MTL - Host, I’m Here To Accompany You To Pretend-Chapter 3

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Although he is a standard playboy, he still has two elite brothers on top of him, so he doesn't have to worry about the Su family having no successor.

Rather, it was because of Su Luo's unsatisfactory performance that he was completely uncompetitive in the Su family, which made his two brothers feel relieved.

To indulge Su Luo to have fun, not only will it kill Su Luo's mind, but it will also reduce the number of people fighting with them for power and profit, why not do it.

And Su Luo himself is happy and comfortable. He has no intention of fighting for power and profit. Isn't it good to be at ease like this.

Su Luo was walking on the road with a smile on the corner of his mouth. He was obviously a little happy just after he finished refreshing.

"Little friend, I see that your footsteps are vain and your blood is depleted. You must be excessively indulgent. You must know that there is a knife on the front of the word."

Hearing the sudden sound, Su Luo was stunned for a moment, and then became annoyed.

What a vain footstep and a loss of qi and blood, isn't this a different way to say that his kidney is deficient!

Su Luo turned around and said angrily, "How did you talk! How could you just meet..."

He was stunned before he finished speaking, because the person who appeared in front of him was so distinctive that if he had to use one sentence to describe it, it would be four words.

Xianfeng Daogu!

Chapter 4 To believe in science, there is no internal force in this world

Standing behind him was a white-haired old man, whose age could not be seen from the outside, but looking at the white beard and hair, he was probably in his 80s or 90s.

The amazing thing is that the person in front of him is obviously full of white hair, but Su Luo didn't think it was an old man at all when he first saw him.

On the contrary, I felt that this old man gave people a feeling of vitality and the rising sun, as if he was younger than him.

The old man was dressed in a simple and elegant snow-white robe, with a childlike appearance and a graceful temperament. The first impression he gave was that he was a master!

Seeing this appearance, Su Luo was stunned. This is much more temperamental than the people in the ancient fairy tales in the TV series.

I have to say that people are visual animals. Seeing the person in front of him looks so awesome, Su Luo's attitude has become much better.

"This old man, why are you cursing for no reason?"

The old man shook his head and said, "Little friend, I'm not scolding people. You can press the lower three inches of your lower dantian to know if what I said is true."

Su Luo was stunned by this person's words. The old man in front of him looked unusual. Maybe he was a legendary folk strange person. It doesn't matter if he just pressed it. A simpler question stumped him.

Where is Dantian?

Looking at Su Luo's puzzled look, the old man also guessed that this kid probably didn't know the location of his dantian at all.

This is not surprising, if he hadn't entered the role-playing state, he wouldn't know where his dantian was.

That's right, this old man is of course the role played by Chen Mo.

Chen Mo touched his beard, and then pointed directly to a position down Su Luo's abdomen.

Su Luo was stunned for a moment, but did not expect this old man to be so straightforward.

When it comes to this aspect of the TV series, isn't it all about concealing the appearance of a riddleman?

Sure enough, TV shows are all lies, how can people in reality be so boring.

Su Luo put his hand on the place pointed out by Chen Mo and pressed it lightly, his face became weird, he felt like he was being played by someone like an idiot.

"The old man doesn't feel anything."

Chen Mo is speechless, it's no wonder that you feel like you are touching it when you press it.

"Little friend, your strength is not strong enough, you can feel it with a little more force."

Is that right? Su Luo's eyes were full of doubts at the moment. He felt that he might have encountered some kind of liar, so he felt what could go wrong with his stomach.

He pressed hard along the place just now, you see what could be wrong.

What the hell! it hurts!

With a sharp pain coming from his abdomen, Su Luo's face turned pale, and he immediately released the hand holding his abdomen.

Seeing Su Luo's pale face, Chen Mo nodded with satisfaction, right?

"Little friend is willing to believe the old words now."

"What the **** is going on, old man, I really have kidney deficiency?!"

Su Luo's face was pale, he just pressed his stomach, how could it hurt like this.

"It is true that there is some internal deficiency of qi and blood, so young people should know how to control."

After Chen Mo patted Su Luo on the shoulder, Su Luo only felt a warm current running through his body, which was a hundred times more comfortable than after he was finished, and he almost couldn't help but cry out.

The warm current came and went faster, and disappeared immediately, and Su Luo also came back to his senses.

Looking at Chen Mo's eyes completely changed, what was that warm current just now, inner strength? Could it be that the old man in front of him is actually a legendary martial arts master? Is everything in the TV show true?

"Old man, no, senior, the one just now is internal force."

Chen Mo lost his voice and said with a smile: "What age is your little friend now, don't engage in feudal superstition, believe in science, what kind of internal power does this world have?"

Listening to Chen Mo's words, Su Luo's expression is strange, when you say this, senior, can you explain what the warm current in my body just now is.

Suddenly Chen Mo's complexion changed, and he looked up at the sky with an unprecedented stern expression.

"Did it come after all?"

what is coming?

Su Luo looked a little puzzled at Chen Mo's sudden change of expression, and looked up at the sky.

"Fuck! What's the situation?"

I saw that the originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds at a speed visible to the naked eye, and thunder continued to roll in the dark clouds.

The weather forecast didn't say there was such a weather.

Clear to cloudy? Bullshit! There is such a turn!

"Heavenly robbery, huh! So what, even the sky can't stop the deity!"

Chen Mo shouted loudly, and an earth-shattering aura erupted from his body instantly. A storm swept around him instantly, blowing everything around him, but Su Luo was not affected in any way.

Seeing Chen Mo wave his sleeves, the whole person suddenly rose to the sky! Fly into the sky at an unimaginable speed.


What's going on here, the old man who said he wanted to believe in science actually flew up!

I thought it was martial arts at most, but is it actually a fairy!

Suluo people are stupid.

At this moment, not only Su Luo, but everyone in the magic capital noticed the abnormal situation in the sky.

It's hard not to notice this sudden change.

But they are all stunned now, and they can't figure out what happened and why the sky suddenly became cloudy.

The phone at the Meteorological Bureau was about to explode, but now the people at the Meteorological Bureau are also stunned.

"Did you find out what happened?" the director of the Meteorological Bureau asked eagerly.

He has no idea what the situation is now. He has been engaged in meteorological observation for so many years. Don't talk about it, he has never heard of it.

A sudden change in the weather is always a sign. It is impossible for the sun to shine one second before and dark clouds to cover the next second.

Change of face is not so fast!

"Director, no, all the qualifications in the world have not recorded this situation."

"And the speed at which the dark clouds gather is obviously abnormal. It takes less than a minute to change from the sunny day to the current dark clouds. This can already be said to be a supernatural phenomenon."

Hearing this, the director of the meteorological bureau immediately became angry.

"What nonsense are you talking about, how can there be any supernatural phenomenon in this world! Don't you know the current scientific society!"

The staff member immediately shrank his neck when he heard the director's roar.

"Director, I didn't mean that, but now we really don't understand the situation."

"Check! Check it out for me! There is nothing in this world that cannot be explained by science!"

The director of the meteorological bureau roared angrily and turned his head to look at the sky outside. He, a materialist warrior, absolutely did not believe that there was anything strange in the world.

A burst of thunder suddenly fell from the rolling dark clouds in the sky. The magic is that these thunders are not scattered, and they are all concentrated in one place. Under the illumination of the thunder, you can clearly see a figure floating in the sky, and all the thunders are split. on that person.


Chapter 5: Transcending the Tribulation in Public

"Damn it! Was my eyes dazzled just now, how could I see that there seems to be someone there?"

A crowd of onlookers at the bottom of the magic capital was a little stunned to see the abnormal situation in the sky. Just now, during the thunder and lightning, he actually saw a figure floating in the sky, and all the falling lightning struck the figure.

"Brother, you shouldn't be dazzled, because I saw it too, but what the **** is it, shouldn't it really be a person?" Another onlooker said with a confused look.

"Wait, my mobile phone has good pixels, let me take a closer look." An enthusiastic crowd took out their mobile phone, turned on the camera function, aimed at the place where they saw the silhouette just now, zoomed the screen to the maximum, and looked at the screen face in the mobile phone. A shocked look appeared.

"Brother, show us what you see."

A passerby came over and looked at the picture on the mobile phone of this enthusiastic crowd, with a shocked look on his face.

Although the picture displayed on the mobile phone is very blurred, it is impossible to see the specific picture, but when magnified several times, it can be clearly seen that 100% of the floating object in the sky is a human-shaped object.

"Fuck, what's the situation? It's impossible that someone is transcending the calamity!"

The crowd's tone was quite shocked, but he was still suspicious. Years of materialist education made him unable to believe these things immediately.

"I don't know, I'll call the police first."

An onlooker took out his mobile phone and dialed 110. He wanted to report someone who was robbed in public.

After a while, the phone rang.

"Sorry, the user you dialed is busy, please try again later."


After hearing the response on the phone, the crowd was stunned. 110 actually had a busy day. It's been a **** long time!

More than the police station, the entire Demon City was made fools by this sudden situation, and they were all in a hurry to deal with things.

"When the broadcast starts, you must explain it according to the notice just issued, understand!"

In an open space, a middle-aged man said loudly, this was a direct order from above, and he couldn't bear the responsibility if something went wrong.

The female anchor of the radio station nodded and said, "Director, don't worry, I have memorized all the lines."

She is the most professional live broadcaster in the radio station, and her ability to memorize lines is absolutely nothing to say. If she can't even do such a simple thing well, the radio station will not let her come over to refute rumors.

Although the female anchor herself doesn't know what the current situation is, she is very clear about what to do. After all, unlike the Internet celebrity anchor, she is a professional.

The director nodded. He is very clear about the ability of the female anchor. Besides, he has repeatedly emphasized that this time is the work directly assigned by the above, and the female anchor will not fail to understand the importance of the matter.

"Okay, everyone is ready to start filming. We will broadcast live here, so don't make any mistakes."

"Director, don't worry, everyone is a veteran who has been working for nearly ten years, there will be no problem."

After finishing speaking, the shooting crew immediately started to get busy, and quickly arranged the scene.

After seeing that everything was almost ready, the director said, "Okay, the shooting begins!"

As soon as the director's topic fell, the camera was turned on, and the hostess showed a signature smile and said, "Welcome everyone to watch the live broadcast of the Magic City News. I will meet you earlier than usual today, mainly to bring you a message."

"Due to the sudden heavy rainfall, a large number of dark clouds have gathered over the Demon City, but you don't have to worry about safety issues. In order to prevent lightning from causing damage to the surrounding area, the government department of the Magic City has arranged lightning protection facilities. Please look up, that one. It's the lightning protection facility prepared by the city government."

As soon as the female anchor finished speaking, the camera immediately turned to the air and took pictures of the figure floating in the air.

This live broadcast was directly connected to those big TVs on the streets of Modu, so many people saw the news this time.

Seeing the human-shaped object on the big screen, everyone has doubts in their hearts. Is that thing a lightning arrester? Why do arresters have to be human-shaped?

The camera turned back to the female anchor.

"Everyone should have seen the lightning arresters in the sky. Although the Magic City government has arranged lightning arresters, it is still very dangerous to go out in thunderstorms. I hope everyone can go home as soon as possible or choose a nearby building for shelter from the rain."

As soon as the female anchor's voice fell into the sky, an abnormality appeared again. After the lightning and thunder just now, the sky covered with dark clouds seemed to have entered silence, which made everyone around them subconsciously ignore the abnormal weather.

Why is a thunderstorm called a thunderstorm? Of course, it is called that because there is thunder and rain, but it has been so long now, except for the thunder that hit at the beginning, let alone the rainstorm so far. Not even a drop of water was seen.

Moreover, according to the normal situation, the time interval between each thunderstorm is impossible to be so long. From the government's order to the radio station to do all the work well, how much time has passed in between, and there will be no more during this period. There has never been a single thunder, which is obviously very abnormal, as if the dark clouds in the sky are brewing something.

And now it seems to be brewing.

A large amount of thunder light began to surge from the rolling dark clouds, and the continuous thunder sounded in people's ears. What was just an appetizer was just an appetizer.