MTL - I Am Invincible After Awakening the Superman Gene-Chapter 70 lie~

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  Chapter 70 Shh~

  Chick! !

  The dark night suddenly shines.

  Two eye-catching crimson lights became the absolute protagonists tonight.

   The extremely hard lizard scale armor, which can resist missiles, is like a thin piece of paper in front of the high-temperature rays.

  The defense of the A-level awakened person did not play its due role at all, and became fragmented in an instant.

   The ray was aimed directly at the head of the yellow-haired lizard. After the terrifying high temperature penetrated his skull, it actually melted his brain directly.

  An A-level person died.

  He didn't even know what happened, he didn't even think about his last words in his heart, and before the thought flashed through his mind, he lost consciousness.

   Chi Chi Chi Chi!

  The high-temperature ray traveled down the lizard's body until it touched the ground before it was taken back by Qin Mo.

  The crimson light gradually faded and hid in the depths of his pupils, and the restless solar energy returned to silence.


   A loud noise suddenly sounded.

  The lizard's body was perfectly cut from the middle, split into two, and fell to both sides, hitting the ground heavily, creating a cloud of smoke.

   There is no blood, and there is no **** scene where the internal organs are spilled all over the place.

  Because the powerful high temperature seals the wound while cutting and solidifies the section.

  Qin Mo let go of his right hand, dropped his tail, watched the scene in front of him quietly, and let out a breath slowly.


   To be honest, he was shocked by himself.

  Qin Mo shot with all his strength just now, because he had no idea before making the shot. Who knows what kind of power the newly awakened thermal vision will have?

   Now it seems that there is no need to say more.

  The huge corpse in front of me is more sonorous and powerful than any gorgeous rhetoric!




   This loud noise startled everyone present.

  In front of the Security Bureau building, a short man covered in rocks suddenly stopped what he was doing, and suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the side door of the stairs.

  The stalagmite's pupils shrank sharply, his face changed suddenly, and a stormy sea suddenly set off in his heart.

  Huang Xiyan is dead? ? ?

How can this be? !

  He was shocked.

  However, now is not the time to be in a daze.

  I saw him stretch out his hands, spread his five fingers, and then clenched them tightly.

  The ground around him suddenly trembled, and the soil and rocks rose up, following the direction of his waving arms, and gathered in front of him, forming a thick high wall.

  The earth wall is layered upon layer, and thorns are condensed on it, aiming at the sky and bursting out.

  Each thorn is enough to easily take away a B-level awakener.

   At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly appeared in the night sky, and a huge black shadow flashed past. With the vibration of its wings, all the earth and rocks were shattered into fine powder.

   This is the A-level that Li Shi of Qingyang played tonight. He is an awakened person of the mimic system. What he simulates is...

  King of the sky, Eagle!

  The sharp eagle eyes are completely unrestricted in the dark night, and can keenly capture any enemy.

  I saw him folded deftly, swooped down towards the ground, and opened his claws to fight back.

  The powerful eagle claws were strong enough to tear apart missiles, and the earth wall condensed by the stalagmites shattered into dozens of pieces under his claws.

  However, who would have thought that there was no one behind the wall!

   Li Yi was a little stunned, he could barely stop the momentum of the impact, and Hawkeye quickly scanned around.

   Then, he fell towards the ground, shrinking in size during the fall, and turned back into a human shape, with no hair or strands on his body.

   Li Yi looked down, and saw that there was a big hole buried under the broken clods, and he didn't know where it led.

   Didn't expect Tiandihui to run away directly...

  The attack just now was just a cover-up. The real purpose of the stalagmite was to take the other members of the Tiandihui away together.

   Just kidding, Huang Xiyan's body is probably going to be cold, and if they continue to stay here, isn't that just a blatant death?

   Therefore, the stalagmite went very decisively.

  As an earth element awakener, if he wants to leave, it will be difficult for the Security Bureau to keep him.

   And he doesn't have to worry about being caught up. No one knows in which direction he is fleeing. While he is digging a hole, he will block the back at the same time.

   At this time, the Security Bureau was ten miles east, in a closed billiard hall.

  The stone cracked, and a pothole suddenly appeared out of thin air.

   Immediately afterwards, the stalagmite jumped out, and the rest climbed up after him.

   After everyone came out, the stalagmite stretched out its hand towards the ground and slowly clenched it tightly. There were naturally clods of soil filling the place deep inside.

  After all this was done, the stalagmite breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense face relaxed three points.

  However, when he looked around at the crowd, his complexion couldn't help becoming gloomy again.

  Huang Xiyan died, and Chen Lingling was not rescued. This operation can be said to have completely failed.

   "Boss, what should we... do now?" A B-level awakener looked at him and asked in a low voice.

  Hearing the words, the stalagmite sighed, and said slowly: "I can only retreat, everyone retreat in batches, do a good job of concealment, and turn to silence for the time being."

  Listening to such instructions, everyone nodded.

  For the current plan, it can only be like this.

   Afterwards, they each bid farewell to the stalagmite and prepared to leave.

   This billiard hall is a retreat they prepared before taking action, so they are not worried about exposing themselves when they go out.

  The B-level who spoke before led the two to leave first. He pushed open the door of the room and came to the hall full of tables and cases outside.

  There is no light in the hall, and the vision is very dim.

  However, this Grade B still saw the man sitting on the sofa at a glance.

   Subconsciously, doubts arose in his heart, wondering why someone appeared here.

   But in the next moment.

  He suddenly discovered that the man had disappeared strangely!

   At the same time, a light palm rested on his shoulder, and a low voice came from his ear.


  Qin Mo breathed out slowly.

   To be precise, what he spits out is extremely low-temperature cold air transformed by super-compressed lungs!

  A layer of pure white frost started from this Grade B's head, and quickly spread to his whole body, freezing him into an ice cube.

  An ice sculpture suddenly appeared in the hall. Although Class B was still conscious, he couldn't take any action.

   "It seems that the effect is not bad."

   These are the last words heard by the B-level awakened.

   Immediately afterwards, Qin Mo waved his palm, and the ice cube and his head fell to the ground together.

  As for the two people who came out with him, they couldn't escape the end of death.

  Afterwards, Qin Mo pushed open the door of the billiards room, looked at the astonished crowd inside with a smile, and asked:

   "What number are you from Tiandihui?"

  The voice fell to the ground, but no one spoke.

  The stalagmite looked over Qin Mo's body, saw the head of the B-level rolled to the ground through the gap, and also saw his expression of panic and bewilderment before he died.


  The ground surged, and a soil thorn about ten feet long suddenly emerged from Qin Mo's feet, trying to pierce his heart directly.

  Being able to kill a B-level awakener silently, the guy at the door is at least the best among A-level awakeners.

  But, why does an A-level appear here?

  The stalagmites couldn't figure out how it was exposed.

   But facing Qin Mo, he didn't dare to neglect in the slightest, and he did everything he could to make a move.

  At the same time as the soil thorn appeared, the walls around Qin Mo also twisted, squeezing towards him.

  The other awakened people in the room also acted together at this moment, cooperating very tacitly.

   However, this is of no use at all.

  They couldn't even break through Qin Mo's defense.

   Otherwise, how could Qin Mo come here alone?

   While speaking, the earth thorn carrying a powerful force came into contact with his body.

   Then, under the shocked gaze of the stalagmite, the soil thorns cracked inch by inch, like an egg hitting a rock.

   At the same time, Qin Mo's eyes were filled with crimson light again.


  In the next second, two high-temperature rays shot out, reaching the chest of the stalagmite in an instant.

   Immediately, a hole the size of a human head appeared on his chest, running through the front and back.


  The stalagmite opened his mouth slightly, squeezing the remaining air in the trachea, and issued his last words from his throat.


  After that, he naturally leaned forward and fell heavily to the ground.

  At this moment, the atmosphere in the room suddenly fell into a strange stagnation, as if time stood still.

  Qin Mo still had his hands behind his back, he just turned his head to look at the last high-level awakened person in the room, and said with a smile:

   "Now, it's your turn."

   It’s really not that I broke the chapter on purpose. It’s actually very uncomfortable when I write the plot, but the update of the free period is like this. It will be fine when it’s on the shelves. I promise to let everyone watch it in one go.



  (end of this chapter)