MTL - I Became the Favorite of Big Bosses-Chapter 64 Pick a job

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Chapter 64 Choosing a job

Yang Yan nodded, and when Wei Lan lay down, she walked out quietly.

 When Ding Maomao came in, Wei Lan was already asleep.

Looking at the girl lying on her side on the bed, Ding Maomao slowed down for half a beat. She stood in front of Wei Lan's bed and looked at Wei Lan's sleeping face in trance.

She also went to the Gu family just now, and brought two meat buns with her. The buns were bought from a state-owned restaurant for 12 cents each, and they were very honest. However, even so, the Gu family did not agree to help her knit shoes.

Ding Maomao bit his lip. He couldn't explain what he felt in his heart. Maybe he was angry or unwilling, but why? Everyone turned a blind eye to her.

Thinking of this, Ding Maomao couldn't help but remember that at the Gu family just now, the little girl of the Gu family was feeding chickens without even looking at her. Grandma Gu had a distant and polite smile on her face. Even Gu Chao, who was going home to drink water, walked past her. At this time, his eyes didn't even stay on her for a moment.

 Why is she being ignored like this, while Wei Lan is so popular among everyone?

Lin Qing came in from outside. When she saw Ding Maomao's sinister eyes at the door of the room, she couldn't help but trembled, "Maomao, what are you doing?"

Ding Maomao came back to his senses and met Lin Qing's suspicious eyes. He was at a loss what to do, "No, I didn't do anything. I, I..."

"Oh." Lin Qing didn't look at her again. The look in her eyes just now made her feel uncomfortable. Seeing that Wei Lan was still sleeping and had no idea what was going on, Lin Qing went up and pushed her, "Wei Lan, wake up, Wei Lan ?”

"What are you doing?" Wei Lan's sleepy eyes met Lin Qing's complicated eyes, and she lost all her wits and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lin Qing glanced at Ding Maomao and urged, "If I have something to do with you, come with me."

Although he didn't know what happened, Wei Lan put on her shoes and followed Lin Qing's footsteps.

 Watching the two people leaving, Ding Maomao's eyes suddenly filled with gloom.

Lin Qing led her out of the room and looked back to see Wei Lan still looking like she hadn't woken up. She felt vaguely funny.

Helping Wei Lan fasten the collar buckle, "It's about working in the fields. The captain came over just now and said that the early rice has been harvested and we have to go to the fields to plant rice seedlings in the next few days. Everyone is discussing it!"

Wei Lan: “If it’s rice transplanting, you don’t have a choice, right?”

"There are also bundles of rice seedlings. I heard that soybeans are to be planted in the Xiaogang area. The team leader said that we female educated youths cannot do heavy physical work, so we have to pick our own." Lin Qing explained.

Wei Lan followed her into the main room. Looking at the people sitting in the main room, she asked, "How do you decide?"

Yang Yan: “There are many work points for transplanting rice seedlings, I want to try it.”

The male educated youths used to help pick seedlings and so on, and their work points were not much. Many members of the commune secretly laughed at them for getting the work points of the young men, and they more or less listened.

Now the captain came over and explained everything clearly, letting them choose. In order to make a living for themselves, most of them chose to plant rice seedlings or plow the ground.

Although this is tiring, the work points are two or three times that of sowing bean seeds and tying up seedlings.

More work points mean more grain. If you don’t want to ask for grain, you can negotiate with the brigade to convert it into grain coupons or money, which can be sent back to the city to subsidize your family.

Wei Lan looked at Lin Qing, "What are your plans?"

"I'm not very physically strong, but I want to try transplanting rice first." Lin Qing smiled sheepishly, "What about you?"

Wei Lan coughed dryly and straightened her little body, "Since you all chose to transplant rice seedlings, then I'll go sow bean seeds. There are so many of you, and there will definitely be enough people to transplant rice seedlings."

 (End of this chapter)