are always exceptions, not to mention that Yan Junze has just been reborn, and he has not fully formed this cognition, and he is not used to the condition of this body. On Saturday night, until he returned to the bedroom after washing, he Only to find that the glasses were still on the sink in the bathroom.

  This body belongs to a senior high school dog. After reviewing and doing exercises all day and all night, he has already formed more than 300 degrees of myopia, but other bodily functions are not bad.

   As long as he survives this year, he will be a hero again after the college entrance examination. The thought of the original body owner was a little naive and speechless.

  Yan Junze took a special look at the time. At this time, the clock had pointed to 11:54, and it took less than a minute to get the glasses away, which did not violate the rules of his father Yan Daguo.

   Besides, he has not yet established a deep understanding of the seriousness of entering the bathroom.

   Weird events? The mouthwash cup jumps up to catch the water, blood flows out of the faucet, a scary face appears in the mirror, and the face towel is on the hook.

   Before encountering it personally, everyone thought that the real horror was far away from them, and Yan Junze also thought so in his subconscious mind.

  Walking out of the bedroom, squatting in the aisle, took out the key placed under the absorbent carpet in front of the bathroom door, Yan Junze quickly inserted the key into the lock, and twisted the door open.

  The space in the bathroom is relatively narrow. A sink and a toilet occupy half of the area, and the remaining area is reserved for the shower. But when you take a shower, the water will definitely splash on the sink, or even the mirror in front of the stage.

  The whole bathroom is pasted with red and white square tiles, only the sink and toilet are pure white.

  Turn on the light in the bathroom, and the narrow room emits a warm yellow light, but the light in the bathroom is still overall dark.

  Yan Junze felt a little dizzy inexplicably, and his blurred eyes swept over various items in the bathroom, as if there was nothing unusual. After walking in a few steps, he grabbed the glasses on the sink, put them on, and returned to the bathroom door, then reached out to turn off the light.

  After putting on the glasses, Yan Junze's eyes became much clearer. When the light was turned off, his eyes glanced away inadvertently, and then he jerked violently, staring fixedly at the corner of the room between the sink and the toilet.

  There, at some point stood a little girl with disheveled hair.

  The girl was about five or six years old, facing the corner, with her back to the bathroom door. She was wearing a red lace dress, her arms and calves were bare|exposed, but covered with bruises, and her neck was tilted 180 degrees to the right, but the skin was not broken.

  Her two little feet were not wearing shoes, and the sole of her right foot was turned upwards, which should have been subjected to a violent impact.

   This is a bit like Captain Barbossa in "Pirates of the Caribbean", but the broken leg can still hold wine, which is really cool. But for the girl in red, it was terrifying.

  What was weird was that the entire back of the girl in red was bent like an old tree trunk, forming an S-shape. She just stood there, motionless, with her sticky and messy hair hanging behind her.

Yan Junze has no time to think about Captain Barbossa and his broken leg that can hide wine. A strong sense of fear quickly gained the upper hand, making his body tremble involuntarily, and a cold breath spread out of the corridor through the bathroom .

  Yan Junze felt that his breathing had stopped.

  Strange events, what is in front of you is the weird events that are breaking out everywhere in this world!

  Seeing the news on TV and experiencing this kind of thing in person feels completely different. Only now did he realize that the gap between the two was as wide as a chasm.

  Yan Junze's palms and back were covered with cold sweat, and he wanted to close his eyes and stop looking at the back of the girl in red, but he couldn't move his eyes away, and he still stared at the strange body without blinking.

At this moment, the crooked neck of the girl in red, who had been motionless all this time, moved, and slowly turned towards the door of the bathroom. At the same time, accompanied by the cracking sound of broken bones, it was like a hundred-year-old The old branches were broken, which was particularly harsh in this silent night.

  At this moment, Yan Junze's limbs were icy cold. Unknowing where the courage came from, he quickly stretched out his hand, grabbed the doorknob of the bathroom, closed the door with a bang, and quickly turned the key on the door twice, took out the key, and held it tremblingly in his hand.

  The parents' bedroom was opened, and the sleepy father Yan Daguo and mother Li Man came out.

   "Ozawa, how long have you been studying, why haven't you slept yet?" Li Man asked in surprise, and then looked at the closed bathroom door.

   "You were still in the bathroom just now?" Yan Daguo's drowsiness had completely disappeared, and he immediately went back to the bedroom and grabbed his phone to check the time.

   It's 4 minutes before 12 o'clock.

  Yan Daguo walked out of the bedroom again, came to the bathroom door, twisted the doorknob, and found that the door was locked, and then looked at Yan Junze's trembling hands holding the key.

  Bringing the key from Yan Junze's hand, Yan Daguo turned his head and said to Li Man in a stern tone: "I tell you to put away the key, put it away, and don't put it away for convenience."

  Li Man had already understood something from Yan Junze's unrecovered expression, and just nodded. At this moment, Yan Daguo was angry, and she didn't speak up.

  Yan Daguo looked back at Yan Junze's eyes. Although his eyes were stern, he couldn't hide his concern, and asked, "Did you see her?"

  Yan Junze did not answer.

   "It's okay, as long as you don't enter the bathroom during her appearance, you will be fine." Yan Daguo comforted him.

   "Dad, that thing didn't appear at exactly 12 o'clock." Yan Junze said.

"That's why I asked the bathroom to be locked ten minutes in advance." Yan Daguo replied, then turned to Li Man and said, "Next time, the key cannot be placed in front of the door, and I will keep it personally. I will lock the door on time every night, and come back the next day Open on time."

   "Not next time." Li Man came to Yan Junze with an apologetic expression on his face, and stretched out his hands to hold his shoulders.

   "Dad, didn't we report the weirdness at home?" Yan Junze couldn't help asking.

  As for the birth of a security officer, it is similar to an organization that maintains social order, just like the police in ancient times, but a real security officer cannot handle weird events.

   It's just that the number of weird events is growing extremely fast nowadays, and even if they are reported, they may not be able to be dealt with immediately.

At the beginning of the outbreak of the weird incident, Buddhism and Taoism were still in the limelight for a period of time, but people gradually discovered that the so-called all kinds of talismans, magic tools and other items used to suppress demons, demons, and ghosts have little effect on today's weirdness. effect.

   For this reason, some people who believed too much in the tradition died one after another, and everyone realized that this thing can only be effectively dealt with by relying on the spirit remover.

   And the spirit remover also paid a lot of money in order to study **** weirdness. The method of killing Weird is very secret, and ordinary people have no chance and cannot master it.

  Yan Daguo sighed: "I reported it a month ago, saying that I have to queue up, but I haven't been in the queue yet."

  Yan Junze was a little speechless.

  Although this world is very weird, there should be a lot of social favors. It is said that there are queues, and there may be people who continue to jump in the queue through special relationships.

   I don't know if I have to wait until the Year of the Monkey. During this period, the area is only temporarily closed.

Fortunately, the girl in red in the bathroom doesn't seem to be the type who is looking for trouble. Although she looks a little sorry for the audience, she looks quiet like a quail. As long as she doesn't enter the bathroom during the time when she appears, nothing should happen question.

  Father Yan Daguo works in the office of a paper mill, an ordinary employee, with a monthly salary of less than 10,000.

  Yes, more than three thousand points.

  Mother is the cleaning aunt of the cleaning company, the couple are of one mind, and their monthly salary is comparable to that of Yan Daguo.

   Such a working family lives in an old-fashioned community, and the house is only two bedrooms, one living room, one bathroom and one kitchen.

   It is unrealistic to ask the Yan family to move out and leave this weird place.

  Nowadays, after the report of the weird incident, it is even more unrealistic to queue up for a relationship, based on the social relationship between Yan Daguo and Li Man.

   So things are deadlocked.

  Unless the weird incident is huge and affects a wide range of people, for a thing like a quail-like ghost in red suddenly appearing in the bathroom at home, if you don’t line up for three to five months, you will be sorry for the cute and scary little girl.

Yan Junze returned to his bedroom, and his mother, Li Man, came to comfort him. Yan Daguo checked the door lock of the bathroom again, and then confirmed that the door lock of the living room was also locked, and the couple turned off the lights and returned to their bedroom .

  However, Yan Junze couldn't fall asleep. The scene just now was the first time in his history that he witnessed a weird existence with his own eyes. That kind of real sense of experience still gave him goosebumps.

   There is another reason why he couldn't fall asleep, because after seeing the little girl in red, a map suddenly appeared in Yan Junze's mind inexplicably.

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  (end of this chapter)