MTL - I Bound Aizen-Chapter 88

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"Ah, I'm satisfied... As expected of Kuchiki's family, delicious food is like free of money. I should come here more often when I have free time."

Hearing this, Ye Yi showed a dissatisfied expression.

"For gourmet food, I also have it in Sifeng Courtyard. Come to my house tomorrow, and I will show you what a feast is!"

Mikami Yuu's eyes lit up.

The two walked to the entrance of an alley and went to both sides respectively.

Ye Yi will tell the family elders what happened today, and discuss with them how to respond.

Mikami Yu rushed to the first team.

When approaching Team One, he suddenly stopped in surprise.

In front of a large stand, Aizen stood there, looking like he was thinking.


Mikami Yuu leaned over.

Hearing his voice, Aizen turned his head to look.

Then, without waiting for Yu Mikami to ask, he pointed to the sign in front of him.

"I'll come over and take a look at the new recruiting slogans of each team."

Yu Mikami looked up at the stand.

Looking at the date, he showed a somewhat surprised expression.

Unexpectedly, it was a coincidence that they graduated early.

A group of sixth grade students, the last half of their study content is to go to various teams for internships.

I and Aizen can just catch up with this wave of "new people".

In a sense, this saves them a lot of trouble.

And suddenly, Mikami Yuu seemed to remember something.

When Aizen was seriously studying the new recruiting standards of each team, Yu Mikami suddenly reached out and grabbed his sleeve—

"Ameng, please help me!"

Aizen: "..."

Chapter 105 appoints Yu Mikami as conductor!

"Ameng, please help me!"

Under Aizen's suspicious gaze, Mikami Yuu pulled him and found an empty corner.

After opening the soundproof barrier, Mikami Yu told Aizen about going to Kuchiki's house today.

After he finished speaking, he showed a doggy smile: "Hey, Zola Ameng, tell me quickly, what should I do next?"

"Now, with the two nobles of the Kuchiki family and the Sifengin family standing behind me, to deal with a Tsunayashiro family, wouldn't it be enough to just push them flat?"

Hearing Yu Mikami's words, Aizen's eyes twitched.

"...The rules of the corpse soul world have been fixed for millions of years."

"No matter how ugly the fight is in secret, there will never be such a thing as a frontal fight."

"Don't say you just unite two families, even if you unite the other four families, they will never agree to attack the Tsunayashiro family head-on."

Hearing this, Mikami Yu showed a troublesome expression.

"Really, so it's really stupid to talk about nobles."

"Souyousuke, quickly become stronger and knock down these nobles."

"At that time, the man will be sent to you as a laboratory employee, and the woman will be sent to me as a villager!"

Aizen: "..."

He took a deep breath, suppressing his rising blood pressure.

Ignoring Mikami Yu's farting behavior, he showed a thoughtful expression.

After a while, he nodded.

"I got it."

"After meeting the captain, you just say that..."


"Teacher! Old man! Chief Captain!"

Hearing this angry shout, Sparrow Minister Jiro, who was watering the flowers, raised his hand to his forehead.

Holding the watering can, he straightened his waist and looked in the direction Mikami Yuu was running towards.

"Your Excellency Mikami, don't make any noise in the team building!"

He sternly criticized.

Yu Mikami let out a groan, and shut his mouth tightly.

Then, lowering his voice, he said cautiously: "I have confidential information... Hurry up and inform the old man..."

Looking at Yu Mikami who looked like an underground ○ joint, Sparrowbe felt his blood pressure was a little high.

When I entered Yamamoto's office, I saw the old man reading a book.

Seeing Yu Mikami, Yamamoto said angrily, "It's so noisy, what's going on?"

Under Yamamoto's gaze, Mikami Yuu leaned over and told what happened at Kuchiki's house.

After listening, Yamamoto showed a somewhat surprised expression.

Although he knew that Mikami Yu was very capable of tossing around and had the ability to attract events, but being able to toss to this extent was really a bit powerful.

When he was thinking, Mikami Yu slightly raised his chest and raised his head.

"Teacher, I have thought of a plan for this matter!"

Yamamoto glanced at him.

"What plan can you come up with...won't it be to unite Sifengin and Kuchiki's family and directly kill Tsunayashiro's house?"

Mikami Yu couldn't help but choked.

He widened his eyes: "Teacher, how can you slander your students like this!"

"Don't look at me like this, at critical moments, I am quite quick-witted!"

Under Yamamoto's gaze, he recounted the idea that Aizen had put forward before.

At first, Yamamoto just squinted his eyes and listened casually as if to pass the time.

However, as he listened, his old squinted eyes gradually revealed a look of surprise.

After listening to Yu Mikami's narration, his eyes widened.

"Boy, did you come up with this?"

Mikami Yuu snorted and smiled: "It's just that I'm not talented."

He said this without any guilt.

First of all, Aizen is absolutely unwilling to be in the limelight. He wishes that all his ideas can be given to others.

Then, the one who guided Aizen to think and finally came up with this plan was naturally the only owner of the plan!

Looking at Yu Mikami's proud expression, Yamamoto was suspicious.

But, after he thought about it carefully, the people around Mikami Yu really didn't seem to be so smart.

After thinking for a while, he nodded.

"Yes, if you follow this method, the chances of winning will be very great."

After speaking, he closed his eyes.

Yu Mikami could feel that there seemed to be some news wrapped in spiritual pressure, and he left Yamamoto and flew far away.

In less than five minutes, two figures stepped on Shunpo together and appeared in the room.

Both of them were acquainted by Mikami Yu.

One is the captain of the new third division with blond hair and a cowardly look, Fengqiao Rojuro.

The other is a handsome guy with silver hair and sharp edges, the captain of the New Ninth Division, Liuche Quanxi.

Compared with the last time they met, both of them had the same obvious change.

It was them who had already put on the white Captain Haori.

Looking at the appearance of the two of them, Yu Mikami was a little emotional.

The two were originally handsome guys with different styles, but now with the captain Haori, their appearance has soared.

If it goes on like this, it will almost catch up with me...

"Your Excellency, Captain!"

As soon as the two landed, they bowed their heads to Yamamoto.

Yamamoto nodded slightly.

Then he said:

"Yu Mikami, from now on, the old man appoints you as the commander of the special operations team."

"Once you receive the letter of appointment, you will have Class A action authority!"

Hearing this, Yu Mikami was a little surprised.

And the other two couldn't help showing a look of shock.

Class-A clearance... And it's a special operations team?

In a sense, during the validity period of the authority, Yu Mikami's influence in the Goutei 13th team was second only to Captain Yamamoto!

What's the big deal? Why did the captain issue such authority?

Then, Yamamoto continued:

"Captain of the Third Division, Fengqiao Loujuro."

"Captain of the Ninth Division, Liuche Quanxi."

"The above two people will join Mikami Yu's special operations team and follow Mikami Yu's command."

Hearing this, the two said without hesitation: "Yes!"

Raising their heads again, the eyes of the two of them looking at Yu Mikami were a little more strange.

After receiving their appointments, the three of them left the team building together.

Fengqiaolou Juro whispered: "Uh, that, Commander Mikami, what are we going to do next?"

He actually wanted to ask, what exactly does this special operations team do.

But Mikami Yu didn't take the initiative to say it, and he didn't dare to ask casually.

Mikami Yuu took a step that his relatives did not recognize, and looked back at him.

After thinking about it, he said:

"Captain Fengqiao, how is your Shunpo level?"

Fengqiaolou Juro said without hesitation: "Please don't worry, I haven't stopped practicing every day!"

Mikami Yuu nodded in satisfaction: "Okay, then go to the West Twelfth District of Liuhun Street and buy me a glutinous rice dumpling."

"Remember to ask for the ones sold by Seven Tsujiya, I like to eat theirs."