MTL - HP Dear Miss Freak-Chapter 22 21. Frustration and the Astronomical Tower

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"You know this is wrong? Why not change it?"

In the second year of admission, it is no longer to cross the Black Lake by boat and walk to the entrance hall through the houseboat. When I came out of the station, there were many carriages parked on the side of the road, but there was no horse pulling the carriage. Sylvia knew the Thestral was there, but unfortunately she couldn't see such a cool creature.

Not true.


I don't want to see it!

Sylvia thought silently, almost reaching out and giving herself a big mouth. She didn't want to experience death or witness death, anyone's.

For the second year's sorting ceremony, Sylvia no longer had the same interest as before. She did get old fritters too fast. But she and Fred guess that the freshman division game is still going on, and this year she lost a silver ticker to Fred.

"If I keep winning like this, I will have seven silver coins when I graduate." Fred said happily, "What about your intuition? Bunny."

"Perhaps you have more of a woman's instinct, Fred." Sylvia smiled indifferently, "You should pray that Hogwarts sorts out several times a year, so that you can still You can get rich with this.”

"Shut up." Fred rolled his eyes. Sylvia took out a silver coin from her pocket and tossed it at will. Fred grabbed it in the air with great precision, and shook it in front of her with his index and middle fingers before putting it in his own. in the pocket. When Dumbledore spoke again, they sang the school song together on a strange tune.

A modest beginning.

The professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts has changed again, but it is not the Professor Quirrell that Sylvia is familiar with, and it seems that it is a temporary replacement professor. The new Quidditch trials began, and Fred and George were already chatting hotly, and Angelina and Arya joined in. Sylvia kept staring at Percy, why didn't this guy let Scabbers out for a walk? To be honest, I never saw it in school.

On the way back to the lounge, Sylvia saw Qiu waving to her in the Ravenclaw crowd. Girls are the most beautiful things in the world, aren't they? Sylvia thought, and waved to her with a smile.

"How did you do it? Is that a freshman? She's so beautiful." Kenneth leaned over and asked.

"Awesome, right? Follow me if you want to chase girls." Sylvia patted his shoulder with a smile.

"Or you can learn from Robert." Lee also patted Kenneth on the shoulder, "People who are good at learning are usually very popular."

Really? Sylvia looked at Hoddle in the crowd. His thin physique stood out in the crowd, as well as his straight back when he walked, and his attractive jawline.

Perhaps being good at learning may not necessarily make people popular, but at least it can save a little face in class, and get a few points and detention in front of Snape.

The difficulty of the second grade course is higher than that of the first grade by a whole span, as if a child who has just learned the nine-nine multiplication table is about to start to do three-dimensional quadratic equations. Sylvia had already read out the dangerous taste of chemistry compulsory one and compulsory two in the potions textbook.

Chemical experiments are not so delicate and complicated, are they? She painfully pressed the notes and textbooks, and made the potion on hand step by step. Today's potions class was with Hufflepuff, and Rebecca's reminder by her side made Sylvia's notes so detailed today that she wanted to hug this little beauty and give her a kiss.

But I must learn Potions.

Sylvia thought. At least she needs to be capable enough to make a Visibility Potion to use on Peter Pettigrew. The sooner the better.

"Miss Tonks."


Sylvia subconsciously sucked the finger that was accidentally cut by the knife, maybe she was always surprised. Fortunately, the slice of **** was just cut. If it were a mouse spleen, Sylvia would be crazy now.

"Are you all right?" Rebecca asked in a low voice, and Sylvia shook her head.

"I hope you don't get distracted in class, so that you don't notice when your potion has turned into a disgusting sticky phlegm." Snape walked slowly behind Sylvia. Said, as if this scene is such a happy thing to see.

"Oh, cook for five minutes, Searle. I just reminded you to watch the time." Rebecca reminded in a low voice.

"I'm sorry, sir." Sylvia's voice was muffled by an explosion not far away.

The entire potions classroom was enveloped in huge red smoke, and many people began to cough violently. Sylvia subconsciously protected Rebecca behind her, the latter was obviously frightened, and pulled the former's sleeve tightly. Snape, who was behind Sylvia, also coughed hard twice, and the reddish pupils under the smoky brows that were already tightened looked even more angry.

Looks like it's blackened.

Sylvia thought, covering her mouth and nose with the cuff of her robe. Just as the explosion occurred, she saw a red figure flash past her, and the door to Snape's private materials room was gently opened and closed again.

Someone kicked Sylvia's stool. She sighed, knowingly stretching her legs in the confusion and tripping over the poor professor who had drawn out his wand.

"I'm sorry! Professor!" Sylvia exclaimed, and felt that her life was about to be explained here.


Finally, Snape ended the farce. The smoke dissipated, many students overturned the cauldron, and Snape waved his wand and cleaned the classroom again. Sylvia looked at the table to the side, where Fred and George sat obediently in their seats. The two of them winked at her, and made a surreptitious gesture of completion.

But Sylvia's new tragedy has just begun. She was given a school spree at Snape's hissing words - a lockdown every Friday until Christmas.

Why does he like Friday so much? You don't want people to have a good weekend, do you? Sylvia thought that was probably the case.

"What are you doing?" Sylvia dragged Fred and George to the other corridor after class.

"For our Weasley trick, we need a little sponsorship from the old bat." Fred smiled and took Sylvia's shoulder.

"We need to try all kinds of new materials, you can see." George also took her shoulder and winked mischievously.

“Should you tell me in advance if you have any plans next time?” Sylvia stared at them and flicked on their foreheads.

"We don't need to say hello in advance, you know exactly what to do, don't you? It means we have a good understanding, Bunny." Fred said with a smile.

"Actually, we prefer you to use a tripping spell. Of course, the purpose has been achieved, and the process is not important." George patted Sylvia's head.

"So have you thought about the Quidditch selection next Friday?" Sylvia's voice became serious, and Fred and George immediately stopped their laughter.

"It's all right! Let's discuss it with Charlie and change it to Saturday."

"I won't let you take the blame again! Buddy." George patted her on the shoulder and comforted, "This year's your birthday we will definitely let you have more fun than last year."

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it." Sylvia smiled helplessly. Forget it, let's make trouble with them while you're still young.

Maybe the way to open the second grade is not right, Sylvia always feels that everything is not going well these days. For example, in astronomy class, she was suddenly poked in the eye by a telescope, for example, in herbal medicine class, she was scared and screamed by a pine caterpillar that came out of nowhere, for example, her visible potion kept failing, and Percy didn't come out of the dormitory with Scabbers at all. !

Not to mention Sylvia's Quidditch selection was not good at all. Usually Sylvia was just playing with Dora, but when she came to the training ground, she found that it was completely different. She doesn't have Arya's physical strength, nor Angelina's agility. And Fred and George are really like the twin stars in the sky, with their short red hair streaking across the sky like twinkling meteors.

Her shirt was soaked with sweat, the bangs on her forehead drooped unsightly, and she sat low on a broom, just like she did in her first flying lesson.

I look so embarrassed.

Sylvia clenched Comet 260 in her hands and smiled bitterly. She felt that she had failed such a good broom, and she often even bragged about her opinions at the long table. How proud she was at the time, how much she feels like a fool now.

Snape was right, she was really arrogant.

"Sylvia, your fake moves are all very good." Charlie came over and patted her on the shoulder, "You have so many tricks, and Oliver was **** by you at the end. Senseless."

"Thank you, Charlie." Sylvia was a little stunned as she watched her four best friends dive and attack each other in the air. Fred glanced here, and he smiled and waved at Sylvia. One of George's dives made him immediately turn his attention to his brother again.

"We discussed it later, you and Arya will be the substitutes." Charlie drew two circles on the list in his hand, smiling sincerely.

"Ah, thank you." Sylvia looked at Charlie and smiled, she was sincerely happy for her friends, "Fred and George are both official hitters, right? I'll say they both can. Angelina is an official Chaser too, right?"

"I bet you'll both be an indispensable force for the Gryffindor team. We need your brains, Sylvia." Charlie patted her on the shoulder again, showing approval smile.

"Hey! Friends! Professor McGonagall agreed to let me do the game commentary!" Li Feng rushed into the training ground, "Hi! Searle! You're so right! I really selected!"

"Great! Searle also improved a mandarin duck crucible! Let's eat together at noon." Angelina swooped back to the ground excitedly, and everyone also landed to Li's side in turn .

Sylvia also fell back to the ground: "Come on, friends! Remember to get some drinks."

Snape seemed too lazy to think of new ways to punish Sylvia. But it could also be that he didn't want to hear Sylvia's wailing cursing anymore, so he changed the caterpillar slices to chopped daisy roots, or something else. It is estimated that he also took a fancy to Sylvia's precise knife work and asked her to do free labor.

"Look at what you wrote, idiot." Snape suddenly broke the silence of the confinement. Sylvia was startled and almost cut her hand again.

The parchment flew in front of Sylvia, directly covering her face. She took it down without haste, and looked at the paper that was lined with red ink. The handwriting on it was written by Sylvia, and she even forgot to write her name.

"Oh..." She scratched the back of her head angrily, "I remembered it backwards again."

"If your stupid brain can't remember the content, why not use your textbook? Hope you don't think Potions textbooks are more suitable as collectibles." Snape said slowly As he continued, the scratching sound of his handwriting was not as sharp as before.

"Perhaps it's more appropriate to cover with instant noodles..." She muttered in a low voice, and Snape probably didn't understand, but still gave her a vicious look at this behavior.

"Why is it always wrong here?" Sylvia looked at her paper and gave herself a slap in the face remorsefully. Just like learning mathematics at the beginning, the mistakes are always the same every time. "I know... oh, Merlin's beard, I missed that last time," she said, staring in disbelief.

"You know this is wrong? Why not change it?"

These words bombarded Sylvia's mind like thunder. Although there is another sentence behind it: "As stubborn as your hateful uncle, as hopeless as him."

Sylvia's brain was buzzing. She put down the parchment slowly and looked at Snape, who frowned as he revised the Gryffindor paper.

"Thank you. Professor."

Sylvia said softly, putting the parchment aside and continuing to chop the roots of the daisies in her hands. Snape thought he had heard it wrong, and looked up at the worried student in astonishment. He's ready for this guy to say again, arrogantly, that he'll know how to learn potions, and then refute her to the core.

After confinement ended, Sylvia left Snape's office with her papers. She did feel that the refreshing autumn wind had become very sad at the moment. It seems that the lyrical approach of borrowing scenes can still be empathetic.

The Gryffindor Quidditch team was chattering upwards as she walked to the foyer. They had training today and Sylvia had to take time off. She was suddenly a little lonely watching Fred, George, Angelina, and Arya sparring all the way. The parchment was deformed by her pinching, and her slow footsteps suddenly changed direction and walked up another staircase.

Sylvia couldn't say why, but the scene just now was like she had never been here before. They should be like this, and they appear like a superfluous person.

So don't think about it at night.

Sylvia came to the Astronomy Tower and sat down cross-legged. She took the silver dagger that Sirius had given her out of her pocket and put it against her chest. His head drooped dejectedly, staring at his black shadow, which destroyed the originally white and flawless moonlight, just like the self that should not have appeared.

How easy is it?

I can't even study well, and I want to change the world? Still thinking of saving people? Call that my mission?

What if she not only failed to save everyone, but also did a disservice? What should I do if I pull everyone back?

Sylvia finds it a little funny. She looked at her shadow a little choked up. She is homesick, and things are not going so well here. She is actually very ordinary, just like her original self. Snape was right, why didn't she change it? She clearly knew what the problem was, but she never changed it. Just as she was escaping Metamorphosis, she was escaping Potions.

But she can't run away.

Whatever it is.

The author has something to say:

Good! 2nd grade starts!

When I write a text, if I can't find the feeling, I will go to the song and listen to it and write it. So I think my words may become a tweeting bot(?) Hahahahaha! In the second grade, children should learn to grow up. Searle is definitely not a talented player, and she still has to work a lot for her happy ending.

I have been listening to Huang Jie's "Shangri-La" while writing this chapter. This is definitely the sweetest song I've heard in 2020. Including many of the following chapters, I also relied on the atmosphere of this song. I will mention it later in my speech. This song gave me a lot of inspiration. Push it to everyone! !

There is a lyric in it: "The rain will rain and the rain will stop, this is the same truth. The North Star in the night sky, those who get lost are not afraid."

That's what I really want to say to Searle in this chapter.