MTL - How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police-Chapter 13 Tokyo Tower Bombing 5

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inside the tower.

After Xin Haikong caught Conan, he was knocked back several steps by the impact.

"Officer Xinhai, what happened to the bomb just now—"


A huge explosion continued to occur above, interrupting Conan's doubts, and the entire tower shook.

"How could there be an explosion!" Conan asked in horror while being led by Xin Haikong towards the stairs.

"In the process of going upstairs, I found that from the observation deck on the fifteenth floor upwards, the prisoners installed bombs on each floor. minute."

The continuous explosions were still sounding, and they needed to scream to hear each other's voices.

"I tried to defuse a bomb, but it didn't work, and the countdown accelerated by ten seconds. So just now—"


"It's too late to explain, run down!" Xin Haikong shouted as loudly as possible for Conan to hear, "There are no bombs on the lower floor!"

Fortunately, the Tokyo Tower is not made of wood, and it is ventilated on all sides, otherwise they will all be unable to escape if the fire is ignited.

The disadvantage of elementary school students was not really reflected until this time. Xin Haikong could jump down the stairs in three or four steps, while Conan could only jump one step at a time.

Xin Haikong couldn't stand it any longer, so he picked up Conan, held him in his arms, and continued to jump down.

Although he has no memory of learning police skills, all the training he has experienced is still there. The road from the fifteenth floor was not easy to walk. The bombs heated up the entire steel structure. From time to time, they had to avoid the building remnants that fell from above. With Conan, the speed was inevitably much slower.


outside the tower.

Matsuda Jinhei finally came to his senses. He walked through the crowd and tried to enter Tokyo Tower.

The Mumu police stopped him.

"Officer Matsuda, calm down, it's already exploded... and we haven't caught the culprit yet!"

Yes, the culprit has not been caught yet! The prisoner should have been at the scene at this time. Matsuda Jinping looked around at the media and onlookers gathered around him. The shadows were long, but it was hard to tell right from wrong.

At the front of the crowd, Mao Lilan knelt to the ground in shock, looking at the heavy fireworks on the tower in disbelief. New one…

at this time.

"Mumu, Mumu Police Department, ho- it's not good, Minister Matsumoto, he was attacked!" The police officers who rushed to the scene couldn't even breathe, and abruptly cut out the words from their throats.

Two kilometers away, the bodyguard who was frightened by the successive explosions finally reacted and called the police.

"What did you say? Where is it!"

"Sanmachime, directly opposite the Rice Flower Building."

"Move all the police forces and go to the Rice Flower Building immediately!"

"Mumu Police Department! Xin Haikong is still in Tokyo Tower, and we haven't organized rescue yet! And the prisoners at the scene—"

"Officer Matsuda, the explosion has already occurred. As for the prisoners at the scene, you should lead the team to be responsible for the search. We must go to rescue Minister Matsumoto first."

Mu Mu sighed helplessly, and left the scene with most of the police.

However, the people who ambushed Matsumoto Zendo had already evacuated, and the dispatch of the police on the scene would only help the prisoners escape.

By the time the police, who were stuck under the Tokyo Tower two kilometers away, struggled through the crowded traffic and arrived at the scene, Zendo Matsumoto's body was already cold.

There was a sudden loud noise from the crowd behind him, the click of the photo shoot, the cursing of the crowd pushing each other, and the footsteps he was familiar with.

Matsuda Jinping turned his head back with a feeling.

Under the crumbling Tokyo Tower.

The familiar figure staggered out, holding a child in his arms, with a gentle smile on his gray face, his black coat has become a little dirty, but his bright eyes are still firm. And have power.



Xin Haikong was lying on his back upright, a little confused.

In fact, he didn't get hurt at all, he just smoked a cigarette, and the sound of the bomb made his ears a little uncomfortable. After all, he planted the bomb himself. Of course, he was measured, how could he hurt himself.

In fact, it wasn't just him, Conan was not injured at all. In the entire Tokyo Tower explosion, no one was injured, and only the landmark of Japan - Tokyo Tower was injured. This thing he always wanted to try when he was reading comics, but now it's just a dream come true.

But this ward is a double room.

So it's not just him, Conan is also lying on his right side upright at this time.

After the two of them came out of the tower, they were surrounded by the media before they could see the police.

The dazzling flashing lights kept calling.

Although it is true that the media is called him, it is really annoying when the person being interviewed is himself.

"Officer Xinhai, you are the police officer of Xinhai, right? We are from TV Tokyo. Do you remember? How did you escape? It's obvious that the bomb exploded!"

"Yes, Officer Xinhai, it all exploded. How did you save the hostages, and when did you defuse the bomb?"

"Officer Xinhai, do you have any personal grudges with the prisoner? Why did this attack happen?"

"Officer Xinhai, is this a case committed by prisoners in order to retaliate against you? What do you think of innocent people being attacked for personal reasons?"

Conan shook his head frantically, trying to interject that this should not be blamed on Shinkai. Although he didn't know what the prisoner's motive was, he believed that as a police officer, Xin Haikong would not have done such a thing.

"Enough is enough, you worms, apart from holding up the microphone and making up things, why didn't you see you go to the rescue when the hostages were tied to the observation deck?" Matsuda formation blocked Xin Haikong in front, but Always refused to look at Xin Haikong.

The media was silent for a moment, then boiled again.

"Isn't it the police's job to rescue hostages?"

"Since it is the work of the police, please stop pointing fingers here!"

"Since the hostage has been rescued successfully, our police will arrange a one-on-one interview with relevant media in the future. Please stop the interview for now. Our police officers and the hostage who have just been rescued need to go to the hospital for further examination." Shiratori Ren Saburo in the media A rounder in front of you.

"Shiraotiao, send Xin Haikong and the others to the hospital!"

"Huh? Officer Matsuda, why not you—"

"The culprit hasn't been caught yet!"

Matsuda Jinping seized the opportunity and shoved Shinkai and Conan into the police car. Then, he pressed the still stunned Shiratori on the driver's seat and closed the door.

"Wait, Lan!" Conan realized that he hadn't reported safety to Mao Lilan.

Xin Haikong held down Conan who wanted to get out of the car, "Don't worry, we can call him later. It's better to leave the scene now. If we stay on the scene, the media may eat us."

As he spoke, he was still looking at the back of Matsuda Jinping outside the car, his eyes were dark and unclear, and the hand behind his back quickly edited a text message, the recipient - GIN.