MTL - How Could This Cat Tease Me?-Chapter 74 He leaned down without hesitation.

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If a living person is placed in the freezer, it will become a dead person, Xia Rong thought, more likely, the day he lost the news It just disappeared in this world.

After all, Coman didn't wait for his glass.

He was lying sadly in the array, and the ground was soaked with cold at the end of January. He curled himself up and covered his face with white claws. Suddenly, he missed Suchi very much. He wanted to hug and lick his hair with him in the form of a cat, or slap him together in the form of a human, so that he would not be as cold as he is now.

I do n’t know how long I lie on this side. The door shook twice, “Dang Dang Dang Dang,” as if someone had inserted the key into the lock outside the door. After a while, the door was pushed open and two people came in.

Xia Rong arched subconsciously, looking back alertly, and found that Yu Chengchang dragged in a snakeskin pocket. The snakeskin pocket seemed very heavy, causing his steps to falter, and a young man came in with him, standing next to him, holding a pipe with a heather root in his mouth, but did not mean to take a handle, but trembled. After shaking the falling snow, he said, "What the **** is this place?"

With the door open, the blizzard outside also poured in with the cold wind. Xia Rong shuddered instinctively. He was noticed by the young man and gave him a glance, his face surprised. The civet cat also made you get it. You are brave enough, aren't you afraid they will ask you to settle accounts? "

Yu Chengchang dragged the snakeskin pocket to the freezer and lowered it, then returned to close the door. Xia Rong found out that his faltering was not because the snakeskin pocket was too heavy, but his right leg was injured. The dried-up color showed that he could only walk slowly dragging his injured leg.

Yu Chengchang said coldly: "You can't blame me if you hit the door yourself."

The young man took a sip of cigarette slowly and said, "I don't blame you, but this cat and Mu's family may not be. When you take it for a sacrifice, Mu's family wants to find you, then I become Your accomplice, it seems that this business needs to be considered ... "

"Since you know this is Mu's civet, you should also know that this cat has been away from Mu for nearly six years. Mu's family can't find it anymore, and the contact has long faded away." Yu Chengchang step by step. Slowly walked back to the freezer and grabbed his eyes and said, "Zhang Ershao, I know what you want, and the power of hunting the sky leak is definitely worth the price you paid."

"Zhang Ershao" stood outside and smiled slightly: "Then Yu Gong must first give me a glance, there is a bottom in my heart, is it worth it?"

Yu Chengchang glanced at the "glass" on the ground, his face was slightly dull. Although he was reluctant, he still pinched his hand and uttered words in his mouth. After a while, Zhang Ershao trembled with black mist all over his body. He took a step and immediately stepped forward without any damage. Within the law.

"I have been listening to Master saying that Yu Gong has only learned Master's three-point fur, so he has an unstable foundation. Regardless of the rules of the road, he has red eyes and entered the world to win gold." Zhang Ershao said slowly and rudely. " It seems that this 'Lock Soul Formation' is still pretty good. "

Yu Chengchang snorted, no longer talking, and slowly pushed down the freezer under his bow, and the cold air overflowed.

After the freezer opened, he seemed to be afraid of damaging Coman's body, and his movements became sharp and sharp. He stooped to open the snakeskin bag and scooped out a snow-covered fox from it.

The fox was stunned, and the hind legs still trembled slightly, showing that it was still alive, with snow-white fur, but a bright red touch of his lips, and Yu Chengchang's leg injury was his masterpiece.

"Although it can't practice spells like a ghost cat, it has also developed spiritual knowledge." Zhang Ershao said surprisingly, "It is used to keep the body and spirit of the son temporarily, and it is enough for a few days."

The fox didn't sting him, it seemed to confess his fate, and he didn't move. He only stared at Yu Chengchang's face resentfully, as if to engrave him in his spiritual knowledge.

Yu Chengchang closed his eyes directly, meditated on the procuring spell, and after a short while, he rose from the top of the freezer to a pale yellow aura, which looked warm and soft and melted slightly. Who knew that when he touched the body of the fox, he suddenly became very brutal. The sky rose sharply by a few feet, and the dazzling rays of light shrouded within a radius of one meter, including Zhang Ershao, Yu Chengchang, and Yu Chengchang.

Suddenly I heard a whine from the fox. After the light faded away, there were only Zhang Ershao and Yu Chengchang left. The fox disappeared as if it had never existed.

"It's magical to catch the sky leak!" Zhang Ershao laughed, "I did this business!"

Yu Chengchang himself seemed to be consuming a lot just now, and the fine beads of sweat came from his forehead. He nodded at will, and his eyes remained in the freezer.

Until the aura of light completely disappeared, he reached out and closed the freezer again. Zhang Ershao said: "It is really magic to catch the sky leak, but this is not a long-term solution. I heard that Yu Gong has found a suitable container for Ling Lang, but Seems-a little tricky? "

"That was before." Yu Chengchang said in a deep voice, and glanced at the little orange cat lying on the ground. "It is also a good luck for that container. He saved the life of Mu Jialing the cat before, every time I tried to expel him When the spirit is full, this cat will jump out, and I do n’t know what means to protect him, so that I ca n’t find his spirit. Even the spirit artifact I sent was managed to throw it away, so it was delayed for half a year. as long as."

"But now, the container is no longer protected by the cat. As long as I catch him, I can use the sky leak to complete my stealing the sky." Yu Chengchang sighed. "When I wish, I will return to normal with the dog. People ’s lives have never been asked about the world, and Zhang Erchao is yours. ”

... It turned out that Yu Chengchang's purpose was not to simply use Xia Rong's life pattern to renew his life or provide for him, but to simply steal the sky to change the day, or directly, he wanted to let Koman borrow the body to return the soul.

No wonder he would have said before that "there is no one who cares more about you than me in this world", it should be "" there is no one who cares more about you (the body) than me in this world ". Do you care?

Xia Rong remembered his acquaintance with Coleman. Although Coleman was the top talented photographer in the circle, and he was lonely, he was never hesitant to help others, from being considerate and difficult to being a novice. Enthralled by the star's tolerance, Xia Rong has always felt that he is a very good person ... I don't know what Koman Spring knows, how would he feel when he saw his biological father so crazy.

Maybe I can't bear it ... Maybe the desire for life can overcome all goodwill?

He hasn't died, he doesn't know.


The little orange cat is lying on the ground thinking about life. The flesh is soft and looks extremely safe and harmless. However, Zhang Jia Erxiao slightly raised the corners of his mouth and glanced in the direction of it: "Yugong, are you sure it will leave Isn't this magic circle? Don't grab the container by then, but it will be convenient for it to save people nearby. "

"It can be as quiet as it is now, but it has already suffered." Yu Chengchang said, "This 'Lock Soul Array' was set up by my dogs to exchange souls with pure Yin life. The living thing is locked in it, except for those with pure Yin life, all energy is constantly sucked out of life. If you have to save it, you must let a pure Yang life person give it a life span. Angry. "

Zhang Ershao said leisurely: "Jun Yang's life pattern? I heard that this man has only one out?"

"That's the boyfriend of that container."

"What? Is the container Yu Gong found to be a woman?"

"No." Yu Chengchang's eyes showed a slight disgust, "They are all gay."

"Homosexuality?" Zhang Ershao seemed to hear something funny, "Isn't that just a match with Lingzi? This is a coincidence ..."

"He isn't!" Yu Chengchang suddenly looked up and glanced at Zhang Ershao unpleasantly, and said, "Manman was just trying to resist me, intentionally saying some outrageous and absurd words to anger me ..."

"Okay, don't say this, right?" Seeing Yu Chengchang's expression excited, Zhang Ershao raised his hand to surrender, "Where did you just say? To save this cat, you need a person with a pure Yang life style to cross the lives." ? "

Hearing the words "crossing lives", the kittens that had been lying softly on the ground also got up, staring at their direction without blinking.

"... That's right." Yu Chengchang calmly said, indifferently, "Even as a couple, few people would be willing to use their own lives to save the other half, let alone kittens that have some involvement with the other half? Cats are just cats after all The cost of the Mu family's civet cats, which are born with spells, is that they will always be immature. "

"Also, this cat was seriously injured by me earlier. Although the surface is restored as before, the inside is definitely not good for a while. With its current body, even if it is angry to bear the pure Yang life pattern, it will only be angry. It will be unbearable, and it will explode. "

"So foolproof?"

Xia Rong listened in this way, and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief: Fortunately, he replaced the glass with himself, or even if Mu Yan was present, it would be extremely difficult to save the glass.

At the same time, Su Chi's nostalgic love was forcibly suppressed with these words.

That ’s how many lives cross him. He'd better ... still don't come ...


In the next two days, Yu Chengchang simply set up a cover next to the formation and stayed. Sometimes Xia Rong opened his eyes at midnight and saw him next to the freezer. He looked insultingly, and almost tried to poke the cat several times. Scaring heart disease.

Perhaps "Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun" was about to succeed. In addition to going out to find "Xia Rong" during the day, Yu Chengchang ignored things other than Koman and was very cold. Xia Rong also did n’t have cat food and small fish to eat. He could only follow the leftovers from his leftovers. In order to fill his stomach and then have energy to escape, Master Xia Xiao took the initiative to pick up people ’s leftovers for the first time in his life. Food to eat.

However, leftovers and leftovers are not available at every meal. In order to find someone, Yu Chengchang often goes out for a day, leaving the cat hungry and full. After two days, the cat was hungry and thin.

When Zhang Ershi came over, he could have a luxurious meal: dried meat, dried fish, wonderful fresh buns, and milk powder for cats. Xia Rong smelled it and confirmed that he was not poisoned (? ) After that, I can eat a round belly every time.

Zhang Ershao stared at the little orange cat gobbling, thinking thoughtfully: "Mu home spirit cat, when born, will be a spell, it should not be difficult to change yourself into a little fish, right?"

When the little orange cat heard these words, he still held the dried meat with one claw and the dried fish in his mouth. He heard that it was like the "Koala eating leaves map" circulating on the Internet, and he was completely stagnation.


... but he really can't change it! No wit anymore! Can't he eat yet?

Is it too late for this little fairy cat to pretend to be full with meal style drinks?

Zhang Ershao scratched his chin with amusement: "You should be able to speak? Although you can't speak, but the communication of consciousness should not be a problem. What's your name?"

Little orange cat: sluggish.jpg

"How many cats at home? How many people are covered?" Zhang Ershao narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes gradually sharpened from cynical disrespect, "Where is Mu's shrine?"

Little orange cat ... The little orange cat can't stand anymore. It throws up the things in its mouth, throws the things in its hands, arches itself, and makes a vigilant posture with full body alertness.

After hearing these questions, Yu Chengchang turned around and lowered his gaze, staring at the little orange cat's body.

"... Although it looks exactly the same as Mu Jialing Cat." Zhang Ershao slowly said, "But aren't you real?"


Almost as soon as Yu Chengchang heard this sentence, Huo Ran picked up his ebony cane and aimed at Xia Rong, bursting out a large group of flames from the crutch's faucet, and headed straight for him.

Rao was Xia Rong's defense, but she was too late to dodge. Her body was covered by fire for a short time. With a scream, she slammed into the invisible enclave. The bone-paining pain spread over her body. The body twitched slightly.

"Suddenly let a fake cat lie to me for so long!" Yu Chengchang was furious, raised his cane, and thundered at the heart of the "fake cat" with thunder-

Suddenly, a "snap" sound was heard behind him, a very slight sound.

But he didn't miss the voice. Looking back, his face changed immediately: "A power outage? Why is a power outage here ?!"

That's right, with this "flutter", the entire ancestral hall was darkened. At this time at night, the temporarily installed light bulbs were shaking in the air with the wind, but there was no light at all.

Yu Chengchang furiously took out his mobile phone: "You don't do it? I have said many times that Absolutely can't power off the rack! ..."

His speaking speed was quick and fast, and he was probably asking about how the power failure, but the other party seemed to respond very little. After a few words, he even hung Yu Chengchang's phone. Yu Chengchang glanced back, because of the power failure, the freezer that had stopped cooling, clenched his teeth and tightened the phone, and said to Zhang Er Shao: "I'll find a way to restore power, Er Shao, please help me look at the formation method here, as for This cat, "he glanced at Xia Rong coldly," do whatever you want. "

Yu Chengchang, holding a cane, hobbled and hurriedly opened the door and went out.

Mr. Zhang Ershao went to light a candle, then squatted down, reached out and touched Xia Rong's head. He was not angry when the little orange cat tilted his head away, but smiled slightly: "Although it is fake, but it can be so realistic, it is not something that can be done by a serval cat without a spirit ... Yu Chengchang was The anxiety that was lost and lost my head, why not think about it, who has the ability to appear here instead of a cat? "

Xia Rong was suddenly scared and stiff. Zhang Ershao was going to touch his back even more, but the gate of the shrine was suddenly blasted away by a gust of wind. The only candle was blown out, and the whole space fell into darkness again.

Inside the ancestral hall is dark, but outside the ancestral hall is Yuehua Zhengsheng, Guanghua is like day.

A gust of wind rose flatly, and the wind blade rolled like a vortex. A person stood in the eyes of the wind, and a cat-shaped creature sat on his shoulder.

When the wind was a little calm, the people inside the ancestral hall could also see who was coming.

"Mu, and your spirit cat." Zhang Ershao said slowly.

Mu Yan stepped out of the wind and calmly said, "Zhang Lu, I know you are a smart person. If you don't want to be against the entire Mu family, please leave now." He paused slightly. Not necessarily only once. "

Zhang Ershao stood up, nodding slightly with a smile: "You're right."

Almost as soon as his words fell, his body flickered. Although it didn't disappear out of thin air, he continued to move quickly in a few blinks, and soon disappeared into the sight of the people present.

Run really decisively ...

Before Xia Rong had enough time to sigh, he heard Mu Yan said, "He is just a man who doesn't eat the immediate loss and doesn't hit me. He mostly called Yu Chengchang back. Su Chi, you move faster."

"Okay." Another person appeared from behind Mu Yi, and at the moment he saw his face clearly, he made the little orange cat almost jump up and meow anxiously at him.

"Don't come over! This array is dangerous!"

The cat was hungry and thin, but Su Chi seemed to be thinner than him.

His face was clear and vague in the moonlight, and he came over here and stepped on the eerie cold formation, which could not affect him at all.

When he came to the front, leaning down, Xia Rong raised his body, and shrank back subconsciously.

"If you want to save me, you have to ..." It is terrible to cross lives, you have to think about it ...

Before he finished speaking, Su Chi cut it off with three words.

"I know."

He leaned down without hesitation.

At that moment, Xia Rong seemed to have forgotten everything, and the extremely dangerous and chaotic situation disappeared, and everything faded and became blank in an instant, only this kiss.

Only Su Chi was soft and warm, with slightly trembling lips.