MTL - I Am The Only One Who Doesn’t Know I Am The Master-v2 Chapter 152 The meaning of the name of the ancestor

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Above the high dome of the Three Realms, a distant and mysterious unknown place.

"You demon ancestors."

A gentle and sweet female voice suddenly sounded in this world, and the voice conveyed many secrets.

"Cangsheng, what are you waiting for me?"

"The ancestors of the common people."

"Cangsheng, why did you speed up time to 108,000 times? Is it in such a hurry?"

"Could it be that the affairs of the world are about to start?"

One after another, or strange, or cold, or irritable, or plain grand voices, one after another great beings responded to the voice of the ancestors of the common people in this world.

"Yes, the time has come." The Demon Ancestor of the Cangsheng said softly: "Some of the Demon Ancestors should already know that at the time of the ancient catastrophe, the 'Yanyue Demon Ancestor' of my faction was reborn on the side of Heaven and became a The biggest secret chess of my outlander, now is the time to use this secret chess."

"Oh? Did 'she' find the right moment?"

"'who is she?"

"Although I know that I have such a secret chess game on the side of Heaven, I still don't know who it is."

"This matter was planned by the demon ancestor of the Cangsheng faction. It is normal for me and other factions to not know."

"That's what it should be. The faction at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is not credible. Although there are only two people in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and Youchan, but the Youchan was reincarnated in the human world, and even the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty disappeared. Hmph, both of them have turned their backs on the outsiders. ."

"This time, Youchan must be brought back. After we swallow her, we can completely create a new faction, which is not inferior to the common people, the robbery, and the infinite three."

"Cangsheng, since you are going to expose the biggest secret chess move this time, you must succeed. Are you sure?"

"If you don't have enough confidence, let the little guys in the world go all out first. It's okay for me to wait for the incarnation, but if you don't have absolute certainty, you can't pay too much price."

The demon ancestors who stood at the peak of the outsiders all said casually.

The many demon ancestors of the outsiders are divided into four major factions, of which the three major factions have the largest number of demon ancestors, headed by the three major demon ancestors, the ancestors of the common people, the ancestors of robbery, and the ancestors of the infinite.

The last faction was the most powerful faction, but there were only two people—the Demon Ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty and the Demon Ancestor Youchan.

The strength of the Demon Ancestor at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is undoubtedly the first of many Demon Ancestors. Even if the Heavenly Emperor in the beginning of the Yuan is compared with him, he is only in the same realm, but the power of the Heavenly Emperor at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is far inferior to the Indestructible Demon of the Demon Ancestor at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. The body is so terrifying.

Therefore, if 'it' does not wake up, the Demon Ancestor in the early Yuan Dynasty is the undisputed strongest in the Three Realms!

The first demon ancestor!

It can be said that at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the strength of the Demon Ancestor alone was more terrifying than that of the other Demon Ancestors working together!

And this faction, even the Demon Ancestor Youchan is extremely powerful, close to the top of the other three factions, and it is enough to rank fifth among the Demon Ancestors.

If the demon ancestors were also divided into tiers according to their strength, the demon ancestors in the early Yuan Dynasty were the only first echelon among the demon ancestors!

The other three faction masters and Youchan are the second echelon, and their realm is also comparable to the second echelon of the Heavenly Dao side. It is only because the demon body is strong enough that the first echelon of the Heavenly Dao side can compete.

As for the other demon ancestors, that is the third echelon, and their realm is only comparable to that of the third echelon of Heavenly Dao.

On the outsider side, when the realm is comparable, whether it is the foundation of an ordinary outsider, or the body of an aloof demon ancestor, it will always be the biggest advantage.

However, in fact, all the demon ancestors understand that the demon ancestors and Youchan demon ancestors in the early Yuan Dynasty are not factions, just because they are too indulgent and do not obey the will of 'it', they are excluded by other demon ancestors and are listed as the fourth faction. .

"You demon ancestors."

The gentle voice of the ancestors of the ancestors sounded: "According to the news from 'her', Youchan's reincarnation is not in Qingcheng at this time, and there is a Taiyijing immortal reincarnated by her side, who is carrying the painting for 'her' in the beginning. The incarnation of the picture scroll is the right time to start, but 'she' also suspects that this is a trap, so she needs my help."

As soon as her voice fell, a low and cold voice rang out: "Cangsheng, is this also an opportunity?"

"What Jie Mozu said is, not to mention the reincarnation of the immortal gods who carried the picture scrolls, but just followed Youchan, even if Youchan personally carried the picture scrolls, it would be meaningless. If you want to sneak attack on Youchan, how can you not notice it in the beginning? A thought can make that avatar dissipate."

"This has nothing to do with strength, but it is impossible to attack at all, not to mention that the Heavenly Dao side seems to be able to come to incarnate."

"Yes, in the beginning of the human world, with his realm, unless one of the three demon ancestors, or the ancestors of the common people and the ancestors of the infinite, is willing to pay a considerable price, how can he do anything to him?"

"Hey... pay the price? Didn't you see the ending of Ming Ye? If you only slightly increase the power of the incarnation level, you will be slightly injured, but if the increase is too high, the price to pay is too great, even the indestructible demon body will be If there is a flaw, and the Heavenly Dao is attacked through the causal line, then maybe you have to accompany Ming Ye to sleep."

"Yes, no matter what, you can't raise it to more than one level. Otherwise, the origin of the demon body will be unstable, and it will simply not be able to withstand the causal attack of Nuwa and other heavenly powers."

"Cangsheng, let's plan again. This is not a good time, and it is not worth exposing the secret chess of 'her'."

The demon ancestors sighed, almost not agreeing.

"Everyone, please listen to me."

The Demon Ancestor of the Cangsheng said unhurriedly: "What you are worried about... is that 'she' can't make a sneak attack, even if it blocks the incarnation of Absolute Beginning and even other Heavenly Dao Powers, but because her incarnation is transformed by the power of Absolute Beginning. , so the first thought can make her incarnation dissipate..."

She paused and said, "However, I can tell you that although 'she' is on the side of heaven, in fact, she doesn't need help from the beginning, and she can also incarnate in the human world, can you understand?"

The demon ancestors suddenly quieted down.

Based on their realm and level, it is natural to guess that this is probably because 'she' combined the rules of heaven and the outside world.

In this way, even in the very beginning, it is impossible to make its incarnation dissipate with a single thought.

This has the possibility of a successful sneak attack.

With the power on the bright side, the Heavenly Dao side naturally has countermeasures and will not make boring and low-level mistakes, so the most important thing is the 'hole card'.

Only the hidden hole cards are called hole cards, which can have unexpected effects.

So, naturally, there is hope.

"In this way, there is indeed a chance."

An empty and indifferent voice resounded as if the endless universe trembled: "However, you said before that 'she' suspected that this was a trap? Could it be that 'she' was suspected by the Heavenly Dao side?"

The Demon Ancestor of the Cang Sheng said softly: "No one doubts her explicitly, but she has never gained the real trust of the Heavenly Dao side, even if 'she' is the leader of the Dao Lineage, her status is lofty, and she has made great contributions, but after all, she is not It's the original one, but the latecomer, and the Heavenly Dao side will not completely believe her, and some plans and things will be hidden from the latecomers."

As soon as she said these words, the Demon Ancestors suddenly burst into an uproar.

"Leader of Taoism? It seems that only the leader of Taoism in Taiyin Tianyuan is not the original one, right?"

"Haha, so 'she' is actually the Queen Mother of the West?"

"I didn't expect Yanyue Demon Ancestor to be reborn as the Queen Mother of the West? I thought Yanyue was still sleeping."

"Good acting! She was too ruthless at the beginning, killing several demon ancestors into a deep sleep."

"Tsk tsk, the leader of the Taoist lineage, turned out to be the reincarnation of the demon ancestor?"

"Her attainments in the Dao of Heaven are much higher than those of the Outer Dao. She was just an ordinary demon ancestor when she was in the Outer Dao, but in the realm of the Dao of Heaven, she is much stronger than me."

"It seems that Yanyue's talent is indeed high, even if it is abandoned by Heaven, it doesn't matter. With such a high level, after returning, he will sooner or later become the leader of a faction."

Each demon ancestor said happily.

"Anyway, Yanyue is about to be exposed, so it's okay to tell everyone."

Cangsheng Demon Ancestor said softly: "However, Yanyue has never been trusted enough, so even if he knows many secrets of the Heavenly Dao side, he has made an oath of the Heavenly Dao, and it is impossible to leak it to me, otherwise he will be abandoned by the Heavenly Dao. Six hundred years ago, Yanyue tried to tell me a secret, and she thinks that secret is very important, even if it is abandoned by Heaven, it is worth it."

"Oh? What secret, is it worth her to give up the position of the leader of one party?"

"No matter how big the secret is, it's not worth it. It's nothing more than the real strength of some heavenly masters, or secrets such as weaknesses."

"There are still such secrets?"

"Then why hasn't the Queen Mother of the West been abandoned by Heaven? Didn't I tell you?"

One by one the demon ancestors came to be interested.

On the outsider side, there is no such thing as being "abandoned by outsiders". Except for the demon ancestors and Youchan demon ancestors at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, other demon ancestors are also trustworthy, and there is only the issue of "credit" distribution.

"What's the secret, I don't know."

Ancestor Cangsheng said: "I asked her if the impact of this secret is urgent, and if she can help us by speaking out, she said that it is not that urgent, and even if she speaks out, it is of no use for the time being, so I let her continue to hide. "

She was silent for a while, and suddenly said: "But recently... I suddenly have guesses about that secret."

The demon ancestors did not make a sound, quietly waiting for her follow-up.

"I suspect…"

The ancestors of the common people whispered: "That secret is related to the whereabouts of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty."

"Where did you go at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty?"

"The demon ancestors of the Yuan Dynasty have not appeared for six hundred years."

"How can the secrets of the heavens and the Tao be related to the whereabouts of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty?"

"Everyone quiet, Cangsheng, tell me your guesses."

As soon as she said these words, it was like a stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the demon ancestors suddenly burst into an uproar, and there was a burst of exclamations.

After the demon ancestors were quiet, the demon ancestors said softly: "Everyone should understand that whether it is cultivating the way of heaven or going outside, the most important thing is 'comprehension', or 'spirituality'.

"This is something that goes deep into the essence of consciousness, and even the demon ancestors like me can't change it.

"When 'it' cultivates us, it will also pass on the principles of infinite outsiders to us, and how much we can comprehend depends entirely on our understanding.

"It is undeniable that the people with the highest comprehension between heaven and earth are the Three Emperors, Three Purities and Three Worlds of Buddhas... These are the existences who can reach the perfection of the Tao of Heaven."

She said: "If you have to name a number one, then I think... there is no doubt that it is the emperor of the early days, right?"

The demon ancestors did not refute, it was a default.

Indeed, those with the highest comprehension between heaven and earth are naturally those who comprehend the way of heaven and can reach Consummation.

That's all.

Other Heavenly Dao masters can realize a kind of Heavenly Dao, which is the existence that countless beings in the Three Realms look up to.

And in the very beginning, the Heavenly Emperor was able to realize one hundred and eighty thousand kinds of heavenly ways!

Is that human being?

If it must be ranked first, it is naturally the Heavenly Emperor at the beginning of time.

None of these Demon Ancestors can bring their heretics to perfection, and their comprehension is a level worse than that of the Three Purities and Three Sovereigns.

The Demon Ancestor in the early Yuan Dynasty was just as terrifying as the Heavenly Emperor in the early days, and he knew the means of infinite outsiders.

It's just... they don't quite understand, why did the ancestors of the common people suddenly talk about this?

"Comprehension determines how far one can go on the Heavenly Dao, and how far one can go on the Outer Dao."

The Demon Ancestor said softly: "The reason why I talk about comprehension...because I think all Demon Ancestors should understand that whether it is a Demon Ancestor or an ordinary outsider, they were all beings from the Three Realms in the past. Even the primordial spirit of the realm of heaven, dedicated to 'it', 'it' will transform the mind into demonic consciousness, infuse the infinite outsider theory.

"How much you can comprehend the principles of outsiders, and how high your realm is, lies in your comprehension!

"Let's leave it alone for the time being, but the realm of the demon ancestors depends entirely on understanding. For example, the Zhutian Demon Ancestor, before being transformed into the Demon Ancestor, was considered the top of the third echelon on the side of the Heavenly Dao, so it is the same level in my outside world. ."

The demon ancestors listened quietly.

At this time, they already vaguely understood what the ancestors of the common people were going to say.

"So, have you ever thought about a question..."

The Demon Ancestor of Cangsheng said slowly: "The Demon Ancestor of the Yuan Dynasty was the first external demon in the world. He was so terrifying, where did he come from? Such a terrifying understanding is definitely not below the beginning of time, but in the Three Realms, The very beginning is a unique existence, where did 'it' find a second perception comparable to the existence of the beginning?"

As soon as she said this, all the demon ancestors understood.

"Cangsheng, what do you mean... Yuanchu was transformed from the primordial spirit of 'it' at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty?"

"Is there really a second primordial spirit in the beginning?"

"How is it possible... Except 600 years ago, 'it' has never woken up, and who can seize the second primordial spirit in the beginning and dedicate it to 'it'?"

"Even if Yuanchu was really transformed by the second primordial spirit in the beginning, where is Yuanchu now?"

Many demon ancestors discussed in shock.

They didn't think about this issue before, and they even guessed the possibility, but they all thought it was impossible, so they regarded it as the greatness of 'it'.

"Everyone also knows that 'it' has a meaning in naming me and other demon ancestors."

The ancestors of the common people said: "The first external demon was born, named 'Yuanchu', which means the beginning of the birth of the world, and 'it' created me in the hope that I would be compassionate to the people, so I was born second, named ' The birth of the common people, and the birth of the third demon ancestor of robbery, which means that everything will be destroyed, and the birth of the fourth ancestor of the 'infinite', which means the infinite possibility of the future."

Speaking of this, she said softly: "In the beginning, it was also the first living creature to be born. It's such a coincidence, is it really a coincidence?"

PS: (The tinnitus has been serious recently, and I have been unable to concentrate on the code words. It is slow to enter the state, but after entering the state, it is easy to forget the tinnitus. From tomorrow, I will write more and write directly to the coma, so I don’t worry about falling asleep. …)

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