MTL - I Can Level Up By Staying Idle-Chapter 174 Today's special volume

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"If you have the guts, come to the metaverse and fight me!"

Lin Mo left the gauntlet and ignored it; then directly opened the private chat and sent Gao Haoran a team invitation to a chicken-eating competition.

"Black soil boss, you are online!" Gao Haoran was very excited.

He thought he couldn't hold his thighs today!

"Go!" Lin Mo said lightly, "Tonight is the same as last night, just like last night!"

"I understand, I understand!" Gao Haoran nodded again and again, "I'm in charge of quack, black soil boss, you're in charge of killing! Let's quack and kill together!"

Lin Mo's public propaganda as "black soil" quickly caused an uproar in the metaverse.

“Black soil actually challenged Ichiken Sato openly?”

"Although the combat skills of the black soil have reached the 'fifth order', it seems to be the early fifth order, right? Even in such a short period of one month, there has been no small breakthrough. , but at most it is to break through to the middle stage of the fifth order... Compared with Sato Yijian, there is definitely still a big gap!"

"Yeah! I heard from my classmates at Aoki University that Sato Ichiken's combat skills should have reached the late fifth rank, and may even be the ultimate fifth rank!"

"So, isn't it humiliating for the black soil to challenge Sato's sword?"

"It's more than a humiliation! If the black soil is defeated, Sato Yijian will definitely be more arrogant!"

"If Kuroto is the same age as Sato Ichiken, then of course we can believe that Kuroto will win! But Kuroto has just graduated from Martial Arts High School, and Sato Ichiken's strength is even among the martial arts graduate students. It's quite good... This is not a contest of the same level at all!"

"Black soil is still too young and too conceited! He dares to challenge such a big gap!"

"After all, he is the genius who ranks number one on the Xia Guo Tianjiao list. It's normal to be arrogant!"

"Ichiken Sato might not even bother to fight!"

"Black Soil" is the focus of the younger generation in the martial arts world of Xia Guo! His public shouting challenge naturally quickly reached the ears of the Sakura Country Martial Arts Exchange Group.

"Black soil challenged me?" Sato Ichiken was really disdainful when he heard the news, "A little brat with no hair is even worthy of challenging me?"

If it were in reality, Sato Ichiken would of course readily accept the challenge from the black soil. In that case, he can take the opportunity to make a bad move.

But in the metaverse, Sato Ichiken has no interest in fighting at all - in the metaverse, even if he kills the black soil, it will not affect the black soil at all. Unless it is a seventh-grade illusionist like "Mrs. Fujiwara", who does not hesitate to hurt his own origin and go to kill the black soil in the Metaverse!

But Sato Ichiken is not an illusionist, let alone a martial arts master. In the metaverse, he will not cause any damage to the black soil at all.

"Sato!" In the martial arts exchange group, the elderly martial arts master who led the team said solemnly, "You should fight this battle!"

"Oh? Why?" Ichiken Sato was puzzled.

"Because..." The elderly martial arts master said slowly, "When we compete for the inheritance of the master of the Metaverse in the future, this 'black soil' will definitely be a strong competitor of our Sakura Country's Miyagawa Mingjing! And now, we actually know almost nothing about the talent, strength, and strengths of 'Black Earth'! So, it is very necessary for you to fight him!"

"I understand!" Ichiken Sato's expression also became solemn, "I will pass this battle to test the strength of 'Black Earth' in all aspects to fill our Sakura Country The information on this aspect is vacant!"

"That's right! That's what I meant!" The old martial arts master nodded and said, "It's hard for you!"

"Don't worry, teacher!" Sato said with a straight face, "I won't defeat the black soil too soon! I will pass this battle and test the black soil clearly!"

"Well, I believe you have this ability!" The old martial arts master smiled and said, "Black soil is at most the fighting skills of the middle stage of the fifth order, and you are already... the ultimate fifth order! Yours The difference is too big!"

"I think so too!"

After Sato Ichiken finished speaking, he landed in the metaverse to openly challenge.

"Black soil, you are not qualified to be my opponent!" Sato Yijian is arrogant, "But since you challenge with sincerity, then I will give you a defeat! Tomorrow night at eight o'clock sharply , see you in the arena in the Metaverse! I will let you, the first genius of the Xia Kingdom, see how far apart you are from the geniuses of our Cherry Blossom Kingdom!"

Tomorrow night at eight o'clock, the metaverse battle!

The news of Sato Yijian's challenge quickly spread throughout the Metaverse and the entire Xia Kingdom.

The major forums and platforms of Xia Kingdom are full of anxious voices.

"I didn't expect Sato Ichiken to actually fight! I thought he wouldn't fight!"

"This is trouble! If the black soil loses to Sato Ichiken, the Sakura Kingdom will definitely publicize it wildly, saying that our Xia Kingdom lost to them on the first day!"

"The defeat of the black soil is a foregone conclusion! And it is definitely a fiasco!"

"Black soil is still too naive! I definitely didn't consider the impact of losing this battle!"

"I just hope that the black soil can persist in the ring for a while longer, and don't lose too badly!"

Netizens are starting to worry about the impact after the battle at 8 o'clock tomorrow night.

There are also some well-known publicists who have received money and have already started secretly writing articles. After the defeat of the "black soil" tomorrow, they will upload the articles to major platforms and major forums as soon as possible, and then Begin to frantically bring the rhythm and smear the martial arts world of Xia Guo.

No one is optimistic about the "black soil"!

After all... No matter who it is, I can't believe that the eighteen-year-old black soil can outperform martial arts graduate students in terms of combat skills and actual combat experience!

Lin Mo naturally didn't know, he publicly shouted and challenged, causing a lot of trouble; because he was taking Gao Haoran and killing him in the chicken-eating competition.

Of course, even if Lin Mo knew the voices on the Internet, he wouldn't care at all—others don't know his strength, doesn't he know himself?

Even if Sato Ichiken's combat skills are "fifth-order extreme", Lin Mo has already reached fifth-order extreme!

In addition, Lin Mo is also a psychic and illusionist... In actual combat, he is much stronger than ordinary warriors!

It is blunt to say that Ichiken Sato has no chance of winning!

Even, Lin Mo doesn't need to think about whether he can win at all, he only needs to consider whether Sato Yijian can force himself to use his mind power or illusion.

For Lin Mo, this is a battle that has not yet started, and the result is known!

No suspense!

So this whole night, Lin Mo was completely immersed in the fun of "eating chicken".

The game "Chicken King" is really fun! You can eat chicken with the handle, and the game experience is excellent!

What Lin Mo didn't expect was... those players who matched him in the same round had no gaming experience!

Many players searched hard for the equipment for a long time, just put on a complete set, then they encountered black soil, and then the game was over...

In the end, at the beginning of the game, some players jumped off the spaceship and committed suicide when they saw that they were matched with black soil. Anyway, no matter how you play, the one who eats chicken in the end is black soil!

Play all night…

Gao Haoran's game points increased by leaps and bounds again, reaching 1488 points!

Highly ranked first in Jiangnan Martial Arts University's "Individual Points List", and opened the second place by more than 100 points! Moreover, it directly rushed to the first place in the "Individual Points List" of the entire chicken-eating competition!

"I actually have the day to be the 'No. 1 in the Xia Kingdom'!" Gao Haoran was so excited that he quickly took screenshots of all his highlights.

Although Gao Haoran also knows that his "No. 1 in the Xia Kingdom" is a little watery! Because it's only a day or two after the chicken-eating competition, the matched opponents are only in the nearby age group; those "senior players" haven't really started to score!

But does it matter?

For Gao Haoran, as long as he wins "No. As for water or doesn't matter at all!

"I was only given the last score by the black soil boss, and I rushed to the first place in the Xia country! Then... If the black soil boss's points were made public, how terrible would it be?" Gao Haoran endured Can't stop thinking.

You know, although he and the black soil boss teamed up to quack and slaughter; but he is only responsible for the death of the quack, and the black soil boss is the one who killed!

The dead quacks are the number one in the Xia Kingdom, not to mention the slaughter!

"Fortunately, the black soil boss is low-key enough, otherwise this 'number one' throne will not be my job at all!"

Lin Mo and Gao Haoran just slaughtered all night in the chicken-eating contest.

The next day, Lin Mo, who was numb, went into the gravity room to sleep again early in the morning!

And Gao Haoran is wandering around the school arrogantly—there is a rare opportunity to pretend to be X, of course he has to do it well!

In order to pretend to be x, he didn't even go to the big sword!

The lady in the club even called him to ask, why didn't he come for two days?

Faced with the inquiries from the lady in the clubhouse, of course Gao Haoran did not forget to pretend: "Do you know about the chicken-eating contest? Brother is busy in the chicken-eating contest! Seeing Xia Guo's personal Is the overall standings still up? The one who is number one is me!"

This wave of achievements by Gao Haoran directly shocked the whole circle of swords in Jiangnan City! I really didn't expect that in their big sword circle, there is still such a big guy who can rush to "Xia Guo's personal points total list"!

The girls in the club were stunned: "Brother Haoran, I didn't expect you to be so powerful!"

"I'm amazing, haven't you learned it long ago?" Gao Haoran said meanly.

"Brother Haoran, we are also very good at eating chicken! Look... Would you like to come and experience it?"

Gao Haoran listened to the voice on the other end of the phone and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Just as Gao Haoran was entangled between "pretend x" and "big sword" and didn't know how to choose... The Sakura Country Martial Arts Exchange Group, which was far away in Kyoto City, has arrived The second stop of their trip - Kyoto University!

Among the many top martial arts schools in Xia Kingdom, only Kyoto University is as famous as Aoki University! Although other famous martial arts schools are also very strong, it always makes people feel that they are slightly inferior to these two martial arts universities.

Aoki University, Kyoto University, Xiaguo University, Modu University... are the challenges of the Sakura Country Martial Arts Exchange Group.

Of course, their real purpose is to go to Jiangnan Martial Arts University to assassinate "Lin Mo" and eliminate a competitor for their super genius Miyagawa Mingjing of the Sakura Country!

Sato Ichiken is, after all, Sakura Country's "cramming-duck" cultivation method, cultivated at any cost - at the cost of cultivating a martial arts master, he cultivated a silver moon without any potential Musha!

So, at the Kyoto University stop, Ichiken Sato won the victory neatly and without any suspense!

In Kyoto University, the senior scholars and geniuses are not opponents of Sato Ichiken at all, and they all lose within a few moves.

And Sato Ichiken's "power" makes all the geniuses of the top martial arts schools in the entire Xia Kingdom feel suffocated, and even have a trace of self-doubt.

"How can it be so strong?"

"Sato Ichiken is 21 years old, and we are also 21 years old, both seniors... How can the gap be so big?"

"Is it really like what is said on the Internet, there is a problem with the martial arts training system of our Xia Kingdom? Far less than their Sakura Kingdom?"

"There are so many famous martial arts schools in the Xia Kingdom, isn't there a senior student who can defeat Sato Ichiken?"

"If Sato Yijian really overturns all the top martial arts schools in the entire Xia Kingdom, then it would be a real shame to throw it home!"


The entire Xia Kingdom, all the students of the top martial arts schools, whether they are freshmen or seniors, feel heavy pressure!

However, the geniuses of the top martial arts schools will not be so fragile, but they will not be able to withstand such a little pressure! Not only did these pressures not overwhelm them, on the contrary, they were quietly transformed into the driving force for martial arts cultivation!

Jiangnan Martial Arts University.

Practice area, gravity room.

Lin Mo, who was enjoying the "5 o'clock lying flat index", was suddenly stunned.

“Why is the involution index so high today?”

You should know that in the past, the involution index in the gravity chamber was usually around 2000 points; multiplied by the lying index of 5 points, Lin Mo's "growth index" was almost 10,000 points Float left and right.

And today, Lin Mo was surprised to see that his involution index has exceeded 3000 points, and he is hitting 4000 points!

In the case of lying flat index at 5 o'clock, his growth index is as high as more than 16,000!

"What's the situation? Why is it so special today?"

What Lin Mo didn't know was that the students of Jiangnan Martial Arts University can be said to be the most stimulated!

I have to be stimulated by Gao Haoran, a thigh-holding scumbag, and stimulated by the game points of the chicken-eating competition; and stimulated by the pressure from Sato Ichiken... Under the double stimulation, today's entire Jiangnan martial arts In the university, except for Gao Haoran who ran to Dabaojian, everyone else was simply rolled to death!

Can this involution index be high?

"Such a high involution index, and most of them are combat skills involution index..." Lin Mo found today's changes, "My combat skills, shouldn't it be to break through the sixth rank Bar?"