MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 49 Lu Xiaoou's New Trick (Part 1)

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"You...look at the front..." A candidate running in front saw a large number of green lights suddenly appearing in front of him, thinking that maybe other people came to pick them up, and he seemed very happy.

"Great, someone finally came to pick us up." Another candidate was also rejoicing, and rushed out with a "swish" like an arrow leaving the string, as if he was afraid of being snatched by others.

"Wait." Although Kurapika was running behind, his good eyesight allowed him to see two red lights amidst the glistening green light. Ignore him.


The green light, which was regarded as a life-saving straw just now, has now become a life-threatening talisman. These are just strawberry turtles as huge as hills. Taking advantage of the thick fog, they brought in food to confuse them, and sure enough, a lot of food was delivered to their door Come.

A few strawberry tortoises opened their mouths wide, bit a few people, and then began to swallow them. They didn't know how to be particular about it, and the food needed to be washed.

It was a little slower in the back, and the one that hadn't been swallowed into the mouth was so frightened that it couldn't move at all, and could only let out a miserable cry in vain.


"What was that sound just now?" Xiaojie heard the loud wailing from behind, stopped subconsciously, and looked behind, a little worried about Kurapika and Leorio.

As for Lu Xiaoou, Xiaojie believes that as long as he wants to, he can appear in the second venue at any time, and he doesn't need to worry about it at all. After all, Xiaoou is very powerful.

"It's probably someone who fell for it." Qi Ya guessed, after all, there are many traps, and it's not surprising that someone stepped on it.

Coincidentally, the three Amory brothers were actually running behind Qiya and Xiaojie at this time. Thinking that they were guarding against the intersection of Erdao and Qiya later, even Lu Xiaoou would sigh here, "What an ape!" manure."

"Hey, why are the people behind us gone?" The second brother of the Amory brothers also heard the screams, and looked back, only to find that a thick fog blocked the line of sight, and he couldn't see at all. to what happened.

"No way? There are at least 100 people behind us." The younger brother among the three brothers couldn't believe that he looked back, but he couldn't see anything.

Not to mention human shadows, even ghost shadows. If there were no screams, it seemed that there were only five people left in front of them in the entire wetland.

It's time for the hunt.

All kinds of creatures in the wetland began to extend their evil hands to the candidates. This was an opportunity to feast, and no one wanted to let go of this rare opportunity.

In a panic, several candidates ran to a piece of gravel green grass. Unfortunately, this was not a safe place at all, it was just another hunting area for animals. Naturally, these candidates stopped eating immediately.


A green shark-like fish directly closed its mouth, and these candidates went straight into their stomachs, waiting for reincarnation transformation.

"Ah" Even though he had mentally prepared for the fact that the hunter exam would not be so easy, but seeing the various hunting methods with his own eyes, Leorio still had a hard time accepting it.

"It seems that those candidates who were running behind accidentally fell into a trap." Kurapika analyzed the current situation.

"You still have the mood to talk about others, so do we." Leorio couldn't see Kurapika's calm look, after all, he was about to die of anxiety.

"It's okay, we're still safe for the time being, but I don't know how Xiaoou is doing?" Kurapika frowned. Although he knew that Lu Xiaoou was very capable, he couldn't hide the fact that he was alone.

"Should be all right?" Leori was not too sure when he thought of Lu Xiaoou whom he met just now.

But soon the two had no time to think about these issues.

"pop" "boom"

There were some brightly colored little mushrooms not far from the two of them. At first, they planned to go there without any thought, but unfortunately they didn't make it. A few people rushed there first, and then it was a tragedy.

As soon as a few people stepped on the mushroom, it exploded, and the people were blown away directly, and their life and death were unknown.

It turned out to be an exploding mushroom. Wetlands are dangerous everywhere.

Kurapika and Leorio looked at each other, not knowing what to do. It took a long time to choose a direction, and started to run cautiously, hoping to catch up with the previous candidates.

Hidden in the dark, Lu Xiaoou saw that he had safely passed this section of the area, and calmly dropped the stone in his hand, planning to do his own business. After all, he had already spotted the target just now, and he was alone. Just right.

In the middle of a group of candidates, Xiaojie and Qi Ya also ran with their heads covered in the dense fog, but they didn't encounter any strange animal traps, and some were avoided in advance. After all, neither of them was a vegetarian.

"Xiaoou, Kurapika, Leorio." Xiaojie read while running, not knowing what will happen to these people, it is really worrying.

"Xiaojie, are you still in the mood to worry about others? If the fog is so heavy, if you get separated, you will be eliminated." Qi Ya told the truth. It is true that the fog is so thick and there are so many traps. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com can't do much either.

"Yeah." Xiaojie hesitated, although he knew what Qi Ya said was true, but it was really impossible for him not to worry about his friend.

"We can only pray for our friends now." Qi Ya said.

This can only be the case.

Lu Xiaoou was alone like a thief, walking on a forest road with his feet on his feet, shaking his head from side to side, looking around, his cautious posture was no one else.

"This acting skill should also be online." Lu Xiaoou encouraged himself in his heart while maintaining the state of walking one step and watching three steps.

"It seems that I am also very talented in acting. Obviously I can rely on my acting skills to make a living, but I insist on relying on my brains to make a living, and I am the only one."

Lu Xiaoou thought that the next thing needed the help of the man-faced ape. He remembered that in the original plot, the man-faced ape followed the examinees all the way, deceived many people along the way, and finally followed the second test venue, wandering around At the door, I didn't want to leave for a long time.

Faced with so much fat, people don't want to take half a step away, which is also normal.

In order to attract the man-faced ape who followed behind to deceive others, Lu Xiaoou could only pretend to be an idiot. Although he has little relationship with monkeys and apes, he is bullying and fearing hard, and the thief is engraved into it. In the bones, it can't be changed easily.

"Swish Swish Swish"

In a quiet place, the slightest movement will be infinitely magnified, as long as you are not deaf, you will notice the movement, let alone Lu Xiaoou, who has super five senses, he can't pretend he didn't hear it.

"This man-faced ape is also true. He has no professional ethics at all for acting and doing a full set." Regardless of whether he has professional ethics or not, Lu Xiaoou finally got what he wanted to wait for.

After adjusting his expression, Lu Xiaoou knew that the good show was about to begin.