MTL - I Became the Favorite of Big Bosses-Chapter 59 State-owned hotel

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Chapter 59 State-owned Hotels

Wei Lan stood there and saw Lin Qing and the others with their eyes red with joy after receiving the letter from home, feeling a little envious in her heart.

 She was not sure whether the Wei family would send her a letter.

 After all, Wei Xueliang doesn't care about these things, and Wei's mother has no way to find out the specific commune and brigade where she is. As for Wei Lin, maybe she hasn't been discharged from the hospital yet?

Just as Wei Lan was thinking about it, she heard a muffled "dong" sound on the counter, and a large package landed there.

The staff member wiped his sweat and looked at Wei Lan. The little girl was slim and beautiful. Can she carry such a heavy package with her small arms and legs?

The staff reminded: "Hello, comrade, the package is a bit heavy, please be careful when picking it up."

Wei Lan was stunned for a moment, smiled and nodded. Although she was mentally prepared, the heavy package fell into her hands and she couldn't help but take a few steps back.

 “Are you okay?” Yang Yan came over to support her.

Wei Lan shook her head, "I'm fine."

 It's not ordinary heavy. What did the Wei family send her?

Lin Qing saw that she was struggling to carry it, so she said, "How about you wait for us here? If you have anything to buy, we can bring it back to you?"

Wei Lan was about to cry but had no tears. Although she had no intention of going shopping, she still wanted to see what the supply and marketing cooperatives of this era were like, and she also wanted to buy menstrual belts this time. Although they were all girls, she still wanted to go shopping. Sorry to trouble others.

Yang Yan: “It’s not safe to stay alone.”

"Let's go to the state-owned hotel? I saw it when I passed by just now." Ding Maomao glanced at Wei Lan and said cautiously: "You didn't eat when you came out this morning. You must be hungry too, right?"

Wei Lan nodded reluctantly.

The group sent Wei Lan to the state-owned hotel before going to buy the things they had planned to buy.

There were not many people in the state-owned hotel. Apart from Wei Lan, there were three other people. Most of the small tables in front of them were steamed buns and pickles. They probably didn’t order any expensive dishes. The lady at the counter had a long face, waiting for someone to come over and order. She would also snort and show disdain.

 Looking at what others are doing has been practiced in every era.

Wei Lan sighed and walked towards the counter with the heavy package in his arms.

  I didn’t eat when I came out in the morning, so I’m really hungry now.

She glanced at the menu written in calligraphy under the counter, and after a while she said: "I want two meat buns and a bowl of millet porridge."

The lady at the counter saw that Wei Lan was good-looking, well-dressed, and her face looked a little better than before. Now she ordered the most ordinary steamed bun porridge without any meat dishes, and her face suddenly elongated. What to say about mixed points.

The lady at the counter stretched out her hand and said, "The meat buns are 12 cents each, the porridge is 8 cents a bowl, and I also need 2 taels of food stamps."

The meat buns are solid in size. Although there is not much meat filling inside, the skin of the buns is made of thin noodles. It is very soft when you bite into it. You can also take a sip of the soup inside the buns.

Wei Lan's cheeks bulged, thinking this was probably the best thing she had eaten since she went to the countryside.

It's hot in summer, so I bought too many buns and stuff like that and couldn't put them away, but Wei Lan thought about it and packed five more for you to drink with water when you go back, two for dinner, two for tomorrow morning, and the remaining one Give it to Youlan.

State-owned restaurants do not provide oil paper for packaging. If you want to take it from them, you have to pay an extra two cents.

Wei Lan took out a dollar and handed it over, and successfully received five meat buns and several cents.

Putting the money away, Wei Lan sat in the hall and looked down the street. She originally wanted to see if Lin Qing and the others were back, but accidentally saw two men talking furtively at the entrance of the alley opposite.

 (End of this chapter)