MTL - I Am God!-Chapter 594 : 3 Leaf Seed and Treant

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There was a flash of thunder in the sky, and then it rained sporadically.

"It's raining." "It's raining."

The people in the cave finally got out, took out all kinds of things, and followed the rain from the sky.

They opened their chapped lips, stretched out their tongues to lick the rainwater that fell from the sky, and swallowed the rainwater.

Feeling the shade from the scorching sun, each snake man showed a smile on his face.

This is the only thing they can be happy about these days. Guarding a large ocean, there will be a lack of water.

Not just water, but everything they lack here, the whole world is theirs, but they seem to have nothing.

This is the current status quo. inside the cave.

Breman checked the current status of everyone, and he could see that more and more people were falling ill, and many people were lying on the ground, moaning and groaning in pain.

Species from the Second Era cannot survive the First Era.

Breman watched one of them with a pale face, gasping for breath with his mouth open, and looked into her painful eyes.

This is a female doctor on board, not a witch doctor, just an ordinary doctor.

But in such a world, she has nothing to do. Not only can you not save others, but you can't save yourself.

She also saw Bremen, and turned her eyes a little bit. She couldn't speak, but just held out her hand.

Bremen didn't speak either, but he also stretched out his hand and grabbed the opponent's hand.

Finally, he came to the mouth of the cave.

Here you can see the sea outside, as well as the boats on the sea. Lying by the entrance of the cave is the first officer "tree man", who specially asked to live here


At this moment, even if the captain Bremen came, the "tree man" still looked outside, looking at their ship.

Then, he said intently. "Platinum." "Dying."

The main body of the Platinum is his Warcraft, and the Platinum is going to die, in a sense.

It was him who was a magic knight, and he was going to die.

When he was out at sea, he didn't know what he ate by mistake or other reasons.

A rotten sore developed on his stomach, and problems appeared in one of his organs.

After taking two doses of witchcraft, it got worse.

And here, they couldn't find any powerful witch doctor to treat the disease and check the cause.

He took the lead and wanted to find land as soon as possible to save the situation, but he was the one who fell first.

He whispered, "Captain, didn't you say we wouldn't die?

Bremen: "We don't really die, we just become something else in this world."

The first officer turned around: "What?"

Bremen: "Look at what the world has, if you look at it as it is now."

"Maybe it's a fish, or some weird bug, or a shrimp."

The first mate asked again: "What is it like to be a fish and a bug?" Breman asked back: "What is it like to be a tree." The first mate understood: "If I can, I still want to be a tree." human.

Bremen: "What do you think is a human being?" The first officer said, "At least one must have wisdom!"

The first mate looked into the distance with longing in his eyes.

"In this world, only having wisdom can be regarded as being alive and possessing life!"

"Otherwise, what's the difference between it and a pile of rotten meat?"

While talking, the first mate "tree man" began to talk nonsense, and he couldn't hear what he was talking at all.

Breman touched his forehead and found it was very hot.

Breman sat next to his first officer for a while, looking at the earliest crew member who had been with him from the beginning.

He remained silent, but his eyes changed a little bit. He stood up and went outside.

heavy rain


It can be seen that the "dwarfs" directing the personnel to catch the rain are very busy. Some of them use utensils, and some use extraordinary power to gather water into a pool.

Beside the "dwarf", a girl is running around holding a wooden basin, looking very serious.

Immediately after receiving the water, the girl ran into the cave.

He poured water into the mouths of other immobile people, and said strange things in his mouth.

Seems to be praying for them to get better soon.

Watching this scene, some smiles finally appeared on Breman's originally stern face. He walked outside in the rain, and pressed the "little man" on the shoulder from behind.

Bremen: "It's really busy!"

The dwarf turned around and found that it was Bremen and said: "It's the captain, we are busy, we won't pick up more today, and we don't know when it will rain next time!"

But Breman said, "There is a spring in the depths of the ground, where we can get clean water, and we will never be short of water in the future."

After Breman finished speaking, the "dwarf" immediately looked at Breman in surprise for a while, and then showed a surprised expression.

He was still worried just now, he didn't know when the next rain would happen, and what to do when the time came.


Bremen nodded, and waved his hand very chicly.

"Really, this design was left behind when the stone demon was used to cast this island, and it should be gradually usable now.

"Take everyone there for a drink. There's no need to be frugal." The "dwarf" cheered and looked at the captain adoringly.

"Captain, you are really far-sighted."

After the "dwarf" asked people to store the collected water, they immediately led them to the ground.

Originally, I only asked a few people to go over to have a look, but I didn't expect that almost most of the active people came over, leaving only a small number of people to take care of the wounded and sick.

While Breman watched the "dwarf" leave, but walked towards the distance alone.

in the arms. Holding the clover seed.

He held a scroll in his hand, and a blood-red swirl was drawn on the scroll.

Stepping forward a little bit, he looked at the giant stone monster that was still persistently expanding the island even in the rainstorm.

Briman held his head up, as if seeing the scene many years later. "Perhaps after countless years, this place will really become a continent. As long as years and time are given, those stone demons who are as powerful as gods and demons can not only build land, but also lakes and rivers, mountains and steep mountains. ridge.

And the reincarnation ritual spells on those stone demons just endowed them with years and time.

Walking to the very center of the island, he hugged the three-leaf seed and gradually integrated this powerful life force into his body.

A large amount of blood gushed out from Bremen's feet, and it continued to spread.

Gradually, it turned into a whirlpool.

In the vortex, Bremen's body collapsed from the feet, then to the waist, and finally to the head.


After Bremen yelled, his body completely collapsed in an instant.

In the center of the island, he turned into a whole **** vortex.

Bremen activated the three-leaf seed with his own power, and the power of the two combined to form this **** vortex.

Seed of the Void, couldn't see Breman's figure, but heard his voice faintly.

"The three-leaf seed."

"Preserve the blood of the Platinum Tree."

The three-leaf seed has the ability to preserve the blood of the species. It once preserved the three-leaf people, but they were all polluted later.

At this moment, Bremen used this power again, but what was stored was another species.

The **** vortex swept out quickly, and the Platinum, which was rushing to the distance, seemed to feel the crisis, and turned into the form of a monster in an instant, trying to escape.

But the blood swallowed it instantly, and then another part of the vortex extended into the cave, like a tongue, swept up the first mate "Treant" and swallowed it into the **** vortex.

"The seed of the three leaves. "Preserve the blood of the snake man."

The two fell into the sea of ​​blood, and there was no more movement. Deep underground.

The "dwarf" led a group of people along the passageway mentioned by Breman, until they reached tens of meters underground.

And then right here, the ticking of the water was heard.

Afterwards, under the light of the lantern, everyone saw a clear pool of water.

"Water." Everyone rushed forward.

"There really is a spring." Everyone said happily. "It's fresh water." Someone even tasted it.

The "dwarf" and everyone excitedly stepped forward to fetch water, but when they came back excitedly, they were about to tell the captain what happened next.

They found that the above situation has changed.

They stood at the exit of the cave, looking at the blood that suddenly appeared in the distance.

"What is that?" "Where is the captain?" "Where is Breman?" "The first mate is gone." In a blood-red world.

The "tree man" felt in a daze, as if he had fallen into a place as warm as a mother's embrace, which made people feel comfortable and comfortable. The pain that has been tormenting him has finally disappeared, and the shadow of death that has been chasing after him seems to have disappeared without a trace. He felt as if he had turned into a fish, swimming in the sea.

It seemed to have turned into a bug again, floating in the warm current of the shallow sea.

"Am I dead?"

"A fish, or a worm?"

The "Treant" slowly opened his eyes, and he found that he was really in a **** liquid.

And in the water far away, in the middle of that red world. An indistinct figure stood, looking at him. He recognized at once who it was, his own captain. "This is where?"

"Lord Bremen."

Bremen said, "In my body."

The "tree man" was even more puzzled: "In your body?" Bremen nodded and told his first officer. "This is what we really look like, Mate."

"True life species do not have a fixed form. We have blood energy, a nearly indestructible body with God, the ability to fuse and take away other people's organs, and we can also have multiple life templates at the same time." This piece of blood , is the embodiment of my blood power and strength.

Next, his words changed.

"However, I can only use these powers for myself."

He looked at the depths of the **** water, and there seemed to be something at the bottom that was exuding huge power, which was also the root of the vortex. "But the three-leaf seed inside can give this power to others."

It was the first time for the "tree man" to hear the term three-leaf seed, he asked Bremen.

"What is the three-leaf seed?"

Bremen: "You can understand it as a prop that was first created by the oldest and used to create a new oldest."

"It only needs a little initial blood as an introduction to completely create a new life form."

"Tree Man" was shocked after hearing this. "Create life?"

"Isn't this the authority to rule over life?"

Bremen: "Instead of creating new life, it is more appropriate to say that it is creating life, or replicating life."

When he said this, Bremen let out a sigh. "because."

"The initial perfect bloodline is the most important thing." "If there is no initial thing, the three-leaf seed will have no effect."

Having said that, it seems that I have strayed a bit, and Breman returned to the topic again, talking about why he mentioned his power and the three-leaf seed.

"Tree people."

"You don't need to know this, you just need to know how to use my power to move the three

The leaf seed is activated, and the two are combined. "

"I can do a lot of things."

"The organs and blood of one species can be forcibly grafted onto another species."

"For example, let life on land, with the organs of other life, live underwater temporarily.

"For example, let the life in the swamp fly above the snow-capped mountains and forests.

The shadow in the middle of the **** water raised its head, its gaze glowing in the water.

At this moment, he finally got to the point. "For example.

"Let life in the second era gain the ability to survive in the first era."

The "tree man" suddenly understood what he was looking at Bremen. "Can something like this be done?"

Bremen nodded and said affirmatively. "Of course it can be done.

"It's just that if it's not the life species, those life forms without blood energy will die quickly after being transplanted with organs and fused with blood. "However, this is not impossible to solve."

Breman looked at the "tree man" and told him, "As long as you live by my side, I can provide you with blood energy."

The "tree man" stared at the captain Bremen, and said after a long time: "You want to use this method to keep us alive in this world? Bremen still has that understated tone, what kind of He was able to chat with people calmly in every scene, and even made a small joke.

"My first mate."

"Snake people, there is no way to survive in the first era." "If you want to survive in this cruel world, change is inevitable, and it is also a process that life must go through."

"Those who can't adapt, are eliminated."

The "tree man" understands this truth, but finds it a bit difficult to accept.

"So snake people, have they been eliminated from this world from the very beginning?"

"It's like, those species that were eliminated in the past." He even thought, if this is the case.

If it is not in this world, but in the world they came from, does it also mean that the snake people will one day be eliminated and abandoned by the world and nature.

Breman nodded, affirming his cruel fact. "This is the law of nature and the law of life.

"Because the world is always changing, there is no species that exists forever, let alone eternal

There is no Eternal Era protagonist. "

"But your bloodline may survive in other life forms."

"just like."

"The blood of the archeopteryx is passed down in your body." "Treant" raised his head suddenly, this was the first time he knew the news.

"Ancestral fish?"

"We have the blood of fish?" "How is this possible?"

"Tree Man" issued three question marks in a row to question this. Bremen was very sure, and said in an unquestionable voice. "This is not a hypothesis, the dragon **** Anu has confirmed it, and the gods have also witnessed it.

"The Archaeopteryx is a species created by the Creator at the beginning of everything."

"It's just that at the time, no one knew why it was called Archaeopteryx, rather than just a fish."

"Because there were no fish at that time, the word "ancestor" seems redundant."

Bremen looked at the "tree man", and said leisurely. "Until this era, no one understood."

"It turns out that the archeopteryx is really the ancestor of thousands of species."

"It not only gave birth to all kinds of fish, but also gave birth to all kinds of beasts."

"When we are still focusing on the time of thousands of years."

"As early as 250 million years ago, the Creator, who is beyond time and everything, has long seen today."

When Breman said this, he couldn't help but lose his mind. "The Creator above all, what kind of power does he possess?"

"In his eyes

What is the world like? "

"In his eyes, the world may really be just a river, an island in a bottle."

But the "tree man" was completely silent at this moment.

He never knew that the fish he used as food had such a shocking history.

Bremen joked at this time, with a little smile in his voice, "Is it full of a sense of guilt, but you don't have to feel that way.

"Most of the animals you see swimming in the sea and running on land are descendants of Archeopteryx."

"The tusk beasts you raise, the pack beasts you enslave, are descendants of the archeopteryx just like you.


"You have been chosen by the master of life."

"At the beginning of this era, under the sound of the horn of the Supreme God summoning the continent."

"From then on, you rule the land." "And they.

"It became your food, and your mounts.

"If you care about these things, the snake people won't be able to survive." The "tree man" looked at Breman and nodded.

Shock is one aspect, and there is another aspect.

"Treant" has never looked at the world from such a perspective. This feeling is like standing on the long river of history and watching hundreds of millions of species and lives wash down.

In the end, only a few were able to jump out of the water and be seen by the eternal **** standing above the sky.

That is, the protagonist of the era.

Only the gods of the past can say such things.

All he could say at last was, "What a cruel world, isn't it?" The conversation was over.

Bremen stretched out his hand to his first mate. "Let's start here!"

"Treant, I will give you a body that can survive in this world.

The first mate asked Bremen, "May I ask what kind of body I'm going to have?"

Bremen said, "You'll be one with your platinum tree." The mate immediately smiled and said, "It doesn't seem too bad.

The "tree man" raised his head and walked towards Bremen. "Burst violent~"

In an instant, the entire **** vortex spun violently.

Before the cave, all the snake people watched the violent movement of the vortex, and finally heard a loud bang.

The surface of the water exploded, and a tall figure stood up from the water and walked to the edge little by little.

Everyone looked at the tall figure in bewilderment. The guy looked like a huge tree, but he was walking like a human.

His hanging branches and vines are like two huge arms, supported by the leaves above his head, blocking the sun in the sky. What was even more frightening was that there was a human face growing on the tree. And eyes.

"Face, there is a face growing on the tree." Everyone was startled when they saw that face.

"The tree is alive?" Everyone exclaimed.

"What's the situation, where did the tree come from in this world?" Before the crowd, the "dwarf" felt that there was a problem.

"Could it be..." Afterwards, he vaguely guessed something.

That unknown existence looked at them from a distance, and then spoke.

"What, you don't recognize me?"

At this moment, everyone exclaimed. "Tree people?"

In the past, "tree man" was just a nickname.

And now, the "tree man" has become a real tree man.

The tree man stood on the edge of the **** vortex, looked down at the continuously gathering people, stretched out his arms, and blocked the sunlight for them. The "dwarf" stepped forward and asked the tree man who had become like this. "Treant, how did you become like this?"

"Also, what's the matter with this **** vortex?" The tree man told the people below, and said.

"Master Bremen gave up the form of God and turned into this sea of ​​blood." And my body was recreated by him by fusing the body of the platinum tree and the snake man

extraordinary body.

"In this era, snake people cannot survive."

"Master Breman changed my form so that I can retain my wisdom without dying."

"If you are extraordinary, you can also choose my form, and use another way to exist in this world."

The "dwarf" stared at the tree man's body dumbfounded: "Treat man?"

Some people find it hard to accept, UU Reading Perhaps only tree people who are eccentric as companions with trees can accept such a life form! The tree man yawned while talking, he seemed to feel sleepy after turning into this body.

Just like that, he really turned into a real big tree in front of everyone, and fell asleep just like that.

Wild and primitive world.

On the newly born island, a blood-colored lake appeared, and a tree man stood on the edge of the lake.

And all the snake people who broke into this primitive world looked at the tree man and the lake with expressions of shock or deep thought.
