MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 291

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Until this time, Zhao Yesui had the opportunity to calm down and look at the teacher of this nursery rhyme.

Light and shadow interweave, weaving a lifelike projection in the center of the room.

Except for the blurred edges, this projection looks the same as a real person, but it does not possess any authority belonging to the gods, so it can appear on reality.

It was a young woman who appeared to be in her twenties, with a pair of frameless monocles hanging in front of her right eyes, wearing a bachelor's robe, she looked quite bookish, as if she was still studying in an ivory tower the same as students entering the society.

The neatly trimmed long black hair was quietly draped behind him. At this moment, a pair of black pupils were staring at Zhao Yeshou with sharp eyes like knives. His lips were slightly pursed, as if he was thinking about what to say next. .

Zhao Yesui's mind changed sharply, realizing that something was wrong.

"Teacher of the nursery rhymes, of course, that is also a planeswalker... The old guy from the store manager is also a planeswalker... But the store manager is the third consul of the country of fantasy, and the nursery rhyme teacher must be a life plan. The people in the bureau, the relationship between them should not be too good..."

The corners of Zhao Yeshou's mouth twitched, feeling that he should be involved in some kind of grievance that he didn't know about.

Can't the store manager give me a list of his enemies?

Oh, with the store manager's temperament, it must be impossible to finish writing on a single piece of paper.

For the sake of prudence, Zhao Yesui did not pretend to be stupid, that is, he was treating the nursery rhyme teacher as a fool, but suddenly said: "[The wreckage of the elf tree]?"

As he spoke, he presented [the remains of the elf tree] in his hand and said, "Do you mean this land card?"


The teacher of the nursery rhyme frowned slightly and nodded silently.

"This land card was obtained after I passed a trial. What's wrong, ma'am?" Zhao Yeshou said, "Do you know this card?"

"Of course." The teacher of the nursery rhyme seemed to recall some bad memories and said lightly, "That used to be my tree."

used to be my tree?

Zhao Ye frowned, feeling that there seemed to be a lot of story in it.

The card in his hand is called [Remains of the Elf Tree], as the name suggests, it is the dead Elf tree.

The store manager is undoubtedly one of the batch of planeswalkers who grew savagely at the beginning, so the way to make land cards must be to directly seize the spiritual node.

But now, the teacher of the nursery rhyme said that this used to be her tree, Zhao Yesui felt that something unpleasant happened to her, the store manager, and then he set the tree on fire and moved it away to make a land card. , can be called a face-to-face tauren.

Your tree is beautiful, but it's mine now.JPG

But what does this have to do with my poor, weak and helpless new planeswalker?

Zhao Yeshou said calmly: "Is that so, so there is such a story behind this card, it's really eye-opening..."

"So, lady, what do you think?"

Before the teacher of the nursery rhythm could speak, the nursery rhyme had already stepped forward and interrupted the conversation between them abruptly.

"Teacher! Didn't you say you just wanted to chat with Mr. Knight? Why did you come to such a place?"

Tong Yao looked at her dissatisfiedly and said, "What's the matter with the land cards, you have so many land cards, will you be missing this one? I've asked here and there, it's true."


The teacher of the nursery rhyme looked at such a nursery rhyme, sighed inaudibly, shook his head, and then calmly said to Zhao Yeshou, "Qi Meng."

Zhao Yesui was stunned for a moment before realizing that this was entering the exchange of names, and said, "Zhao Yesang, it's nice to meet you, ma'am."

After all, she is a teacher of nursery rhymes, and she is also a BBA who doesn't know how many years she has lived... Cough, I mean, for women with more experience, Zhao Yesui felt that it was a bit too offensive to call her auntie directly. It's just right for a lady.

Qi Meng seemed to have put aside the land card issue, looked at Zhao Yeshou, and said indifferently, "Before I saw you, I thought many times about what kind of person you would be."

"But now it looks like you're a good guy."

Why do I look like a good person?

I am a good person!

Zhao Ye said confidently: "Well, that's natural, is there any problem, Ms. Qi Meng?"

The corners of Qi Meng's mouth rose slightly, as if he laughed and said, "But you can't be a good person."

"It's impossible for a good person to pass the test of [Honeydream Embrace]... Or, even if he can pass that test, the one who stands here in the end will not be such a child."

Zhao Yeshou frowned slightly, he still had a fresh memory of that trial.

In that trial, the real nursery rhyme was not the princess, but the dragon who stood on the opposite side of the princess. If it were a normal person, it would be impossible to think of helping the dragon.

Therefore, from this point of view, it is not a problem to say that Zhao Yesui is not a good person in the usual sense.


"So, did you set up that trial, Ms. Qi Meng?"

Zhao Yesui raised his head, stared at Qi Meng, and said seriously: "Then, do you also know the consequences of failing the trial?"

"If you say it like this, you are still not interfering with the danger of that trial, so what is your purpose? Get a successor you like? For this reason, even if you let the original one It doesn't matter if nursery rhymes just die like this?"

Tong Yao looked at Zhao Yesao in surprise, obviously not expecting that Zhao Yesang would suddenly ask such a question.

One second Zhao Yesui was still diligently explaining to Qi Meng, and the next second he questioned Qi Meng directly. This span is really too big.

But for Zhao Yesui, this is a question of unpleasantness, and it also determines his attitude towards Qi Meng next.

"Mr. Knight, this matter..."

Just as the nursery rhyme was about to explain, Qi Meng raised her hand and stopped her.

"Let me answer, Tongtong." Qi Meng looked at Zhao Yeshou, her eyes became serious: "That trial was Tongtong's own heart disease, and it was a problem she had to overcome, even I couldn't help it. Help her, so I can only materialize the problem Tongtong faces as a trial, waiting for an opportunity to solve it one day."

"I didn't expect Tongtong to use this card like this...but no matter whether the trial is successful or not, whoever is left, she is Tongtong, just showing a different personality. It's just a child."

"Different personalities?" Zhao Ye said after thinking about it: "But those are clearly two completely different consciousnesses..."

"It's true, the dragon is Tongtong, and everything else is not her." Qi Meng said: "But, other things are just the embodiment of what Tongtong desires."

"Because of some things in the past, Tongtong has been entangled in his own existence, so he regards his existence as a dragon, and manifests his desire as his enemy... Even if you choose to defeat the dragon, The real Tongtong will not disappear, she will just give up something."

Give up something?

Zhao Yesao looked at Tong Yao, who lowered her head slightly, as if she was staring at her toes, but Zhao Yesang knew that she was listening intently to her answer.

"For example?" Zhao Yesui asked, "What are you giving up?"

"Some of the precious things that make up the current child, such as part of the character, part of the memory, make himself popular with everyone, that is, the princess you see surrounded by everyone."

Qi Meng replied calmly: "Of course this can't be considered death, it is generally called 'growing up', discarding the immature parts, transforming into a popular adult, adapting to the society, and making oneself more relaxed. "

"However, although Tongtong at that time will become popular, for me, I still prefer the original Tongtong, so I have been delaying this problem, and you have solved it."

When he said this, Qi Meng bowed slightly to Zhao Yeshou: "Thank you for helping me keep that lovely Tongtong."

Qi Meng put his posture so low that Zhao Ye's jacket was not easy to hold, so he quickly said, "It's just a matter of my share... I also like Tong Tong very much."

After Qi Meng heard this sentence, she couldn't help blinking and clenched her fists unconsciously.

It's hard, the fist is hard, this guy doesn't cover up at all!

However, Zhao Yesui didn't notice this, because the nursery rhyme had already turned around, stared into his eyes, rolled up the corners of his clothes with his fingers, and asked in a low voice, "Then, Mr. Knight thinks that I am better now, Or is the me you saw in your dreams better?"

Zhao Yexuan thought for a while, and then said slowly: "Since it's Tongtong, of course it's cute no matter what..."

"However, if you have to choose, of course, the current Tongtong is better."

"The Tongtong I saw in my dream was too perfect, so perfect that it made people feel unreal. No matter what, she would never get angry, and she would always remain elegant. It would be too stressful to get along with such a child. a bit."

After he finished speaking, Zhao Yesui stretched out his hands to squeeze the cheeks of the nursery rhymes, and said, "So, it's fine now. I occasionally lose my temper and care about my Tongtong. It's the cutest."

The nursery rhyme was completely stunned. She hadn't heard Zhao Yesao say such a straight ball. She stared at Zhao Yesao in a daze. After a while, she suddenly stretched out her arms and hugged Zhao Yesao, burying her head in his arms. .

Zhao Yesui recalled the time when she was with Gu Yizhu, and felt that she should hug the nursery rhyme and stroke her back, so she did the same.

After a long time, Tong Yao released her hand with a blushing face, and said in a voice like a gnat, "Mr. Knight...Thank you."

Qi Meng watched the whole process quietly, his eyes were a little dazed, and finally shrugged and said, "It seems that I have become an unnecessary person, then, I will leave first."

"Eh?" The nursery rhyme remembered that the teacher from home was still there, raised her head and said in surprise, "Are you leaving so soon, teacher? Didn't you say you wanted to see what kind of person Mr. Knight is?"

"I've seen it." Qi Meng said calmly: "Maybe he's not a good person in the worldly sense, but that's just right. You are a perfect match for this little evil dragon."

"Since it has been confirmed, then I can safely hand you over to him."

"Besides, you don't want me to stay here as an eyesore, do you? You look like you want me to leave soon."

When he said this, even Qi Meng couldn't help rolling his eyes: "We haven't seen each other for a long time, Tong Tong? It's been a long time since I saw the teacher, I didn't react at all when I saw the teacher, I was nervous all the time. Could something I look like a bad guy?"

"I can't say that. We used to be together every day..." Tong Yao said a little embarrassedly: "Teacher, you just left for one, two, two years. long."


Qi Meng watched the nursery rhythm quietly, and the nursery rhyme turned her head more and more to the right, as if she didn't dare to look directly at Qi Meng.

"Okay, little guy, if you hate me so much, then I'll leave." Qi Meng sighed, then looked at Zhao Yeshou, nodded slightly, and said, "You should be a planeswalker too, right? Then, I There should be a gift just right for you, and it will arrive in a few days."

"Tongtong, please. Although he looks strong, he is actually just a little guy who hasn't grown up. When he likes someone, he will forget everything, and he is not afraid of getting hurt..."

"So, don't let Tongtong get hurt, okay?"

Zhao Yeshao nodded: "That's natural."

It's supposed to be spiritual, right?

Zhao Yesui thought uncertainly.

Qi Meng didn't say anything else, looked at the [remains of the elf tree] in Zhao Yesao's hands again, was silent for a moment, and then disappeared.

Darkness returned to the room again.

In the darkness, Zhao Yesui looked at the nursery rhymes and said, "Tongtong, Ms. Qi Meng is your teacher. Why are you acting so indifferent?"

"I chat with the teacher every day. Of course, there is nothing to talk about now." Tong Yao said seriously: "The teacher is actually a lot of truth.

The room suddenly lit up again, and Qi Meng's figure reappeared, walking in front of Nursery Yao, staring at her blankly.


After a while, Qi Meng's figure disappeared again, and the nursery rhyme immediately took Zhao Ye's sleeve and left the room, and then patted his chest and said, "Teacher is really, he came back specially to scare me... No wonder No one likes it yet."

"Hey, it doesn't seem to be. I heard that she seemed to have a lover before, who is it..."

Tong Yao pondered for a while, and then suddenly realized: "Oh, it seems that the third consul of the fantasy country is also a planeswalker."


Zhao Yesui couldn't help but slowly put a question mark.

"Tongtong, what you just said was the third consul of the Kingdom of Fantasy, right? That guy named Yog?" He immediately asked.

"Well, yes." Tong Yao looked at Zhao Yesui suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Zhao Yesui stretched out his hand and grabbed the shoulders of the nursery rhyme, his eyes were bright, and his voice was loud:

"Tongtong, can you contact your teacher again?"

...................................................... ...................................................... ......................................

P.S. I made a mistake at the end of the last chapter, it's not [Dragonbone Graveyard], it's [Remains of the Elf Tree].

There are already too many female protagonists who have appeared and are expected to appear, and I don’t plan to add any more. Although I know that some book friends are iron-blooded harem parties who “if there is a good-looking female character, they are either members of the harem or tauren”, but that is the case. It's too weird (X

Chapter 349 Paper people have weight! 4k5


The nursery rhyme didn't understand the state at all, and looked at Zhao Yeshou who suddenly became energetic, and said, "Yes, yes, what's wrong?"

"You just said that Ms. Qi Meng and the third consul of the fantasy country are lovers, right?"

Zhao Yesui asked earnestly, "Is it a former lover or a current lover? Do they still have feelings for each other?"


The nursery rhyme was a little confused, but she still tried to recall it and said, "It should be a current lover, I don't seem to have heard the teacher say that there was any gap between her and the third consul... She ex It was just a few days ago that I mentioned something from the past."

"But it doesn't seem to make sense to be entangled in this now, right?"

"The third consul seems to have passed away. The teacher was depressed for a long time after that. I also became the teacher's student at that time, so I often heard her tell me about that Mr. Yoger."

"The current lover, the relationship used to be very good, and the memory of the past..."

With so many keywords concentrated together, Zhao Yesui felt that he had found the best time to backstab the store manager.

What? Backstabbing the store manager is immoral?