MTL - I Became An Ace Broker-Chapter 283 Linguer

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Yin Xiaozhong hurried to the top floor, and he saw Lin Guer sitting alone on the edge of the building. She was dressed in black, and it was difficult to see her figure from a long distance at night.

"What are you doing here by yourself? Where's your assistant?" Yin Xiaozhong is not an expert in negotiating, so he walked over to Lin Gu'er directly after coming up, and asked as he walked.

Lin Gu'er turned her head and glanced at him, with a smile on her face, her face was extremely haggard.

"I told them all to go back. I want to be alone." Lin Gu'er said.

Yin Xiaozhong walked over and sat next to her, and looked down. Fortunately, the company's floor is not very high, only less than 30 to 40 meters high.

After calming down, Yin Xiaozhong softened his tone and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

It was the first time for him to see Lin Gu'er's face without makeup at such a close distance. She was indeed very beautiful, her facial features were also very delicate, and her fair skin was well maintained.

Lin Guer crossed her legs, looked at Yin Xiaozhong, and asked softly, "Mr. Yin, you are such a powerful person, do you have anything to worry about?"

"Awesome? How am I so good?" Yin Xiaozhong asked back.

Lin Guer thought for a while, "As a mainlander, you can eat so much in the Mingzhu area. The big bosses from all sides have given you face, and you have cultivated so many newcomers when you first entered the entertainment industry, and you are still very young. It's great."

Hearing such a series of compliments from her, Yin Xiaozhong curled his lips and smiled, "You really praise me too much. If you insist on saying that, then it's great."

"Then do you have anything to worry about?" Lin Gu'er turned around and asked again.

"Yes, there are a lot of troubles." Yin Xiaozhong replied.

Lin Gu'er looked at him seriously, "Then tell me."

Seeing that she has gradually entered the topic, Yin Xiaozhong thought that now is a better time, so he said, "Let's talk here, let's go back and talk, it's quite cold here."

Lin Guer glanced left and right, "Then can you accompany me for a drink?"

Yin Xiaozhong nodded, "Of course, I was drinking just now, and I ran to find you before I was drunk."

"Really? You came here before finishing your drink?" Hearing Yin Xiaozhong's answer, Lin Guer suddenly looked at him with tears in her eyes, with mixed feelings in her eyes.

Yin Xiaozhong already knew that she was suffering from depression, so he was prepared for the rapid changes in her state, so he nodded nonchalantly, "Of course."

This indifferent answer made Lin Gu'er burst into tears.

"What's wrong with you?" Yin Xiaozhong asked cautiously.

"It's been a long time since I felt that someone cared about me so much." Lin Gu'er said sobbing.

Hearing her answer, Yin Xiaozhong didn't know what to say, so he continued, "Let's go back and talk, it's too cold here."

Lin Gu'er stopped crying, looked up at him, nodded, "Yeah."

In this way, Yin Xiaozhong successfully led Lin Gu'er from the roof back to the room, and a stone hanging in his heart was put down.

Sitting on the edge of the building just now was simply too dangerous. Although the building is not too high, if you stumble and fall, you will die.

The two of them went directly to the catering department of the company. Yin Xiaozhong took out a few bottles of beer from the refrigerator and put them in front of Lin Guer. Linguer opened a bottle and drank it all.

Yin Xiaozhong looked at her in surprise, "There is no one who drinks like this, drink slowly."

Since Lin Guer came back, she seems to have forgotten the troublesome topic just now, but said to herself, "Before I entered the entertainment industry, the family conditions were not good, my father was lazy, and my mother was vain, but the family had no money. In the end, the two of them had nothing but divorce, and when I entered the entertainment industry, I became popular and made money. The two of them got worse and didn't consider my daughter's feelings at all. My father started investing in the company and lost a lot of money. money, and my mother even carried me behind her back, and even used my relationship to start hanging out with some people in the entertainment industry, with this one today, and that one tomorrow, and it became known to everyone that I couldn't be promoted in the circle. Get up."

Yin Xiaozhong did not expect that she would suddenly open up to talk about her past, since she wanted to talk, let her say, this may be a kind of catharsis for her, after all, people who suffer from depression must have some knots in their hearts Or it's because there are always things that can't be thought about.

"Later, my mother actually got involved with Yang Chengcheng, and in the end, for the benefit of our mother and daughter, we served together..." At this point, Lin Gu'er burst into tears again.

Hearing this, Yin Xiaozhong was a little surprised, mother and daughter serve one person, isn't this a bit too exaggerated?

Lin Guer suddenly raised her head to look at Yin Xiaozhong, "Are your parents like this too?"

Yin Xiaozhong took a sip of beer and sat next to her, maybe to ease the atmosphere, he stretched a lot, and replied, "I don't have parents, and I don't even know what they look like."

"Ah!" Lin Guer was startled when he heard such an understatement.

"If my parents were like your family, maybe I would be like you too." Thinking about it in my shoes, it's really frustrating to have such parents.

"Do you miss your parents?" Lin Guer asked again.

Yin Xiaozhong shook his head, "No, I don't even know who they are and why I want them."

Linguer nodded in understanding.

"I heard you are sick?" Yin Xiaozhong asked bluntly.

"Who said it? Who did you listen to?" Lin Gu'er was a little terrified. She never mentioned the matter of depression to anyone, and the assistants around her didn't know about it. She always sent the assistant away when she was in a low mood. , and then sneaked to see a doctor alone.

In fact, the reason why she didn't dare to let her assistant know about it was because she was afraid that the news of her illness would reach Yin Xiaozhong, more precisely, it would reach Li Xian's ears. She was very afraid of Li Xian, and she was worried that Li Xian would know that she was sick. After all, she still owes so much money to the company. If Li Xian stood at the company's point of view, he would definitely return her to Yang Cheng's side. The transfer agreement is still in the guarantee period. If Fengxing Tianxia Company's calculation of her value is not up to standard, they have the right to do so.

"A paparazzi friend, he took a picture of you going to the psychology department of the hospital." Yin Xiaozhong replied calmly.

"Did you see the photo?" Lin Gu'er continued to ask.

Yin Xiaozhong shook his head, "No." After a pause, he asked with a serious expression, "Are you saying that I am sick? And I have depression."

Seeing that she couldn't hide the matter, Lin Gu'er nodded, "Yeah."

"Why didn't you tell the company?" Yin Xiaozhong asked.

"I'm afraid that the company will underestimate my value and ability to create benefits in the future, and finally send me back to Yang Cheng. I'm really afraid of going back again. I don't want to go back to the Pearl area." Linguer whispered explained.

Hearing such an explanation, Yin Xiaozhong pursed his lips and looked at her, "Is this what you are afraid of?"

Lin Guer hurriedly continued, "Mr. Yin, don't worry, even if this is the case, I will not delay the announcement and will not bring losses to the company. I just ask you and Mr. Li not to send me back."

Yin Xiaozhong took a sip of beer.

Linguer looked at him nervously.

Putting down the beer, Yin Xiaozhong said lightly, "Don't worry, I won't send you back, but if you are sick, you should see a doctor first. How can you hide such a dangerous disease as depression? Working while sick, this kind of thing will definitely happen. no."


"Stop it, I'll tell Li Xian tomorrow and ask her to push back part of your announcement, take care of your health first, and talk about making money later."

Hearing what Yin Xiaozhong said, Lin Guer was so moved that she shed tears again, and couldn't control her emotions anymore, she threw herself into Yin Xiaozhong's arms and cried bitterly.


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