MTL - High Above-Chapter 25 sublimation

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  Chapter 25 Sublimation

  Elder Pude was puzzled by this, but after all, it was more than half a year ago when he last saw Osenna. It is normal for him to eat better for such a long time and grow stronger.

   Not to mention that the large distorted tumor on the opponent's leg has not changed. Although there are injuries on the face, it is indeed the appearance of Ossenna.

   "It seems that there is no way to continue to sleep tonight. The natives are getting more and more rampant, and they are still setting fire in the port... Maybe there will be follow-up attacks. I have to go to the city hall."

   Casually pushed the fire on the natives. As the elder of the White People, Pudd naturally knew how to explain to the officials of the city hall and the local viscount, saying what they liked to hear.

  At this moment, with the gathering of many Bai people and watering to put it out, the fire has shrunk a lot and is even about to go out.

   All that remains is the smoldering wooden frame dissipating heat in the crumbling ruins of the house, distorting the air.

  Elder Pu De, who had confirmed the situation, had made a decision. He turned his head and told Sai Nan who was standing aside: "Sai Nan, take Ian and the others to that house to rest. You know, the one by the pier."

   "Yes!" The fisherman accepted without hesitation. The surrounding residents were admiring his bravery and righteousness just now.

  After speaking, the old man turned his head and looked at Ian, his eyes thoughtful.

  —The child didn’t make noise and cry now, and he was able to retell the story smoothly, which is quite different from ordinary children.

  Although she looks timid, she is really courageous inside.

  Plus the fact that he is really cute, with big watery eyes that seem to be able to speak, Elder Pude couldn't help but sigh, if they are still in the imperial capital, this child will definitely attract the favor of many noble girls when he grows up.


   "Good boy, go to sleep. Ossina needs to heal his wounds, so you and your brother have a good rest."

  Shaking his head and stopping his thoughts, the old man said to Ian as softly as possible: "Don't be afraid, it was uncle before, but now the tribe will protect you."

  The boy raised his head and stared at Elder Purdue seriously.

   "I trust the elder." He said so, the sincere tone made the old man stroke his beard in satisfaction, and laughed: "Go and rest, it's time to grow your body!"

  Next, Ian followed Sai Nan to a hut next to the pier.

Compared to the east side of the port where Ian lived, the streets near the pier are not so dilapidated. The breakwater along the coast is made of special elven seawood, with thick and short trunks, dark brown reef-like roots and off-white stones. Intertwined with each other, resisting the scour of the blue sea waves.

  It was late at night, and most of the residents awakened by the fire had returned to their houses to continue resting. The streets were quiet and deserted. Ian followed Sai Nan through the steps and streets, and arrived at a small house on the shore.

   "This house originally belonged to the Motara family, but it was damaged in a storm eight years ago, and the whole family was gone. After it was repaired, no one lived in it. Now it is just in use."

  The dark-skinned fisherman touched Ian's head: "This is the inner side of the port, don't worry, no matter how powerful those natives are, they can't get here."

   "Thank you, Uncle Sai Nan!" And Ian seemed to be finally relieved, he looked at this small house by the sea, and couldn't help murmuring: "Finally..."

  After a busy day, Ian could finally have a good rest after killing three people and recovering a teacher.

   bid farewell to Sai Nan, settled his younger brother, and fixed the blanket for him.

  Ian opened his vision of vision for the last time today.

  The steady white breath swirls like clouds in the sky. Although there is still a faint trace of blood lingering, but living in this world, who is really safe and can really feel at ease?

  Because of Ian's fiddling, Elan woke up with his eyes wide open, and looked at his brother blankly with his purple eyes. He was very well-behaved and didn't cry, but Ian actually wanted him to cry.

   "Brother will sleep with you today."

  Close the vision horizon, and the crystal water-colored eyes dimmed.

  Fixed Elan with a cushion, and Ian began to tell some weird stories as he remembered in the past.

  Before his memory recovered, he was still a child Ian, and when he was taking care of his younger brother, he would always tell some weird stories to lull him to sleep.

At that time, Ian would talk about the various fragments that emerged in his dreams, such as the towering steel building reaching into the sky, higher than the mountains on the edge of the port; The situation at one end; or a huge iron ship spouting flames in a void, starting from a huge water-filled sphere, heading for a vast and bright starry sky.

  Starry sky…starry sky.

  Even if he was just telling a story, Ian couldn't help being in a daze for a while.

  Looking out the window at the starry night sky of Harrison Port, he raised his head and stared, as if the iron ship in his dreams and stories had turned into reality and was sailing towards the boundless sea of ​​stars.

  —That is a fragment of memory, the obsession that runs through the two lives.

   And Ian stared at the starry sky, even if he just stared blankly for a long time.

   "The first night, it wasn't too bad."

   After a long time, Elan fell asleep, and the boy lowered his head. He looked at the surging sea outside the window, and whispered to himself: "If it was the beginning of **** before, now it's at least not bad."

  After coming to a different world, the first survival crisis related to life has been resolved...but the threat of the natives is still there, and his life is still not guaranteed.

   Unless, he can gain power. A greater power, a power that can guarantee one's own survival and peace of mind.

   But that's for tomorrow.

  Lie down and close your eyes.

  In the sound of the tide, he fell into a deep sleep.

   A night without dreams.

   When I woke up the next day, it was already noon.

  The midday sun was streaming through the window curtains, making Ian's white hair glisten.


Opening his eyes and getting up slowly, Ian stretched his waist like a cat. From the damaged part of the collar and clothes, it can be seen that the bruises on the boy's waist and chest have disappeared, even the heaviest ones , For example, the wound on the head is now nothing but a few faint red marks.

  After waking up, Ian felt refreshed all over his body, and even the slight dizziness caused by using too much psionic energy yesterday completely dissipated: "It seems that the wounds have healed, has the self-healing ability improved so much?"

  But after humming in his stomach, he touched his stomach and sighed: "It's easy to get hungry."

  After awakening the psionic power, the appetite also increases, which is also a small price after mastering the power.

   Turning his head to the side, what Ian saw was his younger brother's familiar sleeping face—this little guy seemed to be used to sleeping, and he was able to sleep in such a bright room during the day.

   looked up again and looked to the other side of the room.

  The whole body was covered with bandages, and the medicated 'Osenna' also lay flat on a wooden bed, and seemed to be sleeping soundly.

   This was sent by the pharmacist last night after treating the wound.

   But it was obviously a disguise. After realizing that Ian was awake, Hilliard, who was disguised as Oceana, also opened his eyes, and looked at the white-haired boy with quite intriguing eyes.

   "Good student, you looked like you were pretending to cry last night." He said.

   "Teacher, you are very skilled at pretending to be seriously injured." Ian said.

  The two looked at each other and laughed.

  Although the two parties can still be regarded as strangers at present, there is no doubt that for both parties, the other party is ten thousand times more friendly than a child abuser uncle who **** mushrooms and possible pursuers.

  Ian needs Hilliard, and Hilliard is also optimistic about Ian's future. Compared with these, familiarity or unfamiliarity is simply a trivial matter.

  But soon, Ian's gaze became serious.

   "Teacher." He got off the bed, stood in front of Hilliard who also sat up, and bent slightly: "You should have been a 'sublimation' in the past, right?"

  Seeing this, the man also looked solemn, and sat up from the bed: "Indeed."

   Then, he heard Ian asking sincerely: "Then teacher, I want to know the source of power of a sublimator and how to become a real sublimator."

  This time, I rely on ignition, traps and raids to kill the enemy, but this kind of preparation and luck are not always available. If the aborigines come to revenge and seek revenge next time, I can’t resist at all.

  Ian wants to become powerful, and for the continent of Terra, becoming a sublimator passed down by everyone is perhaps the most orthodox and fastest way.

  Of course, besides this, Ian still has many things he wants to ask—such as spiritual power, the history and race of this world, the past of the land and country under his feet...

  He wants to know, but he is not in a hurry, so he asks seriously, starting from the most critical place.

  In the face of knowledge, he has always been so sincere and undisguised.

"good question."

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, straightening his back. Facing the student's inquiry, Hilliard also smiled: "This is exactly what I wanted to tell you last night, the essence and way of cultivation of a sublimator."

  (end of this chapter)