MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 914 Shaper Limits (Part 2)

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Of course, in such a high-intensity battle, casualties are inevitable, especially when they need to face mutant zombies.

However, with such an abundant logistics team and Liu Miaomiao's life ability, even if the injury is serious, he can recover in a short time.

Even if they break their hands and legs, the Thunder Legion will provide free cell regeneration fluid so that they can regenerate from broken limbs.

Of course, if people died on the spot, there would be no way, but this situation is still quite rare. Basically, the number of deaths will not exceed 10 in a day.

In such a fierce battle situation, it is actually a miracle that a whole 3,000 people can keep single-digit deaths.

Moreover, with the high-intensity battles day by day, these team members not only improved their strength by leaps and bounds, but also became more and more skilled in cooperation with each other, and the number of injuries and deaths continued to decline.

In the blink of an eye, another three days have passed, and Lin Xinghai has also completely met the requirements of breaking through the realm of gods and demons. From this moment on, all he has to do is to break through the limit.

No matter it is the blood qi realm or the internal organs quenching realm, after reaching the limit, the main increase is the power of blood qi, and the improvement of the three attributes of the body is quite weak.

But it's different when you reach the body-shaping realm. After reaching the breakthrough threshold, you will continue to practice, and what you will improve is your physical strength.

In fact, for a normal martial artist, in the body-shaping stage, the biggest increase should be physical fitness.

In particular, each breakthrough is equivalent to optimizing a reshaped body, making the body closer to the body of the gods and demons. In this case, the improvement of the body will naturally be large.

At this time, Lin Xinghai felt the body that could break through at any time. He took a deep breath and took out a dragon blood pill, swallowed it in his stomach, and quickly refined it.

The power of blood energy generated by the Dragon Blood Pill in the past will be absorbed by the cells as an energy reserve every time the body is reshaped.

But now it is in a state of breakthrough, that is to say, the energy within the cells of the body is fully charged.

Under such circumstances, Lin Xinghai continued to cultivate the power of blood qi, and these cells would not be stored, but would be directly absorbed to strengthen himself.

When all the cells in the whole body were absorbing energy and starting to strengthen, Lin Xinghai's physical fitness naturally began to improve.

This kind of improvement, although not comparable to the rapid changes during the breakthrough, is stronger in persistence and stability.

After 12 minutes, Lin Xinghai refined and absorbed the entire medicinal power of the Dragon Blood Pill, and he immediately opened the panel to see it.

When he saw the changes in his body values, his eyes instantly lit up.

Because of his three attributes, all of them have increased by 20 points.

This is definitely not less, and even a little scary.

Because according to his current cultivation speed, if he practiced without rest a day, he could theoretically absorb 120 Dragon Blood Pills.

In that case, he would be able to increase three attributes by 2400 points in one day.

Of course, it is impossible for him to cultivate all the time, but it should be possible to absorb 100 Dragon Blood Pills a day.

That is to say, he can increase three attributes by 2000 points almost every day.

In the ordinary body-shaping state, breaking through once will increase the three attributes by 1000 points. The physical quality he increases in a day of practice can be compared to other people's breakthrough twice.

Of course, the most important thing is not how many three attributes can be added every day, but how many three attributes can be added in total in the end.

After all, it's useless, the total amount is the most important.

However, Lin Xinghai has a faint feeling that how much attributes will be added in the end will depend on the degree of remodeling of the body.

Of course, this is not a random guess, but each stage of the cultivation system is related to the previous stage.

If his guess is correct, a perfectly reshaped body like him will open a more terrifying gap with others at this stage.

Of course, guessing is useless, everything has to rely on practice to speak.

Therefore, Lin Xinghai quickly re-invested in cultivation.

In this way, Lin Xinghai, according to his own rhythm, spends a few hours every night to rescue, and the rest of the time is spent on cultivation.

Time flies, and 5 days have passed in a blink of an eye.

During these 5 days, the three attributes of the body were stable almost every day, increasing at a rate of 2000 points.

After 5 days, three attributes have been added by 10,000 points.

Now, his three attributes have become 23430 points.

These are the three attributes that can only be possessed in the middle stage of the gods and demons.

Under this circumstance, even if he has the power of the peak of the gods and demons, he probably won't be able to do a few tricks by using martial arts, gods and demons, and time abilities.

Lin Xinghai was sure to defeat even a strong man in the God and Demon Realm who was good at defense and defeated him within a minute.

And he felt that he was far from the limit of attribute growth.

Because in the past 5 days, while the physical attribute points have been strengthened, he also discovered another thing. The skin cells on the body surface absorb the most blood energy, and at the same time, the degree of strengthening is also the highest.

And today is the fifth day, the skin cells of the body no longer absorb the power of blood.

If it is one, who has only completed the body-sculpting environment of skin remodeling, it is estimated that this is his limit.

It may even be much lower than this, after all, this degree of strengthening is not only related to the integrity of the body's remodeling, but also to the original strength of the body.

To know the three attributes of his previous body, it has reached a terrifying 13430 points, which is equivalent to the physical strength of the gods and demons.

It is precisely because of such a good background that his limit will be infinitely raised.

If his previous three attributes were only 5,000 points, UU reading might strengthen the skin cells to the limit, and the three attributes would increase by 5,000 points at most.

Again, every stage of cultivation is related.

The foundation laid in the front is good enough, and the limit that he and others can stretch later will become more and more terrifying.

Time does not stop because of anyone, and soon another 5 days have passed.

Just like before, Lin Xinghai's three attributes have steadily increased in the past five days, adding a total of 10,000 points of three attributes.

At this time, his three attribute values ​​have reached 33430 points, which are already the attributes of the late stage of the gods and demons.

At the same time, as expected before, the muscle cells were also strengthened to the limit and no longer absorbed the power of blood.

But instead of making Lin Xinghai frustrated, it made him even more excited.

There is no doubt that his previous speculation has been confirmed.

The degree of strengthening of the three attributes is related to the degree to which he reshaped his body before.

Before, he had reshaped the skin, muscles, bones, blood vessels, meridians, and internal organs.

In other words, when his bones, blood vessels, meridians, and cells in the internal organs are all strengthened to the limit, then he can at least still have 30,000 attributes.

At that time, his three attributes will be raised to a terrifying level of 63430 points.

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