MTL - How Are You Guys Getting Boyfriends While Gaming-Chapter 63 Remember to add clothes when it's cold

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After parting with Ren's mother, Yu Qinghuan stood quietly on the street, watching the endless stream of vehicles and crowds, thinking about the conversation with her just now.

It was a mother's painstaking efforts and affection for her calf.

Yu Qinghuan couldn't help thinking of his mother.

Since Mother Yu left, she has never contacted the family again. Yu Qinghuan often wonders in the late night, where is she now and how she is doing.

In fact, Yu Qinghuan didn't blame Yu's mother. She walked neatly and cleanly, without taking a penny from Yu's father, but did not leave any thoughts on Yu Qinghuan.

I heard that in the early days of Dad Yu’s business, Mom Yu suffered a lot with Dad Yu. Dad Yu was deceived for a long time after being deceived, so Mom Yu’s departure was probably because he had endured and could not endure it any longer. .

So every time he chats with the gentle and amiable mother Ren, Yu Qinghuan silently envies Ren Jian in his heart.

I am very fortunate to be born in such a warm family.

Yu Qinghuan was standing on the street in a daze, when the phone rang suddenly.

It was Luo Buyu's call.

"Qing Huan, the TKOW team contacted me."

When Yu Qinghuan returned home, Dad Yu was humming a cheerful little song sorting the courier, waiting for him to put the sorted courier at the rookie station.

While helping Dad Yu sort out, Yu Qinghuan told Dad Yu about the TKOW team: "In the next city, if you are selected, you have to live in the team base for a long time."

Dad Yu put down the courier in his hand and stood up straight: "Go, you must go!"

"But..." Yu Qinghuan was worried about Yu's father.

Dad Yu put his hand on Yu Qinghuan's shoulder and pressed it hard: "Son, you have given up a lot for me over the years. If you give up anything, Dad will feel guilty. Go, don't worry, I will take care of it. Take care of yourself, look at me now, I have no shortage of money to spend, and the house is back, and occasionally go down and chat with the neighbors, how nice."

"Dad, thank you." Yu Qing laughed happily.

Three days later, the TKOW team base.

It was not until after lunch at 12:30 that there was a figure in the training room on the second floor.

Ren Zhan walked to the training room while holding his mobile phone.

Since the last time he sent a congratulatory text to Yu Qinghuan and Yu Qinghuan replied with a thank you, the two have not chatted again.

The chat window can be opened seven or eight times a day at any one time.

But it is limited to the behavior of opening it, staring at it for three seconds, and then closing it.

Unrequited love is really heart-wrenching.

Ren Jian walked to the training room and found that someone was already there.

It is the ADC Chen Mo and the top laner Jiang Haohan of the TKOW team.

"Morning." Ren Zhan put away his phone and said hello.

Chen Mo nodded: "Yes."

"Wilful, I noticed that you've been looking at your phone lately." Shangdan Jiang Haohan leaned back on the gaming chair with Erlang's legs on his back, giggling and teasing Renjian, "Could it be online dating?"

Ren Jian sat down on his gaming seat, and while debugging the peripherals, he asked, "What? Do you want to help me?"

"Hey, what are you doing online dating?" Jiang Haohan kicked his feet and sat on the gaming chair for a turn, "I don't even have to grab my hands, it's so boring."

Just as he was talking, Gu Zhizhi walked in: "I just met the coach in the corridor, let the four of us practice first today."

"Where's the captain?" Jiang Haohan raised his head and asked.

Gu Zhizhi said: "Aren't you looking for a mid laner lately? Someone came in the morning, and the captain and coach went for an interview together."

"Why don't you choose from the second team or the youth trainees, and let me play with a simple rookie." Although Jiang Haohan's tone was disappointed, a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Come on, aren't you afraid of being sanctioned by the coach if you bring bad newcomers?" Gu Zhizhi gave Jiang Haohan a sidelong glance, "I heard that two people from the second team and the youth trainees will also be selected, and then there will be a solo competition on the first floor. The person with the most points enters the first team and serves as a substitute for the captain."

"Start training?" Chen Mo, who had been expressionless, opened his mouth.

"Oh, Momo is really boring, three things are inseparable from training." Jiang Haohan laughed.

"Ouch." Gu Zhizhi vomited.

"Xiaoxiao, is this jealous?" Jiang Haohan laughed and joked.

"You **** day and night, can you be serious?" Gu Zhizhi could not wait to rush over and smash Jiang Haohan's dog's head.

"I can't." Jiang Haohan deserved it quickly.

"The captain isn't here today, how do you train?" Chen Mo looked at Ren Jian.

After the captain retires, the new captain of the TKOW team will be Ren Jian, so the team members habitually ask Ren Jian if they have any questions.

Ren Jian thought for a while, and said, "Let's play Rank first, deepen the hero pool, or start the live broadcast."

The other three knew what to do.

Ren Jian stared at the game interface, thought for a while, and finally made up his mind and sent a message to Yu Qinghuan.

[Has the city next door cooled down? Is it cold? Remember to add clothes. 】

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the assistant came to the training room and rushed the four of them to stand up and take a rest. By the way, he brought a message: "The solo competition for the mid-laner substitute has begun. In the training room of the youth trainees on the first floor, you want to Don't go look around."

"I want it." Jiang Haohan, who has always watched the fun without taking it too seriously, stood up and asked the three of them, "Are you going?"

"No." Chen Mo stared at the computer screen tightly without raising his head.

"I'm not going either. My live broadcast is still a long time away this month. I have to finish the broadcast quickly." Gu Zhizhi said.

"Boring." Jiang Haohan looked at Ren Jian, "Where's Wilful?"

Ren Jian looked at the phone irritably: "No."

Yu Qinghuan has not responded to his news, so it should have been seen earlier.

"Forget it, you really don't go there. Last time you went to the first floor for a walk, you got excited about those youth trainees, and kept saying how much they admire you. I'm really afraid they will swallow you alive." Jiang Haohan After complaining, I went to the first floor with my assistant.

Three hours later, at six o'clock, it was time for dinner.

Renjian, who was playing the passers-by's bureau, was operating the residual blood hero, hiding in the grass on his way back, and taking advantage of the gap, Renjian picked up his mobile phone and glanced at it.

Still no reply message reminder.

Ren Jian raised his head expressionlessly, seeing himself who was looking to harvest the residual blood from the ADC and the support, Ren Jian sneered, took the heads of the two of them in one hit and two, and chased after the ADC for the next time. , and directly shut down the opposing ADC.

At this moment, Jiang Haohan came back with a message.

"The mid-laner substitute has been selected. Don't leave the training room yet. The captain said to wait and bring people up so that we can get to know each other."