MTL - Honkai Q&A, Starting with Kiana-Chapter 16

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"No... it's okay, her height should be completely unsuitable for the heroine—"

"But, we are about the same height as her."

Covering the back of the buttocks, Salia put on a little cry, it hurts~

The distance between the two was not far from their idol TeRiRi, and they heard each other talking and laughing at the reporter and the camera.

"Thank you for the flowers and applause, TeRiRi will strive to be the heroine."

"This is the cross that my grandfather gave me on my birthday this year. I hope it will bring me good luck."

Looking at TeRiRi standing with Judas, Rao Shiluo Salia's big heart couldn't stand it.

"Damn, as expected of the eldest lady of a rich family, is this golden cross used to show off your wealth?"

"Aren't crosses usually hung around the neck? It seems that the main function of this thing is to increase height."

Lilia was also surprised by the appearance of Judas.

At this time, a woman dressed as a maid passed by the two of them.

"That guy dressed as a maid should be the cleaner of the venue."

Looking at the opponent's back, Luosalia said subconsciously.

Where did you think...


"She's looking...a vigilant guy!"

When the two sisters didn't know how to deal with it for a while, a player rushed into the backstage, attracting everyone's attention.

"Huhu...Fortunately...I finally caught up!"

"What is this person here for? Is he here to participate in the track and field competition? Did he go to the wrong place?"

Kiana was sweating profusely, causing Luosaria to complain again.

"Players, the game is about to start, please prepare for entry"

Otto walked in from the entrance, clapped his hands, attracted everyone's attention, notified the start of the game, and let everyone enter the field.

The screen stopped abruptly.

Chapter 26, Fourteen Disciplinary Power Narrative Poems

[Question 7 (2/2): For what reasons were the five seed players Einstein, Tesla, Theresa, Infinite Tajizi, and Fu Hua eliminated early? 】

[A: Gender issues. 】

[B: Alignment problem. 】

[C: Orientation problem. 】

[D: The question of age. 】

Kiana: Huh? Unlike the fifth question, this time there is a problem in the middle of the video.

Bronya: Exactly, Bronya is ready.

Infinite Tajizi: It's a pity, it's useless?

Tesla: She was obviously the destined heroine, but she was out of the game ahead of schedule. There was a shady scene.

Raven: Tsk tsk, Destiny Chaebol and Anti-Entropy Entertainment, even if there is a shady story, it should be the two of you. I think it was the shady story that was exposed, which made you all out.

Raiden Mei: According to your reason, Raven, it doesn't match the answer. Is it B?

Rita: Ahem, let me say a few words. The answer to this question is obviously to find the similarities of the five people. I believe that no one wants to be punished~

The subconscious of Leziren Rita is obvious, so the five people take the initiative to expose their privacy.

Thinking of Teresa's flushed face, but she had to speak, Rita's eyes were wet.

Einstein: The time is up, let me make a sample, gender female, camp anti-entropy, male orientation, age 20 and up.

Tesla: Age 20? Chicken nest head, are you embarrassed? So thick skinned...

Einstein: A woman's age is a secret that cannot be revealed, but passive exposure is force majeure. Dr. Tesla, we are both of the same generation, you can say it, I don't care...

Tesla: All the same as above. I think gender issues can be ruled out directly. After all, it is the heroine election.

Teresa: Same as above, there is also the issue of alignment. Unless it is a default decision, it is impossible to exclude the candidates of destiny and anti-entropy at the same time.

Immeasurable Tajizi: Same as above, in particular, I am still very young.

Fu Hua: …

Fu Hua said nothing.

Fu Hua was lost in thought.

Fu Hua silently submitted the answer.

[Fu Hua submits the answer and chooses D. 】

【correct answer. 】

[Get the reward: The Fourteenth Lawyer's Power Narrative Poem. 】

[—The Fourteen Lawrs’ Power Narrative Poem—

(1) God has given me classics, I am proficient in the art of war, devise strategies, and be the king of jurisprudence.

(2) God gave me a portal to access the sky of the universe, creating something out of nothing, the king of space;

(3) God bestows me a crown, uses lightning as a bow and arrow, smashes all things, and conquers the king;

(4) God has given me the authority to ride the endless storms, so far away, the king of longing;

(5) God gave me a censer to ripen endless creatures, bustling and bustling, the king of noise;

(6) God gave me brocade robes, alms the wine of death, sweet dreams, the king of tranquility;

(7) God gave me a sharp sword, immortal flames haunt me, sparks start a prairie fire, and the king of plagues;

(8) God gave me wings to control the state of mind of all beings, dream reality, king of spirit;

(9) God gave me jade shoes, stepping on gravitational force as a rock, the sky and the earth cracked, the king of destruction;

(10) God gave me a puppet, ignoring the number of bodies, thousands of people and thousands of faces, the king of disillusionment;

(11) God gave me chains, punishing dirty sins, painting the ground as a prison, the king of bondage;

(12) God gave me the Holy Grail, filled with resentment as a fine wine, destroyed the dry and rotten, and the king of erosion;

(13) God gave me crystals to travel through the past and the future, endless time and space, the king of time;

(End) God gave me everything, ordered me to eradicate sin, destroy civilization, the king of the end. 】

Fu Hua: A long poem summarizing the power of the lawyer...

Fu Hua's eyes widened quietly, activating the super-variable factor, and the memories of 50,000 years were gradually restored. As long as there was enough time, she could quickly recall the information about the relevant Herrscher.

However, the reward obtained depicts all the powers of the Herrscher.

So simple, so easy...

Thinking back to the last epoch, human beings only came out with flesh and blood.

For a time, Fu Hua felt lost...

There is no doubt about the correctness of the system, the information related to the Lawyer, others will not let it go, and they will transcribe it one after another.

Einstein: Although I didn't grab the arrival, I am very fortunate. If it were me, I would not have the confidence to obtain the information on the power of the Herrscher.

Rita: Mr. Fu Hua, thank you for your contribution to mankind.

Raven: Tsk—

Theresa: That's right, Fu Hua is an excellent student of my Saint Freya!

Kiana: Auntie, isn't it the Devil's Cave in the Far East, the Herrscher Training School?

Theresa: Your pocket money is gone!

Kiana: Auntie! !

The video continued to play, and the screen switched from the contestant area to the performance scene.

"Before the game, I would like to reiterate the standard."

"The contestants in this competition can only be beautiful girls under the age of twenty-two, right?"

With a standard smirk, Otto opened his arms and announced to the audience.

"Otto, what do you want to say?"

Walter Yang frowned, feeling that something was wrong.

Sure enough, Otto pointed the finger at anti-entropy.

"I suspect that among the contestants you dispatched, some mermaids are confused and do not meet the regulations at all."

"It's so rude! You question the age of the girl!"

The face of the anti-entropy leader changed dramatically, and he denied it loudly.

"I have evidence."

For the incompetence and fury of his business opponents, Otto sneered, and his demeanor brought a lingering calmness.

He took out an old photo from his pocket and showed it to the camera involuntarily.

In the black-and-white photo, two people riding bicycles are walking in the scene of the atomic bomb explosion. The afterglow of the explosion dispels the ends of their hair.

"This is a precious historical photo taken decades ago at the site of the first atomic bomb!"

"Looking carefully, the two in the photo are exactly the same as the contestants Einstein and Tesla."

"Wow... I actually came to this set."

Walter Young clutched his chest, his weakness critizing, making Einstein and Tesla speechless for a while off-screen.

Lao Yang, you need to practice your acting skills a lot.

The video continues.

Even Einstein had no desire to participate in the competition, and he would not sit and watch Otto succeed, so he retorted.

"President Otto, I don't know what you're talking about? According to the theory of relativity, the passage of time on a beautiful girl will slow down significantly..."

"That's right! Long-term research on AC electrical energy removes the stratum corneum of the skin, activates the body's cells, and keeps you young forever!"

Tesla followed up with a nonsense explanation that she didn't even believe in herself, as if she was worried about being refuted, and added another sentence.

"Of course, if you want to ask what the specific principle is, I will not sell my research secrets."

After all, she didn't know the reason for this nonsense, how to make it round.

With a light hum, Otto opened his mouth with a smile.

"Doctor, I still have a lot of historical photos about you here, would you like to see them?"

Otto issued a lore.

Chapter 27 The Contestants Who Quit One After Another

Otto is worthy of being Otto, the mastermind who ruled the destiny for five hundred years with only one hand.

If you don't make a move, it's a lore if you make a move.

"Bastard! Who set the rules, as long as you look young, don't you think?"

Tesla fought back his anger, incompetently furious.

"I understand, this is indeed a conspiracy to consume women in the entertainment industry. It seems necessary to defend the dignity of female scientists."

Einstein's eyes flashed fiercely.

"Dr. Tesla, do you see my little red button? It's the ultimate solution to everything at the touch of a button."

As expected of a higher-ranking existence than a female driver, a female scientist, more brutal than Otto, made Tesla's face turn pale with fright, and hurriedly persuaded him.

"Chicken nest, tactical nuclear bombs are better to wait for us to hide away before using them. In order to prevent the casting failure, I specially prepared a bipedal walking mecha-Titan-Gp03D, come out!"

"Hmph, since the casting is full of shady scenes, it doesn't matter if we use a little special means."