MTL - I Am In Marvel-Chapter 600 Wisdom and Vision

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Chapter 600, Wisdom and Phantom

"That is the demon ace that Kel's family has the right to give. As long as there is that card, even if it is a member of the Carl family, it can be used in any high market and arms black market in the world, and the card can be used for hundreds of millions of dollars. You can get the Carl family unconditionally. Large and small subordinate organizations and families help with various resources. Back to the family base, you can also exchange valuable resources such as gold, gold, and even life."

"In other words, with that card, it is a real step to the sky."

The female card is not hot, I don't know how much the world is rich, I want to get the devil card of the Carl family, but unfortunately even the lowest level of the devil card, the difficulty of getting the threshold is not what ordinary people can imagine.

After the female cardiner finished, she said goodbye to her hand and jumped straight down to leave, leaving Wangda in a dull face.

"That man..." Wanda's eyebrows were light and sly, with delicate fingers and a slight rubbing of the demon card.

Outside the fault on the edge of the city of Socovia.

The helicopter carrier of the Carl family is controlled by artificial intelligence, the main **** system, and is parked behind the helicopter carrier of the SHIELD. It mainly provides support for materials and transportation.

at this time. The SHIELD helicopter carrier is the main control hall.

Nick's director with a left eye mask and dark skin, as always, wearing a black trench coat, standing majestically and calmly in front of the windshield, watching the city of Socovia, still floating up.

"It’s still a step forward for Kyle’s people. It’s the same as human beings. The agents of our SHIELD can’t always drag their legs.”

Director Nick waved his hand and said: "Immediately dispatched a life-saving airship to evacuate the residents of the city."

"Okay, Secretary. Everything is in the process of being deployed."

On the back of Director Nick, the Hiller, who was tied with a ponytail, bowed his head and manipulated the virtual tablet on his hand. She paused and quickly warned: "No, there are a lot of aircraft flying towards us."

"It’s just right. Didn’t the war machine come over, let him...”

Director Nick turned his head and the words he said to Hill were not over. Outside the windshield, the group of steel soldiers flying towards the helicopter carrier was destroyed by a colorful streamer.

In just a few seconds, more than a dozen steel soldiers exploded into flames, and the pieces of paper fell down like rain. This scene seemed to smash the grand fireworks.

Hilter looked at the fireworks in the sky and looked at the virtual tablet. "The amount seems to be gone, and all the enemy aircraft are killed."

Director Nick looked through the windshield, and you can see that the colorful streamer stopped in the sky, and it was Kyle. His body was entangled with cool streamer, and the silver hair was burning up and down, like a white star morning, sacred and dazzling.

"The limelight was robbed by the guy again."

Director Nick shrugged and stared at Kyle with one eye, and from him, vaguely saw the shadow of an acquaintance.

Between the two, Director Nick shook his head and urged: "Fast, start the lifeboat out. We must fight to evacuate all the people in the city within ten minutes!"


Above the sky.

The double-star form of Kyle quietly floated in the void. He looked down at the battle of the city of Socovia, and came to the reinforcements of the Carl family and the Aegis force, nodded silently.

This will catch up, and the residents of the city can be withdrawn before the city falls.

However, this is not the best result he wants.

Kyle thought for a moment, and immediately turned into a streamer, flew to the center of Socovia, and soon he fell in the battle area of ​​the Avengers.

"Kyle!" "Godfather!" "Home." "Boss."

Steve, Tony, Logan, and Yu Yan, when they saw Kyle falling, made different names. Through their performance, who is the leader of the team can be seen.

"I am busy, you continue."

Kyle bowed his head and came to the side of the illusion. The simple way: "Follow me."

There was no hesitation in the illusion, and the thunder hammer held in his hand was thrown back to Sol and flew out to the outer city with Kyle. The members of the Avengers face each other, but the steel soldiers are welcoming them so that they can only continue to fight.

Kyle took the illusion and the two flew out of Socovia, to the bottom of the city, and stopped in front of the huge engine pusher.

"You want me to stop it." When the illusion saw the giant engine, he understood what Kyle thought.

"Yes." Kyle nodded. "Even if the people of this city are evacuated, the empty shell of the city will still fall. Even if it is destroyed, it will reach the residents under the ground."

The illusion closed his eyes, the gemstones on his forehead, flashing a glimmer of light, and quickly opened his eyes again. "I can't do it. The engine that propels the city of Socovia is counter-made by titanium alloy. When the device is raised to a certain height, it will automatically brake in the opposite direction, and the city will crash at a very high speed, thus destroying the creatures on the earth."

"This is the engine hardware itself has been set up, even if I invade the internal system, it is impossible to force the modification of the instructions..."

Only halfway up to the illusion, Kyle shook his head and interrupted his words. "No, you did."

"Why." The illusion was stunned by Kyle's words.

Whether it is a rational intelligent system consciousness or a perceptual spiritual gem thinking, only the only answer is given:

The city has not been saved. For the sake of the earth, it can only be destroyed. Although it will affect the residents below, it is the best result.

Kyle and Phantom looked at each other and calmed down: "If you really evolved from Weiss, you can do it even if it can do it. Otherwise, you will live up to it." All the beliefs."

The illusion trembled, this time, not only the soul gems. From the bottom of his heart, there is a flame that quietly ignites, and a warmth is like a current that pervades the whole body.


I want to finish the expectations of the man in front of me, even if I try my best, I want to give it a try. If you can't do it, you will even have a pain in your heart...

Suddenly, the illusion seems to have realized something, no more talking, and the diameter flies toward the engine at the bottom of the city.

"This is right."

Kyle sent the back of the illusion. In theory, the city has indeed not been saved. Even the top engineer Iron Man Tony can't modify the huge and complicated hardware measures at the bottom of the city in a short time.

Kevis is different.

Wiss is a metamorphosis creature that gives life to fire, can be integrated with all technology and hardware, and can be modified and deformed at will.

If the illusion is evolved from Wisdom, he should have the ability to transform!

Kyle does not believe in the theory of shit, only believes in his own hands, I believe that Weiss once worked side by side.

(End of this chapter)