MTL - History’s Strongest Shopkeeper-Chapter 21 Auction promotion information

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Hey! squeak! squeak!

In the ears of Bu Ma, Sun Wukong and others, I heard some screams of sorrow, but in Zhou Yang’s ears, it was a cry for help.

In front of this sky, but there is a great source. In the late stage of the god-carving heroes, Xiao Xiangzi and Yin Kexi stole the Jiuyang Zhenjing from the Shaolin Temple, and they were unable to get out of the sight of Huashan. After the two have a heart, they cut open the apes and hide the scriptures.

A monkey, from a sacred hero to live in the sky, is a hundred years old.

The life span of an ordinary monkey is about twenty or thirty years old, and the sky has lived for more than a hundred years. Moreover, there are wounds on his chest and abdomen, but he has not been infected for a hundred years. Lived down.

This is what the sky is not a gift of talent, but in the Kunlun Mountains, the peaches are eaten, and the heavens and the earth are aura. Although the long hairs of the whole body become white, they become white, but they are still jumping freely. It seems that there is still a big time to live.

"This is so poor and pitiful." Zhang Wuji, a little pity, but there are no tools and herbs nearby, he can do nothing.


From the pocket, Bouma took out a universal capsule and threw it on the ground. After the white mist was exhausted, a first aid kit appeared, which attracted Zhang Wuji and a look of horror.

"Old monkey, don't be afraid, I will help you spray some potions." Boma cautiously, fearing to scare the sky in front of him, taking out a bottle of anti-inflammatory potion from the first aid kit.

"Bumma, just anti-inflammatory, you must take out the contents of the abdomen," Zhou Yang explained, the things in his abdomen, do not take out, can not cure.

"The old monkey, let the teenager help you treat the wound." Zhou Yang said, the sky nodded, Zhang Wuji naturally would not refuse.

Bouma handed the first aid kit to Zhang Wuji and explained the method of use. After a while, Zhang Wuji was skilled in the operation. After half an hour, he would do a surgery.

The Heavenly Dragon Slayer and the Eagle Shooting Heroes, though, are the same period of history, but they are two time and space that do not affect each other.

The scriptures taken out in the belly of the sky are naturally Jiuyang Zhenjing.

After taking out the things in the belly of the sky, Zhang Wuji rushed to resolve the cold poison in the body and left.

"Small peaches, the next day, a spiritual root, a small peach tree, a year of flowering, one year results, one year mature, each small peach, value: 500 value points."

After the body of the sky was able to move freely, it gave five Zhouyang, the size of the bowl, the bright red color, and the big peach with the fragrance of fragrance.

Look at the Zhouyang DC saliva, although, there is no heavenly peach tree, it is so magical, but this small peach, each can increase three years of life, fitness and yuan, is also a rare spiritual fruit.

It is a pity that this little peach tree is not owned by the sky. Otherwise, you can get a small peach tree directly.

After Sun Wukong paid a group of Saiyan blood, Zhou Yang and four people ate a small peach.

"Wukong, where are you practicing now?" Zhou Yang ate the peach, and asked why.

"I am looking for Dragon Ball with Buma." A peach with a big bowl was swallowed directly into the belly by Sun Wukong.

"Wukong, I am willing to be an internship employee in Wanjielou. Later, I will introduce a lot of masters to fight with you." Sun Wukong is very fond of the master and the master, and there is no need for Zhou Yang to say that Sun Wukong has an excited consent.

Seeing Sun Wukong agree, Zhou Yang is naturally very happy, although it is a bit of a feeling of abducting underage children, but there is no harm to Sun Wukong.

Moreover, it will not affect his cultivation in the world of Dragon Ball. After all, Zhou Yang only let Sun Wukong participate in the battle, and he will continue to practice in the Dragon Ball World.

"Dr. Zhou, Bouma can't do it?" Bumma, who is on the side, smells her eyes, she is a lively girl who loves adventure, although the starting point is a bit strange.

"Yes." Zhou Yang thought about it and agreed. But Boma is an ordinary girl, but who let her have a clever brain, even the space shuttle can invent, in the early days of Wanjielou, her role It is much bigger than Sun Wukong.

After all, the martial arts world, most of the masters, under the robot invented by this beautiful girl, there is no egg at all.

"You, even if, if you can skillfully use the transformation, I will consider it." Oolong, also looking forward to face, Zhou Yang did not hesitate to refuse, the transformation of this goods, only It can last for five minutes, and the effect of five minutes is too small. If there is no time limit, Zhou Yang is afraid that the first one will choose him.

As for the last place, Zhou Yang is more cautious.

"System, three days later, open the yellow-level auction, the location will be set at the National Teacher's Office." Choosing a good intern, Zhou Yang said.


In the middle of the lane, Yue Buqun had a blue shirt, and his face was pale. The sword in his hand was bloody, not far away, lying on a corpse.

After a short break, Yue Buqun turned over the body and showed a look of joy.

"Tian Boguang, don't hesitate me to kill you day and night." Yue Buqun excited, turned to three cheats, according to this speed, will soon be able to get enough value points, buy a deep cheat.

After returning from Wanjielou, Yue Buqun used a day and night of effort to break through the bottleneck that has been stagnation for five years. He became a master of great controversy. What makes him happy is that he found himself in the moon. The strength will actually increase by 30%.

Those big gates, Yue Buqun naturally heart, but he did not have full grasp, the whole body retreats, do not do well, the world is killing, so those who have no background, naturally become his goal.

Those who are villains are naturally the first choice for Yue Buqun. Not only can they get the cheats of their cultivation, but they can also increase the prestige of the Huashan faction.

This Tian Boguang is the third goal of his successful hunting. He put the cheats in his arms. Suddenly he stopped his footsteps. A thought passed through his heart. Wanjielou, three days later, held an auction and asked him if he wanted to. participate?

The auction will auction the Jiuyang Jingjing, Yijinjing, the millennium ginseng, ten years of vitality... and this is just an ordinary auction, and there are three finale auctions. What will it be?

"Three days?" Yue Buqun whispered It seems that Lin's Escort is nearby. ”

In one place, the main road, the carriage of traffic lights.

A star was inserted in a dagger, his lips were like a swollen sausage, his head was a little confused, subconscious, and he played the palm of his hand. When he was awake, he found that his whole body was completely intact, and some did not. understand.

After coming down from the stand, Ah Xing suddenly felt something.

“The Wanjielou auction? The mysterious place where I went last time, where I sold my cheats, but I have no cheats on my body.”

Moreover, the gold that was sold from the cheats opened a lollipop shop and forgot to pay the protection fee. The next day, it was given to the underworld, and in desperation, continued to sway the underworld.

A black tent, on the bed, an old man wearing a black robes, pale and weak, waiting anxiously.

"When is the elixir of elixir, when can I get there?" The man yelled, the huge empire he built, is it necessary to leave him?

"Your Majesty, there are still three days." A middle-aged man with no white whiskers, screaming in the war, flashed a sinister poison in his eyes.

Suddenly, a mind was introduced into the minds of the two, and a voice rang in their hearts.

"Wanjielou, will hold an auction, there is actually a fruit of life extension? Is there a long-lived elixir? I can't stop me." The old man shouted in the sky.

Looking at the crazy man's madness, the middle-aged man's eyes sparkled with an unspeakable light. "Is there a cure for me to become a man Welcome to the book friends to read, the latest, The fastest and hottest serials are available at Mobile users please read.