MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 309

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He is still obsessed with [Tianmo Dazzling]. After seeing it, other magic swords are really hard to see, but if he spends his efforts to hit a magic sword that can only be scrapped, Zhao Yesui can only try to sell himself to obtain the re-forging magic. material for the sword.

Don't do that kind of thing, at least wait ten days after I run out of money!

However, since this is the case, he might as well consult Su Yanxi, after all, she is the real master of swords, and it is right to ask her about sword-related topics.

So, Zhao Yesui initiated a communication with Li Nuoyi through the connection between the main **** and the secondary god: "Nuoyi, are you there?"

Li Nuoyi seemed a little surprised, but she quickly replied, "Yes, I'm here, what's wrong?"

"Where is my sister now?" Zhao Yeshou asked, "I don't seem to have seen her, where did she cultivate?"

"Yes." Li Nuoyi replied, "Su Jianxian is sleeping in the game of change now. According to your order before you left, we didn't disturb her. Are you planning to visit her?"


Su Yanxi was sleeping, which was what Zhao Yesui expected.

The environment in the world she was in before was too bad, and in order to prevent her own existence from oppressing that world, Su Yanxi has not absorbed spiritual energy for a long time, and her divine power is the ultimate meaning of the sword of the Supreme Being. , if you don't hurt the enemy, you hurt yourself, and the body of the gods has long been broken.

Now that she has finally come to a world with abundant spiritual energy that can accommodate her, it is normal for her to fall into a deep sleep subconsciously to make up for herself.

"Then I won't bother her."

After thinking about it, Zhao Yesui said, "Just call me when my sister wakes up."

But Li Nuoyi rarely said to him seriously: "I think you'd better go see her."

"Her state... is a bit strange. Miss Lingri told us that in the depths of the game of change, where Su Jianxian slept, some kind of change is taking place that she can't analyze. According to Miss Lingri, It should be about you."

related to me?

Zhao Yesui was stunned for a moment, but finally agreed: "Okay, then I'll go take a look, if I can get in."

...................................................... ...................................................... ......................................

After re-arranging more than a dozen processes and confirming that the steam engine and steam workers would not be allowed to idle, Zhao Yesui called Lingri, and Lingri quietly appeared in front of him.

There is no dreaming register beside him, here is his land card, of course there is no such thing.

However, Zhao Yesui can directly call the GM to bring himself in, and the effect is the same.

Lingri silently took Zhao Yeshou's hand and led him into the game of change.

Soon, under the leadership of Lingri, Zhao Yesui came before a dream.

This was a pink dream, but it was different from the dream that Zhao Yesang had seen before. It was clean and clear, like a girl's purest dream.

"Is it here, Miss Lingri?"

Zhao Yesui looked back at Lingri, but Lingri just looked at him with a smile on her face and nodded.


Why are you showing this look?

Before Zhao Yesui could ask this question, Lingri gently pushed him and pushed him into a dream.

"No, let her wait."

...................................................... ...................................................... ......

The hazy feeling of deja vu came, and when Zhao Yesui opened his eyes again, he found that he had fallen into a dream.

In front of him is the familiar Chengping Martial Arts Hall, the door driven by a mechanical device is still fresh in his memory.

This should be Su Yanxi's dream, and since that's the case, it doesn't seem strange that the Chengping Martial Arts Hall will be presented.

Zhao Yesui didn't knock on the door immediately, but recalled what Lingri had just said.

"No, let her wait?"

Think for a moment.

Think seriously.

It dawned on me.

I was thrown into the trap by their union!

Looking at Lingri's appearance, she should be aware of Su Yanxi's specific situation, and Li Nuoyi should also know, but they just didn't tell Zhao Yesui, they only used vague words to bring Zhao Yesao over, and then he into this dream.


Now that it's over, there's no reason to go back.

What's more, this is my own sister, so it's impossible to eat me, right?

Zhao Yeshou shook his head, stepped forward, and knocked on the door.

"Dong dong dong."

There was a dull knock on the door, and Zhao Yeshao called softly, "Sister? Sister? Are you at home?"

No one responded.

Just when Zhao Yejiao was about to knock on the door again, the mechanical device on the door automatically activated and opened the door.

Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows and walked into the martial arts hall.

He is very clear about everything here. In order to break the game, he explored the martial arts hall inside and out. In the end, he began to explore the body when he was desperate, and only then did he discover Jianwan.

However, now the Chengping Martial Arts Hall in Su Yanxi's dream is not the desolate appearance it used to be. The slippery moss on the soles of the feet seems to have a sense of time and space dislocation.

Zhao Yesui walked quietly into the martial arts hall, and first came to the dojo, which was the most common place he had seen Su Yanxi before.

However, the dojo was empty at the moment, and there was no trace of the beautiful woman.

"Well, I remember that my sister's boudoir was there."

Zhao Yeshou tapped his forehead and walked in the other direction.

Of course, Su Yanxi also has a separate room in Chengping Martial Arts Hall. It is a little strange that her room is in the northeast corner of Chengping Martial Arts Hall, while Zhao Yesao's room is in the southwest corner, and the two are on a diagonal line. , is very far away. When Zhao Yesang first explored Chengping Martial Arts Hall, it took a while to find it.

At that time, he didn't even recognize that it was Su Yanxi's room, because there was nothing in the room, as if the owner had deliberately erased all traces of her.

It was only after Su Yanxi came back that he learned from Su Yanxi's mouth that it was her room.

However, Su Yanxi was not in her boudoir either.

Zhao Yesui could only continue to search.

The study, bathroom, Tibetan sword pavilion, and even Zhao Yeshou of the steam workshop searched again, but Su Yanxi was never seen.

So, what was left in the end was only the room that belonged to Su Yanxi that was farthest away from Su Yanxi's room.

As soon as Zhao Yesui walked to his room, he saw a portrait hanging on the door of the room.

That is his portrait.

Zhao Yeshou blinked and tried to take off the portrait. It was indeed him, just like a fake Zhao Yessao, but for some reason, it was black and white.

It was also at this moment that he suddenly felt a tingling in his fingers holding the back of the portrait, so he tried to turn the portrait over.

Then, he saw the truth of the black and white portrait.

At the back of the canvas, someone wrote two repeated words in clear handwriting, and the two words are constantly overlapping to form a frontal portrait.

And those two words are—

Night gown.

...................................................... .....................................................

P.S. The plot of the Riddler who conceals the identity can drag the expectation point all the way back, or you can add more words and make up a few Shura fields.

However, I don't like it.

Chapter three hundred and sixty ninth hug and sleep

Looking at the dense "night robes" on the back of the canvas, Zhao Yesui didn't know how to react for a while.

But any normal person would not think this is a normal move when they see this scene.

The last person who did this had already hung the person whose name was written on the wall. Zhao Yesui felt that with Su Yanxi's temperament, he should not be reduced to such a field, but he probably would not be safe.

At this moment, Zhao Yesui stood in front of the room and hesitated for a while.

Of course, he didn't have the habit of hanging his own portrait on the door. That's something only a narcissistic person can do.

Therefore, since there are abnormal things here, it means that the owner of this dream is sleeping here, in Zhao Yesao's room.

If it was in the past, Zhao Yesui could open the door openly and go in, but now he saw this kind of thing before entering the door, which made Zhao Yesui a little worried about whether he would see anything unsuitable for children when he entered the door next time. .

Zhao Yesui suddenly remembered what Lingri had told him before entering the dream.

"No, let her wait."

Does she mean Su Yanxi?

So, the person she's waiting for, is it me? seems unlikely that there will be a second person.

Zhao Yesui stood quietly in front of the door and was silent for a while.

So far, he still has no way to sort out the relationship between him and Su Mingyuan and Su Yanxi. Although he can vaguely realize that the relationship between him and Su Mingyuan is not as simple as "extracting identities", he still can't So relieved.

So, should he run away? To escape the reality that is destined to face, to escape this responsibility that belongs to you, to escape for a while, to escape for a moment of joy?

Of course, doing that is also a way, but it means that all the memories and responsibilities will be placed on Su Yanxi alone.

Memories and responsibilities have weight, and feelings also have a price. If you keep doing this, Su Yanxi's feelings may be gradually distorted as she fails to respond again and again.

Moreover, if he did this, he would not be Zhao Yesui anymore.

Su Yanxi could also see Zhao Yesao's thoughts, so she just waited quietly, waiting for Zhao Yesao to respond to her expectations.

It stands to reason that Zhao Yesui, as a "mirror", will only faithfully reflect Su Yanxi's thoughts, and the two will maintain this delicate state until a long, long time later.

But, that's too cruel to Su Yanxi, isn't it?

If people who value themselves, those who value themselves, and those who love themselves are hurt, it can only prove that the mirror has been broken, so that people will be scratched with sharp edges.

Zhao Yesui closed his eyes slightly, and opened them again after a while, his eyes were clear.

"...It's all here. It's a new year, and the child is still young. There's no such thing as turning around and running away, right?"

Zhao Yeshao let out a sigh of relief, concentrated, and pushed open the door.

It is a familiar room layout, but the familiar room has no place to settle at this moment.

Because the room is full of dolls big and small.

Although Zhao Yesui didn't want to admit it, those dolls were clearly what he looked like.

"Absolutely, I didn't expect you to have the same childish innocence as Tongtong... How old are you, you still put this toy figure..."

The corners of Zhao Yeshou's mouth twitched, carefully looking for a foothold in the ocean of dolls, advancing little by little, and finally reaching the position in front of the bed.

At this moment, Zhao Yesui calmed down instead, stretched out his hand and opened the curtain, and saw Su Yanxi lying quietly on the bed.

She was still wearing that white dress, and there was a faint smile on her beautiful face at the moment, as if she had dreamed of something good, smiling from the bottom of her heart.

The saber that he had been wearing with him disappeared at the moment, Zhao Ye looked around, and it turned out that it was placed in the arms of a "night robe" doll.

After hesitating for a while, Zhao Yesui sat on the bed and stared at Su Yanxi quietly, thinking about what he should do now.

Wake up Su Yanxi? not too good.

Just sit like this? It doesn't seem too good.

Just when Zhao Yeshi hesitated, what he didn't notice was that the smile on the corner of Su Yanxi's mouth was becoming more and more obvious.

"...Or else I'll come back next time."

Emphasizing to himself that disturbing a girl's sleep is a very bad thing, Zhao Yesui quietly got up and planned to run away.

It's one thing to make up your mind, but it's another thing to wake Su Yanxi up and tell her about her decision in a serious way.

No matter how you think about that scene, it will be extremely embarrassing.

Although with Su Yanxi's temperament, she will definitely only listen carefully to his disorganized words, nod from time to time to show her approval, and look at him with a gentle smile in the process... .

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem like something unacceptable?

It was at this moment that Su Yanxi's eyelashes trembled slightly, then opened her eyes, looked at Zhao Yeshou with a half-smile and said, "Little brother, you're here."