MTL - Hunter × Hunter: The Seven Deadly Sins-Chapter 749 departure

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The next morning, a large three-masted sailing ship set sail in the port of Balkimoa. Because it was a low-key trip, there was no flag on board, and it was not a warship.

"Grandpa Clover, goodbye~"

Nicole Robin and Olvia stood on the side of the boat and waved goodbye to Dr. Hallock and others on the pier.

Yilumi stood watching from the side, and behind him were Hei Si Mou, Walter, Oni Wu Tsuji and others.

There were not many people on the voyage this time. Considering the voyage time and supplies, excluding Yilumi and others, there were a total of 150 people on board, including soldiers, sailors, helmsman, cooks, lookouts and other personnel.

The voyage time is set for one year, and the destinations to be reached during the period are Alabasta, Gaya Island, and Fishman Island.

And the huge ancient city that sank to the bottom of the sea many years ago and is now occupied by many sea kings.

The historical texts of these places belong to unowned objects and are relatively easy to obtain.

In addition, there are two pieces of Wano Country under the rule of the Hundred Beasts Pirates. Under the rule of the Big Mom Pirates, the Kingdom of Totland, three pieces of Cake Island. A piece from the top of Zou's giant elephant. In the original book, there is a piece of Robin wandering on a certain island in the West Sea when he was a child.

Of course, the historical text of the new world can only be obtained after defeating Beasts and Big Mom. The same is true for the piece on the giant elephant of Zou, which can only be obtained by defeating the two dukes and two elite teams of the Furry Principality.

"Walter, how do you feel today?" Illumi suddenly asked on the deck.

"I didn't feel sleepy all night, I felt that the power in my body was growing, and a strange power was born. I guess it's the vampire technique you mentioned."

With his hands behind his back, Walter has taken off the glasses on his face, and his eyesight is far beyond ordinary people.

"That's good." Yilumi turned to face him, "It happens that there is nothing to do now, so you come and teach us how to cultivate domineering."

Immediately, Yi Lumi, Hei Si Mou, Oni Wu Tsuji and others began to learn domineering from Walter.

Walter first brought Yilumi and others back to the cabin, and explained to them what domineering is, the principle of forming domineering, and then the theoretical knowledge about cultivating domineering.

Three days later, after everyone understood what arrogance is, Walter taught in a very systematic way, step by step, steadily.

Walter's teaching style was very different from Riley's.

Obviously, this is the domineering teaching method of the world government and navy, and the theory and practice are very perfect.

It's not like Rayleigh's kind of physical practice, teaching and playing at the same time. If you want to learn quickly, it depends on your personal understanding, which can only be understood without words.

People with good savvy naturally learn quickly, not to mention those with poor savvy, even if Ray beats you with a stick for a year, you can't learn it.

During the practice of domineering, Illumi also asked Walter how to tell whether a person has domineering domineering.

Walter stated that the current theories of the world government on dominance are limited to two, one is born with it, and the other is honed out the day after tomorrow.

Some people are born to be lawless villains, some are born to be unfettered rangers, and some are born to be kings who fight against heaven and gods.

This type of people are usually born possessors of domineering look.

There is another type of people who have honed the aura of kings through years, decades, and decades of practice and victories. This is the acquired domineering domineering owner.

When Illumi learned of this theory, the picture of Sauron fighting Jhin flashed in his mind.

Sauron has never shown domineering arrogance along the way, which means that he himself does not have domineering aura.

However, during the fierce battle between Wano Country and Jhin, there was a sudden burst of domineering arrogance that made the minions of the Hundred Beasts Pirates stunned with foam at the mouth. This means that he was honed the day after tomorrow. Winning momentum.

In addition to practicing domineering every day, Walter will also teach the six styles of the navy, and Illumi chooses to learn moon steps first.

Among the six naval styles, the two moving skills of moon step and shaving are the simplest. Because the principle of monthly step and shaving is the same and simple.

Shaved is to step on the ground more than ten times in an instant (0.36 seconds), and use the explosive speed generated by the reaction force to move.

The moon step is to apply the principle of shaving in the air. When you are in the air, you can step on the air at an instantaneous explosive speed to create a sound barrier to achieve short-distance air movement and the effect of staying in the air.

As long as the learner's physical fitness reaches the standard, he will be able to use it proficiently soon.

It's easy to say, but it's very difficult for ordinary people to train their bodies to the point where they break through the speed of sound in an instant.

The combined strength of the world government and navy scattered around the world is at least tens of millions, of which at least those who can meet this standard are school-level officers, probably less than one percent.

This is still a world government and navy with mature and systematic training methods. It is really rare for ordinary people to reach this level through self-cultivation.

Illumi and the others set off from Balkimoa, passing through several small islands on the way. Usually, there is no country on this kind of island, only a small town, and the residents of the small town rely on agriculture to maintain their basic survival.

However, just because they do not belong to a certain country, the navy will not station troops here. Instead, it has become a transit point for some pirates. They will rest and replenish supplies on such small islands.

Residents of the small town can also trade overseas supplies through pirates, and get what they need.

There are enough supplies on Illumi's ship, so there is no need to replenish supplies on this small island, and sail directly to the first large island in the journey, "Carnival City".

a month later...

On the mainmast of the three-masted sailing ship, the bored watchman blinked, then stood up suddenly, picked up the binoculars and saw an island standing on the horizon at the end of his field of vision.

"Command room, I saw the island. It should be the Carnival City. It will arrive in 30 minutes!"

The watchman picked up the microphone next to him and reported.


The liaison officer in the command room put down the microphone, got up and walked out of the command room, and walked quickly outside the cabin.

Yilumi and the others have been active on the deck every day this month, because there is enough space on the deck to practice domineering.

The liaison officer pushed open the cabin door, glanced left and right, saw a red-haired warrior sitting on the bow deck, and walked towards the bow, and saw Illumi fighting with Colonel Walter with his eyes closed.

Neither side used any moves, just ordinary attacks and dodges.

Both of them noticed the liaison officer who came to report, UU reading www.uukanshu. com stop fighting.

"Boss, we still have thirty minutes to arrive at Carnival City."

The liaison officer saw the two people stop and hurried forward to report.

"Carnival City, let's repair this island first."

Illumi took off the black cloth strips covering his glasses, and a pair of scarlet pupils suddenly turned into golden eagle eyes, clearly seeing the large island in the distance.

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