MTL - I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)-Chapter 402 develop

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

402 development

It's a pity that if you want to invest a large amount of money, the larger the investment in construction, the higher the commission will be.

This makes it impossible for those big forces to invest too much.

On the contrary, some small forces have less investment, less commission, and higher profits.

As a result, a large number of forces signed a contract and began to build an automatic factory.

The knives didn't care.

It took a bit of time this time, and in reality, the water blue star has changed a lot.

In his own body, it was rare to relax, and he came to a retro tavern in a speeding car.

Today, the price of flying cars and the like has already come down.

In particular, the recovery of spiritual energy, the speed of spiritual energy, and the cost are even lower.

At the beginning, there is a small spirit gathering array on it, which can directly absorb the spirit energy in the surrounding air.

But now it's out.

It is still more convenient to drive with Lingshi.

The reason is very simple, there is also a fee to absorb the aura in the air.

It's the same price as Lingshi, so why bother, wouldn't it be more refreshing to use Lingshi.

Of course, if it weren't for the flying car drive and the like, it would be much cheaper than the spiritual energy consumed by cultivation, and it wouldn't be so popular.

This is still, the knife is sure, the mass-energy conservation.

The aura consumed by this flying car is not gone.

Just like the spiritual energy inhaled by the player during practice is also in the body, and it will be returned to the world after death.

Therefore, the flying car consumes aura to fly, and it does not consume or pollute the entire Aquamarine small world. Naturally, the price has dropped in this regard.

It is much better than the original technological means with pollution.

Unexpectedly, it developed so quickly.

There is really no Jiazi in the mountains.

Xiaodao leaned against the retro tavern, drinking spiritual wine.

Isn't it just to study cheap and practical psionic robots with low strength? After a long time of research, the outside world has changed so much.

At a glance, they are all 100-story buildings of uniform standards, mostly residential buildings, with gardens on the roofs, shopping malls and the like.

Not only the roof, but the bottom of the building is full of green plants, and most of them have a bit of aura.

These many semi-spiritual plants are also the result of research, not only beautify and purify the air, but also have certain economic value.

The aura of the environment meets the conditions, and it will not be a problem to grow into a spiritual plant over time.

The longer the age, the longer the potential, and most are perennials.

And there is no shortage of sunshine here, because this is the result of other research teams, combined with refining equipment, to manufacture sunlight storage beads.

Xiaodao just looked at it, and easily understood the principle and the like.

But everyone is creative, and being the first to eat crabs is enough to make a lot of money.

In these aspects, Shui Lanxing is completely different from what Xiaodao saw originally.

Although the spirit wine is not very good, but the knife is of good quality, watching the rapid changes outside.

Then check out the citizen welfare.

Even if you eat and wait to die, and don't do anything since birth, you will have a good life, no worries about food and drink, no worries about food and clothing, and no lack of enjoyment.

But basically nobody does.

With a system integrated into the rules of the world, the system is ubiquitous.

As long as you put in the effort, you will be rewarded.

It's so small that you take classes seriously every day, so that you will get a certain contribution reward based on your grades in the exams every semester.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

But not everything depends on grades. In other aspects, it can be said that in every aspect of life and study, as long as you work hard, you will have a certain contribution, let alone make achievements.

Although exercises and the like are not free, almost everyone can learn them.

And the basic ones are equivalent to free. Compulsory education involves various basic exercises and practicing all kinds of arts.

Although it's just the foundation, you can basically determine your own strengths, abilities, etc., and work hard for the next step of specialization.

Those who are willing to study and research, even if they study all their lives, can earn contributions and even more from it. ,

It can be said that there are more golden houses in the book if it is confirmed, but this is still not like learning new ideas, researching new achievements and so on.

Of course, learning requires talent, and most of them gave up further study after compulsory education, which has allowed them to determine their own ability direction.

So most of them are still developing in the second world.

Even so, after admiring the scenery outside, he drank the spiritual wine in his glass.

Recently, I got on the shared speed car at the stop and went underground.

As for the cost of drinking, the system has automatically deducted from the personal account.

The same goes for ride costs.

It's like playing, but it's unmanned.

Yes, the knife went underground.

Residence on the ground, private cemetery.

Why is it a spiritual garden, because it is popular to plant various spiritual flowers, spiritual fruits and the like.

There are beautiful, but also affordable.

Either eat it yourself or sell it.

The real large-scale breeding and planting is underground.

Multiple layers have been built.

These are trial versions that have been discussed several times by the expert team.

The biggest problem is the lack of manpower, which is a big problem.

Calling for the glory of childbirth, there is no shortage of spiritual and material reduction.

Therefore, for ordinary people, every family basically has four or five children, and there are no more children. They live in thousands of square meters of free housing, and they don’t want to live happily.

There is no shortage of material, and everyone has a large family of hundreds of people, and the prototype of the family was born unconsciously.

But there is a system, everyone is equal, even the patriarch can't act arbitrarily, and he is more convinced by reason.

Most families have some kind of spiritual things that are pleasing to the eye at home.

Because it has only been a few years, life in reality has changed a lot, and I am still not used to it.

The underground three-dimensional breeding and planting farms are connected together, and there are not enough manpower, but almost all are willing to work overtime, because it is to earn contributions for themselves.

There is no such thing as making enough money.

Because of practice, longevity is a bottomless pit.

Even so, there are still a large area of ​​the planting area reclaimed by large-scale machines that is still deserted, and there is no way to do it due to lack of manpower.

Xiaodao took a tour around and was very moved that the world was changed by magic without knowing it.

Within a few days, cheap robots came out of the assembly line, and once they were launched, they caused a sensation.

The main reason is that it is cheap, and depending on its function, everyone finds that they need one, or need one in their own home.

The home was originally a technological automation, but now that there is a psionic robot, it is even more free of all clutter, unless it is a hobby.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

However, the knife is still set. Depending on the strength, there is a period of time to train the mind every month, or every year, or even a hundred years.

Return to ordinary life, bid farewell to high technology, bid farewell to psychic robots, cook by yourself, live, and reunite with family.

This is mind training, and the path of becoming a **** has requirements for this.

But nothing is mandatory, it's all voluntary.

Xiaodao has contributed enough, and players will not reject this as a benefit.

The contribution you give is linked to your strength, which is basically at this level, a choice you can't bear to give up.

I brought Xiu'er to this retro tavern again.

After drinking the wine, I still take the public speed bus.

This is like a taxi, unmanned, very convenient.

Because of the pursuit of longevity and happiness, practice is also a very interesting thing.

There are luxury flying cars and games for the rich to show off their wealth, but they cannot become the mainstream. This kind of flying car that can be used and contacted at any time is the most convenient and affordable.

However, as everyone's strength improves, they will gradually be eliminated.

Because Yujian flying and the like are more chic and convenient.

Unlike now, if you see a flying person in the display, you will immediately be amazed and a lot of attention will be paid.

Far more attractive than those luxury cars.

Many of the powerful teams that invested in the study of luxury flying cars lost their money because the market is too small.

Xiu'er and Xiaodao sat in the retro tavern, although they only ordered a few snacks and a jug of wine.

But they are all spiritual objects of amazing value, making the boss, an old man in his eighties, very happy.

After eating and drinking, the two took the public speeder to the planting area below.

There are more cheap robots, and it is dozens of times more prosperous than when it was last time, and it is no longer so deserted.

But basically it is still a block, to distinguish.

Each piece belongs to a different Water Blue Star.

This is also what the knife requires.

At present, the spiritual plants in the public area of ​​​​Shuilanxing are all provided by Xiaodao.

As for the private area, ordinary people have the spirit to plant seeds.

The purchase price is too high.

If it weren't for the think tank's understanding of the urination of the lord of the world, after a vote, the credit model was confirmed, and these ordinary Shuilan people could only grow some mortal things.

When Xiaodao came back to his senses, he made some changes.

All the citizens of Shuilanxing not only have free citizen housing of 100 square meters per person, but also have a free private plot underground, with a cheap rental quota of one mu.

The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years! It’s really easy to use. I rely on reading and listening to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download it here..】

In the future, the more rented land, the higher the price.

In addition, the spiritual species cultivated in a personal space much larger than that of Shui Lanxing can be credited, and it also follows the established rule that the less the cheaper, the more the more expensive.

Therefore, most of the land below is planted according to the head, and the gap between them is not too big.

Naturally, this was deliberately done by Xiaodao. To put it bluntly, the basic welfare of the citizens of Shuilanxing will be the basis of their practice.

if not.

Why rent it out to other players.

Dao soldiers, psychic robots and the like are enough to plant.

Systematic and scientific management is much better than Ling Zhifu, and Ling Zhifu is not needed.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

Well, this refers to the low-end case.

The high-end Ling Zhifu can still turn decay into magic.

For the time being, whether it is the concentration of aura, land, planting environment, seeds, etc., it has not yet reached that level.

Need to develop slowly.

Realizing that all the people are like dragons is not at the level of a giant baby.

In any case, all human beings are full of expectations for the future due to the huge changes after the recovery of the aura of the water blue star.

Everyone is trying to practice, the poor stand the most, they have no panacea, even so.

Now a group of earth-root spiritual enlighteners have been born, and they have entered the period of Qi training.

That's a pretty good start.

And regardless of whether the spiritual enlightenment is successful or not, one understands that soon, in reality, spiritual fruits and elixir are not a problem, and the price will plummet.

At that time, it will not be a problem for everyone to enlighten their spirits and enter the Qi training period, and gain a lifespan of sixty years or one Jiazi.

And these are just the beginning.

At the end of the visit, she went shopping in the mall again, allowing Xiu'er to see the prosperity of the technological world, especially to feel the thriving new atmosphere, and everyone is full of hope for the future.

This is the current situation of Water Blue Star.

Make the best use of everything, as long as you have the ability, you don't need any interpersonal relationships, and you don't need the emotional intelligence to deal with others, you will have your own future.

Even if you have no ability or ability, as long as you are willing to work hard, you will suffer.

Sufficient time will inevitably make achievements, and the future is bright.

For all this, the knife is very satisfied.

I have my own personal space, so that I can escape from the second world, do what I can for my own race, and not harm my own interests, and I always feel happy.

This is the sense of accomplishment.

Unknowingly, the authority of Pan Gu's heart, the core of the water blue star, has increased again.

Xiu'er felt the joy of her master's brother, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

It is enough to live by your side and study your own preferences.

Walking here is full of 100-meter high-rises, but there is no lack of sunshine everywhere, and it is a green and natural street.

There are not many passers-by, but all of them are full of vigor.

Walk into the roadside drink bar, various fruit drinks, and real service.

The price is not expensive.

They thought that in order to maintain their popularity, these shops were all working by living people, not to mention the income, but the reasonable and exciting subsidy was the reason for them to open the shop.

Spirit fruit juice.

Just add a spirit seed, and the price is astonishing.

This is not the second world, maybe the price will come down in the future, but now it is sky-high. ,

This is the market, the recovery of spiritual energy has just begun, and the spiritual fruit is not yet mature, so it is no small person who can drink it.

The little sister who was already polite was even more polite, and her smile became more sincere.

Who doesn't like a young man with a lot of money.

Even if there is a young lady next to me, I still want to flirt. ,

When handing out the fruit drink, his slender fingers stroked the palm of his hand.

The knife that was teased was still very excited.

But in the end, no communication method was left After drinking the fruit drink, he sat relaxed in front of the window.

Looking at the clean road outside, Lingzhi on the side of the road, and the occasional passerby.

I feel very comfortable.

Then I looked at the latest information on the real water blue star, and there was a big thing in it.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】



With the recovery of spiritual energy, some strange existences were born.

According to the number of cases discovered by statistics, the think tank plus the system, the final judgment is that some leftover grievances combined with aura are formed.

I don't know how long these grievances have existed, they may have been very strong originally, even though Shui Lanxing only has a meager amount of heaven and earth vitality left, it hasn't dissipated completely, leaving traces of it.

Maybe in a few years, it will eventually dissipate.

But now that the spiritual energy is recovering, these grievances and the like have shown signs of recovery after absorbing the spiritual energy, and the current methods cannot be eliminated at all.

However, the system is integrated into the world and is everywhere. Where the aura fluctuates abnormally, there are hints before the strangeness is born.

According to the prompts of the system, the various experts under him have figured out their respective laws after various trials and researches, and will seal them up before they are fully formed.

Thanks again for the spirit separation method.

Arrays and the like left behind by the knife cut off the spiritual energy.

By slowing down the speed of these strange recovery points, there is enough time to seal them up without accidents.

However, these weirdnesses cannot be eliminated, and even if they are barely sealed, it is not safe.