MTL - I Am This Type of Woman-Chapter 24 Thick fog

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"Bo, there is nothing wrong here."

"Bo Ye! There is a box here." A guard handed the wooden box to Du Jiu's hand. Du Jiu Duan looked at it for a long while. He thought that this might be just a normal box, and then carefully opened the wooden box.

Huang Cancan's gold cakes were neatly stacked with a thick layer. The corners of the corners were also filled with various colored stones, and they couldn't help but lick their eyes.

"Bo, Grandpa, they really came to bury the treasure," Du Jiuyi never felt so ridiculous, is this person in Jingting Houfu full of food? !

Have money, no flowers, run to the deep mountains and old forests to play treasure?

Rong Rong looked at this box of gold gems, but did not know what language to use to describe it, such as jade-like face, there is a moment of sluggishness.

"Bo, it seems that they really did not lie, it should be mistakenly here..." Du Jiu thought, "Maybe it was because the last time the class was buried in the treasure, you were not able to succeed, so this time they changed A place."

Just did not expect that they met them again.

I heard that when the great princess married to Jingtinggong, the red makeup was ten miles, which attracted the whole city. There is such a wealthy mother, it is not a rare thing for Jingting Hou to be extravagant, but it is nothing to rush out to bury the treasure, it is really a defeat.

He heard that some businessmen in the South were fighting for wealth. When they were in the tide, they threw gold leaves and silver leaves into the water, causing the people to jump into the water and salvage, so many people were drowned by the robbing of gold and silver. Compared with those businessmen, Jing Tinghou’s thoughts are about causality and the means are clean.

No matter what you think, he still doesn't understand the thoughts of these noble people.

"Put it up," Rong Rong put his hand behind his back. "If there is a winner, I am a good person."

Du Jiu looked at the expression of his uncle, and determined that he was not joking, his expression was subtle.

"Bo, there are traces of the movement of the soil in several places." The guards looked around, and the way the people were disguised was too low, so that people could see where the soil moved.

"Don't look at it," Rong Rong reached out and took out a piece of gold cake from the wooden box. The color of the gold cake is very good. Just one is enough to make ordinary people worry about eating underwear for ten years. "Clean it up here, don't let people find it. The soil has been flipped."


Rong Rong put the gold cake back in the wooden box and reached for the wooden box from Du Jiu’s hand. The box didn’t look big, but it was quite heavy.

Looking at the very good-natured grandfather, Du Jiu always felt that this was not too kind, but he thought about it. Anyway, the gold that the class had buried was waiting for a good person. The grandfather found the gold... People are slightly.

Yes, no problem, their grandfather is definitely not shame!

In the class of the family, the family of three people sat around the round table and sipped tea.

"I was really scared to death," Ban Heng held a teacup and looked pitiful. "Sister, you lied to me."

"I'm sorry," of course, every time the younger brother took the pot, the class was still a little bit sloppy. She folded her hands together and looked at Ban Heng with a look of apology. "But I was too nervous at the time, I only thought of this in my mind, don't worry about it. I am angry with me, can't I?"

"To count, forget, anyway, I am a beggar, this little thing does not matter." Ban Heng is most afraid of his sister looking at himself pitifully, as long as she is so stunned, he has no position to speak.

"Heng Di, thank you." Ban Yi poured Ban Heng to the tea. "I am worried that after Cheng Anbo knows about this, will he dig it out and get it to his own home?"

"How is it possible," Ban Heng waved his hand. "Rong Bo is not such a person."

"Yes," Ban Huai nodded. "How can Rong Boye be a gentleman? How can this be done?"

Ban Yi touched the nose, it seems that she is a gentleman's belly. People like Rong Bo are not short of silver flowers, how can they see the things they buried.

"It’s late at night, go back to sleep, and I will take you back tomorrow.” Ban Huai pulled the back of the clothes, and the clothes inside him were soaked in the cold sweat that had just emerged, sticking it on the back. Extremely.

In the early morning, the whole piece of land was wrapped in thick fog, and the class was tied with a cloak. He turned over and rode on the horse's back. He said to his father and his brother: "Today's fog is big, don't ride too fast, don't be surprised."

Ban Huai and Ban Hengyi nodded. On the issue of riding, the father and son only listened to the class.

A family of three with a **** did not walk on the official road for a long time, heard the sound of horseshoes coming from behind, Ban Huai feared that there were people in the fog and doing bad things, let a guard look to the back.

After a while, the guards came back. There was also a man riding a horse with him. The three of the class members knew each other. It was the Cheng Anbo guard Du Jiu who insisted on sending them back last night.

"Du Guardian," Ban Yi looked at the eyes behind Du Jiu, not far away, "It's so clever."

"I have seen Hou Ye, the county owner, the world son," Du Jiu came down from the horse and bowed to the three men.

"Going out, don't worry about this," Ban said with a smile, Du Jiu, "You are also back to the city?"

"Back to the county, I am waiting for the **** to return to the city." Du Jiu looked at the girl sitting on the horse and smiling, it is that he is not a lascivious person, it is inevitable to be amazing, a beautiful woman. He is a rough man. He only thinks that if the man in the world is lucky enough to marry such a beautiful girl, even if she waits for the woman to be mirrored every day, she should be willing to do so. I really don’t understand why this kind of stunning color will be retired.

"The original Rong Bo is also," Ban Yi looked up and saw a group of people walking in the thick fog, headed by a white horse, wearing a crescent moon robes.

The two men were opposite each other, and Ban Yi showed a bright smile to the other party.

Rong Rong wanted to dismiss the class to Ban Huai, and was stopped by Ban Huai. Rong Rong noticed that the order of the three men in the class was a little strange. The class as a woman walked in the front, but Ban Huai and Ban Heng followed, and there were some irregularities.

However, he is not a nosy person. He and Ban Huai whispered a few words: "The guards who were in the last night disturbed Yaxing, and they made a sin for them."

"Cough," Ban Huai coughed, this kind of thing was quite shameful, and he apologized.

"Rong Boye, this kind of thing can be counted as Yaxing," Ban Yi controls the speed of the horse. "But we are bored and have fun, let you laugh."

"Buddhas pay attention to cause and effect. Today, you plant good cause. Someone will get help because of your actions today. That is good fruit. This is naturally an elegant thing." Rong Rongchao took a punch, "good cause" If you have good results, you will have good news, and those who have treasures will thank you."

Banyan opened his mouth and couldn't say a rebuttal. The reader's mouth is really powerful, can make a ridiculous thing so philosophical, even she almost followed to believe, this is the power of learning!

Looking back at Ban Heng, look at people, look at yourself, shame and not ashamed.

Ban Heng turned his head, non-violent and uncooperative, a pair I could not understand, invisible.

"Counter," Rong Rong drove the distance from the horse to the half of the horse. "Have you heard that you like the white fox?"

Ban Yi turned his head and looked at Rong Rong. It’s always good to look good. “Well.”

"There are a few good fox skins there. If the county owner doesn't give up, I will let the next person send it to you today." Rong Xiao smiled. "The fox is a beautiful woman."

In the morning breeze, the white mist drenched the eyelashes of the class, and she blinked: "I really like things, but I don't know how to accept the uncle."

"It’s just a thank you for the dim sum of the two days ago," Rong Rong said, and there is a small half-length of the horse. "The cakes in your house are very delicious, and the cooks in the lower house can’t do this. The taste comes."

"What do you mean by letting me take a snack to change the fox with you?" The class suddenly realized, and looked generous. "You can rest assured that when I return to the house, I will let the next person send you the recipe." ”

The smile on Rong Rong’s face was slightly stiff, and then he smiled and said: “That’s thanks to the county owner.”

On the other side, Ban Heng rode the horse to the side of Ban Huai, which gave a look to Ban Huai.

This is the grandfather, isn’t it interesting to his sister?

Ban Huai shook his head and it was unlikely.

Although he is his relatives and prostitutes, he is a conscience. It is not appropriate for his niece to be with Rong Junpo.

"The county owner is very aggressive when he shoots a bow. If you are a man, you will be an amazing general."

"That may not be." Ban Yi shook his head very straight.

“Why?” Rong Rong’s face in Banyan’s face did not mean a little bit of self-importance.

"There is more suffering in the military camp. If I am a man, then now is the Houfu family, surrounded by beautiful, soft sleeper, so comfortable days, but I can't figure out what to do, run to the military camp to suffer?" Ban Yi single-handed face, The tender cheeks look very cute. "All the soldiers who are willing to go to the battlefield are great, but I don't want to be them."

Tolerance for a moment, looking at the delicate woman in front of her eyes, said with a smile: "The county is a good student."

"Life is only a few dozen years, how come you come," Ban said with a smile. "Who knows that there is no chance to open your eyes any day."

Rong Rong is still laughing: "The county owner is very transparent."

It is a pity that all beings are suffering, and several people can see through it. How many people have done so unscrupulously?

The sun finally broke away from the thick fog, letting the sun fall on the ground, although there was not much temperature, but it could dispel the boundless fog a little bit.

The class pinched the whip and pointed it forward: "The gate is here."

At this time, at the gate of the city, a luxurious carriage is coming to the layman. The logo of the carriage is known as the family emblem of the Shijia.

Thinking of Shi Feixian's confession to Rong Rongfang, Ban Yi couldn't help but look at Rong Rong.

Rong Rong did not seem to see the carriage at the gate. Just smiled at her and turned to look far away.