MTL - I Can Extract My Identity and Join the Death Game-Chapter 23

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"Lin Qixiong, the fire fighting hero, sacrifices his family for everyone, and the fire scene is ruthless and compassionate"

The accompanying picture is of a little girl holding a black and white family portrait, with an expressionless face on her tender face, quietly looking at the cold camera with empty pupils.

Zhao Yesui was silent for a moment, put away the newspaper, and said to the old man, "Grandpa, is there anything you want to say? I'm free today and just wanted to hear someone talk."

"That's great." The old man smiled happily, and rambled about his whole life.

After about three hours, the old man's body gradually became transparent, he closed his eyes with satisfaction, and disappeared silently.

Zhao Yesui took out the bell, shook it gently, and asked, "Dr. Bai?"

Bai Zhanming replied calmly: "Well, the grievances have not increased, even decreased by 0.3 percentage points. Congratulations, your guess is correct, you have found the only way to save the city."

"But, in return, you will destroy the city."

"So what?" Zhao Ye smiled lightly: "Although objectively I may have achieved the goal of saving Huicheng, but I'm just here to complete the task."

"I save it or destroy it, what does it have to do with it?"

Chapter 49 Mission: Impossible

The night was silent, Zhao Yesui stood on the bell tower of Huicheng No. 1 Middle School, quietly overlooking the school under his feet.

The bell at midnight has passed, and as usual, new handwriting should appear on the diary, but Zhao Yeshou was not in a hurry to look at it. It took a long time before he took out the diary. Much more scribbled.

"October Seventeen"

"It's too late."

"I was wrong."

"The magnitude of the resentment has reached an unstoppable level, and Hao Ning has become completely unable to communicate."

"Maybe I shouldn't have let them go in the first place. Weirdness is weirdness. If you feel pity for them, it will only backfire on yourself."

"The only thing I can do now is to end this."

"It was me who pushed Haoning and the city into the bottomless abyss..."

"So, it's up to me to bear all this."

"Huicheng No. 1 Middle School, this is the beginning and the end of my story."

The diary ends here, and the pages that follow appear to have been roughly torn off, leaving only a blank space.

"It's really done with great care. From the handwriting to the content to the emotional fluctuations, the protagonist goes from unbelief to doubt to half-belief, and when he finally finds out the truth, it's too late. This kind of remorse and hatred is really empathetic. "

Zhao Yesui was amazed, but there was no hint of "empathy" on his face.

The main quest is also updated accordingly.

[Kill Xu Haoning and save Huicheng]

"Kill Xu Haoning and save Huicheng... That is to say, in the determination of the game of destiny, this is also a way to complete the task? However, this result is obviously FalseEnd, although I am not Perfectionist, but since there is a way to pass platinum, why choose a less perfect one?"

"It's almost time, it's time to end this boring script."

Zhao Yesui summoned [Chai Chen], jumped off with the help of the outer wall of the bell tower, and went straight to the school playground. Chen Ya was already waiting for him here, and when he saw him coming, he said nervously:

"Uncle, Hao Ning she...!"

"I know." Zhao Yesui looked at the figure standing in the center of the playground, that was Xu Haoning in a white dress.

Just like the one she saw that night, her whole body exuded a strange aura, even with her back to Zhao Ye's robe, it made people feel that the hair was standing on end.

The arrival of Zhao Yesao seems to have triggered some mechanism of hers, Xu Haoning's figure suddenly disappeared, and the next moment he appeared in front of Zhao Yesao.

What responded to her was the fiery magic sword.

"mountain elf--"

The human skin touched the blade of Sanbaidu, which caused severe burns. It was faintly visible that the part of Xu Haoning's arms that was in contact with [Caichen] had turned black, and even began to carbonize.

But Xu Haoning didn't care, since the gray fog rose up from her body and divided into dozens of lines to attack Zhao Yesao.

Zhao Yesui just activated [Liuguang] calmly, raised his long sword horizontally, and swung [Caichen] in a bat-wielding posture.

With the bonus of the magic sword and the extra power provided by [Liuguang], Xu Haoning was no different from a baseball. He was hit by Zhao Yesao like a cannonball, and he could hear the crackling sound of bones breaking.

The gray fog that had lost control was easily dispelled by Zhao Yesui. He looked at Xu Haoning. The other party who should have broken his spine and couldn't move now stood up staggeringly. The gray fog filled the air, the scalded skin was recovering rapidly, and even the broken bones seemed to be healing.

But that's about it.

Three days ago, Xu Haoning might still be able to beat Zhao Yecang with her high six-dimensionality, but today, after being unable to crush Zhao Yecang in six-dimension, she is like a three-year-old urchin who wields a sharp blade. It is impossible to pose a threat to Zhao Yesui at all.

No matter how high the self-healing ability is, it is just a sandbag.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang" "Bang!"

The gray fog automatically searched for the enemy, and smashed it towards Zhao Yeshou one after another. The playground was suddenly destroyed by potholes, but it was unable to hit Zhao Yessang. Soon Zhao Yessang approached Xu Haoning, who had not yet regained his mobility.

Without saying anything, Zhao Yesui immediately activated the [Roaring] skill attached to the magic sword. The magic sword pierced into Xu Haoning's body, hot steam spurted out, shuttled through Xu Haoning's body, and fought against the gray fog for a while. In between, Xu Haoning's body became a battlefield.

"Ah, ah-"

Xu Haoning was still trying to struggle at first, but as the steam deepened, she gradually lost her ability to resist, and could only let out a painful moan, watching her body become a battlefield.

Victory is decided.

Chen Ya leaned over at this moment, looked at Xu Haoning hesitantly, and said, "Haoning...why did it become like this..."

"Please wait a moment, classmate Chen Ya." Zhao Yeshou turned around and smiled at her and said, "I still have a question for classmate Hao Ning."

"Oh, okay." Although she didn't know why, Chen Ya stopped and looked at the two from a distance.

At this moment, the gray fog in Xu Haoning's body was almost gone, and his eyes gradually regained clarity, and he saw Zhao Yeshou with a long sword inserted into his body.

What's even weirder is that he didn't feel any pain at all.

"I'm...?" she said blankly, "...what's the matter?"

"It's just a bad thing, it doesn't get in the way." Zhao Yexuan chuckled and said, "Compared to this, I have a question I want to ask you."

"Student Hao Ning, was it your idea to set up the Kendo Club?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Ya changed color slightly, but before she wanted to speak, Zhao Yesui stopped her with icy eyes.

"Establish a Kendo Club?" Xu Haoning recalled for a while before saying, "At the beginning, I just wanted to stay with Ming Hao for a while, and after seeing him exorcising evil spirits one time, I used this as an excuse to pester him and let him Teach me......"

"But it's not my idea to set up a kendo club, because I don't want other people to join Ming Hao and me, but Teacher Lin proposed to Ming Hao to set up a kendo club. I think there is a legitimate reason to be with Ming Hao. Together, we agreed."

"Well, that's a good answer."

Zhao Ye's robe pulled out [Chai Chen], and the blade was as clean as ever.

He looked at a certain location and asked the figure in the dark, "What do you think? Teacher Lin?"

Chapter 50 United as One

But the darkness was silent, as if no one was there at all.

that's the truth.

"You think I'm bluffing you?"

Zhao Yejia sneered and said confidently, "Yes, I'm just bluffing you."

"However, I think you should be here. After all, your diary has reached the last page, which proves that this is the ending you set, so you should be here, and you can hear and watch it no matter how bad it is. to my current voice and movement."

"Then let me start from the beginning."

Zhao Yesui glanced at Xu Haoning behind him, and confirmed that the self-healing ability was still working, and then he spoke to the dark place before: "Actually, I have to admit that there is a certain coincidence in being able to identify your trick. "

"If it wasn't for my whims and I entered Huicheng No. 1 Middle School as Chen Minghao's father, I might not have been able to catch the only flaw you revealed."

"That is, Chen Minghao has no father at all. He is an orphan, at least that's what he said to the outside world."

"I..." Chen Ya wanted to justify something, but was interrupted by Zhao Yesao unceremoniously.

Zhao Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "Student Chen Ya, do you need me to retell the tricks you have exposed in the past three days?"

Only then did Chen Ya shut her mouth, and looked at Zhao Yesui silently, without saying a word.

"About Chen Minghao's being an orphan, I got it from interrogation from the weirdos he kept in the school and in the city." Zhao Yesui said while recalling: "He would observe those weirdos from time to time. And the weird people living in the school will naturally get news about him. Of course, if you have to lie specially when facing weirdness, then I think Chen Minghao is no one."

"Is that so?" The expression on Chen Ya's face changed several times, and finally said lightly: "Just because of this, do you think something is wrong with Teacher Lin?"

"No, I don't think she's wrong, I think you're both wrong." Zhao Ye said: "Chen Minghao is an orphan, and he knows even weird things. As his head teacher, how can he not know? In the event of an accident, with normal people's thinking, the school will of course try its best to understand his family situation, but I just swaggered into the school without even showing any relevant documents, and you didn't have any suspicious actions. In all fairness, is this really something normal people can do?"

"In fact, this is one of the things I didn't want to understand. You can keep me out, isn't that the safest way?"

Chen Ya didn't answer Zhao Yesui, just looked at him quietly.

"Don't tell me? That's it."

"If that's the case, I can still think that you are all fools. Of course, it's inevitable to have a lot of heart." Zhao Ye shrugged and said, "So, I assumed that Teacher Lin and the security guards are the same. Dude, the purpose is unknown for the time being, in this case, the information recorded in the diary cannot be trusted, because it was completely under your control during this period of time, and it is not even guaranteed that this diary was written by you."

"Then what?" Chen Ya asked calmly.

"Then there was nothing wrong with your behavior at the time, but in hindsight it seemed like a superfluous act." Zhao Yesui said ponderingly: "You tested me at that time to see if I could use Yunlai swordsmanship, and then you told me My specious message 'Ming Hao was killed by someone' is probably for the purpose of throwing dirty water on Hao Ning."

"I did think at that time that you were probably on Ming Hao's side, and the reason to test whether I could use the sword technique was to confirm my identity. But now that I think about it, this move of yours should have been assigned by Teacher Lin and the others. , also strengthened their confidence and made them feel that I was indeed related to Ming Hao, so they changed the file."

"Changed... file?" Chen Ya seemed to have thought of something, and her pupils shrank slightly.

"Yeah, the key lies in the security guard who said in the diary "I can't get anything"." Zhao Yeshou shrugged and said, "He is one of the security guards who received me in the morning. Therefore, I think there is a lot of suspicion in him, and he may be in the same group with Teacher Lin and the others."

"And Teacher Lin just told me that he wanted me to come back the next day to get the student file, so I was thinking..."

Zhao Yeshou tilted his head and said, "—Don't you know what my name is?"

"Ha, it's really fun to talk about. I don't know what my name is, and you don't know what my name is. If I said that my surname was not Chen when I was at the school gate, would something interesting happen?"

Zhao Yejia smiled cooperatively, but Chen Ya didn't seem to cooperate with him, just looked at him coldly.

"And then, it is the decisive evidence that I am sure that you are all wrong." Zhao Yesui looked at Chen Ya, whose face became ugly, and said, "I revealed to the security guard that Chen Hanshuang and Nancheng, I just He made up the information and left his phone with him thoughtfully."

"Hey, you said it was a coincidence. On the second day, when I talked about Nancheng City and Chen Hanshuang with Mr. Lin and you, you didn't find it strange at all. There are these two words on the student registration file. Where can we meet in life?"

"And you, classmate Chen Ya, if I remember correctly, I shouldn't have disclosed any identity information to you in the whole process, right? Xu Haoning, I have explained it specifically, that is to say, your only possible source of information is Lin Teacher here."

"...Is it just that?" Chen Ya was silent for a long time, then said, "What if we are really involved? Did we do anything against the law? The whole article is a coincidence, everywhere. It’s all speculation, and there are micro-expressions that can’t be used as evidence at all, just because of your suspicious mind, you have made us a villain, what do you think of order?”

"I'm not reasoning." Zhao Yeji tilted his head: "It's all my subjective speculation for no reason, because you really did it flawlessly, except for a few small details. There are no flaws."

"But, what does this have to do with me? Am I making a case statement or playing the detective game? Must there be enough evidence to convince the judge and jury? No, I just have to convince myself. ."

"I still don't know how many of you there are and what your purpose is, but that doesn't prevent me from thinking that something is wrong with you."

"I think you are guilty, that is guilty, so I will be on guard against you, be wary of you, but I didn't fight you, but only now showdown with you, which is already a very civilized performance."

"So, since I followed your guidance and worked part-time for so long, can you tell me what exactly you want to do?"

After a long silence, Lin Xiaorong walked out silently from the darkness behind Zhao Yesui.

No, not only her, but also the security guard surnamed Lin whom Zhao Yechao interrogated, as well as other people he had met in this school, all walked out from various positions.

Their voices were united, and they were particularly loud in the silent night:

"Without us, only me."

"..." Zhao Yesui blinked, and in the end he could only smile helplessly: "I see, this is really unexpected by reasoning..."

Chapter 51 For the relief of the whole city

"I see."

After Lin Xiaorong, or in other words, they took the initiative to stand up, Zhao Yesui's doubts that had always existed suddenly became clear.

"'No us, only me' means that your memory and thinking should be connected to each other, right? No wonder I think your mobilization ability is outrageous, I just stood at the door for a while, and you have already made a good confession and prepared A whole set of procedures..."

"The reason why you don't have any doubts about Chen Hanshuang and Nancheng is because you have obtained this information through the security guards, so you take everything for granted..."

After solving the doubts in his heart one by one, Zhao Yesui took a deep breath: "CNM, this reasoning is a ghost, coach, this TM is not a natural reasoning at all!!"

Taking speculative fiction as an example, in order to compile a qualified story, one has to use narrative tricks. Divide all the information contained in a story into a hundred closed cards. Linear narrative is to turn over the cards one by one in order, while speculative fiction is to turn over cards in a different way, such as turning the cards that should be At the end of the story, trying to present the wrong composition to the reader by saving the card that was initially turned over for the end.

And this kind of single-minded existence completely shatters the possibility of reasoning.

Time, place, and people are meaningless to this existence. As long as it wants to, it can easily distort everything, and play the self-proclaimed genius detectives around.

If Zhao Yesui didn't enter the school as Chen Minghao's father, they probably wouldn't even reveal their only flaws.