MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 355 355 Zhoujiazhuang Chinese New Year

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   Chapter 355 355 Zhoujiazhuang Chinese New Year

  The last one, Lin Xiaoyue sat in the village, and took Henry Zhang dangerously to put the hat on King Anyang and Liang Yu.

   Counting the thirty-five points earned, King Anyang looked depressed.

   Liang Yu, who is opposite, is not in a good mood.

   Losing five hundred taels of silver is still a trivial matter. After holding on for so long, but losing the last one, the frustration it brings is a big deal.

   "Hehe, Young Master Liang, accept and accept!" Henry Zhang looked at Liang Yu triumphantly, and only reached out and asked him for money.

   Playing this card, when playing, provoking each other or something is the norm.

   He didn't dare to provoke King Anyang, but he didn't say much to Liang Yu.

  Liang Yu was stable at first, looking like he didn't have the same knowledge as him.

   After a while, he fought with him.

   Now, he and Liang Yu are quite familiar.

  There is also King Anyang, who sees him fighting against Liang Yu, and even interjects from time to time.

   Actually, he is not so afraid of King Anyang anymore.

   "Humph! Count your luck!" Liang Yu glanced at Henry Zhang angrily.

   Then he took out a bank note from his pocket.

   "I'm willing to admit defeat!" Then, Henry Zhang was photographed.

   Henry Zhang's eyes lit up, and he quickly picked up the silver note.

   held his hands, with a "I'm not dreaming" expression.

   Lin Xiaoyue couldn't help but laugh.

   King Anyang sighed, and also took out five hundred taels of silver notes and gave them to Lin Xiaoyue.

   "It's too early, how about another round?" he said unexpectedly.

   Liang Yu's eyes lit up, who was about to get up, she sat upright in an instant, and also looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   This feeling of being one step away from winning is too uncomfortable, and he also wants to win back a city.

   Henry Zhang followed and looked at Lin Xiaoyue, and then reluctantly looked at the silver note in his hand.

   Some want to play, but are afraid of losing.

What about five hundred taels of silver? Although it was a silver note, he still felt heavy in his hand.

   He can prepare to save this money and keep it to marry a wife in the future.

  Reluctant to…

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Henry Zhang's expression, and couldn't help but want to laugh more and more.

   "It's not interesting to just play this one, why not play a new one?" He continued.

   "There are other ways to play?" King Anyang was very interested.

   Liang Yu also looked at Lin Xiaoyue in surprise.

   "Of course. There's a lot to play." Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   Immediately, he informed everyone about how to fight landlords and run fast.

   Then, he talked about fried golden flowers, bullfighting, etc., which completely opened the eyes of everyone.

   Considering the large number of people, Lin Xiaoyue proposed to play fried golden flowers for the sake of fun.

   After obtaining the consent of King Anyang and Liang Yu, Lin Xiaoyue thought for a while, and then said: "Playing fried golden flowers, the more people the better. In this way, let's go and call some people."

   "The guards you brought, my lord, if you are interested, you can also let them participate."

   King Anyang was taken aback.

   glanced at the guards outside the door, and there was a hint of hesitation in his eyes.

   Then he glanced at the poker cards on the table and agreed.

   Then, two of the guards were called in.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled, "The lord wait a moment, let's call some people. By the way, get some copper plates and broken silver for everyone to exchange."

   said, Lin Xiaoyue took Li Xiao away.

   Not long after, Lin Xiaoyue came back first.

When    came back, he was still holding a money box in his hand, and at a glance, he knew that it was not light.

   Then, Li Xiao also came back.

   also brought three people behind him, it was Liu Shi, Zhao Shanshan and Fan Teng.

   After the three of them bowed to King Anyang, they were arranged to sit down.

   Seeing that the Liu family also participated in the card game, King Anyang had a strong smile on his face.

   also told Liu Shi a lot of caring words.

   Liu Shi was a little shy, but her daughter was beside her, she felt at ease, and gradually she was no longer afraid.

   Soon, Lin Xiaoyue brought the money box over and exchanged broken silver and copper plates for everyone.

   also explained to everyone how to play cards with fried golden flowers.

   After that, I brought everyone together and played fried golden flowers together.

   The method of frying golden flowers is simple. The winner is not necessarily the one with the most cards, but may also be the one with the most courage.

  Many times, the gamble is on guts and winning by catching chickens.

   After playing a few games, some people get the hang of it.

  Especially the King of Anyang, who has become the person who loves boring cards the most. It can be said that many people with money are bold.

  Liang Yu and Lin Xiaoyue like to chase boredom, but they don't have the style of King Anyang.

   King Anyang has become the proudest person at the poker table.

  The rest of the people, including Li Xiao, watched the cards honestly.

  The small cards are thrown, and the high cards are played.

  In the beginning, everyone at the poker table was more reserved.

   But as time goes by, whether it is the guards or the servants, they gradually lose their scruples, and when it is time to make money, they will no longer be polite.

  Especially the two guards, who have beaten their prince several times.

   King Anyang was unlucky, and soon he lost his face.

   Another round, Anyang King is still boring.

   But this time, they ran into Liang Yu and one of the guards who read the card.

   The two followed several hands in a row, but they didn't even intend to play cards.

  The king of Anyang knew that the two of them had a lot of cards, so he finally got a big one, and he was directly bored with fifty taels of silver. (Capped at one hundred taels.)

   Then Liang Yu actually followed, and the guard chose to look at Liang Yu's card.

   Then, the guard's cards were compared, and he put the cards back into the deck with a heartache.

   When King Anyang saw this, he didn't even read the cards, so he was busy with one hundred taels of silver.

   Liang Yu frowned and followed another hundred taels.

   Then, the two of them actually followed him back and forth several times.

   King Anyang was in a hurry, and he was a little annoyed that Liang Yu didn't give himself face.

   Looking at the silver bills piled up on the table, King Anyang's eyes became hot.

   hesitated for a while, then picked up his own card.

   found that the first card was 10 of hearts.

   Afterwards, King Anyang carefully moved the first card, and saw that the second card was black, and he was a little disappointed.

   It turned out that the second card was the 10 of spades.

   couldn't help but smile.

   Then, he began to concentrate his efforts again, moving the first two cards.

   When he saw 1 appearing on the third card, King Anyang couldn't help but be ecstatic.

   Then, completely removed the first two cards, and found that it was a diamond 10.

   turned out to be three 10s!

   King Anyang was ecstatic at this moment. His card is definitely bigger than Liang Yu's!

   But in an instant, King Anyang quickly calmed down.

   also pretended to be embarrassed.

   has an expression of hesitation, wanting to continue following.

   Then, after thinking about it, he threw a hundred taels of silver bills out.

   "One hundred taels more." After that, he pretended to be calm.

   opposite Liang Yu frowned.

   "One hundred taels." He followed.

   King Anyang also frowned, but in his heart he was so happy that he died.

   "One hundred more!"

   "One hundred taels." Liang Yu continued to follow, feeling that she was in a safe position to win.

   Who knew that King Anyang would still continue.

   After a few rounds, when King Anyang saw that he had no money in front of him, and looked like he was going to ask the guards to get the money, Liang Yu sighed and finally asked to see the cards.

   "Haha, how many are three?" King Anyang smiled, and he opened his mouth to Liang Yu cheerfully.

   Liang Yu, who originally thought he was in a position to win, turned pale in an instant.

   He held a 10JQ straight golden suit, which is considered a big card among the big cards. Is the pair that is even bigger than the straight golden suit?

   Looking at King Anyang in disbelief, Liang Yu showed his cards.

   "If the king's cards are three the same, you win." Chong Anyang said.

   King Anyang looked ecstatic, and hurriedly threw his three 10s on the table.

   Then, he stretched out his hand towards the pile of silver bills on the table.

   In the last hand, he was still the biggest loser at the table.

   But only this one, what he exported, all came back.

   not only came back, but also earned at least seven hundred taels of silver.

   Compared with the elation of King Anyang, Liang Yu's complexion was much worse.

   He was a winner before this one, but when he came down, all the money he won before was gone, and he also lost a lot of money.

   "Come here, each of you will give this king an extra one or two silver coins!" After taking back all the silver notes and money, King Anyang spread his hands to everyone.

   He didn't forget that a straight golden flower and three identical cards can get happy money.

   Everyone congratulated and gave money to King Anyang.

  Liang Yu had a stinky face and took out the money.

   "Go on, go on!" King Anyang accepted the money and said happily.

   skillfully shuffled the cards.

  Everyone thought that King Anyang won the money just now, and he will definitely continue the boring card battle next, but who knows this one has restrained a lot.

   On the contrary, it was Liang Yu, whose posture of the boring card increased.

   I want to look for opportunities to win back the money I lost.

  Unfortunately, Liang Yu seems to have had bad luck behind him, the more you lose, the less you win.

   ended up being the biggest loser at the table.

  The biggest winner is naturally King Anyang, followed by Lin Xiaoyue.

   The rest lose more and win less, but the wins and losses are not big.

   When Lin Xiaoyue proposed to let everyone go, only Liang Yu was unwilling, and the rest were happy to leave.

   The next day.

  Waking up early in the morning, after Liu's house had dinner, Lin Xiaoyue and his party took King Anyang and Liang Yu to Zhoujiazhuang.

   As soon as they arrived at Zhuangzi, the group saw a lot of supplies.

   It was yesterday that King Anyang arranged for his subordinates to buy those.

   Director Fang was full of smiles. After Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiao thanked King Anyang, they once again expressed their gratitude to King Anyang on behalf of the people in Zhuangzi.

   King Anyang listened very well.

   After learning that the Chiwu Army was still reclaiming the mountains today, he became interested again and proposed to go to the mountains to have a look.

  Lin Xiaoyue was also curious about the progress of the reclamation of the mountains, so she asked Director Fang to lead the way, and passed by herself.

   Starting from Zhuangzi, the group arrived at the place not long after walking.

  I saw the mountain that I saw before, and it has undergone great changes.

   As Lin Xiaoyue designed it before, many terraced fields have been cultivated on the mountain.

  These terraced fields are scattered, and a large number of people are still busy in the fields, which looks very lively.

  Fan Ming was on the mountain instructing everyone to work, when he learned that Lin Xiaoyue brought King Anyang here.

   hurried down the mountain.

   "I've seen the prince, I've seen the young lady, uncle!" Fan Ming took care of his clothes from a distance, then came forward and greeted a few people.

   King Anyang looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue explained: "This is the steward of my Zhoujiazhuang."

   "Now I'm in charge of taking the brothers to reclaim the wasteland and planning the construction of the entire Zhoujiazhuang. Director Fang has a lot of affairs and needs to supervise all the villages. In the Zhoujiazhuang, in fact, the main responsibility is Fan Guanzhuang."

   King Anyang nodded before looking at Fan Ming.

   "Get up." He said.

   "Thank you, Lord!" Fan Ming hurriedly thanked him.

   "These mountains are well cultivated. Take this king up the mountain to see." King Anyang said again.

   "Yes!" Fan Ming hurriedly led the way.

   Then, while walking up the mountain with a group of people, they explained what they saw along the way.

   Fan Ming also answered the questions raised by King Anyang from time to time.

   "These are all the ideas of the lady. We started the work according to the lady's design, and found that after the road is paved, it is indeed much more convenient."

   "Also, those newly dug reservoirs can be tested in a few days. If there is no leakage, we will be ready to fill them with snow." In this way, after the spring, water can be stored.

   King Anyang listened to Fan Ming's introduction and was also amazed at Lin Xiaoyue's ingenuity.

   also instructed someone to fetch a pen and paper, so that they could record what they saw and heard today, and prepared to emulate it in Anyang County.

  Lin Xiaoyue didn't pay attention, just accompanied her, checking the progress of the wasteland reclamation, and saying hello to the brothers of the Chiwu Army.

   In fact, most of the Chiwu Army in Zhoujiazhuang knew Lin Xiaoyue, but some of the later people had never met their general's wife.

   These Chiwu Army, knowing that Lin Xiaoyue and their generals, went thousands of miles to save them after they came back.

   One by one, they all wanted to see their general's wife.

   Especially, people who have heard their general's wife say that their wife looks like a fairy, and they look forward to each one.

   I saw a real person all of a sudden. Many people, one by one, didn't even care about the work in their hands.

   stared blankly, or even scrambled to talk to Lin Xiaoyue.

   If it wasn't for Li Xiao watching, Lin Xiaoyue probably wouldn't think about it.

  Lin Xiaoyue was also very enthusiastic from beginning to end, and asked everyone to leave work early at noon, and take a rest if they didn't work in the afternoon. Won the cheers of the people on the mountain.

   I also learned that King Anyang sent wine and meat. Today, everyone can eat from noon to evening, and have a good New Year. The Chiwu Army expressed their gratitude to King Anyang again.

   King Anyang heard the words of gratitude from the Chiwu Army, and a surge of emotion rose in his heart.

   When he came down from the mountain, his face was still very excited.

   Go back to Zhuangzishang, Zhuangshang's kitchen and open-air kitchen are already busy.

Before    approached, Lin Xiaoyue smelled the aroma of vegetables.

   Seeing Zhuangzi with lanterns and colorful lights, Lin Xiaoyue suddenly felt a sense of New Year.

  Thinking of something, Lin Xiaoyue was about to instruct Fan Teng to do something, but she didn't see Fan Teng.

   Not only Fan Teng, Henry Zhang was also not there.

After asking   , I learned that Henry Zhang actually took Fan Teng and a dozen Chiwu troops to the mountains next to Zhoujiazhuang.

   Said to come back with some prey, and the brothers had some game.

  Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiao looked at each other and said nothing.

   I hope that kid is lucky and doesn't come home empty-handed...

   Time passed quickly, and before the table was set on Zhuangzi and ready to start the banquet, Henry Zhang and others finally came back.

   A total of 15 people brought back three wild boars, a brown bear, a leopard, five deer and a large number of small animals.

   (end of this chapter)