MTL - I Am The Only One Who Doesn’t Know I Am The Master-v2 Chapter 101 she's just a child

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The twilight is getting deeper, and the old city is also gradually dimmed with the sky against the backdrop of the neon glowing new city.

Inside a calligraphy and painting shop in a remote alley.

"Um... it's almost there."

Lin Zhishui looked at the simple framed copybooks on the table, then rolled them up one by one and put them in the bag.

With these few copybooks by his side, it shouldn't be a problem for the little snake to use it as a gift.

In the human society, the little snakes in their own family follow the cultural route. Generally speaking, the network background they need is naturally a cultural person. Whether they really like traditional culture or just arty, these are beautiful and highly appreciated. A worthwhile copybook is more than suitable.

"I want another ink painting, I'll do it tomorrow." Lin Zhishui couldn't help but stretch.

In fact, he didn't spend much effort today, just wrote a few words, mainly because it was more troublesome to mount.

Lin Zhishui sat down on the chair, picked up the old and yellowish old book on the desk, and boredly opened the book and flipped through it, but couldn't see a single word, except that the paper was smooth to the touch. , and there is no special place except for the sense of age.

"Really... is this thing an antique?" he muttered to himself.

That day, when Lu Qingfeng gave him this 'Wordless Book', he only said that he got it accidentally in 'Lingyan Pavilion'.

Lingyan Pavilion…

He only remembered that Lingyan Pavilion, "Please go to Lingyan Pavilion for a while, if you are a scholar, the Marquis of Ten Thousand Households".

But those antique shops that collect antiques in the modern society have such a normal name, and there are even Yushufang and the like, which cannot be found on the Internet.

"Although it's just a simple thank you, it shouldn't be as simple as a blank notebook..."

Lin Zhishui thought to himself.

He always felt that this 'wordless book' had a great background. It might be an ancient book that Lu Qingfeng accidentally found, but he didn't know the goods before giving it to him. Maybe there is another mystery in it.

For example, in the ancient books on TV series that contain the secrets of martial arts, if you want to find out the real secrets, you either need to bake it with fire first, or soak it in water, or accidentally stained with blood, and it will only appear after absorbing the blood...

This is the wisdom of the ancients.

Of course, it's mainly because... A few days ago, he accidentally sprinkled water on this ancient book, but the paper of this ancient book is extremely smooth, like a layer of oily paper, and water cannot penetrate at all. If it weren't for modern technology Forgery, it seems that it contains the wisdom of the ancients.

Although modern technology is quite developed, the wisdom of the ancients should not be underestimated, and even some are difficult to do with modern technology, such as ancient mechanical techniques, such as Yaobian Tianmu tea bowl, such as the 49-gram plain gauze cultural relic of the Western Han Dynasty …

In the past few days, Lin Zhishui also tried to use a small fire to heat it in the air, but the color of the paper did not change at all. This oily smooth paper seemed to have a layer of protection.

Of course... he wasn't stupid enough to use fire to burn directly, otherwise he would accidentally burn, what would he do if it was destroyed?

He even endured the pain in a whimsical way, ruthlessly pricked his finger with a needle and dripped a drop of blood on it, but there was still no response.

Hiss... A drop of blood to recognize the Lord or something, it really is all fake.

"Mr. Lin?"

At this moment, a familiar female voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

Lin Zhishui turned his head to look, and saw Xiao Sui, who was rarely wearing a mask and sunglasses in the vast night outside the house, was standing at the door at this time, and the lights in the room were shining on her beautiful face with a touch of respect, letting her The night brightened a bit.

"You really came."

Lin Zhishui looked at Xiao Sui and said, "Come in and close the door."

"Mr. Lin, you really knew I was coming." Xiao Sui showed a smile, walked into the store, and closed the door.

"Because of the charity event in the morning." Lin Zhishui said casually.

After all, he only met Xiao Sui at the mall in the morning. She also helped in the shady scene and let him win the lottery. Naturally, she was also trying to please his idol. During the day, she was busy with the announcement, and when she was free at night, she would naturally come over to see it.

"Yes." Xiao Sui nodded with a smile, and said, "The people above have assigned me to have more contact with Guan Shiyin. It just so happens that she is holding her second charity event in Sioux City, so I'll stop by to have a look, and I can also come and visit you. ."

Lin Zhishui secretly said that sure enough.

Although Guan Shiyin is not a star in the entertainment industry, his popularity and popularity are not worse than that of first-line stars. It is normal for Xiao Sui to come over to take a look at the popularity, and it is naturally beneficial for both parties to support Guan Shiyin.

"However, let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart. The more I get in touch with Guan Shiyin, the more I feel that something is wrong with her." Xiao Sui shook her head slightly and said, "There are a lot of unexplainable things about her, and her origin is unknown. I just can't find any evidence..."

Speaking of which, she couldn't help but look at Lin Zhishui and said softly, "You saw her today, so you should have found something, right?"

Lin Zhishui was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look at Xiao Sui, and suddenly said with a smile, "It seems... you can see it quite clearly."

He often discusses the gossip of these stars with several close friends in the group, and Guan Shiyin is the most mentioned person, but Guan Shiyin's black fans are too easy to be hung up, and he is not good at speaking to the outside world.

When Xiao Sui heard this, her beautiful eyes lit up, and she asked, " thought something was wrong with Guan Shiyin?"

She couldn't help sighing secretly, Senior Lin is Senior Lin.

She also checked a lot of records about Guan Shiyin, and reported it to the upper levels of the heavens, and the heavens sent people to investigate for a while, only to find that Guan Shiyin, a human fairy, had a problem.

And Senior Lin actually noticed it long ago, and seems to have personally come to verify it today?


Lin Zhishui pondered for a while and asked, "Are you sure you want me to tell the truth?"

"You have always had a brilliant eye, so I naturally believe the truth of what you said." Xiao Sui immediately said sternly.

"There is no such thing as truth in this world..."

Lin Zhishui shook his head slowly, after a literary sentence, he pondered for a while, and then said: "In my eyes, Guan Shiyin may not be the same as other people's eyes, maybe I'm just looking at people with malice, there are many things , I can't be sure, it's just a suspicion, so just listen to it, don't care."

"All ears are listening." Xiao Sui said respectfully.

"Guan Shiyin is known as the Avalokitesvara alive, compassionate and kind... She is indeed the same, no matter what the process is, no matter what she is for, at least the result, there is nothing to say about this, and I appreciate her very much."

Lin Zhishui said softly: "It seems that she is a very perfect person and is recognized by the world, but in fact, there is no perfection in this world, and she is not really perfect, since she is not perfect, there must be Flaws... And all I have seen are compliments to her, she is simply famous all over the world, and I can't even find half a black spot on the entire public network."

Xiao Sui thought to himself, by taking this example, Senior Lin was saying that Guan Shiyin was hiding deeply?

She knew that Guan Shiyin was born from a wealthy and secular family, and he was a sage, and he cultivated the Taoism of Jiye Lingshan. He had a lot of power and connections in the world, and if he cooperated with Buddhism, even if he didn't show supernatural powers, he could only rely on it. The spiritual influence of temperament guidance, the lotus flower on the tongue, the deletion of comments, etc., can make it impossible to find mortals who hate her on the Internet.

"You also said just now that there are many unexplainable things about her, such as her unknown origin."

Lin Zhishui said: "There have been rumors many years ago that she is not native, but now it seems that no one knows about it. Obviously, the news has been blocked."

He remembered that many years ago, when the Internet was not so developed, rumors that Guan Shiyin was an adopted daughter often appeared on the Internet, but now they are completely gone. Even if there are posts about this, they will be deleted quickly.

Xiao Sui was thoughtful.

After she discovered that the origin of Guan Shiyin, a human fairy, was unknown, she specially reported to the upper realm. The upper realm investigated for a long time, and only a few days ago found out the reason why Guan Shiyin was demoted 600 years ago. The original cultivator camp.

But many records and news from the upper realm have been erased, and only a few clues can be found.

Even the Daluo Jinxian who banned her primordial spirit and demoted her to the mortal world died suddenly hundreds of years ago, and it was impossible to verify her identity through restraint induction.

And Senior Lin, seems to have known it for a long time?

"Actually, it doesn't matter how you come from and where you are from, what matters is your heart."

Lin Zhishui shook his head lightly and said, "Guan Shiyin often says that 'one's background doesn't matter', but if she has no ghosts in her heart, what if she came forward to clarify it earlier, or face it calmly? She tried her best to hide this, no Dare to reveal a little bit, and don’t allow rumors to exist, this is enough to explain some problems.”

Xiao Sui nodded slightly.

Indeed, Guan Shiyin has been concealing the fact that she is the reincarnation of an external demon. If she hadn't reported to the upper realm, the upper realm would have asked a supreme-level big man to deduce the cause and effect and calculate the past, otherwise it would be impossible to find out.

"In addition, although she is called Guanyin alive, the charity and public welfare she has done does not seem to be doing good deeds sincerely."

Lin Zhishui said softly: "She never pays attention to details, but she will advertise before each charity, which makes people feel that her charity is not just out of kindness, but to get feedback and praise from the world, just like playing the savior of the world. , treats the act of 'saving the world' as a job, and seems to want others to think of her as a savior."

Having said this, he chuckled and said, "Although I think the result is right, and her behavior is worthy of praise, the reasons for it are still worth pondering, and ... even her father does not think so. Is it interesting?"

Xiao Sui was slightly startled, feeling faintly caught something.

Jiye Lingshan's Daoist "Avalokitesvara" dharma body does require doing good deeds in order to awaken the dharma body.

But... Guan Shiyin is an immortal in the world. Even if he is demoted to the mortal world, his primordial spirit will be sealed, and his realm will not disappear, but without the help of a strong primordial spirit, the accumulation of spiritual power can only be done slowly like an ordinary practitioner.

As long as the realm is still there, there is no need to imitate the experience of Avalokitesvara. Just by stepping into the realm of the Dao, you can easily awaken the Dharmakaya. If you have enough spiritual power, you can break through the five levels in one go!

In the past, she thought that Guan Shiyin continued to do charity because she was accustomed to doing good deeds in the past. It was out of her own kindness, not for cultivation, so she did not study these behaviors carefully.

But now, when she heard what Senior Lin said, she suddenly realized that something was wrong.

In order to investigate Guan Shiyin, she also learned a lot about the "Avalokitesvara" Dharma Body. Even if she practiced the Avalokiteshvara Dharma Body, she only tried her best to do good deeds, not to make others admit it.

Before... She also thought that Guan Shiyin was to promote the behavior and thought of charity, so she made a big splash, but now it seems that the main purpose is not charity, but to get feedback from the world!


Xiao Sui murmured, feeling that she seemed to be getting closer to the truth, but it was still a little bit worse.

"Of course, no matter what the purpose is, she is really doing good deeds after all." Lin Zhishui smiled and said, "Everyone has two faces, maybe Guanyin is the face she is willing to show the world, Is there another face who doesn't want to? There have been many people who are so charitable and charitable throughout the ages."

"Two faces... through the ages..."

Xiao Sui was stunned when she heard the words, and a flash of lightning flashed across her mind—

Among the true demons of the outside world, there is a kind of true demon called the 'savior of the world'. Isn't the true nature of the true demon just to save the world?

She suddenly recalled that day, the most powerful true demon in the world mentioned by the fortune-teller before his death, and taught the fortune-teller many secret biography of ancient Qi refiners, even the mysterious biography of the second yuan, the master of the black flame. True identity, the fortune teller just said the word 'Save' before dying!

Only one type of true demon can appear in the human world, and it is unique.

Could it be that... the most powerful true demon in the world is the 'savior'?

And Guan Shiyin, the exiled immortal, happens to be the reincarnation of an external demon. She is full of doubts, and her behavior is so similar to that of a savior. Could it be that...she is the second soul of a savior?

Thinking of this, Xiao Sui suddenly felt that Guan Shiyin's various suspicious behaviors and mysteries became clearer at this moment!

Although she is not sure yet, she is at least 60% sure!

"I see…"

Xiao Sui murmured, then took a deep breath, and asked respectfully, "So, after Mr. Lin's contact with Guan Shiyin today, you should have verified something, right?"

"That's right." Lin Zhishui nodded slightly, "She is indeed different from the one I know. People wear masks."

Sister Guanyin, who is rumored on the Internet, is very calm and calm, but when shaking hands with him, she is still very nervous.

"I understand."

Xiao Sui nodded lightly.

Senior Lin's remarks undoubtedly confirmed her guess.

"You don't have to think otherwise about her, though."

Lin Zhishui slowly shook his head and said, "In the eyes of others, no matter how strong she is, in reality... she is just a lonely, pitiful, and vulnerable child."

In order to make the world recognize that she is the savior, she is really working hard with such a naive ideal, but she is still afraid of being criticized by others, afraid of being mentioned as an adopted daughter, and obviously she is still very fragile inside, after all... At heart, she was just a stubborn child.

Thinking of herself as a savior, but no one understands her, that kind of loneliness... It goes without saying.

Xiao Sui heard the words and couldn't help being silent.

First-class true demons, once dormant in the world, even if Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian descends to earth, they are not opponents. Such a terrible true demon is just a poor and vulnerable child?

Indeed, after all, it is Senior Lin. In front of such a powerful person as Senior Lin, no matter how powerful the True Demon is, it is only a child's play.

As for loneliness and misery...

Also, first-class true demons should never have appeared in the human world, but they were set up 6,000 years ago and were forcibly led to the human world. Naturally, they were very lonely, and they had to face the heavenly power like Senior Lin, which was more than pitiful. So simple?

"Forget it, stop talking about her."

Lin Zhishui shook his head slightly and said, "How has Little Snake learned from you recently?"

Xiao Sui restrained her thoughts and said with a smile, "She's progressing very quickly, and with your help, of course it goes without saying."

"That's good." Lin Zhishui smiled.

"By the way, Mr. Lin, I want to ask you a question."

Xiao Sui suddenly said: "After the last incident, I also asked the upper management for instructions, but I haven't given me a clear answer so far, and I always feel that I don't pay much attention to it."

Since she learned from the fortune-teller that there are at least a dozen true demons from the outside world, and there are first-class true demons dormant, she went directly to the heavenly world.

But the immortal gods in the upper layers of the heavens replied to her, "No need to say more, I have my own plans", so they didn't say much.

The Upper Realm doesn't even care about such major events as the appearance of a first-class true demon in the world?

She really couldn't understand, even if there was Senior Lin in the world, it was destined that there would not be too much trouble in the world, but Senior Lin was hidden in the The higher-ups in the upper world should not dare to count Senior Lin in it. right.

What happened last time?

Lin Zhishui was slightly startled. Last time... Didn't Xiao Sui say that he wanted to help Xiao She open the way in the high-level cultural circle? Are you having trouble?

"Doesn't pay much attention?" He asked with interest: "How did your superiors tell you?"

"That is to say, I don't need to say more, I have my own plans." Xiao Sui sighed helplessly.

"Maybe there really are other arrangements. You don't have to ask me about it. I can't control your affairs."

Lin Zhishui smiled and said, "However, I also prepared a lot of copybooks for the little snake, which may be of some use."

Xiao Sui's beautiful eyes lit up.

A lot of copywriting?

Senior Lin is indeed very fond of Xiao Snake. He actually prepared a lot of copybooks for such great supernatural powers.

However, Senior Lin can't control the affairs of the upper realm?

Senior Lin is also too modest, it should be 'too lazy to care'.

Just like those great masters of Heavenly Dao who are hidden in the high dome of the celestial realm, they seldom care about the affairs of the celestial realm, and since Senior Lin has come to the human world, he is naturally even more lazy to pay attention to it.

Xiao Sui breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Perhaps the above has already figured out how to deal with it. Don't worry, I know it's inconvenient for you to show up. If you don't have to, I won't bother you."

"Ruzi can be taught..." Lin Zhishui secretly praised and smiled at her.

"Then I won't waste your time. I'll leave now, you are busy." Xiao Sui said respectfully.

She was very satisfied in her heart, this trip was really not in vain.

PS: (Common two-in-one, sorting out the outline today, it is a bit sloppy, this chapter is more difficult to write, a little late... Weakly ask for a monthly ticket)

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